added simple python script to manage owncloud shares

This commit is contained in:
Steffen Vogel 2015-05-14 20:56:48 +02:00
parent 5c9e1574b5
commit 0b9cd46506

python/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
import owncloud
import requests
import re
import sys
import posixpath
import urlparse
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from tidylib import tidy_document
PATH = 'Master.ET-IT-TI/'
USER = ''
PASS = ''
TITLES = ['Wirt.-Ing.', 'Priv.-Doz.', 'E.h.', 'Ph. D.', 'Univ.', 'habil.', 'Dipl.', 'Prof.', 'Dr', 'Ing', 'rer.', 'dent.', 'paed.', 'nat.', 'phil.', 'Inform.', 'apl', 'Kff.', 'Kfm.', 'med.', 'B. Sc.', 'M. Sc.', 'B. A.', 'M. A.', 'RWTH', 'Chem', ',', '.', '-', '/', '\\']
WHITELIST = ['', '', '', '', '']
def strip_ns(xml_string):
return re.sub('xmlns="[^"]+"', '', xml_string)
def simplify_name(name):
for token in TITLES:
name = name.replace(token, " ")
name = re.sub("\s\s+", " ", name)
name = re.sub("^\s+", "", name)
name = re.sub("\s+$", "", name)
return name
# At least one lastname and one firstname have to match
def check_employee(lastname, firstname):
firstname = simplify_name(firstname)
lastname = simplify_name(lastname)
employees = get_employees(lastname, firstname)
critical = [ ]
firstnames = set(firstname.lower().split(" "))
lastnames = set(lastname.lower().split(" "))
for employee in employees:
employee2 = set(simplify_name(employee).lower().split(" "))
isect1 = employee2.intersection(firstnames)
isect2 = employee2.intersection(lastnames)
if len(isect1) and len(isect2):
return critical
def get_employees(lastname, firstname):
payload = { 'find' : lastname }
res = requests.get('', params=payload)
if res.status_code == 200:
persons = [ ]
document, errors = tidy_document(res.content, options={'numeric-entities': 1, 'output_xhtml': 1})
tree = ET.fromstring(strip_ns(document))
filename = posixpath.basename(urlparse.urlsplit(res.url).path)
if filename == 'lecturer.asp':
fullname = tree.find('body/table[1]/tr[3]//tr[2]/td[2]').text.strip()
unit = tree.find("body/table[2]//td[@class='h3']/a").text.strip()
elif filename == 'lecturerlist.asp':
links = [ ]
for cell in tree.findall('body/table[2]//td[3]/table[2]//td[1]/a'):
if cell is not None:
fullname = cell.text.strip()
raise Exception('Failed to get employee info')
return persons
def get_share(self, id):
data = 'shares/%u' % id
res = self._Client__make_ocs_request(
if res.status_code == 200:
tree = ET.fromstring(res.content)
element = tree.find('data').find('element')
share_attr = {}
for child in element:
key = child.tag
value = child.text
share_attr[key] = value
return share_attr
raise ResponseError(res)
def add_shares(oc, shares):
# Get list of existing shares
existing = [ ]
for share in shares:
for line in sys.stdin:
id = line.strip()
match = re.match('[A-Z0-9]{6}', id)
if match:
if id in existing:
share = (item for item in shares if item['share_with'] == id).next()
print '%s already is in share list' % share['share_with_displayname']
share = oc.share_file_with_user(PATH, id, perms=oc.OCS_PERMISSION_READ|oc.OCS_PERMISSION_CREATE)
details = get_share(oc, share.share_id)
match = re.match('([^,]*), ([^(]*) \(', details['share_with_displayname'])
if match:
lastname =
firstname =
critical = check_employee(lastname, firstname)
if len(critical):
print "===> ATTANTION: %s maybe an employee!! Add manually!!!" % details['share_with_displayname']
print " We found these employees with similar names in Campus Office:"
for employee in critical:
print ' %s' % employee
print 'Added %s' % details['share_with_displayname']
except owncloud.ResponseError as e:
print 'Failed to add: %s' % e.response.content.strip()
def check_shares(oc, shares):
for share in shares:
if share['share_with'] in WHITELIST:
match = re.match('([^,]*), ([^(]*) \(', share['share_with_displayname'])
if match:
lastname =
firstname =
critical = check_employee(lastname, firstname)
if len(critical):
print "===> ATTENTION: %s maybe an employee!!!" % share['share_with_displayname']
print " We found these employees with similar names in Campus Office:"
for employee in critical:
print ' %s' % employee
raise Exception("Failed to match share_id")
def list_shares(oc, shares, admin=False):
print "Perm, Name, Added By"
for share in shares:
if not admin or share['permissions'] != '5':
if 'displayname_owner' not in share.keys():
share['displayname_owner'] = '!!unknown!!'
print "%s%s%s" % (share['permissions'].ljust(3), share['share_with_displayname'].ljust(65).encode('utf-8'), share['displayname_owner'])
print '=== Total: %u' % len(shares)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "### Owncloud / Sciebo share manager"
oc = owncloud.Client(OWNCLOUD)
oc.login(USER, PASS)
# Get list of already existing IDs
shares = oc.get_shares(PATH, reshares=True)
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
command = sys.argv[1]
command = 'add'
if command == 'add':
add_shares(oc, shares)
elif command == 'list':
admin = (len(sys.argv) == 3) and (sys.argv[2] == 'admin')
list_shares(oc, shares, admin)
elif command == 'check':
check_shares(oc, shares)