added some VHDL code snippets
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 777 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
-- Various smaller helpers
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package helpers is
-- Types
type axis_data is array (integer range <>) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
type axis_bus is record
tdata : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
tvalid : std_logic;
tlast : std_logic;
tready : std_logic;
end record;
-- Case boolean to std_logic
function to_std_logic(value : boolean) return std_ulogic;
-- Wait for c_cycles cylces of i_clk
procedure wait_clk (
signal i_clk : in std_logic;
constant c_cycles : in integer
-- Toggle pin io_toggle for 1 cycle of i_clk
procedure toggle (
signal i_clk : in std_logic;
signal io_toggle : inout std_logic
-- Trigger active-low reset for signal reset
procedure reset (
signal reset : out std_logic
-- Pseudo AXI Stream Master BFM
procedure axis_send (
signal i_clk : in std_logic;
constant i_data : in axis_data;
signal axis_tdata : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal axis_tvalid : out std_logic;
signal axis_tlast : out std_logic;
signal axis_tready : in std_logic
-- Pseudo AXI Steam Slave BFM
procedure axis_recv (
signal i_clk : in std_logic;
signal axis_tdata : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal axis_tvalid : in std_logic;
signal axis_tlast : in std_logic;
signal axis_tready : out std_logic
end package;
package body helpers is
procedure wait_clk (
signal i_clk : in std_logic;
constant c_cycles : in integer
) is
for I in 1 to c_cycles loop
wait until rising_edge(i_clk);
end loop;
end procedure;
procedure toggle (
signal i_clk : in std_logic;
signal io_toggle : inout std_logic
) is
io_toggle <= io_toggle xor '1';
wait_clk(i_clk, 1);
io_toggle <= io_toggle xor '1';
end procedure;
procedure reset (
signal reset : out std_logic
) is
reset <= '0';
wait for 5 ns;
reset <= '1';
end procedure;
procedure axis_send (
signal i_clk : in std_logic;
constant i_data : in axis_data;
signal axis_tdata : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal axis_tvalid : out std_logic;
signal axis_tlast : out std_logic;
signal axis_tready : in std_logic
) is
for i in i_data'range loop
wait until rising_edge(i_clk) and axis_tready = '1';
axis_tvalid <= '1';
axis_tdata <= i_data(i);
if i = i_data'high then
axis_tlast <= '1';
axis_tlast <= '0';
end if;
end loop;
wait until rising_edge(i_clk);
axis_tvalid <= '0';
axis_tlast <= '0';
end procedure;
procedure axis_recv (
signal i_clk : in std_logic;
signal axis_tdata : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal axis_tvalid : in std_logic;
signal axis_tlast : in std_logic;
signal axis_tready : out std_logic
) is
axis_tready <= '1';
wait until rising_edge(i_clk) and axis_tvalid = '1';
if axis_tlast = '1' then
end if;
end loop;
end procedure;
function to_std_logic(value : boolean) return std_ulogic is
if value then
end if;
end function;
end package body;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
-- Package for VHDL text output
-- Note:
-- -----
-- This package uses the VHDL 95 standard.
-- If VHDL 95 is not supported by your simulator
-- you need to comment out the file access functions.
-- The package provides a means to output text and
-- manipulate strings.
-- The basic usage is like this: >> print(s); <<
-- (where s is any string)
-- To print something which is not a string it has to be converted
-- into a string first. For this purpose the package contains
-- conversion functions called >> str(...) <<.
-- For example a std_logic_vector slv would be printed like this:
-- >> print(str(slv)); <<. To print several items on one line the
-- items have to concatenated as strings with the "&" operator eg:
-- >> print("The value of slv is "& str(slv)); <<
-- The string functions can also be used in assert statements as shown
-- in the example below:
-- >> assert DIN = "0101" <<
-- >> report "DIN = "& str(DIN)& " expected 0101 " <<
-- >> severity Error; <<
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use std.textio.all;
package txt_util is
-- prints a message to the screen
procedure print(text: string);
-- prints the message when active
-- useful for debug switches
procedure print(active: boolean; text: string);
-- converts std_logic into a character
function chr(sl: std_logic) return character;
-- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
function str(sl: std_logic) return string;
-- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
-- converts boolean into a string
function str(b: boolean) return string;
-- converts an integer into a single character
-- (can also be used for hex conversion and other bases)
function chr(int: integer) return character;
-- converts integer into string using specified base
function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string;
-- converts integer to string, using base 10
function str(int: integer) return string;
-- convert std_logic_vector into a string in hex format
function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
-- functions to manipulate strings
-- convert a character to upper case
function to_upper(c: character) return character;
-- convert a character to lower case
function to_lower(c: character) return character;
-- convert a string to upper case
function to_upper(s: string) return string;
-- convert a string to lower case
function to_lower(s: string) return string;
-- functions to convert strings into other formats
-- converts a character into std_logic
function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic;
-- converts a string into std_logic_vector
function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector;
-- file I/O
-- read variable length string from input file
procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT;
res_string: out string);
-- print string to a file and start new line
procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
new_string: in string);
-- print character to a file and start new line
procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
char: in character);
end txt_util;
package body txt_util is
-- prints text to the screen
procedure print(text: string) is
variable msg_line: line;
write(msg_line, text);
writeline(output, msg_line);
end print;
-- prints text to the screen when active
procedure print(active: boolean; text: string) is
if active then
end if;
end print;
-- converts std_logic into a character
function chr(sl: std_logic) return character is
variable c: character;
case sl is
when 'U' => c:= 'U';
when 'X' => c:= 'X';
when '0' => c:= '0';
when '1' => c:= '1';
when 'Z' => c:= 'Z';
when 'W' => c:= 'W';
when 'L' => c:= 'L';
when 'H' => c:= 'H';
when '-' => c:= '-';
end case;
return c;
end chr;
-- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
function str(sl: std_logic) return string is
variable s: string(1 to 1);
s(1) := chr(sl);
return s;
end str;
-- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
-- (this also takes care of the fact that the range of
-- a string is natural while a std_logic_vector may
-- have an integer range)
function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
variable result : string (1 to slv'length);
variable r : integer;
r := 1;
for i in slv'range loop
result(r) := chr(slv(i));
r := r + 1;
end loop;
return result;
end str;
function str(b: boolean) return string is
if b then
return "true";
return "false";
end if;
end str;
-- converts an integer into a character
-- for 0 to 9 the obvious mapping is used, higher
-- values are mapped to the characters A-Z
-- (this is usefull for systems with base > 10)
-- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
function chr(int: integer) return character is
variable c: character;
case int is
when 0 => c := '0';
when 1 => c := '1';
when 2 => c := '2';
when 3 => c := '3';
when 4 => c := '4';
when 5 => c := '5';
when 6 => c := '6';
when 7 => c := '7';
when 8 => c := '8';
when 9 => c := '9';
when 10 => c := 'A';
when 11 => c := 'B';
when 12 => c := 'C';
when 13 => c := 'D';
when 14 => c := 'E';
when 15 => c := 'F';
when 16 => c := 'G';
when 17 => c := 'H';
when 18 => c := 'I';
when 19 => c := 'J';
when 20 => c := 'K';
when 21 => c := 'L';
when 22 => c := 'M';
when 23 => c := 'N';
when 24 => c := 'O';
when 25 => c := 'P';
when 26 => c := 'Q';
when 27 => c := 'R';
when 28 => c := 'S';
when 29 => c := 'T';
when 30 => c := 'U';
when 31 => c := 'V';
when 32 => c := 'W';
when 33 => c := 'X';
when 34 => c := 'Y';
when 35 => c := 'Z';
when others => c := '?';
end case;
return c;
end chr;
-- convert integer to string using specified base
-- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string is
variable temp: string(1 to 10);
variable num: integer;
variable abs_int: integer;
variable len: integer := 1;
variable power: integer := 1;
-- bug fix for negative numbers
abs_int := abs(int);
num := abs_int;
-- determine how many characters required to represent the number.
while num >= base loop
len := len + 1;
num := num / base;
end loop ;
-- convert the number to a string starting with the right hand side.
for i in len downto 1 loop
temp(i) := chr(abs_int/power mod base);
power := power * base;
end loop ;
-- return result and add sign if required
if int < 0 then
return '-'& temp(1 to len);
return temp(1 to len);
end if;
end str;
-- convert integer to string, using base 10
function str(int: integer) return string is
return str(int, 10) ;
end str;
-- converts a std_logic_vector into a hex string.
function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
variable hexlen: integer;
variable longslv : std_logic_vector(67 downto 0) := (others => '0');
variable hex : string(1 to 16);
variable fourbit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
hexlen := (slv'left+1)/4;
if (slv'left+1) mod 4 /= 0 then
hexlen := hexlen + 1;
end if;
longslv(slv'left downto 0) := slv;
for i in (hexlen -1) downto 0 loop
fourbit := longslv(((i*4)+3) downto (i*4));
case fourbit is
when "0000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '0';
when "0001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '1';
when "0010" => hex(hexlen -I) := '2';
when "0011" => hex(hexlen -I) := '3';
when "0100" => hex(hexlen -I) := '4';
when "0101" => hex(hexlen -I) := '5';
when "0110" => hex(hexlen -I) := '6';
when "0111" => hex(hexlen -I) := '7';
when "1000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '8';
when "1001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '9';
when "1010" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'A';
when "1011" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'B';
when "1100" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'C';
when "1101" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'D';
when "1110" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'E';
when "1111" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'F';
when "ZZZZ" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'z';
when "UUUU" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'u';
when "XXXX" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'x';
when others => hex(hexlen -I) := '?';
end case;
end loop;
return hex(1 to hexlen);
end hstr;
-- convert a character to upper case
function to_upper(c: character) return character is
variable u: character;
case c is
when 'a' => u := 'A';
when 'b' => u := 'B';
when 'c' => u := 'C';
when 'd' => u := 'D';
when 'e' => u := 'E';
when 'f' => u := 'F';
when 'g' => u := 'G';
when 'h' => u := 'H';
when 'i' => u := 'I';
when 'j' => u := 'J';
when 'k' => u := 'K';
when 'l' => u := 'L';
when 'm' => u := 'M';
when 'n' => u := 'N';
when 'o' => u := 'O';
when 'p' => u := 'P';
when 'q' => u := 'Q';
when 'r' => u := 'R';
when 's' => u := 'S';
when 't' => u := 'T';
when 'u' => u := 'U';
when 'v' => u := 'V';
when 'w' => u := 'W';
when 'x' => u := 'X';
when 'y' => u := 'Y';
when 'z' => u := 'Z';
when others => u := c;
end case;
return u;
end to_upper;
-- convert a character to lower case
function to_lower(c: character) return character is
variable l: character;
case c is
when 'A' => l := 'a';
when 'B' => l := 'b';
when 'C' => l := 'c';
when 'D' => l := 'd';
when 'E' => l := 'e';
when 'F' => l := 'f';
when 'G' => l := 'g';
when 'H' => l := 'h';
when 'I' => l := 'i';
when 'J' => l := 'j';
when 'K' => l := 'k';
when 'L' => l := 'l';
when 'M' => l := 'm';
when 'N' => l := 'n';
when 'O' => l := 'o';
when 'P' => l := 'p';
when 'Q' => l := 'q';
when 'R' => l := 'r';
when 'S' => l := 's';
when 'T' => l := 't';
when 'U' => l := 'u';
when 'V' => l := 'v';
when 'W' => l := 'w';
when 'X' => l := 'x';
when 'Y' => l := 'y';
when 'Z' => l := 'z';
when others => l := c;
end case;
return l;
end to_lower;
-- convert a string to upper case
function to_upper(s: string) return string is
variable uppercase: string (s'range);
for i in s'range loop
uppercase(i):= to_upper(s(i));
end loop;
return uppercase;
end to_upper;
-- convert a string to lower case
function to_lower(s: string) return string is
variable lowercase: string (s'range);
for i in s'range loop
lowercase(i):= to_lower(s(i));
end loop;
return lowercase;
end to_lower;
-- converts a character into a std_logic
function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic is
variable sl: std_logic;
case c is
when 'U' =>
sl := 'U';
when 'X' =>
sl := 'X';
when '0' =>
sl := '0';
when '1' =>
sl := '1';
when 'Z' =>
sl := 'Z';
when 'W' =>
sl := 'W';
when 'L' =>
sl := 'L';
when 'H' =>
sl := 'H';
when '-' =>
sl := '-';
when others =>
sl := 'X';
end case;
return sl;
end to_std_logic;
-- converts a string into std_logic_vector
function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector is
variable slv: std_logic_vector(s'high-s'low downto 0);
variable k: integer;
k := s'high-s'low;
for i in s'range loop
slv(k) := to_std_logic(s(i));
k := k - 1;
end loop;
return slv;
end to_std_logic_vector;
-- read variable length string from input file
procedure str_read(
file in_file: TEXT;
res_string: out string
) is
variable l : line;
variable c : character;
variable is_string : boolean;
readline(in_file, l);
-- clear the contents of the result string
for i in res_string'range loop
res_string(i) := ' ';
end loop;
-- read all characters of the line, up to the length
-- of the results string
for i in res_string'range loop
read(l, c, is_string);
res_string(i) := c;
if not is_string then -- found end of line
end if;
end loop;
end str_read;
-- print string to a file
procedure print(
file out_file: TEXT;
new_string: in string
) is
variable l: line;
write(l, new_string);
writeline(out_file, l);
end print;
-- print character to a file and start new line
procedure print(
file out_file: TEXT;
char: in character
) is
variable l: line;
write(l, char);
writeline(out_file, l);
end print;
-- appends contents of a string to a file until line feed occurs
-- (LF is considered to be the end of the string)
procedure str_write(
file out_file: TEXT;
new_string: in string
) is
for i in new_string'range loop
print(out_file, new_string(i));
if new_string(i) = LF then -- end of string
end if;
end loop;
end str_write;
end txt_util;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
-- Two-Flop Synchronizer
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity two_flop_synchronizer is
generic (
-- 4 ns for backward compatibility with spartan3
META_FFS_MAXDELAY : string := "4.8 ns"
port (
i_clk : in std_logic; -- destination clock
i_signal : in std_logic; -- input
o_signal : out std_logic -- output
end entity;
architecture rtl of two_flop_synchronizer is
signal meta_signal : std_logic := '0';
signal meta_signal_1d : std_logic := '0';
attribute MAXDELAY : string;
attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
attribute MAXDELAY of meta_signal : signal is META_FFS_MAXDELAY;
attribute ASYNC_REG of meta_signal : signal is "TRUE";
attribute ASYNC_REG of meta_signal_1d : signal is "TRUE";
o_signal <= meta_signal_1d;
if rising_edge(i_clk) then
meta_signal <= i_signal;
meta_signal_1d <= meta_signal;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
-- CDC Synchronizer for single pulse signals
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity two_flop_toggle_synchronizer is
generic (
-- 4 ns for backward compatibility with spartan3
META_FFS_MAXDELAY : string := "4.8 ns"
port (
i_src_clk : in std_logic;
i_dst_clk : in std_logic;
i_rst : in std_logic;
i_signal : in std_logic;
o_signal : out std_logic
end entity;
architecture rtl of two_flop_toggle_synchronizer is
signal s_tff : std_logic;
signal s_resynch : std_logic := '0';
signal s_resynch_1d : std_logic := '0';
signal s_resynch_2d : std_logic := '0';
attribute MAXDELAY : string;
attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
attribute MAXDELAY of s_tff : signal is META_FFS_MAXDELAY;
attribute MAXDELAY of s_resynch : signal is META_FFS_MAXDELAY;
attribute MAXDELAY of s_resynch_1d : signal is META_FFS_MAXDELAY;
attribute MAXDELAY of s_resynch_2d : signal is META_FFS_MAXDELAY;
attribute ASYNC_REG of s_resynch : signal is "TRUE";
attribute ASYNC_REG of s_resynch_1d : signal is "TRUE";
attribute ASYNC_REG of s_resynch_2d : signal is "TRUE";
TFF: process (i_src_clk, i_rst)
if i_rst = '0' then
s_tff <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(i_src_clk) then
s_tff <= s_tff XOR i_signal;
end if;
end process;
EDGE_SYNC: process (i_dst_clk, i_rst)
if i_rst = '0' then
s_resynch <= '0';
s_resynch_1d <= '0';
s_resynch_2d <= '0';
o_signal <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(i_dst_clk) then
s_resynch <= s_tff;
s_resynch_1d <= s_resynch;
s_resynch_2d <= s_resynch_1d;
o_signal <= s_resynch_2d xor s_resynch_1d;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
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