/** * @file tcp.c Transport Control Protocol * * Copyright (C) 2010 Creytiv.com */ #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_IO_H #include #endif #if !defined(WIN32) #define __USE_POSIX 1 /**< Use POSIX flag */ #define __USE_XOPEN2K 1/**< Use POSIX.1:2001 code */ #define __USE_MISC 1 #include #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include "TargetConditionals.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEBUG_MODULE "tcp" #define DEBUG_LEVEL 5 #include /** Platform independent buffer type cast */ #ifdef WIN32 #define BUF_CAST (char *) #define SOK_CAST (int) #define SIZ_CAST (int) #define close closesocket #else #define BUF_CAST #define SOK_CAST #define SIZ_CAST #endif enum { TCP_TXQSZ_DEFAULT = 524288, TCP_RXSZ_DEFAULT = 8192 }; /** Defines a listening TCP socket */ struct tcp_sock { int fd; /**< Listening file descriptor */ int fdc; /**< Cached connection file descriptor */ tcp_conn_h *connh; /**< TCP Connect handler */ void *arg; /**< Handler argument */ }; /** Defines a TCP connection */ struct tcp_conn { struct list helpers; /**< List of TCP-helpers */ struct list sendq; /**< Sending queue */ int fdc; /**< Connection file descriptor */ tcp_estab_h *estabh; /**< Connection established handler */ tcp_send_h *sendh; /**< Data send handler */ tcp_recv_h *recvh; /**< Data receive handler */ tcp_close_h *closeh; /**< Connection close handler */ void *arg; /**< Handler argument */ size_t rxsz; /**< Maximum receive chunk size */ size_t txqsz; size_t txqsz_max; bool active; /**< We are connecting flag */ bool connected; /**< Connection is connected flag */ }; /** Defines a TCP-Connection Helper */ struct tcp_helper { struct le le; int layer; tcp_helper_estab_h *estabh; tcp_helper_send_h *sendh; tcp_helper_recv_h *recvh; void *arg; }; struct tcp_qent { struct le le; struct mbuf mb; }; static void tcp_recv_handler(int flags, void *arg); static bool helper_estab_handler(int *err, bool active, void *arg) { (void)err; (void)active; (void)arg; return false; } static bool helper_send_handler(int *err, struct mbuf *mb, void *arg) { (void)err; (void)mb; (void)arg; return false; } static bool helper_recv_handler(int *err, struct mbuf *mb, bool *estab, void *arg) { (void)err; (void)mb; (void)estab; (void)arg; return false; } static void sock_destructor(void *data) { struct tcp_sock *ts = data; if (ts->fd >= 0) { fd_close(ts->fd); (void)close(ts->fd); } if (ts->fdc >= 0) (void)close(ts->fdc); } static void conn_destructor(void *data) { struct tcp_conn *tc = data; list_flush(&tc->helpers); list_flush(&tc->sendq); if (tc->fdc >= 0) { fd_close(tc->fdc); (void)close(tc->fdc); } } static void helper_destructor(void *data) { struct tcp_helper *th = data; list_unlink(&th->le); } static void qent_destructor(void *arg) { struct tcp_qent *qe = arg; list_unlink(&qe->le); mem_deref(qe->mb.buf); } static int enqueue(struct tcp_conn *tc, struct mbuf *mb) { const size_t n = mbuf_get_left(mb); struct tcp_qent *qe; int err; if (tc->txqsz + n > tc->txqsz_max) return ENOSPC; if (!tc->sendq.head && !tc->sendh) { err = fd_listen(tc->fdc, FD_READ | FD_WRITE, tcp_recv_handler, tc); if (err) return err; } qe = mem_zalloc(sizeof(*qe), qent_destructor); if (!qe) return ENOMEM; list_append(&tc->sendq, &qe->le, qe); mbuf_init(&qe->mb); err = mbuf_write_mem(&qe->mb, mbuf_buf(mb), n); qe->mb.pos = 0; if (err) mem_deref(qe); else tc->txqsz += qe->mb.end; return err; } static int dequeue(struct tcp_conn *tc) { struct tcp_qent *qe = list_ledata(tc->sendq.head); ssize_t n; #ifdef MSG_NOSIGNAL const int flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL; /* disable SIGPIPE signal */ #else const int flags = 0; #endif if (!qe) { if (tc->sendh) tc->sendh(tc->arg); return 0; } n = send(tc->fdc, BUF_CAST mbuf_buf(&qe->mb), qe->mb.end - qe->mb.pos, flags); if (n < 0) { if (EAGAIN == errno) return 0; #ifdef WIN32 if (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == WSAGetLastError()) return 0; #endif return errno; } tc->txqsz -= n; qe->mb.pos += n; if (qe->mb.pos >= qe->mb.end) mem_deref(qe); return 0; } static void conn_close(struct tcp_conn *tc, int err) { list_flush(&tc->sendq); tc->txqsz = 0; /* Stop polling */ if (tc->fdc >= 0) { fd_close(tc->fdc); (void)close(tc->fdc); tc->fdc = -1; } if (tc->closeh) tc->closeh(err, tc->arg); } static void tcp_recv_handler(int flags, void *arg) { struct tcp_conn *tc = arg; struct mbuf *mb = NULL; bool hlp_estab = false; struct le *le; ssize_t n; int err; socklen_t err_len = sizeof(err); if (flags & FD_EXCEPT) { DEBUG_INFO("recv handler: got FD_EXCEPT on fd=%d\n", tc->fdc); } /* check for any errors */ if (-1 == getsockopt(tc->fdc, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, BUF_CAST &err, &err_len)) { DEBUG_WARNING("recv handler: getsockopt: (%m)\n", errno); return; } if (err) { conn_close(tc, err); return; } #if 0 if (EINPROGRESS != err && EALREADY != err) { DEBUG_WARNING("recv handler: Socket error (%m)\n", err); return; } #endif if (flags & FD_WRITE) { if (tc->connected) { uint32_t nrefs; mem_ref(tc); err = dequeue(tc); nrefs = mem_nrefs(tc); mem_deref(tc); /* check if connection was deref'd from send handler */ if (nrefs == 1) return; if (err) { conn_close(tc, err); return; } if (!tc->sendq.head && !tc->sendh) { err = fd_listen(tc->fdc, FD_READ, tcp_recv_handler, tc); if (err) { conn_close(tc, err); return; } } if (flags & FD_READ) goto read; return; } tc->connected = true; err = fd_listen(tc->fdc, FD_READ, tcp_recv_handler, tc); if (err) { DEBUG_WARNING("recv handler: fd_listen(): %m\n", err); conn_close(tc, err); return; } le = tc->helpers.head; while (le) { struct tcp_helper *th = le->data; le = le->next; if (th->estabh(&err, tc->active, th->arg) || err) { if (err) conn_close(tc, err); return; } } if (tc->estabh) tc->estabh(tc->arg); return; } read: mb = mbuf_alloc(tc->rxsz); if (!mb) return; n = recv(tc->fdc, BUF_CAST mb->buf, mb->size, 0); if (0 == n) { mem_deref(mb); conn_close(tc, 0); return; } else if (n < 0) { DEBUG_WARNING("recv handler: recv(): %m\n", errno); goto out; } mb->end = n; le = tc->helpers.head; while (le) { struct tcp_helper *th = le->data; bool hdld = false; le = le->next; if (hlp_estab) { hdld |= th->estabh(&err, tc->active, th->arg); if (err) { conn_close(tc, err); goto out; } } if (mb->pos < mb->end) { hdld |= th->recvh(&err, mb, &hlp_estab, th->arg); if (err) { conn_close(tc, err); goto out; } } if (hdld) goto out; } mbuf_trim(mb); if (hlp_estab && tc->estabh) { uint32_t nrefs; mem_ref(tc); tc->estabh(tc->arg); nrefs = mem_nrefs(tc); mem_deref(tc); /* check if connection was deref'ed from establish handler */ if (nrefs == 1) goto out; } if (mb->pos < mb->end && tc->recvh) { tc->recvh(mb, tc->arg); } out: mem_deref(mb); } static struct tcp_conn *conn_alloc(tcp_estab_h *eh, tcp_recv_h *rh, tcp_close_h *ch, void *arg) { struct tcp_conn *tc; tc = mem_zalloc(sizeof(*tc), conn_destructor); if (!tc) return NULL; list_init(&tc->helpers); tc->fdc = -1; tc->rxsz = TCP_RXSZ_DEFAULT; tc->txqsz_max = TCP_TXQSZ_DEFAULT; tc->estabh = eh; tc->recvh = rh; tc->closeh = ch; tc->arg = arg; return tc; } static void tcp_sockopt_set(int fd) { #ifdef SO_LINGER const struct linger dl = {0, 0}; int err; err = setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, BUF_CAST &dl, sizeof(dl)); if (err) { DEBUG_WARNING("sockopt: SO_LINGER (%m)\n", err); } #else (void)fd; #endif } /** * Handler for incoming TCP connections. * * @param flags Event flags. * @param arg Handler argument. */ static void tcp_conn_handler(int flags, void *arg) { struct sa peer; struct tcp_sock *ts = arg; int err; (void)flags; sa_init(&peer, AF_UNSPEC); if (ts->fdc >= 0) (void)close(ts->fdc); ts->fdc = SOK_CAST accept(ts->fd, &peer.u.sa, &peer.len); if (-1 == ts->fdc) { #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE if (EAGAIN == errno) { struct tcp_sock *ts_new; struct sa laddr; err = tcp_sock_local_get(ts, &laddr); if (err) return; if (ts->fd >= 0) { fd_close(ts->fd); (void)close(ts->fd); ts->fd = -1; } err = tcp_listen(&ts_new, &laddr, NULL, NULL); if (err) return; ts->fd = ts_new->fd; ts_new->fd = -1; mem_deref(ts_new); fd_listen(ts->fd, FD_READ, tcp_conn_handler, ts); } #endif return; } err = net_sockopt_blocking_set(ts->fdc, false); if (err) { DEBUG_WARNING("conn handler: nonblock set: %m\n", err); (void)close(ts->fdc); ts->fdc = -1; return; } tcp_sockopt_set(ts->fdc); if (ts->connh) ts->connh(&peer, ts->arg); } /** * Create a TCP Socket * * @param tsp Pointer to returned TCP Socket * @param local Local listen address (NULL for any) * @param ch Incoming connection handler * @param arg Handler argument * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_sock_alloc(struct tcp_sock **tsp, const struct sa *local, tcp_conn_h *ch, void *arg) { struct addrinfo hints, *res = NULL, *r; char addr[64] = ""; char serv[6] = "0"; struct tcp_sock *ts = NULL; int error, err; if (!tsp) return EINVAL; ts = mem_zalloc(sizeof(*ts), sock_destructor); if (!ts) return ENOMEM; ts->fd = -1; ts->fdc = -1; if (local) { (void)re_snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), "%H", sa_print_addr, local); (void)re_snprintf(serv, sizeof(serv), "%u", sa_port(local)); } memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); /* set-up hints structure */ hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE | AI_NUMERICHOST; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; error = getaddrinfo(addr[0] ? addr : NULL, serv, &hints, &res); if (error) { #ifdef WIN32 DEBUG_WARNING("listen: getaddrinfo: wsaerr=%d\n", WSAGetLastError()); #endif DEBUG_WARNING("listen: getaddrinfo: %s:%s error=%d (%s)\n", addr, serv, error, gai_strerror(error)); err = EADDRNOTAVAIL; goto out; } err = EINVAL; for (r = res; r; r = r->ai_next) { int fd = -1; if (ts->fd >= 0) continue; fd = SOK_CAST socket(r->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (fd < 0) { err = errno; continue; } (void)net_sockopt_reuse_set(fd, true); err = net_sockopt_blocking_set(fd, false); if (err) { DEBUG_WARNING("listen: nonblock set: %m\n", err); (void)close(fd); continue; } tcp_sockopt_set(fd); /* OK */ ts->fd = fd; err = 0; break; } freeaddrinfo(res); if (-1 == ts->fd) goto out; ts->connh = ch; ts->arg = arg; out: if (err) mem_deref(ts); else *tsp = ts; return err; } /** * Bind to a TCP Socket * * @param ts TCP Socket * @param local Local bind address * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_sock_bind(struct tcp_sock *ts, const struct sa *local) { struct addrinfo hints, *res = NULL, *r; char addr[64] = ""; char serv[NI_MAXSERV] = "0"; int error, err; if (!ts || ts->fd<0) return EINVAL; if (local) { (void)re_snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), "%H", sa_print_addr, local); (void)re_snprintf(serv, sizeof(serv), "%u", sa_port(local)); } memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); /* set-up hints structure */ hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE | AI_NUMERICHOST; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; error = getaddrinfo(addr[0] ? addr : NULL, serv, &hints, &res); if (error) { #ifdef WIN32 DEBUG_WARNING("sock_bind: getaddrinfo: wsaerr=%d\n", WSAGetLastError()); #endif DEBUG_WARNING("sock_bind: getaddrinfo: %s:%s error=%d (%s)\n", addr, serv, error, gai_strerror(error)); return EADDRNOTAVAIL; } err = EINVAL; for (r = res; r; r = r->ai_next) { if (bind(ts->fd, r->ai_addr, SIZ_CAST r->ai_addrlen) < 0) { err = errno; DEBUG_WARNING("sock_bind: bind: %m (af=%d, %J)\n", err, r->ai_family, local); continue; } /* OK */ err = 0; break; } freeaddrinfo(res); return err; } /** * Listen on a TCP Socket * * @param ts TCP Socket * @param backlog Maximum length the queue of pending connections * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_sock_listen(struct tcp_sock *ts, int backlog) { int err; if (!ts) return EINVAL; if (ts->fd < 0) { DEBUG_WARNING("sock_listen: invalid fd\n"); return EBADF; } if (listen(ts->fd, backlog) < 0) { err = errno; DEBUG_WARNING("sock_listen: listen(): %m\n", err); return err; } return fd_listen(ts->fd, FD_READ, tcp_conn_handler, ts); } /** * Accept an incoming TCP Connection * * @param tcp Returned TCP Connection object * @param ts Corresponding TCP Socket * @param eh TCP Connection Established handler * @param rh TCP Connection Receive data handler * @param ch TCP Connection close handler * @param arg Handler argument * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_accept(struct tcp_conn **tcp, struct tcp_sock *ts, tcp_estab_h *eh, tcp_recv_h *rh, tcp_close_h *ch, void *arg) { struct tcp_conn *tc; int err; if (!tcp || !ts || ts->fdc < 0) return EINVAL; tc = conn_alloc(eh, rh, ch, arg); if (!tc) return ENOMEM; /* Transfer ownership to TCP connection */ tc->fdc = ts->fdc; ts->fdc = -1; err = fd_listen(tc->fdc, FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_EXCEPT, tcp_recv_handler, tc); if (err) { DEBUG_WARNING("accept: fd_listen(): %m\n", err); } if (err) mem_deref(tc); else *tcp = tc; return err; } /** * Reject an incoming TCP Connection * * @param ts Corresponding TCP Socket */ void tcp_reject(struct tcp_sock *ts) { if (!ts) return; if (ts->fdc >= 0) { (void)close(ts->fdc); ts->fdc = -1; } } /** * Allocate a TCP Connection * * @param tcp Returned TCP Connection object * @param peer Network address of peer * @param eh TCP Connection Established handler * @param rh TCP Connection Receive data handler * @param ch TCP Connection close handler * @param arg Handler argument * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_conn_alloc(struct tcp_conn **tcp, const struct sa *peer, tcp_estab_h *eh, tcp_recv_h *rh, tcp_close_h *ch, void *arg) { struct tcp_conn *tc; struct addrinfo hints, *res = NULL, *r; char addr[64]; char serv[NI_MAXSERV] = "0"; int error, err; if (!tcp || !sa_isset(peer, SA_ALL)) return EINVAL; tc = conn_alloc(eh, rh, ch, arg); if (!tc) return ENOMEM; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); /* set-up hints structure */ hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE | AI_NUMERICHOST; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; (void)re_snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), "%H", sa_print_addr, peer); (void)re_snprintf(serv, sizeof(serv), "%u", sa_port(peer)); error = getaddrinfo(addr, serv, &hints, &res); if (error) { DEBUG_WARNING("connect: getaddrinfo(): (%s)\n", gai_strerror(error)); err = EADDRNOTAVAIL; goto out; } err = EINVAL; for (r = res; r; r = r->ai_next) { tc->fdc = SOK_CAST socket(r->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (tc->fdc < 0) { err = errno; continue; } err = net_sockopt_blocking_set(tc->fdc, false); if (err) { DEBUG_WARNING("connect: nonblock set: %m\n", err); (void)close(tc->fdc); tc->fdc = -1; continue; } tcp_sockopt_set(tc->fdc); err = 0; break; } freeaddrinfo(res); out: if (err) mem_deref(tc); else *tcp = tc; return err; } /** * Bind a TCP Connection to a local address * * @param tc TCP Connection object * @param local Local bind address * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_conn_bind(struct tcp_conn *tc, const struct sa *local) { struct addrinfo hints, *res = NULL, *r; char addr[64] = ""; char serv[NI_MAXSERV] = "0"; int error, err; if (!tc) return EINVAL; if (local) { (void)re_snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), "%H", sa_print_addr, local); (void)re_snprintf(serv, sizeof(serv), "%u", sa_port(local)); } memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); /* set-up hints structure */ hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE | AI_NUMERICHOST; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; error = getaddrinfo(addr[0] ? addr : NULL, serv, &hints, &res); if (error) { DEBUG_WARNING("conn_bind: getaddrinfo(): (%s)\n", gai_strerror(error)); return EADDRNOTAVAIL; } err = EINVAL; for (r = res; r; r = r->ai_next) { (void)net_sockopt_reuse_set(tc->fdc, true); /* bind to local address */ if (bind(tc->fdc, r->ai_addr, SIZ_CAST r->ai_addrlen) < 0) { /* Special case for mingw32/wine */ if (0 == errno) { goto ok; } err = errno; DEBUG_WARNING("conn_bind: bind(): %J: %m\n", local, err); continue; } ok: /* OK */ err = 0; break; } freeaddrinfo(res); if (err) { DEBUG_WARNING("conn_bind failed: %J (%m)\n", local, err); } return err; } /** * Connect to a remote peer * * @param tc TCP Connection object * @param peer Network address of peer * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_conn_connect(struct tcp_conn *tc, const struct sa *peer) { struct addrinfo hints, *res = NULL, *r; char addr[64]; char serv[NI_MAXSERV]; int error, err = 0; if (!tc || !sa_isset(peer, SA_ALL)) return EINVAL; tc->active = true; if (tc->fdc < 0) { DEBUG_WARNING("invalid fd\n"); return EBADF; } memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); /* set-up hints structure */ hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE | AI_NUMERICHOST; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; (void)re_snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), "%H", sa_print_addr, peer); (void)re_snprintf(serv, sizeof(serv), "%u", sa_port(peer)); error = getaddrinfo(addr, serv, &hints, &res); if (error) { DEBUG_WARNING("connect: getaddrinfo(): (%s)\n", gai_strerror(error)); return EADDRNOTAVAIL; } for (r = res; r; r = r->ai_next) { struct sockaddr *sa = r->ai_addr; again: if (0 == connect(tc->fdc, sa, SIZ_CAST r->ai_addrlen)) { err = 0; goto out; } else { #ifdef WIN32 /* Special error handling for Windows */ if (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == WSAGetLastError()) { err = 0; goto out; } #endif /* Special case for mingw32/wine */ if (0 == errno) { err = 0; goto out; } if (EINTR == errno) goto again; if (EINPROGRESS != errno && EALREADY != errno) { err = errno; DEBUG_INFO("connect: connect() %J: %m\n", peer, err); } } } out: freeaddrinfo(res); if (err) return err; return fd_listen(tc->fdc, FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_EXCEPT, tcp_recv_handler, tc); } static int tcp_send_internal(struct tcp_conn *tc, struct mbuf *mb, struct le *le) { int err = 0; ssize_t n; #ifdef MSG_NOSIGNAL const int flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL; /* disable SIGPIPE signal */ #else const int flags = 0; #endif if (tc->fdc < 0) return ENOTCONN; if (!mbuf_get_left(mb)) { DEBUG_WARNING("send: empty mbuf (pos=%u end=%u)\n", mb->pos, mb->end); return EINVAL; } /* call helpers in reverse order */ while (le) { struct tcp_helper *th = le->data; le = le->prev; if (th->sendh(&err, mb, th->arg) || err) return err; } if (tc->sendq.head) return enqueue(tc, mb); n = send(tc->fdc, BUF_CAST mbuf_buf(mb), mb->end - mb->pos, flags); if (n < 0) { if (EAGAIN == errno) return enqueue(tc, mb); #ifdef WIN32 if (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == WSAGetLastError()) return enqueue(tc, mb); #endif err = errno; DEBUG_WARNING("send: write(): %m (fdc=%d)\n", err, tc->fdc); #ifdef WIN32 DEBUG_WARNING("WIN32 error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); #endif return err; } if ((size_t)n < mb->end - mb->pos) { mb->pos += n; err = enqueue(tc, mb); mb->pos -= n; return err; } return 0; } /** * Send data on a TCP Connection to a remote peer * * @param tc TCP Connection * @param mb Buffer to send * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_send(struct tcp_conn *tc, struct mbuf *mb) { if (!tc || !mb) return EINVAL; return tcp_send_internal(tc, mb, tc->helpers.tail); } /** * Send data on a TCP Connection to a remote peer bypassing this * helper and the helpers above it. * * @param tc TCP Connection * @param mb Buffer to send * @param th TCP Helper * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_send_helper(struct tcp_conn *tc, struct mbuf *mb, struct tcp_helper *th) { if (!tc || !mb || !th) return EINVAL; return tcp_send_internal(tc, mb, th->le.prev); } /** * Set the send handler on a TCP Connection, which will be called * every time it is ready to send data * * @param tc TCP Connection * @param sendh TCP Send handler * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_set_send(struct tcp_conn *tc, tcp_send_h *sendh) { if (!tc) return EINVAL; tc->sendh = sendh; if (tc->sendq.head || !sendh) return 0; return fd_listen(tc->fdc, FD_READ | FD_WRITE, tcp_recv_handler, tc); } /** * Set handlers on a TCP Connection * * @param tc TCP Connection * @param eh TCP Connection Established handler * @param rh TCP Connection Receive data handler * @param ch TCP Connection Close handler * @param arg Handler argument */ void tcp_set_handlers(struct tcp_conn *tc, tcp_estab_h *eh, tcp_recv_h *rh, tcp_close_h *ch, void *arg) { if (!tc) return; tc->estabh = eh; tc->recvh = rh; tc->closeh = ch; tc->arg = arg; } /** * Get local network address of TCP Socket * * @param ts TCP Socket * @param local Returned local network address * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_sock_local_get(const struct tcp_sock *ts, struct sa *local) { if (!ts || !local) return EINVAL; sa_init(local, AF_UNSPEC); if (getsockname(ts->fd, &local->u.sa, &local->len) < 0) { DEBUG_WARNING("local get: getsockname(): %m\n", errno); return errno; } return 0; } /** * Get local network address of TCP Connection * * @param tc TCP Connection * @param local Returned local network address * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_conn_local_get(const struct tcp_conn *tc, struct sa *local) { if (!tc || !local) return EINVAL; sa_init(local, AF_UNSPEC); if (getsockname(tc->fdc, &local->u.sa, &local->len) < 0) { DEBUG_WARNING("conn local get: getsockname(): %m\n", errno); return errno; } return 0; } /** * Get remote peer network address of TCP Connection * * @param tc TCP Connection * @param peer Returned remote peer network address * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_conn_peer_get(const struct tcp_conn *tc, struct sa *peer) { if (!tc || !peer) return EINVAL; sa_init(peer, AF_UNSPEC); if (getpeername(tc->fdc, &peer->u.sa, &peer->len) < 0) { DEBUG_WARNING("conn peer get: getpeername(): %m\n", errno); return errno; } return 0; } /** * Set the maximum receive chunk size on a TCP Connection * * @param tc TCP Connection * @param rxsz Maximum receive chunk size */ void tcp_conn_rxsz_set(struct tcp_conn *tc, size_t rxsz) { if (!tc) return; tc->rxsz = rxsz; } /** * Set the maximum send queue size on a TCP Connection * * @param tc TCP Connection * @param txqsz Maximum send queue size */ void tcp_conn_txqsz_set(struct tcp_conn *tc, size_t txqsz) { if (!tc) return; tc->txqsz_max = txqsz; } /** * Get the file descriptor of a TCP Connection * * @param tc TCP-Connection * * @return File destriptor, or -1 if errors */ int tcp_conn_fd(const struct tcp_conn *tc) { return tc ? tc->fdc : -1; } /** * Get the current length of the transmit queue on a TCP Connection * * @param tc TCP-Connection * * @return Current transmit queue length, or 0 if errors */ size_t tcp_conn_txqsz(const struct tcp_conn *tc) { return tc ? tc->txqsz : 0; } static bool sort_handler(struct le *le1, struct le *le2, void *arg) { struct tcp_helper *th1 = le1->data, *th2 = le2->data; (void)arg; return th1->layer <= th2->layer; } /** * Register a new TCP-helper on a TCP-Connection * * @param thp Pointer to allocated TCP helper * @param tc TCP Connection * @param layer Protocol layer; higher number means higher up in stack * @param eh Established handler * @param sh Send handler * @param rh Receive handler * @param arg Handler argument * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int tcp_register_helper(struct tcp_helper **thp, struct tcp_conn *tc, int layer, tcp_helper_estab_h *eh, tcp_helper_send_h *sh, tcp_helper_recv_h *rh, void *arg) { struct tcp_helper *th; if (!tc) return EINVAL; th = mem_zalloc(sizeof(*th), helper_destructor); if (!th) return ENOMEM; list_append(&tc->helpers, &th->le, th); th->layer = layer; th->estabh = eh ? eh : helper_estab_handler; th->sendh = sh ? sh : helper_send_handler; th->recvh = rh ? rh : helper_recv_handler; th->arg = arg; list_sort(&tc->helpers, sort_handler, NULL); if (thp) *thp = th; return 0; }