/* * Copyright 2010 Stefan Lankes, Chair for Operating Systems, * RWTH Aachen University * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * This file is part of MetalSVM. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CONFIG_LWIP #include #endif #ifdef CONFIG_ROCKCREEK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include "tests.h" int laplace(void* arg); int jacobi(void* arg); int memory(void* arg); void echo_init(void); void netio_init(void); #if defined(START_CONSUMER_PRODUCER) || defined(START_CHIEFTEST) static sem_t consuming, producing; static mailbox_int32_t mbox; static int val = 0; static int consumer(void* arg) { int i, m = 0; for(i=0; i<5; i++) { sem_wait(&consuming, 0); kprintf("Consumer got %d\n", val); val = 0; sem_post(&producing); } for(i=0; i<5; i++) { mailbox_int32_fetch(&mbox, &m, 0); kprintf("Got mail %d\n", m); } return 0; } static int producer(void* arg) { int i; int mail[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; for(i=0; i<5; i++) { sem_wait(&producing, 0); kprintf("Produce value: current val %d\n", val); val = 42; sem_post(&consuming); } for(i=0; i<5; i++) { //kprintf("Send mail %d\n", mail[i]); mailbox_int32_post(&mbox, mail[i]); } return 0; } static int producer_consumer(void) { tid_t id1, id2, ret; int result1, result2, result; create_kernel_task(&id1, producer, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); create_kernel_task(&id2, consumer, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); ret = wait(&result); if (ret == id1) result1 = result; else result2 = result; ret = wait(&result); if (ret == id1) result1 = result; else result2 = result; return result1 || result2; } #endif #if defined(START_FOO) || defined(START_JOIN_TEST) || defined(START_CHIEFTEST) static int foo(void* arg) { int i; if (!arg) return 0; for(i=0; i<5; i++) { kprintf("Message from core %u: %s\n", CORE_ID, (char*) arg); sleep(1); } return 42; } #endif #if (defined(START_MAIL_PING) || defined(START_CHIEFTEST)) && defined(CONFIG_ROCKCREEK) static int mail_ping(void* arg) { int i; //for(i=0; i<5; ++i) // icc_mail_ping(); for(i=0; i<5; ++i) icc_mail_ping_irq(); //icc_mail_ping_jitter(); //icc_irq_ping(); //icc_mail_datarates(); //icc_halt(); return 0; } #endif #ifdef START_MAIL_NOISE static int mail_noise(void*arg) { icc_mail_noise(); // generate noise in the mesh return 0; } #endif #if (defined(START_SVM_TEST) || defined(START_CHIEFTEST)) && defined(CONFIG_ROCKCREEK) /* N has to be multiple of UEs */ #define N 1024 //#define N 512 //#define N 128 //#define SVM_TYPE SVM_STRONG #define SVM_TYPE SVM_LAZYRELEASE volatile static int* A[N]; volatile static int* B[N]; volatile static int* C[N]; #if 0 #define GET_B(i, j) B[i][j] #else #define GET_B(i, j) B[j][i] #endif static int svm_test(void *arg) { uint64_t start, end; uint32_t i, j, k; uint32_t svm_flags; int my_ue, num_ues; register int tmp; kputs("Start SVM test...\n"); RCCE_barrier(&RCCE_COMM_WORLD); my_ue = RCCE_ue(); num_ues = RCCE_num_ues(); #if 1 if (!my_ue) { // allocate and initialize SVM region A[0] = (int*) kmalloc(3*N*N*sizeof(int)); if (!A[0]) return 1; // Let the others hang in the barrier. People will notice that things went wrong. memset((void*) A[0], 0x00, 3*N*N*sizeof(int)); // initialize matrices for(i=0; i 1) return -1; if (svm_flags & SVM_LAZYRELEASE) kputs("Use Lazy Release consistency!\n"); else kputs("Use Strong Release consistency!\n"); svm_barrier(svm_flags); start = rdtsc(); start = rdtsc(); array = (volatile uint32_t*) svm_malloc(size, svm_flags); if (!array) return -1; end = rdtsc(); if (BUILTIN_EXPECT(!array, 0)) { kprintf("Out of memory\n"); return -1; } kprintf("Time to allocate %u Bytes: %llu usec (%llu ticks)\n", size, (end-start)/get_cpu_frequency(), end-start); svm_barrier(svm_flags); if (!RCCE_IAM) { start = rdtsc(); // The pages are created by touching them for the first time. for(i=0; i> PAGE_SHIFT, (end-start)/get_cpu_frequency(), end-start); } svm_barrier(svm_flags); if (RCCE_IAM) { start = rdtsc(); // Touching these pages from another core means moving them // to another owner as well as mapping them in the other core's // memory space. for(i=0; i> PAGE_SHIFT, (end-start)/get_cpu_frequency(), end-start); } svm_barrier(svm_flags); if (!RCCE_IAM) { start = rdtsc(); // Touching the pages from the first core again only involves // moving the pages without the need to map them again. for(i=0; i> PAGE_SHIFT, (end-start)/get_cpu_frequency(), end-start); } svm_barrier(svm_flags); start = rdtsc(); change_page_permissions((size_t) array, size, VMA_CACHEABLE|VMA_READ); end = rdtsc(); kprintf("Time to change access permissions of %u page frames: %llu usec (%llu ticks)\n", size >> PAGE_SHIFT, (end-start)/get_cpu_frequency(), end-start); svm_barrier(svm_flags); svm_free((void*) array, N*N*sizeof(uint32_t)); svm_statistics(); return 0; } static int testcase_svm_bench(void) { if (RCCE_IAM > 1) { int i; for (i=0; i < 6; i++) // Need as many barriers for the other cores as they occur in the benchmark. svm_barrier(SVM_TYPE); return 0; } return svm_bench(NULL); } #endif #if defined(START_JOIN_TEST) || defined(START_CHIEFTEST) static int join_test(void* arg) { tid_t id, ret; int result = -1234; create_kernel_task(&id, foo, "Hello from foo2", HIGH_PRIO-1); kprintf("Wait for child %u\n", id); do { ret = wait(&result); } while(ret != id); kprintf("Child %u finished: result = %d\n", id, result); return result != 42; } #endif #ifdef START_PI #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 /* pi */ #endif static int pi(void* arg) { double x, sum, step; int i, num_steps = 100000000; sum = 0.0; step = 1.0 / (double)num_steps; for (i = 0; i < num_steps; i++) { x = (i + 0.5) * step; sum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x); } x = M_PI - sum * step; x *= 10000.0; kprintf("Distance to PI = %u/10000\n", (uint32_t) x); return 0; } #endif #ifdef START_MEASURE_CTX_SWITCH #define REPS 10000 volatile uint64_t t1, t2; volatile int stop = !!0; volatile int sid = 0; static int measure_ctx_switch(void* arg) { int id = !!(int)arg; int oid = !id; uint64_t freq = get_cpu_frequency() *1000 *1000; uint64_t diff, min = (uint64_t)-1, max = 0, avg = 0; int i; uint32_t a=0,b,c,d; // Size of a timeslice in ticks uint64_t timeslice = freq / TIMER_FREQ; kprintf("ID: %d, ", id); kprintf("Measuring SW task switching.\n"); for (i=0; i < REPS && stop == 0; i++) { while(id == sid && stop == 0) { t2 = rdtsc(); // Calling rdtsc that often it is better // to serialize the calls in the pipeline. cpuid(0,&a,&b,&c,&d); } cpuid(0,&a,&b,&c,&d); diff = rdtsc() -t2; // The last measurement is garbage if (stop) break; // The first ones are garbage, too if (i < 5) goto next_try; if (diff >= timeslice) { i--; goto next_try; } kprintf("%i: diff= %llu, i= %i\n", id, diff, i); if (diff > max) max = diff; if (diff < min) min = diff; avg += diff; next_try: sid = id; } avg /= i-5; stop = 1; kprintf("maximum gap: %llu ticks\n", max); kprintf("minimum gap: %llu ticks\n", min); kprintf("average gap: %llu ticks\n", avg); kprintf("Timeslice size: %llu ticks\n", timeslice); return 0; } #endif #ifdef START_CHIEFTEST struct testcase_t { tid_t tid; int retval; char* userspace_argv[10]; entry_point_t kernelspace_ep; char* testcase_name; }; #define USERSPACE_TC(execpath, name) {0, 0, {execpath, NULL}, NULL, name} #define KERNELSPACE_TC(execpointer, name) {0, 0, {NULL}, execpointer, name} struct testcase_t testcases[] = { // USERSPACE_TC("/bin/jacobi", "Jacobi serial user space app"), USERSPACE_TC("/bin/tests", "Tests user space app"), //USERSPACE_TC("/bin/hello", "Hello userspace app"), KERNELSPACE_TC(producer_consumer, "Producer consumer kernel space test"), KERNELSPACE_TC(join_test, "Join kernel space test"), #ifdef CONFIG_ROCKCREEK //KERNELSPACE_TC(svm_test, "SVM Test kernel space test"), // KERNELSPACE_TC(testcase_svm_bench, "SVM Bench kernel space test"), KERNELSPACE_TC(mail_ping, "Mail Ping kernel space test"), // KERNELSPACE_TC(jacobi, "Jacobi kernel space test"), // KERNELSPACE_TC(netio_init, "NetIO kernel space test") #endif }; static int chiefmastertest(void) { int tests = sizeof(testcases) / sizeof(struct testcase_t); int i, j; int result; tid_t ret; struct testcase_t* current; int retval[tests]; int tmpval; #ifdef CONFIG_ROCKCREEK int *global_retval = NULL; kprintf("Starting chief master test: %d test cases on %d cores.\n", tests, RCCE_NP); #else kprintf("Starting chief master test: %d test cases.\n", tests); #endif for (i = 0; i < tests; i++) { current = &testcases[i]; #ifdef CONFIG_ROCKCREEK /* TODO: This blocks forever. Why? */ //RCCE_barrier(&RCCE_COMM_WORLD); #endif kprintf("Starting testcase: %s\n", current->testcase_name); if (current->kernelspace_ep == NULL && current->userspace_argv[0] != NULL) { create_user_task(¤t->tid, current->userspace_argv[0], current->userspace_argv); } else if (current->kernelspace_ep != NULL && current->userspace_argv[0] == NULL) { create_kernel_task(¤t->tid, current->kernelspace_ep, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); } else { kprintf("Invalid test case struct #%d!\n", i); continue; } do { ret = wait(&result); } while(ret != current->tid); kprintf("Testcase %s returned %d %s\n", current->testcase_name, result, result ? ":(" : ":)"); retval[i] = result; } #ifdef CONFIG_ROCKCREEK if (RCCE_IAM == 0) { // Master global_retval = kmalloc(tests * RCCE_NP); memcpy(global_retval, retval, sizeof(retval)); for (i=1; i < RCCE_NP; i++) iRCCE_recv((void*)&global_retval[tests * i], sizeof(*global_retval) * tests, i); } else { // worker cores iRCCE_send((void*)retval, tests * sizeof(retval[0]), 0); } #endif kprintf("======================================================\n"); kprintf("Master Chief test case results:\n"); for (i = 0; i < tests; i++) { current = &testcases[i]; #ifdef CONFIG_ROCKCREEK tmpval = 0; for (j=0; j < RCCE_NP; j++) tmpval |= global_retval[i + j*tests]; #else tmpval = retval[i]; #endif kprintf("%s: ", current->testcase_name); if (tmpval) { pushfg(COL_RED); #ifdef CONFIG_ROCKCREEK if (RCCE_IAM == 0) { kprintf("Bad :( [on cores: "); for (j=0; j < RCCE_NP; j++) if (global_retval[i + j*tests]) kprintf("%d ", j); kprintf("]"); } else #endif kprintf("Bad :("); } else { pushfg(COL_GREEN); kprintf("Pass :)"); #ifdef CONFIG_ROCKCREEK if (RCCE_IAM == 0) kprintf(" on all cores"); #endif } popfg(); kprintf("\n"); } kprintf("======================================================\n"); #ifdef CONFIG_ROCKCREEK kfree(global_retval, tests * RCCE_NP); #endif return 0; } #endif // START_CHIEFTEST int test_init(void) { #ifdef START_HELLO char* hello_argv[] = {"/bin/hello", NULL}; #endif #ifdef START_TESTS char* tests_argv[] = {"/bin/tests", NULL}; #endif #ifdef START_JACOBI char* jacobi_argv[] = {"/bin/jacobi", NULL}; #endif #ifdef START_MMNIF_TEST char* server_argv[] = {"/bin/server", "6789", NULL}; char* client_argv[] = {"/bin/client", "", "6789", NULL}; #endif #ifdef START_CHIEFTEST create_kernel_task(NULL, chiefmastertest, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif #ifdef START_ECHO echo_init(); #endif #ifdef START_NETIO netio_init(); #endif #if defined(START_CONSUMER_PRODUCER) || defined(START_CHIEFTEST) sem_init(&producing, 1); sem_init(&consuming, 0); mailbox_int32_init(&mbox); #endif #ifdef START_CONSUMER_PRODUCER create_kernel_task(NULL, producer_consumer, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif #ifdef START_MEASURE_CTX_SWITCH create_kernel_task(NULL, measure_ctx_switch, (int)0, NORMAL_PRIO); create_kernel_task(NULL, measure_ctx_switch, (int)1, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif #ifdef START_FOO create_kernel_task(NULL, foo, "Hello from foo1", NORMAL_PRIO); //create_kernel_task_on_core(NULL, foo, "Hello from foo2", NORMAL_PRIO, 1); #endif #ifdef START_JOIN_TEST create_kernel_task(NULL, join_test, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif #ifdef START_MAIL_PING create_kernel_task(NULL, mail_ping, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif #ifdef START_MAIL_NOISE create_kernel_task(NULL, mail_noise, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif #ifdef START_SVM_TEST create_kernel_task(NULL, svm_test, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif #ifdef START_SVM_BENCH create_kernel_task(NULL, svm_bench, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif #ifdef START_PI create_kernel_task(NULL, pi, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif #ifdef START_KERNEL_LAPLACE create_kernel_task(NULL, laplace, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif #ifdef START_KERNEL_JACOBI create_kernel_task(NULL, jacobi, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif #ifdef START_HELLO create_user_task(NULL, "/bin/hello", hello_argv); #endif #ifdef START_TESTS create_user_task(NULL, "/bin/tests", tests_argv); #endif #ifdef START_JACOBI create_user_task(NULL, "/bin/jacobi", jacobi_argv); //create_user_task_on_core(NULL, "/bin/jacobi", jacobi_argv, 1); #endif #if defined(START_MMNIF_TEST) && defined(CONFIG_LWIP) && LWIP_SOCKET if (RCCE_IAM == 0) { kprintf("Start /bin/server...\n"); create_user_task(NULL, "/bin/server", server_argv); } else { sleep(5); kprintf("Start /bin/client...\n"); create_user_task(NULL, "/bin/client", client_argv); } #endif #ifdef START_MEMORY create_kernel_task(NULL, memory, NULL, NORMAL_PRIO); #endif return 0; }