2011-09-15 14:11:24 +02:00
/* quetzal.c - Saving and restoring of Quetzal files.
* Written by Martin Frost <mdf@doc.ic.ac.uk>
* This file is part of Frotz.
* Frotz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Frotz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "frotz.h"
#ifdef MSDOS_16BIT
#include <alloc.h>
#define malloc(size) farmalloc (size)
#define realloc(size,p) farrealloc (size,p)
#define free(size) farfree (size)
#define memcpy(d,s,n) _fmemcpy (d,s,n)
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef SEEK_SET
#define SEEK_SET 0
#define SEEK_CUR 1
#define SEEK_END 2
#define far
#define get_c fgetc
#define put_c fputc
typedef unsigned long zlong;
* This is used only by save_quetzal. It probably should be allocated
* dynamically rather than statically.
static zword frames[STACK_SIZE/4+1];
* ID types.
#define makeid(a,b,c,d) ((zlong) (((a)<<24) | ((b)<<16) | ((c)<<8) | (d)))
#define ID_FORM makeid ('F','O','R','M')
#define ID_IFZS makeid ('I','F','Z','S')
#define ID_IFhd makeid ('I','F','h','d')
#define ID_UMem makeid ('U','M','e','m')
#define ID_CMem makeid ('C','M','e','m')
#define ID_Stks makeid ('S','t','k','s')
#define ID_ANNO makeid ('A','N','N','O')
* Various parsing states within restoration.
#define GOT_HEADER 0x01
#define GOT_STACK 0x02
#define GOT_MEMORY 0x04
#define GOT_NONE 0x00
#define GOT_ALL 0x07
#define GOT_ERROR 0x80
* Macros used to write the files.
#define write_byte(fp,b) (put_c (b, fp) != EOF)
#define write_bytx(fp,b) write_byte (fp, (b) & 0xFF)
#define write_word(fp,w) \
(write_bytx (fp, (w) >> 8) && write_bytx (fp, (w)))
#define write_long(fp,l) \
(write_bytx (fp, (l) >> 24) && write_bytx (fp, (l) >> 16) && \
write_bytx (fp, (l) >> 8) && write_bytx (fp, (l)))
#define write_chnk(fp,id,len) \
(write_long (fp, (id)) && write_long (fp, (len)))
#define write_run(fp,run) \
(write_byte (fp, 0) && write_byte (fp, (run)))
/* Read one word from file; return TRUE if OK. */
2011-09-18 11:48:00 +02:00
static bool read_word (FILE *f, zword *result)
2011-09-15 14:11:24 +02:00
int a, b;
if ((a = get_c (f)) == EOF) return FALSE;
if ((b = get_c (f)) == EOF) return FALSE;
*result = ((zword) a << 8) | (zword) b;
return TRUE;
/* Read one long from file; return TRUE if OK. */
2011-09-18 11:48:00 +02:00
static bool read_long (FILE *f, zlong *result)
2011-09-15 14:11:24 +02:00
int a, b, c, d;
if ((a = get_c (f)) == EOF) return FALSE;
if ((b = get_c (f)) == EOF) return FALSE;
if ((c = get_c (f)) == EOF) return FALSE;
if ((d = get_c (f)) == EOF) return FALSE;
*result = ((zlong) a << 24) | ((zlong) b << 16) |
((zlong) c << 8) | (zlong) d;
return TRUE;
* Restore a saved game using Quetzal format. Return 2 if OK, 0 if an error
* occurred before any damage was done, -1 on a fatal error.
zword restore_quetzal (FILE *svf, FILE *stf)
zlong ifzslen, currlen, tmpl;
zlong pc;
zword i, tmpw;
zword fatal = 0; /* Set to -1 when errors must be fatal. */
zbyte skip, progress = GOT_NONE;
int x, y;
/* Check it's really an `IFZS' file. */
if (!read_long (svf, &tmpl)
|| !read_long (svf, &ifzslen)
|| !read_long (svf, &currlen)) return 0;
if (tmpl != ID_FORM || currlen != ID_IFZS)
print_string ("This is not a saved game file!\n");
return 0;
if ((ifzslen & 1) || ifzslen<4) /* Sanity checks. */ return 0;
ifzslen -= 4;
/* Read each chunk and process it. */
while (ifzslen > 0)
/* Read chunk header. */
if (ifzslen < 8) /* Couldn't contain a chunk. */ return 0;
if (!read_long (svf, &tmpl)
|| !read_long (svf, &currlen)) return 0;
ifzslen -= 8; /* Reduce remaining by size of header. */
/* Handle chunk body. */
if (ifzslen < currlen) /* Chunk goes past EOF?! */ return 0;
skip = currlen & 1;
ifzslen -= currlen + (zlong) skip;
switch (tmpl)
/* `IFhd' header chunk; must be first in file. */
case ID_IFhd:
if (progress & GOT_HEADER)
print_string ("Save file has two IFZS chunks!\n");
return fatal;
progress |= GOT_HEADER;
if (currlen < 13
|| !read_word (svf, &tmpw)) return fatal;
if (tmpw != h_release)
progress = GOT_ERROR;
for (i=H_SERIAL; i<H_SERIAL+6; ++i)
if ((x = get_c (svf)) == EOF) return fatal;
if (x != zmp[i])
progress = GOT_ERROR;
if (!read_word (svf, &tmpw)) return fatal;
if (tmpw != h_checksum)
progress = GOT_ERROR;
if (progress & GOT_ERROR)
print_string ("File was not saved from this story!\n");
return fatal;
if ((x = get_c (svf)) == EOF) return fatal;
pc = (zlong) x << 16;
if ((x = get_c (svf)) == EOF) return fatal;
pc |= (zlong) x << 8;
if ((x = get_c (svf)) == EOF) return fatal;
pc |= (zlong) x;
fatal = -1; /* Setting PC means errors must be fatal. */
SET_PC (pc);
for (i=13; i<currlen; ++i)
(void) get_c (svf); /* Skip rest of chunk. */
/* `Stks' stacks chunk; restoring this is quite complex. ;) */
case ID_Stks:
if (progress & GOT_STACK)
print_string ("File contains two stack chunks!\n");
progress |= GOT_STACK;
fatal = -1; /* Setting SP means errors must be fatal. */
sp = stack + STACK_SIZE;
* All versions other than V6 may use evaluation stack outside
* any function context. As a result a faked function context
* will be present in the file here. We skip this context, but
* load the associated stack onto the stack proper...
if (h_version != V6)
if (currlen < 8) return fatal;
for (i=0; i<6; ++i)
if (get_c (svf) != 0) return fatal;
if (!read_word (svf, &tmpw)) return fatal;
if (tmpw > STACK_SIZE)
print_string ("Save-file has too much stack (and I can't cope).\n");
return fatal;
currlen -= 8;
if (currlen < tmpw*2) return fatal;
for (i=0; i<tmpw; ++i)
if (!read_word (svf, --sp)) return fatal;
currlen -= tmpw*2;
/* We now proceed to load the main block of stack frames. */
for (fp = stack+STACK_SIZE, frame_count = 0;
currlen > 0;
currlen -= 8, ++frame_count)
if (currlen < 8) return fatal;
if (sp - stack < 4) /* No space for frame. */
print_string ("Save-file has too much stack (and I can't cope).\n");
return fatal;
/* Read PC, procedure flag and formal param count. */
if (!read_long (svf, &tmpl)) return fatal;
y = (int) (tmpl & 0x0F); /* Number of formals. */
tmpw = y << 8;
/* Read result variable. */
if ((x = get_c (svf)) == EOF) return fatal;
/* Check the procedure flag... */
if (tmpl & 0x10)
tmpw |= 0x1000; /* It's a procedure. */
tmpl >>= 8; /* Shift to get PC value. */
/* Functions have type 0, so no need to or anything. */
tmpl >>= 8; /* Shift to get PC value. */
--tmpl; /* Point at result byte. */
/* Sanity check on result variable... */
if (zmp[tmpl] != (zbyte) x)
print_string ("Save-file has wrong variable number on stack (possibly wrong game version?)\n");
return fatal;
*--sp = (zword) (tmpl >> 9); /* High part of PC */
*--sp = (zword) (tmpl & 0x1FF); /* Low part of PC */
*--sp = (zword) (fp - stack - 1); /* FP */
/* Read and process argument mask. */
if ((x = get_c (svf)) == EOF) return fatal;
++x; /* Should now be a power of 2 */
for (i=0; i<8; ++i)
if (x & (1<<i))
if (x ^ (1<<i)) /* Not a power of 2 */
print_string ("Save-file uses incomplete argument lists (which I can't handle)\n");
return fatal;
*--sp = tmpw | i;
fp = sp; /* FP for next frame. */
/* Read amount of eval stack used. */
if (!read_word (svf, &tmpw)) return fatal;
tmpw += y; /* Amount of stack + number of locals. */
if (sp - stack <= tmpw)
print_string ("Save-file has too much stack (and I can't cope).\n");
return fatal;
if (currlen < tmpw*2) return fatal;
for (i=0; i<tmpw; ++i)
if (!read_word (svf, --sp)) return fatal;
currlen -= tmpw*2;
/* End of `Stks' processing... */
/* Any more special chunk types must go in HERE or ABOVE. */
/* `CMem' compressed memory chunk; uncompress it. */
case ID_CMem:
if (!(progress & GOT_MEMORY)) /* Don't complain if two. */
(void) fseek (stf, 0, SEEK_SET);
i=0; /* Bytes written to data area. */
for (; currlen > 0; --currlen)
if ((x = get_c (svf)) == EOF) return fatal;
if (x == 0) /* Start run. */
/* Check for bogus run. */
if (currlen < 2)
print_string ("File contains bogus `CMem' chunk.\n");
for (; currlen > 0; --currlen)
(void) get_c (svf); /* Skip rest. */
currlen = 1;
i = 0xFFFF;
break; /* Keep going; may be a `UMem' too. */
/* Copy story file to memory during the run. */
if ((x = get_c (svf)) == EOF) return fatal;
for (; x >= 0 && i<h_dynamic_size; --x, ++i)
if ((y = get_c (stf)) == EOF) return fatal;
zmp[i] = (zbyte) y;
else /* Not a run. */
if ((y = get_c (stf)) == EOF) return fatal;
zmp[i] = (zbyte) (x ^ y);
/* Make sure we don't load too much. */
if (i > h_dynamic_size)
print_string ("warning: `CMem' chunk too long!\n");
for (; currlen > 1; --currlen)
(void) get_c (svf); /* Skip rest. */
break; /* Keep going; there may be a `UMem' too. */
/* If chunk is short, assume a run. */
for (; i<h_dynamic_size; ++i)
if ((y = get_c (stf)) == EOF) return fatal;
zmp[i] = (zbyte) y;
if (currlen == 0)
progress |= GOT_MEMORY; /* Only if succeeded. */
/* Fall right thru (to default) if already GOT_MEMORY */
/* `UMem' uncompressed memory chunk; load it. */
case ID_UMem:
if (!(progress & GOT_MEMORY)) /* Don't complain if two. */
/* Must be exactly the right size. */
if (currlen == h_dynamic_size)
if (fread (zmp, currlen, 1, svf) == 1)
progress |= GOT_MEMORY; /* Only on success. */
print_string ("`UMem' chunk wrong size!\n");
/* Fall into default action (skip chunk) on errors. */
/* Fall thru (to default) if already GOT_MEMORY */
/* Unrecognised chunk type; skip it. */
(void) fseek (svf, currlen, SEEK_CUR); /* Skip chunk. */
if (skip)
(void) get_c (svf); /* Skip pad byte. */
* We've reached the end of the file. For the restoration to have been a
* success, we must have had one of each of the required chunks.
if (!(progress & GOT_HEADER))
print_string ("error: no valid header (`IFhd') chunk in file.\n");
if (!(progress & GOT_STACK))
print_string ("error: no valid stack (`Stks') chunk in file.\n");
if (!(progress & GOT_MEMORY))
print_string ("error: no valid memory (`CMem' or `UMem') chunk in file.\n");
return (progress == GOT_ALL ? 2 : fatal);
* Save a game using Quetzal format. Return 1 if OK, 0 if failed.
zword save_quetzal (FILE *svf, FILE *stf)
zlong ifzslen = 0, cmemlen = 0, stkslen = 0;
zlong pc;
zword i, j, n;
zword nvars, nargs, nstk, *p;
zbyte var;
long cmempos, stkspos;
int c;
/* Write `IFZS' header. */
if (!write_chnk (svf, ID_FORM, 0)) return 0;
if (!write_long (svf, ID_IFZS)) return 0;
/* Write `IFhd' chunk. */
GET_PC (pc);
if (!write_chnk (svf, ID_IFhd, 13)) return 0;
if (!write_word (svf, h_release)) return 0;
for (i=H_SERIAL; i<H_SERIAL+6; ++i)
if (!write_byte (svf, zmp[i])) return 0;
if (!write_word (svf, h_checksum)) return 0;
if (!write_long (svf, pc << 8)) /* Includes pad. */ return 0;
/* Write `CMem' chunk. */
if ((cmempos = ftell (svf)) < 0) return 0;
if (!write_chnk (svf, ID_CMem, 0)) return 0;
(void) fseek (stf, 0, SEEK_SET);
/* j holds current run length. */
for (i=0, j=0, cmemlen=0; i < h_dynamic_size; ++i)
if ((c = get_c (stf)) == EOF) return 0;
c ^= (int) zmp[i];
if (c == 0)
++j; /* It's a run of equal bytes. */
/* Write out any run there may be. */
if (j > 0)
for (; j > 0x100; j -= 0x100)
if (!write_run (svf, 0xFF)) return 0;
cmemlen += 2;
if (!write_run (svf, j-1)) return 0;
cmemlen += 2;
j = 0;
/* Any runs are now written. Write this (nonzero) byte. */
if (!write_byte (svf, (zbyte) c)) return 0;
* Reached end of dynamic memory. We ignore any unwritten run there may be
* at this point.
if (cmemlen & 1) /* Chunk length must be even. */
if (!write_byte (svf, 0)) return 0;
/* Write `Stks' chunk. You are not expected to understand this. ;) */
if ((stkspos = ftell (svf)) < 0) return 0;
if (!write_chnk (svf, ID_Stks, 0)) return 0;
* We construct a list of frame indices, most recent first, in `frames'.
* These indices are the offsets into the `stack' array of the word before
* the first word pushed in each frame.
frames[0] = sp - stack; /* The frame we'd get by doing a call now. */
for (i = fp - stack + 4, n=0; i < STACK_SIZE+4; i = stack[i-3] + 5)
frames[++n] = i;
* All versions other than V6 can use evaluation stack outside a function
* context. We write a faked stack frame (most fields zero) to cater for
* this.
if (h_version != V6)
for (i=0; i<6; ++i)
if (!write_byte (svf, 0)) return 0;
nstk = STACK_SIZE - frames[n];
if (!write_word (svf, nstk)) return 0;
for (j=STACK_SIZE-1; j >= frames[n]; --j)
if (!write_word (svf, stack[j])) return 0;
stkslen = 8 + 2*nstk;
/* Write out the rest of the stack frames. */
for (i=n; i>0; --i)
p = stack + frames[i] - 4; /* Points to call frame. */
nvars = (p[0] & 0x0F00) >> 8;
nargs = p[0] & 0x00FF;
nstk = frames[i] - frames[i-1] - nvars - 4;
pc = ((zlong) p[3] << 9) | p[2];
switch (p[0] & 0xF000) /* Check type of call. */
case 0x0000: /* Function. */
var = zmp[pc];
pc = ((pc + 1) << 8) | nvars;
case 0x1000: /* Procedure. */
var = 0;
pc = (pc << 8) | 0x10 | nvars; /* Set procedure flag. */
/* case 0x2000: */
runtime_error (ERR_SAVE_IN_INTER);
return 0;
if (nargs != 0)
nargs = (1 << nargs) - 1; /* Make args into bitmap. */
/* Write the main part of the frame... */
if (!write_long (svf, pc)
|| !write_byte (svf, var)
|| !write_byte (svf, nargs)
|| !write_word (svf, nstk)) return 0;
/* Write the variables and eval stack. */
for (j=0, ++p; j<nvars+nstk; ++j, --p)
if (!write_word (svf, *p)) return 0;
/* Calculate length written thus far. */
stkslen += 8 + 2 * (nvars + nstk);
/* Fill in variable chunk lengths. */
ifzslen = 3*8 + 4 + 14 + cmemlen + stkslen;
if (cmemlen & 1)
(void) fseek (svf, 4, SEEK_SET);
if (!write_long (svf, ifzslen)) return 0;
(void) fseek (svf, cmempos+4, SEEK_SET);
if (!write_long (svf, cmemlen)) return 0;
(void) fseek (svf, stkspos+4, SEEK_SET);
if (!write_long (svf, stkslen)) return 0;
/* After all that, still nothing went wrong! */
return 1;