Allow logging to legacy network from Slack
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 169 additions and 98 deletions
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "transport/HTTPRequest.h"
#include "transport/Util.h"
#include "transport/Buddy.h"
#include "transport/Config.h"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
@ -61,15 +62,117 @@ void SlackSession::sendMessage(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Message> message) {
std::string channel = m_jid2channel[message->getFrom().toBare().toString()];
std::string &channel = m_jid2channel[message->getFrom().toBare().toString()];
if (channel.empty()) {
LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, m_uinfo.jid << ": Received message for unknown channel from " << message->getFrom().toBare().toString());
if (m_slackChannel.empty()) {
LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, m_uinfo.jid << ": Received message for unknown channel from " << message->getFrom().toBare().toString());
channel = m_slackChannel;
m_rtm->getAPI()->sendMessage(message->getFrom().getResource(), channel, message->getBody());
void SlackSession::handleJoinMessage(const std::string &message, std::vector<std::string> &args, bool quiet) {
// .spectrum2 BotName #room channel
std::string &name = args[2];
std::string legacyRoom = SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[3], true);
std::string legacyServer = SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[4]);
std::string slackChannel = SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[5], true);
m_uinfo.uin = name;
std::string to = legacyRoom + "%" + legacyServer + "@" + m_component->getJID().toString();
m_jid2channel[to] = slackChannel;
m_channel2jid[slackChannel] = to;
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "Setting transport between " << to << " and " << slackChannel);
std::string rooms = "";
int type = (int) TYPE_STRING;
m_storageBackend->getUserSetting(, "rooms", type, rooms);
rooms += message + "\n";
m_storageBackend->updateUserSetting(, "rooms", rooms);
Swift::Presence::ref presence = Swift::Presence::create();
presence->setFrom(Swift::JID("", m_uinfo.jid, "default"));
presence->setTo(Swift::JID(to + "/" + name));
presence->addPayload(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Payload>(new Swift::MUCPayload()));
if (!quiet) {
std::string msg;
msg += "Spectrum 2 is now joining the room. To leave the room later to disable transporting, you can use `.spectrum2 #" + SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[5], true, true) + "`.";
m_rtm->sendMessage(m_ownerChannel, msg);
void SlackSession::handleLeaveMessage(const std::string &message, std::vector<std::string> &args, bool quiet) {
// .spectrum2 channel
std::string slackChannel = SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[2], true);
std::string to = m_channel2jid[slackChannel];
if (to.empty()) {
m_rtm->sendMessage(m_ownerChannel, "Spectrum 2 is not configured to transport this Slack channel.");
std::string rooms = "";
int type = (int) TYPE_STRING;
m_storageBackend->getUserSetting(, "rooms", type, rooms);
std::vector<std::string> commands;
boost::split(commands, rooms, boost::is_any_of("\n"));
rooms = "";
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &command, commands) {
if (command.size() > 5) {
std::vector<std::string> args2;
boost::split(args2, command, boost::is_any_of(" "));
if (args2.size() == 6) {
if (slackChannel != SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args2[5], true)) {
rooms += command + "\n";
m_storageBackend->updateUserSetting(, "rooms", rooms);
Swift::Presence::ref presence = Swift::Presence::create();
presence->setFrom(Swift::JID("", m_uinfo.jid, "default"));
presence->setTo(Swift::JID(to + "/" + m_uinfo.uin));
presence->addPayload(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Payload>(new Swift::MUCPayload()));
void SlackSession::handleRegisterMessage(const std::string &message, std::vector<std::string> &args, bool quiet) {
// .spectrum2 register test@xmpp.tld mypassword #slack_channel
m_uinfo.uin = SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[2]);
m_uinfo.password = args[3];
std::string slackChannel = SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[4], true);
int type = (int) TYPE_STRING;
m_storageBackend->getUserSetting(, "slack_channel", type, slackChannel);
Swift::Presence::ref presence = Swift::Presence::create();
presence->setFrom(Swift::JID("", m_uinfo.jid, "default"));
presence->addPayload(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Payload>(new Swift::MUCPayload()));
if (!quiet) {
std::string msg;
msg += "You have successfully registered 3rd-party account. Spectrum 2 is now connecting to the 3rd-party network.";
m_rtm->sendMessage(m_ownerChannel, msg);
void SlackSession::handleMessageReceived(const std::string &channel, const std::string &user, const std::string &message, bool quiet) {
if (m_ownerChannel != channel) {
std::string to = m_channel2jid[channel];
@ -81,6 +184,9 @@ void SlackSession::handleMessageReceived(const std::string &channel, const std::
msg->setBody("<" + user + "> " + message);
else {
// TODO: MAP `user` to JID somehow and send the message to proper JID.
@ -92,94 +198,24 @@ void SlackSession::handleMessageReceived(const std::string &channel, const std::
if (args[1] == "") {
// .spectrum2 BotName #room channel
if (args.size() == 6) {
std::string &name = args[2];
std::string legacyRoom = SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[3], true);
std::string legacyServer = SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[4]);
std::string slackChannel = SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[5], true);
m_uinfo.uin = name;
std::string to = legacyRoom + "%" + legacyServer + "@" + m_component->getJID().toString();
m_jid2channel[to] = slackChannel;
m_channel2jid[slackChannel] = to;
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "Setting transport between " << to << " and " << slackChannel);
std::string rooms = "";
int type = (int) TYPE_STRING;
m_storageBackend->getUserSetting(, "rooms", type, rooms);
rooms += message + "\n";
m_storageBackend->updateUserSetting(, "rooms", rooms);
Swift::Presence::ref presence = Swift::Presence::create();
presence->setFrom(Swift::JID("", m_uinfo.jid, "default"));
presence->setTo(Swift::JID(to + "/" + name));
presence->addPayload(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Payload>(new Swift::MUCPayload()));
if (!quiet) {
std::string msg;
msg += "Spectrum 2 is now joining the room. To leave the room later to disable transporting, you can use `.spectrum2 #" + SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[5], true, true) + "`.";
m_rtm->sendMessage(m_ownerChannel, msg);
if (args[1] == "" && args.size() == 6) {
handleJoinMessage(message, args, quiet);
else if (args[1] == "") {
// .spectrum2 channel
if (args.size() == 3) {
std::string slackChannel = SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args[2], true);
std::string to = m_channel2jid[slackChannel];
if (to.empty()) {
m_rtm->sendMessage(m_ownerChannel, "Spectrum 2 is not configured to transport this Slack channel.");
std::string rooms = "";
int type = (int) TYPE_STRING;
m_storageBackend->getUserSetting(, "rooms", type, rooms);
std::vector<std::string> commands;
boost::split(commands, rooms, boost::is_any_of("\n"));
rooms = "";
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &command, commands) {
if (command.size() > 5) {
std::vector<std::string> args2;
boost::split(args2, command, boost::is_any_of(" "));
if (args2.size() == 6) {
if (slackChannel != SlackAPI::SlackObjectToPlainText(args2[5], true)) {
rooms += command + "\n";
m_storageBackend->updateUserSetting(, "rooms", rooms);
Swift::Presence::ref presence = Swift::Presence::create();
presence->setFrom(Swift::JID("", m_uinfo.jid, "default"));
presence->setTo(Swift::JID(to + "/" + m_uinfo.uin));
presence->addPayload(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Payload>(new Swift::MUCPayload()));
else if (args[1] == "" && args.size() == 3) {
handleLeaveMessage(message, args, quiet);
else if (args[1] == "list.rooms") {
else if (args[1] == "register" && args.size() == 5) {
handleRegisterMessage(message, args, quiet);
else if (args[1] == "list.rooms" && args.size() == 2) {
// .spectrum2 list.rooms
if (args.size() == 2) {
std::string rooms = "";
int type = (int) TYPE_STRING;
m_storageBackend->getUserSetting(, "rooms", type, rooms);
std::string rooms = "";
int type = (int) TYPE_STRING;
m_storageBackend->getUserSetting(, "rooms", type, rooms);
std::string msg = "Spectrum 2 is configured for following channels:\\n";
msg += "```" + rooms + "```";
m_rtm->sendMessage(m_ownerChannel, msg);
std::string msg = "Spectrum 2 is configured for following channels:\\n";
msg += "```" + rooms + "```";
m_rtm->sendMessage(m_ownerChannel, msg);
else if (args[1] == "help") {
std::string msg;
@ -188,6 +224,7 @@ void SlackSession::handleMessageReceived(const std::string &channel, const std::
msg += "```.spectrum2 <3rdPartyBotName> <#3rdPartyRoom> <3rdPartyServer> <#SlackChannel>``` Starts transport between 3rd-party room and Slack channel.";
msg += "```.spectrum2 <#SlackChannel>``` Leaves the 3rd-party room connected with the given Slack channel.";
msg += "```.spectrum2 list.rooms``` List all the transported rooms.";
msg += "```.spectrum2 register <3rdPartyNetworkAccount> <3rdPartyPassword> <#SlackChannel> Registers 3rd-party account for transportation.";
m_rtm->sendMessage(m_ownerChannel, msg);
else {
@ -203,19 +240,48 @@ void SlackSession::handleImOpen(HTTPRequest *req, bool ok, rapidjson::Document &
int type = (int) TYPE_STRING;
m_storageBackend->getUserSetting(, "rooms", type, rooms);
if (rooms.empty()) {
std::string msg;
msg = "Hi, it seems you have enabled Spectrum 2 transport for your Team. As a Team owner, you should now configure it:\\n";
msg += "1. At first, create new channel in which you want this Spectrum 2 transport to send the messages, or choose the existing one.\\n";
msg += "2. Invite this Spectrum 2 bot into this channel.\\n";
msg += "3. Configure the transportation between 3rd-party network and this channel by executing following command in this chat:\\n";
msg += "```.spectrum2 NameOfYourBotIn3rdPartyNetwork #3rdPartyRoom hostname_of_3rd_party_server #SlackChannel```\\n";
msg += "For example to join #test123 channel on Freenode IRC server as MyBot and transport it into #slack_channel, the command would look like this:\\n";
msg += "```.spectrum2 MyBot #test123 #slack_channel```\\n";
msg += "To get full list of available commands, executa `.spectrum2 help`\\n";
m_rtm->sendMessage(m_ownerChannel, msg);
if (CONFIG_BOOL_DEFAULTED(m_component->getConfig(), "registration.needRegistration", false)) {
if (rooms.empty()) {
std::string msg;
msg = "Hi, it seems you have enabled Spectrum 2 transport for your Team. As a Team owner, you should now configure it:\\n";
msg += "1. At first, create new channel in which you want this Spectrum 2 transport to send the messages, or choose the existing one.\\n";
msg += "2. Invite this Spectrum 2 bot into this channel.\\n";
msg += "3. Configure the transportation between 3rd-party network and this channel by executing following command in this chat:\\n";
msg += "```.spectrum2 register 3rdPartyAccount 3rdPartyPassword #SlackChannel```\\n";
msg += "For example to join XMPP account test@xmpp.tld and transport it into #slack_channel, the command would look like this:\\n";
msg += "```.spectrum2 register test@xmpp.tld mypassword #slack_channel```\\n";
msg += "To get full list of available commands, executa `.spectrum2 help`\\n";
m_rtm->sendMessage(m_ownerChannel, msg);
else {
if (m_uinfo.uin.empty()) {
std::string msg;
msg = "Hi, it seems you have enabled Spectrum 2 transport for your Team. As a Team owner, you should now configure it:\\n";
msg += "1. At first, create new channel in which you want this Spectrum 2 transport to send the messages, or choose the existing one.\\n";
msg += "2. Invite this Spectrum 2 bot into this channel.\\n";
msg += "3. Configure the transportation between 3rd-party network and this channel by executing following command in this chat:\\n";
msg += "```.spectrum2 NameOfYourBotIn3rdPartyNetwork #3rdPartyRoom hostname_of_3rd_party_server #SlackChannel```\\n";
msg += "For example to join #test123 channel on Freenode IRC server as MyBot and transport it into #slack_channel, the command would look like this:\\n";
msg += "```.spectrum2 MyBot #test123 #slack_channel```\\n";
msg += "To get full list of available commands, executa `.spectrum2 help`\\n";
m_rtm->sendMessage(m_ownerChannel, msg);
else {
m_storageBackend->getUserSetting(, "slack_channel", type, m_slackChannel);
if (!m_slackChannel.empty()) {
Swift::Presence::ref presence = Swift::Presence::create();
presence->setFrom(Swift::JID("", m_uinfo.jid, "default"));
presence->addPayload(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Payload>(new Swift::MUCPayload()));
// Auto-join the rooms configured by the Slack channel owner.
if (!rooms.empty()) {
std::vector<std::string> commands;
boost::split(commands, rooms, boost::is_any_of("\n"));
@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ class SlackSession {
void handleMessageReceived(const std::string &channel, const std::string &user, const std::string &message, bool quiet);
void handleImOpen(HTTPRequest *req, bool ok, rapidjson::Document &resp, const std::string &data);
void handleJoinMessage(const std::string &message, std::vector<std::string> &args, bool quiet = false);
void handleLeaveMessage(const std::string &message, std::vector<std::string> &args, bool quiet = false);
void handleRegisterMessage(const std::string &message, std::vector<std::string> &args, bool quiet = false);
Component *m_component;
StorageBackend *m_storageBackend;
@ -63,6 +67,7 @@ class SlackSession {
std::string m_ownerChannel;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_jid2channel;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_channel2jid;
std::string m_slackChannel;
Add table
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