srtcp: use unsigned 32-bit for encrypted bit (#41)

the ep is left-shifted by 31-bits. If the size of int
is 4 bytes then the EP bit will end up in the top bit
which is also the sign bit.

it is safer and better to use an unsigned type here
This commit is contained in:
Alfred E. Heggestad 2017-02-16 08:47:32 +01:00 committed by Richard Aas
parent aca3cfbabd
commit cb936d9fb2

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ int srtcp_encrypt(struct srtp *srtp, struct mbuf *mb)
struct comp *rtcp;
uint32_t ssrc;
size_t start;
int ep = 0;
uint32_t ep = 0;
int err;
if (!srtp || !mb)