Array( "EN"=> "Artist/Albums", "DE"=> "Interpret/Alben", "FR"=> "Artiste/Album", "NL"=> "Artiest/Album", "IT"=> "Artista/Album", "ES"=> "Artista/Album" ), "artistssearch" => Array( "EN"=> "Artists (Search)", "DE"=> "Interpret (Suche) ", "FR"=> "Artistes (Chercher)", "NL"=> "Artiest (Zoek)", "IT"=> "Artista (Cerca)", "ES"=> "Artista (búsqueda)" ), "genres" => Array( "EN"=> "Genres", "DE"=> "Musikrichtungen", "FR"=> "Genres", "NL"=> "Genres", "IT"=> "Genere", "ES"=> "Genero" ), "playlists" => Array( "EN"=> "Playlists", "DE"=> "Wiedergabelisten", "FR"=> "Listes de lecture", "NL"=> "Playlists", "IT"=> "Playlist", "ES"=> "Lista de reproducción" ), "similar_artists" => Array( "EN"=> "Similar Artists", "DE"=> "Ähnliche Interpreten", "FR"=> "Interprètes semblables", "NL"=> "Vergelijkbare Artiesten", "IT"=> "Artisti simili", "ES"=> "Artistas similares" ), "similar_titles" => Array( "EN"=> "Similar Titles", "DE"=> "Ähnliche Titel", "FR"=> "Titres semblables", "NL"=> "Vergelijkbare Titels", "IT"=> "Titoli simili", "ES"=> "Títulos similares" ) ); /** * Substitutes various Country Codes to the ones used in this class * * @param string $rhs * @return string */ static function substituteCountryCode ($rhs="") { switch (strtolower($rhs)) { case "49": case "ger": case "deu": return "DE"; break; case "01": case "44": case "eng": return "EN"; break; case "33": case "fre": case "fra": return "FR"; break; case "31": case "nld": case "dut": return "NL"; break; case "ita": case "itl": return "IT"; break; case "esp": case "spa": case "spn": case "cas": case "cat": return "ES"; break; default: return $rhs; } } /** * Request internationalized String * * If language is not found, english will be used as default. * * input : $inLang = Target Language * $inIndex = Target Item */ static function getString($inLang, $inIndex) { $inLang = strtoupper($inLang); if (isset(Internat::$stbl[$inIndex])) { if (isset(Internat::$stbl[$inIndex][$inLang]) && Internat::$stbl[$inIndex][$inLang]!="" ) { return Internat::$stbl[$inIndex][$inLang]; } else return Internat::$stbl[$inIndex]["EN"]; } else return "..."; } } ?>