add('hits since launch', 'notice', $site['hits']); if (isAuthentificated()) { $output->add('authetificated as', 'notice', $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']); } $ttl = (isset($_REQUEST['ttl'])) ? $_REQUEST['ttl'] : $config['sddns']['std']['ttl']; $lifetime = (isset($_REQUEST['lifetime'])) ? $_REQUEST['lifetime'] : $config['sddns']['std']['lifetime']; $checkedClass = (isset($_REQUEST['class'])) ? $_REQUEST['class'] : $config['sddns']['std']['class']; $checkedType = (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) ? $_REQUEST['type'] : $config['sddns']['std']['type']; ?>

Tiny DNS & URL

aka SDDNS - Simple Dynamic Domain Name Service

by Steffen Vogel

include debugging information
.optional; random or servername
secondstime to live in cache; max seconds
secondslifetime of a record/url without an update; max
hide uri in a frameset
optional; random generated

simple mode - usage - wiki - bookmarklet - search plugin

send(); ?>