mk: remove support for splint (#96)

splint is no longer supported by libre.
the last release of splint was splint 3.1.2 in 2007
This commit is contained in:
Alfred E. Heggestad 2017-11-24 08:10:37 +01:00 committed by Richard Aas
parent bd9e1fe5ba
commit ce68a8f09d

View file

@ -788,89 +788,6 @@ LIBRE_SO := $(shell [ -f /usr/lib64/libre$(LIB_SUFFIX) ] && echo "/usr/lib64")
# Splint section
SPLINT_OPTIONS += +unixlib
SPLINT_OPTIONS += +skipsysheaders
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -noeffect # Statement has no effect: (void)reg
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -compdef # Passed storage buf not completely..
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -mustfreefresh # Fresh storage st not released before
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -nullret # Null storage returned as non-null
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -compmempass
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -observertrans # Observer storage returned without..
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -fixedformalarray # e.g. param: int linesize[4]
SPLINT_OPTIONS += +voidabstract
# these options can be tuned:
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -mayaliasunique # Parameter 1 (ua->stat.rphrase)
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -boolops # Left operand of && is non-boolean
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -nullpass # Possibly null storage resp passed..
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -mustfreeonly # Implicitly only storage ua->callt..
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -nullassign
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -unrecog # Unrecognized identifier: strdup
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -unqualifiedtrans # Unqualified storage ua->lhost assign
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -temptrans # Implicitly temp storage assigned to
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -usereleased
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -predboolint
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -statictrans
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -globstate # Function returns with global..
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -compdestroy # Only storage call->conf derived
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -onlytrans # Only storage alias->mb assigned
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -shiftimplementation
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -shiftnegative
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -predboolothers
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -nullstate # Null storage ct->timer_a derivable..
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -redef # Enum member T1 defined more than once
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -usedef # Variable tv used before definition
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -dependenttrans # Dependent storage m returned as..
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -immediatetrans # Immediate address &xyz returned
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -branchstate # Storage is released in one path
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -kepttrans # Kept storage le assigned to implic..
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -incondefs
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -exportlocal
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -nullderef
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -fullinitblock # problem in main/main.c init block
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -evalorder # problem with e.g. foo(rand(), rand())
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -uniondef # union in struct sa
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -realcompare # tping: comp double types rtt < 0
SPLINT_OPTIONS += -retvalother # Return value ignored (not int)
# ignore these files for now
SPLINT_IGNORE := src/tls/openssl/tls.c src/tls/openssl/tls_tcp.c
SPLINT_IGNORE += src/dns/darwin/srv.c src/aes/openssl/aes.c
SPLINT_SOURCES += $(filter-out $(SPLINT_IGNORE), $(patsubst %,src/%,$(SRCS)))
@for n in $(SPLINT_SOURCES); do \
splint $(SPLINT_LIBS) $(SPLINT_OPTIONS) $${n} 2>/dev/null ; \
@for n in $(SPLINT_SOURCES); do \
echo "running splint on $${n}"; \
splint $(SPLINT_LIBS) $(SPLINT_OPTIONS) $${n} ; \
@splint $(SPLINT_LIBS) $(SPLINT_OPTIONS) test.c
# Clang section