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* @file re_tcp.h Interface to Transport Control Protocol
* Copyright (C) 2010
struct sa;
struct tcp_sock;
struct tcp_conn;
* Defines the incoming TCP connection handler
* @param peer Network address of peer
* @param arg Handler argument
typedef void (tcp_conn_h)(const struct sa *peer, void *arg);
* Defines the TCP connection established handler
* @param arg Handler argument
typedef void (tcp_estab_h)(void *arg);
* Defines the TCP connection data send handler
* @param arg Handler argument
typedef void (tcp_send_h)(void *arg);
* Defines the TCP connection data receive handler
* @param mb Buffer with data
* @param arg Handler argument
typedef void (tcp_recv_h)(struct mbuf *mb, void *arg);
* Defines the TCP connection close handler
* @param err Error code
* @param arg Handler argument
typedef void (tcp_close_h)(int err, void *arg);
/* TCP Socket */
int tcp_sock_alloc(struct tcp_sock **tsp, const struct sa *local,
tcp_conn_h *ch, void *arg);
int tcp_sock_bind(struct tcp_sock *ts, const struct sa *local);
int tcp_sock_listen(struct tcp_sock *ts, int backlog);
int tcp_accept(struct tcp_conn **tcp, struct tcp_sock *ts, tcp_estab_h *eh,
tcp_recv_h *rh, tcp_close_h *ch, void *arg);
void tcp_reject(struct tcp_sock *ts);
int tcp_sock_local_get(const struct tcp_sock *ts, struct sa *local);
/* TCP Connection */
int tcp_conn_alloc(struct tcp_conn **tcp, const struct sa *peer,
tcp_estab_h *eh, tcp_recv_h *rh, tcp_close_h *ch,
void *arg);
int tcp_conn_bind(struct tcp_conn *tc, const struct sa *local);
int tcp_conn_connect(struct tcp_conn *tc, const struct sa *peer);
int tcp_send(struct tcp_conn *tc, struct mbuf *mb);
int tcp_set_send(struct tcp_conn *tc, tcp_send_h *sendh);
void tcp_set_handlers(struct tcp_conn *tc, tcp_estab_h *eh, tcp_recv_h *rh,
tcp_close_h *ch, void *arg);
void tcp_conn_rxsz_set(struct tcp_conn *tc, size_t rxsz);
void tcp_conn_txqsz_set(struct tcp_conn *tc, size_t txqsz);
int tcp_conn_local_get(const struct tcp_conn *tc, struct sa *local);
int tcp_conn_peer_get(const struct tcp_conn *tc, struct sa *peer);
int tcp_conn_fd(const struct tcp_conn *tc);
size_t tcp_conn_txqsz(const struct tcp_conn *tc);
/* High-level API */
int tcp_listen(struct tcp_sock **tsp, const struct sa *local,
tcp_conn_h *ch, void *arg);
int tcp_connect(struct tcp_conn **tcp, const struct sa *peer,
tcp_estab_h *eh, tcp_recv_h *rh, tcp_close_h *ch, void *arg);
int tcp_local_get(const struct tcp_sock *ts, struct sa *local);
/* Helper API */
typedef bool (tcp_helper_estab_h)(int *err, bool active, void *arg);
typedef bool (tcp_helper_send_h)(int *err, struct mbuf *mb, void *arg);
typedef bool (tcp_helper_recv_h)(int *err, struct mbuf *mb, bool *estab,
void *arg);
struct tcp_helper;
int tcp_register_helper(struct tcp_helper **thp, struct tcp_conn *tc,
int layer,
tcp_helper_estab_h *eh, tcp_helper_send_h *sh,
tcp_helper_recv_h *rh, void *arg);
int tcp_send_helper(struct tcp_conn *tc, struct mbuf *mb,
struct tcp_helper *th);