/** Generate distribution tables for netem qdisc. * * Partially based on: * - http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/shemminger/iproute2.git/tree/netem/maketable.c * - https://github.com/thom311/libnl/blob/master/lib/route/qdisc/netem.c * * @author Steffen Vogel * @copyright 2014-2015, Steffen Vogel * @license GPLv3 *********************************************************************************/ /** * Set the delay distribution. Latency/jitter must be set before applying. * @arg qdisc Netem qdisc. * @return 0 on success, error code on failure. */ int rtnl_netem_set_delay_distribution_data(struct rtnl_qdisc *qdisc, double *data, size_t len) { struct rtnl_netem *netem; if (!(netem = rtnl_tc_data(TC_CAST(qdisc)))) BUG(); if (len > MAXDIST) return -NLE_INVAL; netem->qnm_dist.dist_data = (int16_t *) calloc(len, sizeof(int16_t)); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) netem->qnm_dist.dist_data[n++] = data[i]; netem->qnm_dist.dist_size = len; netem->qnm_mask |= SCH_NETEM_ATTR_DIST; return 0; } /* Create a (normalized) distribution table from a set of observed * values. The table is fixed to run from (as it happens) -4 to +4, * with granularity .00002. */ #define TABLESIZE 16384/4 #define TABLEFACTOR 8192 #ifndef MINSHORT #define MINSHORT -32768 #define MAXSHORT 32767 #endif /* Since entries in the inverse are scaled by TABLEFACTOR, and can't be bigger * than MAXSHORT, we don't bother looking at a larger domain than this: */ #define DISTTABLEDOMAIN ((MAXSHORT/TABLEFACTOR)+1) #define DISTTABLEGRANULARITY 50000 #define DISTTABLESIZE (DISTTABLEDOMAIN*DISTTABLEGRANULARITY*2) static int * makedist(double *x, int limit, double mu, double sigma) { int *table; int i, index, first=DISTTABLESIZE, last=0; double input; table = calloc(DISTTABLESIZE, sizeof(int)); if (!table) { perror("table alloc"); exit(3); } for (i=0; i < limit; ++i) { /* Normalize value */ input = (x[i]-mu)/sigma; index = (int)rint((input+DISTTABLEDOMAIN)*DISTTABLEGRANULARITY); if (index < 0) index = 0; if (index >= DISTTABLESIZE) index = DISTTABLESIZE-1; ++table[index]; if (index > last) last = index +1; if (index < first) first = index; } return table; } /* replace an array by its cumulative distribution */ static void cumulativedist(int *table, int limit, int *total) { int accum=0; while (--limit >= 0) { accum += *table; *table++ = accum; } *total = accum; } static short * inverttable(int *table, int inversesize, int tablesize, int cumulative) { int i, inverseindex, inversevalue; short *inverse; double findex, fvalue; inverse = (short *)malloc(inversesize*sizeof(short)); for (i=0; i < inversesize; ++i) { inverse[i] = MINSHORT; } for (i=0; i < tablesize; ++i) { findex = ((double)i/(double)DISTTABLEGRANULARITY) - DISTTABLEDOMAIN; fvalue = (double)table[i]/(double)cumulative; inverseindex = (int)rint(fvalue*inversesize); inversevalue = (int)rint(findex*TABLEFACTOR); if (inversevalue <= MINSHORT) inversevalue = MINSHORT+1; if (inversevalue > MAXSHORT) inversevalue = MAXSHORT; inverse[inverseindex] = inversevalue; } return inverse; } /* Run simple linear interpolation over the table to fill in missing entries */ static void interpolatetable(short *table, int limit) { int i, j, last, lasti = -1; last = MINSHORT; for (i=0; i < limit; ++i) { if (table[i] == MINSHORT) { for (j=i; j < limit; ++j) if (table[j] != MINSHORT) break; if (j < limit) { table[i] = last + (i-lasti)*(table[j]-last)/(j-lasti); } else { table[i] = last + (i-lasti)*(MAXSHORT-last)/(limit-lasti); } } else { last = table[i]; lasti = i; } } }