from glob import glob import os import logging import shutil import time import sys from PyPDF2 import PdfWriter, PdfReader from urllib.parse import urljoin from typing import List from watchdog.observers import Observer from import PatternMatchingEventHandler import tempfile import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth # 1pt == 1/72th inch # 1inch == 2.54cm PTCM = 1 / 72 * 2.54 # You authenticate via BasicAuth or with a session id. # We use BasicAuth here username = os.environ.get("PAPERLESS_USERNAME") password = os.environ.get("PAPERLESS_PASSWORD") # Where you have Paperless installed and listening url = os.environ.get("PAPERLESS_URL") default_tags = set(os.environ.get("PAPERLESS_DEFAULT_TAGS", "Scan").split(",")) receipe_tags = {"Receipes", "Receipes-Small"} receipe_trim_y = 0 # 0.5 / PTCM receipe_width_map = {"receipes": 8.5 / PTCM, "receipes-small": 6 / PTCM} tag_id_map = {"Scan": 38, "Steffen": 89, "Britta": 88, "Bus": 52, "Wohnen": 40} tag_type_map = {"Receipes": "Quittung", "Receipes-small": "Quittung"} document_type_id_map = {"Quittung": 9} def append_suffix(filename, suffix): return "{0}_{2}.{1}".format(*filename.rsplit('.', 1) + [suffix]) def crop_width(in_path, new_width): out_path = append_suffix(in_path, 'cropped') with open(in_path, "rb") as in_f, open(out_path, 'wb+') as out_f: input = PdfReader(in_f) output = PdfWriter() numPages = input.getNumPages() for i in range(numPages): page = input.getPage(i) width = float(page.mediaBox.getUpperRight_x()) height = float(page.mediaBox.getUpperRight_y()) center = width / 2 page.trimbox.lowerLeft = (center - new_width / 2, 0 + receipe_trim_y) page.trimbox.upperRight = (center + new_width / 2, height - receipe_trim_y) page.cropbox = page.trimbox page.mediabox = page.trimbox output.addPage(page) output.write(out_f) return out_path def upload_file(path):"Uploading: %s", path) dir = os.path.dirname(path) tag = os.path.basename(dir) tags = {tag.title()} | default_tags types = {tag_type_map[tag] for tag in tags if tag in tag_type_map}"Tags: %s", ", ".join(tags))"Document types: %s", ", ".join(types)) tag_ids = {tag_id_map[tag] for tag in tags if tag in tag_id_map} type_ids = {document_type_id_map[typ] for typ in types if typ in document_type_id_map} if len(tags & receipe_tags) > 0: old_path = path"Cropping receipe...") path = crop_width(path, receipe_width_map[tag]) os.remove(old_path) with open(path, "rb") as f: title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] response = url=urljoin(url, "api/documents/post_document/"), data=[("tags", tag_id) for tag_id in tag_ids] + [("document_type", type_id) for type_id in type_ids]+ [("title", title)], files={"document": (title, f, "application/pdf")}, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password), allow_redirects=False, ) if response.status_code in [200, 202]:"Successful") os.remove(path) else: logging.error("Failed: %d (%s)", response.status_code, response.text) class Handler(PatternMatchingEventHandler): def on_closed(self, event): if not event.is_directory and not event.src_path.endswith("_cropped.pdf"): upload_file(event.src_path) def main(): logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) path = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "." event_handler = Handler(["*.pdf"]) files = glob(f"{path}/**/*.pdf", recursive=True)"Initial upload of: %s", files) for file in files: upload_file(file) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join() if __name__ == "__main__": main()