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482 lines
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* Copyright 2011 Simon Pickartz, Chair for Operating Systems,
* RWTH Aachen University
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file is part of MetalSVM.
* Mailbox system
* [2011-05-08] implemented mailbox send/recv routines
* by Simon Pickartz, Chair for Operating Systems,
* RWTH Aachen University
#include <metalsvm/stdlib.h>
#include <metalsvm/string.h>
#include <asm/iRCCE_lib.h>
* @file contains implementation of the mailbox system
* @author Simon Pickartz
// forward declaration
static int iRCCE_mailbox_close_one(int rank, int check);
// FUNCTION: iRCCE_mailbox_print_header
// routine for printing given header (debugging purpose)
* @brief routine for printing a given header
* @param header is a pointer to a given iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER structure
void iRCCE_mailbox_print_header(iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER* header) {
kprintf( "\n"
"| RCK%d\n"
"| Sender\t: %d\t\n"
"| Size\t\t: %d\t\n"
"| Tag\t\t: %d\t\n"
"| Prio\t\t: %d\t\n"
"| Payload\t: %s\n"
RCCE_IAM, header->source,
header->size, header->tag,
header->prio, header->payload);
// FUNCTION: iRCCE_mail_fetch
* @brief routine to check for new mail in a given mailbox
* @param rank is the ID of the ranks mailbox to be emptied
* The function checks if the mailbox has new mail for a given rank. In case of
* new mail it needs memory for the received header. Either there is memory
* in the internal garbage collection or it has to allocated. The next step is
* to check wheter a last-mail was received or a normal one. A last-mail is
* indicated by the iRCCE_LAST_MAIL tag. A last-mail entails the appropriate
* flag in the iRCCE_last_mail array to be set. Otherwise the header has to be
* enqueued in the mailbox_recv_queue accordingly to the priority field.
static int iRCCE_mail_fetch(
int rank // rank from whom to empty mailbox
) {
// check for memory in garbage collection or allocate new
if( iRCCE_mail_garbage.first ) {
header = iRCCE_mail_garbage.first;
iRCCE_mail_garbage.first =
header->next = NULL;
if( iRCCE_mail_garbage.first == NULL ) {
iRCCE_mail_garbage.last = NULL;
else {
header = (iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER*)kmalloc(sizeof(iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER));
// copy header to allocated memory
iRCCE_memcpy_get( (void*)header, (void*)iRCCE_mailbox_recv[rank],
// check if received a last-mail
if( header->tag == iRCCE_LAST_MAIL ) {
iRCCE_last_mail[rank] = 1;
iRCCE_mailbox_close_one( rank, 0 ); // we can close respective mailbox
iRCCE_mail_release( &header );
else {
// check mail priority
int prio = header->prio;
// enqueue accordingly
if( iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue[prio] == NULL ) {
iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue[prio] = header;
else {
iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER* run = iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue[prio];
while( run->next != NULL ) run = run->next;
run->next = header;
// FUNCTION: iRCCE_mailbox_check
* @brief routine to check for new mail in mailboxes
* This function has to be called from time to time. It empties all mailboxes of
* the participating cores if the corresponding sent-flag is set and the mailbox
* is not closed. After calling iRCCE_mail_fetch the sent-flag has to be reset.
* Here we have to use a little trick because we can only write to the MPB in
* cacheline granularity. We set the appropriate flag to zero and afterwords
* touch the MPB on another cacheline. That causes the write combine buffer to
* write out the data.
static int iRCCE_mailbox_check() {
int i;
for( i=0; i<RCCE_NP; ++i ) {
if( i == RCCE_IAM ) continue;
// only check open mailboxes
if( iRCCE_mailbox_status[i] == iRCCE_MAILBOX_OPEN ) {
if( iRCCE_mailbox_recv[i]->sent ) {
// reset senders flag
iRCCE_mailbox_recv[i]->sent = RCCE_FLAG_UNSET;
*(int *)RCCE_fool_write_combine_buffer = 1;
// FUNCTION: iRCCE_mail_recv
* @brief routine for fetching received headers out of iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue
* @param header is the address of a pointer to an iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER structure
* @return iRCCE_SUCCESS if there was new mail; iRCCE_MAILBOX_EMPTY else
* @todo implement fairer dequeue mechanism
* The function checks if the receive queue with highest priority (priority 0)
* contains any mail headers. In this case we pop the first element of that list
* in a FIFO maner. Otherwise iRCCE_mailbox_check() has to be called. Afterwards
* the first element of a non-empty receive queue with highest priority is
* returned.
int iRCCE_mail_recv(
iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER** header // pointer to incoming header
) { // (memory allocated by iRCCE)
int i;
// if there is no mail, check for incoming
if ( !iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue[0] ) {
// check priority queues
for( i=0; i<iRCCE_PRIOS; ++i ) {
if ( iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue[i] ) {
iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER* help_header =
iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue[i] =
help_header->next = NULL;
*header = help_header;
// no mail queued
*header = NULL;
// FUNCTION: iRCCE_mail_release
* @brief routine to store released header by user in garbage collection
* @param header is the address of a pointer to an iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER structure
* @return iRCCE_SUCCESS in any case
* This function enqueus a pointer to memory for an iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER structure
* that is not used by the user program anymore. 'header' points to NULL by
* return of the function.
int iRCCE_mail_release(
) {
// put header in garbage collection
if( (iRCCE_mail_garbage.first == NULL)
&& (iRCCE_mail_garbage.last == NULL ) ) {
iRCCE_mail_garbage.first = *header;
iRCCE_mail_garbage.last = *header;
else {
iRCCE_mail_garbage.last->next = *header;
iRCCE_mail_garbage.last = *header;
iRCCE_mail_garbage.last->next = NULL;
// reset header
*header = NULL;
// FUNCTION: iRCCE_mail_send
* @brief routine to send a mail to a given destination (blocking)
* @param size is the size of the following message. This message may be
* contained in the payload or send by an isend()-call
* @param tag is an integer value to distinguish between different mail types
* @param prio indicates the priority of the mail. 0 is the highest priority
* whereas 4 is the lowest.
* @param payload is a pointer to byte array with a size of
* iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER_PAYLOAD. If NULL is passed nothing is done, otherwise array
* pointed by payload is copied into the header.
* @param dest indicates the destination of the mail in terms of the ID of
* one of the participating ranks
* @return iRCCE_SUCCESS if send was successful. If target mailbox is closed
* iRCCE_MAILBOX_CLOESD is returned.
* First it has to be checked if the target mailbox still contains an unread mail.
* If this is the case there is time to empty the own mailboxes. It blocks until
* the receiver has emptied its mailbox. The next step is to acquire the lock
* for the target mailbox to be sure that the mailbox is not closed by the
* receiver while the mail is delivered. After locking the mailbox an
* iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER is generated according with the parameters (but with a
* sent-flag set to zero)and is copied into the target mailbox. After all data
* beeing written the appropropriate sent-flag has to be set with the same trick
* already used in iRCCE_mail_check(). Now the lock can be released.
int iRCCE_mail_send(
size_t size, // size of following message expected to be send/received
int tag, // tag to indicate message type
char prio, // mail priority
char* payload, // pointer to buffer for header payload
int dest // UE that will receive the header
) {
// if dest mailbox is full, check for incoming mail
while( iRCCE_mailbox_send[dest]->sent ) {
// check if mailbox is closed
RCCE_acquire_lock( dest );
if( iRCCE_mailbox_send[dest]->closed ) {
RCCE_release_lock( dest );
// prepare header
iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER header = { RCCE_IAM, size, tag, NULL, prio,
{[0 ... iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER_PAYLOAD-1] = 0} };
// payload within the header?
if( payload ) {
memcpy( header.payload, payload, iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER_PAYLOAD );
// do the actual copy to MPB
iRCCE_memcpy_put( (void*)iRCCE_mailbox_send[dest],
(void*)&header, RCCE_LINE_SIZE );
// set senders flag
iRCCE_mailbox_send[dest]->sent = RCCE_FLAG_SET;
*(int *)RCCE_fool_write_combine_buffer = 1;
RCCE_release_lock( dest );
// FUNCTION: iRCCE_last_mail_recv
* @brief check if all final headers are received from all UEs
* @return iRCCE_SUCCES if all last-mails arrive iRCCE_LAST_MAILS_NOT_RECV
* otherwise
* This functions is used to determine if all last-mails arrived at the calling
* UE. Therefore it checks the iRCCE_last_mail array if all flags are set.
int iRCCE_last_mail_recv(void) {
int i;
int res = iRCCE_SUCCESS;
for( i=0; i<RCCE_NP; ++i ) {
if( iRCCE_last_mail[i] == 0 ) {
return res;
// FUNCTION: iRCCE_mailbox_wait
* @brief wait for all last-mails to be received
* @return iRCCE_SUCCESS
* This functions blocks in a loop calling continously iRCCE_last_mail_recv()
* until its return value is iRCCE_SUCCESS what implicates that all last-mails
* of the participating UEs arrived at the calling UE.
* This function is used to shut down the mailbox environment.
int iRCCE_mailbox_wait(void) {
while( iRCCE_last_mail_recv() == iRCCE_LAST_MAILS_NOT_RECV ) {
// FUNCTION: iRCCE_mailbox_flush
* @brief dequeue all iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue elements and free memory
* @return iRCCE_SUCCESS
* This function empties all iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queues whith no regard to their
* content. This function is used to shut down the mailbox environment.
int iRCCE_mailbox_flush(void) {
int i;
for( i=0; i<iRCCE_PRIOS; ++i ) {
iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER* erase_header = iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue[i];
while( erase_header != NULL ) {
iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue[i] = iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue[i]->next;
kfree( erase_header, sizeof(iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER) );
erase_header = iRCCE_mailbox_recv_queue[i];
// FUNCTION: iRCCE_mailbox_close_one
* @brief routine to close one mailbox
* @return iRCCE_SUCCESS
* @param rank is the ID of the ranks mailbox to be closed
* @param check is a flag indicating wether the mailbox has to be emptied before
* closing or not. This is required for a close-call as a result of a received
* last-mail.
* This function closes a mailbox of the given rank. If the check flag is set
* an iRCCE_mail_check()-call is performed. The close procedure has to be locked
* to be sure that no UE sends any mail while closing the mailbox.
static int iRCCE_mailbox_close_one(int rank, int check) {
RCCE_acquire_lock( RCCE_IAM );
// check if it contains new mail
if( check && iRCCE_mailbox_recv[rank]->sent ) {
// close mailbox
iRCCE_MAIL_HEADER help_header = { 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, RCCE_FLAG_UNSET,
iRCCE_memcpy_put( (void*)iRCCE_mailbox_recv[rank],
&help_header, RCCE_LINE_SIZE );
RCCE_release_lock( RCCE_IAM );
iRCCE_mailbox_status[rank] = iRCCE_MAILBOX_CLOSED;
// FUNCTION: iRCCE_mailbox_close()
* @brief routine to close one or all mailboxes
* @param rank is the ID of the UEs mailbox to be closed if iRCCE_MAILBOX_ALL
* is passed all mailboxes are closed by the calling UE
* @return iRCCE_SUCCESS
* This functions closed one or all mailboxes of the calling UE. This is done by
* calling iRCCE_mailbox_close_one for one or all mailboxes.
int iRCCE_mailbox_close(int rank) {
if( rank == iRCCE_MAILBOX_ALL ) {
int i;
for( i=0; i<RCCE_NP; ++i ) {
iRCCE_mailbox_close_one( i, 1 );
else {
iRCCE_mailbox_close_one( rank, 1 );