2011-08-02 15:58:20 +02:00

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// Off-chip shared memory allocation routines.
// Author: Rob F. Van der Wijngaart
// Intel Corporation
// Date: 12/22/2010
// Copyright 2010 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <asm/RCCE_lib.h>
static RCCE_BLOCK_S RCCE_space; // data structure used for tracking MPB memory blocks
static RCCE_BLOCK_S *RCCE_spacep; // pointer to RCCE_space
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp threadprivate (RCCE_space, RCCE_spacep)
// FUNCTION: RCCE_shmalloc_init
// initialize memory allocator
void RCCE_shmalloc_init(
t_vcharp mem, // pointer to shared space that is to be managed by allocator
size_t size // size (bytes) of managed space
) {
// create one block containing all memory for truly dynamic memory allocator
RCCE_spacep = &RCCE_space;
RCCE_spacep->tail = (RCCE_BLOCK *) kmalloc(sizeof(RCCE_BLOCK));
RCCE_spacep->tail->free_size = size;
RCCE_spacep->tail->space = mem;
/* make a circular list by connecting tail to itself */
RCCE_spacep->tail->next = RCCE_spacep->tail;
#ifdef SHMDBG
kprintf("%s: %d: RCCE_spacep->tail->free_size, RCCE_spacep->tail->space: %x %x\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__,RCCE_spacep->tail->free_size, RCCE_spacep->tail->space);
// FUNCTION: RCCE_shmalloc
// Allocate memory in off-chip shared memory. This is a collective call that should be
// issued by all participating cores if consistent results are required. All cores will
// allocate space that is exactly overlapping. Alternatively, determine the beginning of
// the off-chip shared memory on all cores and subsequently let just one core do all the
// allocating and freeing. It can then pass offsets to other cores who need to know what
// shared memory regions were involved.
t_vcharp RCCE_shmalloc(
size_t size // requested space
) {
t_vcharp result;
// simple memory allocator, loosely based on public domain code developed by
// Michael B. Allen and published on "The Scripts--IT /Developers Network".
// Approach:
// - maintain linked list of pointers to memory. A block is either completely
// malloced (free_size = 0), or completely free (free_size > 0).
// The space field always points to the beginning of the block
// - malloc: traverse linked list for first block that has enough space
// - free: Check if pointer exists. If yes, check if the new block should be
// merged with neighbors. Could be one or two neighbors.
RCCE_BLOCK *b1, *b2, *b3; // running pointers for blocks
// Unlike the MPB, the off-chip shared memory is uncached by default, so can
// be allocated in any increment, not just the cache line size
if (size==0) return 0;
// always first check if the tail block has enough space, because that
// is the most likely. If it does and it is exactly enough, we still
// create a new block that will be the new tail, whose free space is
// zero. This acts as a marker of where free space of predecessor ends
//printf("RCCE_spacep->tail: %x\n",RCCE_spacep->tail);
b1 = RCCE_spacep->tail;
if (b1->free_size >= size) {
// need to insert new block; new order is: b1->b2 (= new tail)
b2 = (RCCE_BLOCK *) kmalloc(sizeof(RCCE_BLOCK));
b2->next = b1->next;
b1->next = b2;
b2->free_size = b1->free_size-size;
b2->space = b1->space + size;
b1->free_size = 0;
// need to update the tail
RCCE_spacep->tail = b2;
// tail didn't have enough space; loop over whole list from beginning
while (b1->next->free_size < size) {
if (b1->next == RCCE_spacep->tail) {
return NULL; // we came full circle
b1 = b1->next;
b2 = b1->next;
if (b2->free_size > size) { // split block; new block order: b1->b2->b3
b3 = (RCCE_BLOCK *) kmalloc(sizeof(RCCE_BLOCK));
b3->next = b2->next; // reconnect pointers to add block b3
b2->next = b3; // " " " " " "
b3->free_size = b2->free_size - size; // b3 gets remainder free space
b3->space = b2->space + size; // need to shift space pointer
b2->free_size = 0; // block b2 is completely used
return (b2->space);
// FUNCTION: RCCE_shfree
// Deallocate memory in off-chip shared memory. Also collective, see RCCE_shmalloc
void RCCE_shfree(
t_vcharp ptr // pointer to data to be freed
) {
RCCE_BLOCK *b1, *b2, *b3; // running block pointers
int j1, j2; // booleans determining merging of blocks
// loop over whole list from the beginning until we locate space ptr
b1 = RCCE_spacep->tail;
while (b1->next->space != ptr && b1->next != RCCE_spacep->tail) {
b1 = b1->next;
// b2 is target block whose space must be freed
b2 = b1->next;
// tail either has zero free space, or hasn't been malloc'ed
if (b2 == RCCE_spacep->tail) return;
// reset free space for target block (entire block)
b3 = b2->next;
b2->free_size = b3->space - b2->space;
// determine with what non-empty blocks the target block can be merged
j1 = (b1->free_size>0 && b1!=RCCE_spacep->tail); // predecessor block
j2 = (b3->free_size>0 || b3==RCCE_spacep->tail); // successor block
if (j1) {
if (j2) { // splice all three blocks together: (b1,b2,b3) into b1
b1->next = b3->next;
b1->free_size += b3->free_size + b2->free_size;
if (b3==RCCE_spacep->tail) RCCE_spacep->tail = b1;
kfree(b3, sizeof(RCCE_BLOCK));
else { // only merge (b1,b2) into b1
b1->free_size += b2->free_size;
b1->next = b3;
kfree(b2, sizeof(RCCE_BLOCK));
else {
if (j2) { // only merge (b2,b3) into b2
b2->next = b3->next;
b2->free_size += b3->free_size;
if (b3==RCCE_spacep->tail) RCCE_spacep->tail = b2;
kfree(b3, sizeof(RCCE_BLOCK));
// FUNCTION: RCCE_shflush
// this function makes sure that data in shared memory can be read or written
void RCCE_shflush() {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp flush