Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 74 additions and 74 deletions
@ -37,13 +37,13 @@
\section{Amdahl \& Gustafson}
\begin{tabular}{ l | c c c }
\begin{tabular}{ l l | c c }
& \textbf{General} & \textbf{Amdahl's Law} & \textbf{Gustafson's Law} \\
& & \textit{strong scaling} & \textit{weak scaling} \\
& & \textbf{Amdahl's Law} & \textbf{Gustafson's Law} \\
& & \textit{strong scaling} & \textit{weak scaling} \\
Speedup \( S_p(N) \) & \( \frac{T(1)}{T(N)} \) & \( \frac{1}{S + \frac{1 - S}{N}} \) & \( Np + s \) \\
Efficency \( \varepsilon_p(N) \) & \( \frac{S_p(N)}{N} = \frac{T(1)}{N \cdot T(N)} \) & \( \frac{1}{s(N-1) + 1} \) & \( \frac{1 - p}{N} \) \\
\textbf{Speedup} & \( S_p(N) = \frac{T(1)}{T(N)} \) & \( \frac{1}{s + \frac{1 - s}{N}} \xrightarrow{N \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{s} \) & \( Np + s \xrightarrow{N \rightarrow \infty} \infty \) \\
\textbf{Efficency} & \( \varepsilon_p(N) = \frac{S_p(N)}{N} \) & \( \frac{1}{s (N-1) + 1} \xrightarrow{N \rightarrow \infty} 0 \) & \( \frac{1 - p}{N} + p \xrightarrow{N \rightarrow \infty} p \) \\
\section{Moore's Law}
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
Stages & $m$ \\
Operations & $N$ \\
Without pipeline & \( T_{seq} = m \cdot N \) \\
With pipeline & \( T_{pipe} = N + m − 1 \) \\
With pipeline & \( T_{pipe} = N + m - 1 \) \\
Speedup & \(S_{pipe} = \frac{m}{1 + \frac{m-1}{N}} \xrightarrow{N \rightarrow \infty} m \) \\
Throughput (results/cycle) & \( \frac{N}{T_{pipe}} = \frac{1}{1 + \frac{m-1}{N}} \xrightarrow{N \rightarrow \infty} 1 \) \\
@ -104,14 +104,13 @@
\begin{tabular}{l | c c c c }
\textbf{Topology} & \textbf{Max degree} & \textbf{Edge connectivity} & \textbf{Diameter} & \textbf{Bisection BW} \\
Bus & 1 & 1 & 1 & B \\
Ring & 2 & 2 & \( \lfloor \frac{N}{2} \rfloor \) & 2B \\
Fully connected & \( \frac{N(N-1)}{2} \) & N-1 & 1 & \( \frac{N^2}{4} \) \\
Bus & $1$ & $1$ & $1$ & $B$ \\
Ring & $2$ & $2$ & $\lfloor \frac{N}{2} \rfloor$ & $2B$ \\
Fully connected & $N-1$ & $N-1$ & $1$ & $\frac{N^2}{4}$ \\
Sw. Fat Tree & 1 w/o redunancy & depends on design & 2 hierarchy height & depends on design \\
Mesh & 2d & d & \( \sum_{i=1}^d (N_i - 1) \) & \( B ( \prod_{i=1}^{d-1} N_i ) \) \\
Torus & 2d & 2d & \( \sum_{i=1}^d \lfloor \frac{N}{2} \rfloor \) & \( 2B ( \prod_{i=1}^{d-1} N_i ) \) \\
Hypercube & d & d & d & \( B2^{d-1} \) \\
Mesh & $2d$ & $d$ & $\sum_{i=1}^d (N_i - 1)$ & $B ( \prod_{i=1}^{d-1} N_i )$ \\
Torus & $2d$ & $2d$ & $\sum_{i=1}^d \lfloor \frac{N}{2} \rfloor$ & $2B ( \prod_{i=1}^{d-1} N_i )$ \\
Hypercube & $d$ & $d$ & $d$ & $B2^{d-1}$ \\
\section{Balance, Lightspeed}
@ -183,7 +182,7 @@ All MPI routines return an integer error code!
\lstinline$ ?rbuf?, §rcnt§, §rtype§, §root§, §cm§)$ & \\
\lstinline$MPI_Allgather(...)$ & \\
\lstinline$MPI_Alltoall()$ & \\
\lstinline$MPI_Redude()$ & \\
\lstinline$MPI_Reduce()$ & \\
\lstinline$MPI_Allreduce(...)$ & \\
@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ All MPI routines return an integer error code!
\subsubsection{Virtual topologies}
\begin{tabular}{ p{8cm} l }
\lstinline$MPI_Cart_create(...)$ & \\
\lstinline$MPI_Cart_create(..)$ & Creates a new cartesian cm from given old one.\\
\lstinline$MPI_Cart_rank(...)$ & \\
\lstinline$MPI_Cart_shift(...)$ & \\
\lstinline$MPI_Cart_sub(...)$ & \\
@ -266,8 +265,10 @@ All MPI routines return an integer error code!
\lstinline$#pragma omp sections$ & Non-iterative worksharing of diffrent sections. \\
\lstinline$#pragma omp section$ & \\
\lstinline$#pragma omp single$ & Region shall only be executed by a single thread. \\
\lstinline$#pragma omp critical$ & Region is executed by all threads but only by a single simultaneously. \\
\lstinline$#pragma omp barrier$ & All tasks created by any thread of the current team are guaranteed to complete at barrier exit. \\
\lstinline$#pragma omp critical$ & Region is executed by all threads but only
by a single simultaneously. \\
\lstinline$#pragma omp barrier$ & All tasks created by any thread of the current
team are guaranteed to complete at barrier exit. \\
\lstinline$#pragma omp taskwait$ & Encountering task suspends until all (direct) child tasks are complete. \\
\lstinline$#pragma omp task$ & Defines an explicit task. \\
\lstinline$#pragma omp target [data]$ & \\
@ -359,16 +360,19 @@ See \texttt{man bsub}.
\item Titan (17 PFlops/s)
\item[What can we read from the performance development as measured in the
TOP500?] The TOP500 lists by peak performance $R_{max}$ in Flops/s (double) measured by a standardized benchmark (LIN/LAPACK). \\
Future trends are predictable (exascale computing, architectures).\\
At the moment, it takes approximately 11 years to increase performance by 3
orders of magnitude (ExaFlop/s projected for 2019).
TOP500?] The TOP500 lists by peak performance $R_{max}$
in Flops/s (double) measured by a standardized benchmark (LIN/LAPACK). \\
Future trends are predictable (exascale computing, architectures).\\
At the moment, it takes approximately 11 years to increase performance by 3
orders of magnitude (ExaFlop/s projected for 2019).
\item[What does Moore's Law tell you? Is it still valid?] "The number of transistors per chip doubles around every one to two years." \\
Slope is now declining slowly. But mostly still valid.
\item[What does Moore's Law tell you? Is it still valid?]
"The number of transistors per chip doubles around every one to two years." \\
Slope is now declining slowly. But mostly still valid.
\item[Why do we have multi-core architectures today?] Clock frequencies can't be pushed further due to limited cooling capabilities. \\
Solution: Decrease frequency; increase die-size by putting more cores on a single chip and exploit parallelism.
\item[Why do we have multi-core architectures today?]
Clock frequencies can't be pushed further due to limited cooling capabilities. \\
Solution: Decrease frequency; increase die-size by putting more cores on a single chip and exploit parallelism.
@ -798,6 +802,7 @@ See \texttt{man bsub}.
\item[What are the definitions for bisection bandwidth, diameter \& edge connectivity?] See above.
\item[What are relevant network topologies in HPC?] See table above.
@ -849,7 +854,8 @@ See \texttt{man bsub}.
solve than the others. These threads are called "speeders" \& "laggers". \\
There are geometric and graph-based load balancing methods which are statically or dynamic.
\item[What are differences between SPMD, Master/Worker, Loop Parallelism and Fork/Join? Name a typical example.]
\item[What are differences between SPMD, Master/Worker, Loop Parallelism and Fork/Join?
Name a typical example.]
All these are supporting structures to parallelize algorithms.
SPMD and Loop Parallelism execute the same code on multiple UEs.
Master/Worker, Fork/Join offer a greater flexibility in this regard.
@ -940,27 +946,22 @@ See \texttt{man bsub}.
\item[Scoping] There are OpenMP clauses the specifiy the scope (shared or private) of variables.
\item[Data sharing clauses] \hfill
\item[Data sharing clauses] See API reference above.
\item[Synchronization] \hfill
\item[Critical section] \hfill
\item[Reduction clause] \hfill
\item[Team and Task-Barriers] \hfill
\item[Runtime library] \hfill
\item[Critical section] Use \lstinline$#pragma omp critical$ directive.
\item[Reduction clause] Use \lstinline$reduction(operation:var-list)$ clause.
\item[Team and Task-Barriers] Use \lstinline$#pragma omp barrier$ and \lstinline$#pragma omp taskwait$ directives.
\item[Runtime library]
\item[Important functions] \hfill
\item[Important functions] See API reference above.
@ -968,34 +969,26 @@ See \texttt{man bsub}.
\item[Hybrid programming basics] \hfill
\item[Why we need hybrid programs] \hfill
\item[Hybrid programming models] \hfill
\item[Hybrid programming models] \hfill
\item[Threading modes of MPI] \hfill
\item[What levels of thread support MPI provides] \hfill
\item[Potential troubles with multithreaded MPI programs] \hfill
\item[Potential troubles with multithreaded MPI programs] \hfill
\item[Addressing multiple threads within MPI processes] \hfill
\item[Addressing multiple threads within MPI processes] \hfill
\item[How to work around the flat addressing space of MPI] \hfill
\item[Using multiple communicators in a hybrid context] \hfill
\item[Running hybrid programs on the RWTH cluster] \hfill
\item[How to properly instruct LSF to run your hybrid job] \hfill
@ -1008,24 +1001,20 @@ See \texttt{man bsub}.
\item[How does a GPU look like?]
A GPGPU is a manycore architecture optimized for high data-parallel throughput.
It consists of multiple streaming processors (SM), which itself consists of many cores.
\item[Why do GPUs deliver a good performance per Watt ratio?] GPGPUs have small caches,
many low frequency cores and little control logic.
Memory is close to the processing unit.
\item[What is the difference to CPUs?] There are more transistors dedicated to computation
instead of controlling. A CPU has large caches with multiple levels,
supports OoO execution, sophisticated control logic like speculative
execution and hw-scheduling of microops.
\item[How does the memory hierarchy look like?] Each SM has seperated shared memories,
caches, registers and texture storage.
All SM have access to a common LLC and global memory of the GPU.
This global memory is seperated from the host.
There's no cache coherence for GPU caches!
Communication with the host has to be done by DMA transfers.
\item[How can the logical programming hierarchy be mapped to the execution model?]
The execution model is host-directed.
Portions of the code, so called "kernels" are offloaded to the GPU.
@ -1034,23 +1023,20 @@ See \texttt{man bsub}.
\item[Which models can be used to program a GPU?] There are special GPU programming APIs
like CUDA and more general directive based models like OpenACC/MP.
\item[How to handle offloading of regions?] Programmer has to find regions
which can be parallelized.
\item[How to handle offloading of regions?]
Programmer has to manually find regions which can be parallelized.
These "kernels" are compiled to special GPU code and called by the host.
\item[How to handle data management?] Data transfer has to be done explicitly.
\item[What are the main differences?] \hfill
\item[Which impact does the PCIe have?] Usually GPUs are have very fast memory.
The PCIe bus isn't fast enough to saturate this memory bandwidth => bottleneck.
\item[What is branch divergence?] 32 threads are joined to "warps".
These warps share a common program counter => branches are serialized inside warps.
\item[Which performance impact does it have?]
Branch divergancy causes threads which doesn't took a branch to idle.
@ -1065,7 +1051,6 @@ See \texttt{man bsub}.
\item[What can be done to saturate the bus?] Maximize PCIe throughput by transfer
less data, batch smaller transfers to larger ones.
\item[What is coalescing?] \hfill
\item[How can it be achieved?] \hfill
@ -1083,28 +1068,43 @@ See \texttt{man bsub}.
\subsubsection{Xeon Phi}
\item[How does a Xeon Phi look like?] The Xeon Phi consists of 60 cores with 4-times SMT.
\item[How does a Xeon Phi look like?]
The Xeon Phi consists of 60 cores with 4-fold SMT,
has a clock frequency of 1090~Mhz
and a peak performance of about 1 TFlop/s.
\item[How does the memory hierarchy look like?] All cores are connected
to caches and dedicated memory by a ring bus. Caches a kept coherent.
Data transfer to the host has to be done via DMA.
Theres no common address space.
\item[How does the memory hierarchy look like?]
All cores are connected to their own L1/L2 caches by a ring bus.
There's a common Memory and I/O interface which also connected to ring bus
and used to access the global GDDR5 RAM.
Caches a kept coherent. Data transfer to the host has to be done via DMA.
There's no common address space with the host.
\item[How many threads/ vector-widths are available?]
\item[Threads] 60 cores * 4 threads = 240 threads
\item[Vector-width] AVX-512 has 512 bits per vector (extension of AVX2, MIC only)
\item[Vector-width] AVX-512 has 512 bits per vector
(extension of AVX2, MIC only).
\item[Which programming concepts do exist?] OpenCL, OpenMP, MPI, OpenACC?
\item[Which programming concepts do exist?] OpenMP/CL/ACC, MPI and Posix threads.
The Phi is a slightly modified x86 architecture and can be programmed used
like a normal x86 system. Intel offers propriatary language offloading extensions (LEO)
for their own C compiler.
\item[How can OpenMP (4.0) be used?] \hfill
\item[How can OpenMP (4.0) be used?] The recent OpenMP spec adds new
directives (\texttt{target} and \texttt{teams}) which can be used
to offload parts of the code.
This concept has been adopted from the OpenACC
standard which can be considered to be a testbed for OpenMP.
\item[Which optimization strategies should be applied?]
Massive SIMD vectorization, check data aligment (SoA, AoS), avoid aliasing.
\item[Which impact can the PCIe have?] PCIe is a bottleneck for host to Phi data transfer.
\item[Which impact can the PCIe have?]
PCIe is a bottleneck for host to Phi data transfer.
Adds latency for communication => see GPGPU.
\item[Which impact does vectorization have?] Huge impact for the Phi.
It has support for FMA-3 with large SIMD vector registers.
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