211 lines
6.1 KiB
211 lines
6.1 KiB
# -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*-
# Copyright 2012 Jan Kanis
# License: GPL-3.0
# wiki2csv
# An explanation of this program is given in the accompanying README file.
# This program is maintained at http://www.bitbucket.org/JanKanis/wiki2csv/
# If you find any bugs, you can report them there.
# For command line options, see the help output of "wiki2csv.py --help".
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Wikitable for the wikitable syntax.
from collections import namedtuple
import sys, re, os.path, argparse, csv
Lexeme = namedtuple('Lexeme', 'type data raw')
# the different lexeme types in the wiki table syntax
class PreTable (object): # All text before the table starts gets this type
class TableStart (object):
class TableCaption (object):
class TableRow (object):
class TableHeader (object):
class TableHeaderSinglerow (TableHeader):
class TableHeaderContinued (TableHeader):
class TableData (object):
class TableDataSinglerow (TableData):
class TableDataContinued (TableData):
class TableEnd (object):
# what should happen for each type
actions = dict(
# Store the item on a row of its own
singlerow=(TableStart, TableCaption, TableEnd),
# Store the data without the sytax marker
# Store the full raw text
# associations between wiki syntax and types
wikitypes = [
('{|', TableStart),
('|+', TableCaption),
('|-', TableRow),
('|}', TableEnd),
('!', TableHeader),
('|', TableData),
# a generator that returns Lexemes. Input is a single string with a wikitable.
def wikitableparse(table):
stable = table.split('\n')
if not stable[-1]:
del stable[-1]
current = dict(type=PreTable, data='', raw='')
for row in stable:
srow = row.lstrip()
for marker, type in wikitypes:
if srow.startswith(marker):
if current['type'] != PreTable:
yield Lexeme(**current)
current = dict(type=type, data=srow[len(marker):], raw=row)
# process multiple cells on one line
if current['type'] == TableData and '||' in current['data']:
rows = current['raw'].split('||')
yield Lexeme(type=TableDataSinglerow, data=rows[0].lstrip()[2:], raw=rows[0])
for r in rows[1:-1]:
yield Lexeme(type=TableDataContinued, data=r, raw='||'+r)
current = dict(type=TableDataContinued, data=r, raw='||'+r)
# same for multiple header cells on one line
if current['type'] == TableHeader and '!!' in current['data']:
rows = current['raw'].split('!!')
yield Lexeme(type=TableHeaderSinglerow, data=rows[0].lstrip()[2:], raw=rows[0])
for r in rows[1:-1]:
yield Lexeme(type=TableHeaderContinued, data=r, raw='!!'+r)
current = dict(type=TableHeaderContinued, data=r, raw='!!'+r)
# Don't try to match again if we already hava a match
# continuation of previous lexeme on next line
current['data'] += '\n' + row
yield Lexeme(**current)
def wiki2csv(wikifile, csvfile):
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
parser = wikitableparse(wikifile.read())
row = []
for lex in parser:
if lex.type == TableRow:
if row: writer.writerow(row)
row = []
elif lex.type in actions['singlerow']:
if row: writer.writerow(row)
row = []
elif lex.type in actions['data']:
elif lex.type in actions['raw']:
if row:
rawtypes = re.compile('|'.join((re.escape(marker) for marker, type in wikitypes
if type in actions['raw'])))
singlerowtypes = re.compile('|'.join((re.escape(marker) for marker, type in wikitypes
if type in actions['singlerow'])))
def parsecsv(csvfile):
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
newrow = False
for line in reader:
for cell in line:
if singlerowtypes.match(cell):
yield cell
elif rawtypes.match(cell):
yield cell
elif len(cell) and cell[0] in '-+}':
# Avoid a cornercase where a normal data cell has e.g. '-1' as content,
# which would result in a new row marker
yield '| '+cell
yield '|'+cell
if not singlerowtypes.match(cell):
yield '|-'
def csv2wiki(csvfile, wikifile):
for cell in parsecsv(csvfile):
def main():
progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
progname_cooked = os.path.splitext(progname)[0]
# to show the correct help text
towikidefault = tocsvdefault = ''
if progname_cooked == 'csv2wiki':
towikidefault = '(default for {}) '.format(progname)
description = "Convert SOURCE containing a table CSV format to Mediawikis wikitable syntax in DEST. Do the reverse if --tocsv is given."
tocsvdefault = '(default for {}) '.format(progname)
description = "Convert SOURCE containing a table in Mediawikis wikitable syntax to Excel-readable CSV in DEST. Do the reverse if --towiki is given."
# parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="be more verbose")
direction = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
direction.add_argument('--tocsv', '-c', action='store_true',
help=tocsvdefault+"Convert SOURCE from wikitable format to CSV in DEST")
direction.add_argument('--towiki', '-w', action='store_true',
help=towikidefault+"Convert SOURCE from CSV format back to wikitable format in DEST")
parser.add_argument('source', metavar='SOURCE', type=argparse.FileType('r'), nargs='?', default=sys.stdin,
help="The input file to read from. Omit or use '-' to read from stdin")
parser.add_argument('dest', metavar='DEST', type=argparse.FileType('w'), nargs='?', default=sys.stdout,
help="The file to write output to. Omit or use '-' to write to stdout")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.towiki:
direction = 'towiki'
elif args.tocsv:
direction = 'tocsv'
elif progname_cooked == 'csv2wiki':
direction = 'towiki'
direction = 'tocsv'
if args.verbose:
print >>sys.stderr, 'direction=%s\n' % direction, 'source=%s\n' % args.source, 'dest=%s\n' % args.dest,
if direction == 'towiki':
csv2wiki(args.source, args.dest)
wiki2csv(args.source, args.dest)
if args.verbose:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Conversion completed'
if __name__ == '__main__':