More documentation + API cleaning
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 140 additions and 44 deletions
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ void MyIrcSession::on_connected(){
void MyIrcSession::on_disconnected()
std::cout << "disconnected:\n";
np->handleDisconnected(user, "", 0, "");
np->handleDisconnected(user, 0, "");
void MyIrcSession::on_bufferAdded(Irc::Buffer* buffer)
@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ void MyIrcBuffer::on_receiverChanged(const QString& receiver)
qDebug() << "receiver changed:" << receiver;
int MyIrcBuffer::correctNickname(std::string &nickname) {
int flags = 0;
Conversation::ParticipantFlag MyIrcBuffer::correctNickname(std::string &nickname) {
Conversation::ParticipantFlag flags = Conversation::None;
switch( {
case '@': nickname = nickname.substr(1); flags = 1; break;
case '@': nickname = nickname.substr(1); flags = Conversation::Moderator; break;
case '+': nickname = nickname.substr(1); break;
default: break;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ int MyIrcBuffer::correctNickname(std::string &nickname) {
void MyIrcBuffer::on_joined(const QString& origin) {
qDebug() << "joined:" << receiver() << origin;
int flags = 0;
Conversation::ParticipantFlag flags = Conversation::None;
std::string nickname = origin.toStdString();
flags = correctNickname(nickname);
np->handleParticipantChanged(user, origin.toStdString(), receiver().toStdString(), flags, Swift::StatusShow::Online);
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void MyIrcBuffer::on_joined(const QString& origin) {
void MyIrcBuffer::on_parted(const QString& origin, const QString& message) {
qDebug() << "parted:" << receiver() << origin << message;
int flags = 0;
Conversation::ParticipantFlag flags = Conversation::None;
std::string nickname = origin.toStdString();
flags = correctNickname(nickname);
np->handleParticipantChanged(user, nickname, receiver().toStdString(), flags, Swift::StatusShow::None, message.toStdString());
@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ void MyIrcBuffer::on_quit(const QString& origin, const QString& message)
void MyIrcBuffer::on_nickChanged(const QString& origin, const QString& nick) {
qDebug() << "nick changed:" << receiver() << origin << nick;
std::string nickname = origin.toStdString();
int flags = p->m_modes[receiver().toStdString() + nickname];
std::cout << receiver().toStdString() + nickname << " " << flags << "\n";
Conversation::ParticipantFlag flags = p->m_modes[receiver().toStdString() + nickname];
// std::cout << receiver().toStdString() + nickname << " " << flags << "\n";
np->handleParticipantChanged(user, nickname, receiver().toStdString(), flags, Swift::StatusShow::Online, "", nick.toStdString());
@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ void MyIrcBuffer::on_modeChanged(const QString& origin, const QString& mode, con
if (nickname.empty())
if (mode == "+o") {
p->m_modes[receiver().toStdString() + nickname] = 1;
p->m_modes[receiver().toStdString() + nickname] = Conversation::Moderator;
else {
p->m_modes[receiver().toStdString() + nickname] = 0;
p->m_modes[receiver().toStdString() + nickname] = Conversation::None;
int flags = p->m_modes[receiver().toStdString() + nickname];
Conversation::ParticipantFlag flags = p->m_modes[receiver().toStdString() + nickname];
np->handleParticipantChanged(user, nickname, receiver().toStdString(), flags, Swift::StatusShow::Online, "");
@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ void MyIrcBuffer::on_numericMessageReceived(const QString& origin, uint code, co
QStringList members = params.value(3).split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) {
int flags = 0;
Conversation::ParticipantFlag flags = Conversation::None;
std::string nickname =;
flags = correctNickname(nickname);
p->m_modes[channel.toStdString() + nickname] = flags;
std::cout << channel.toStdString() + nickname << " " << flags << "\n";
// std::cout << channel.toStdString() + nickname << " " << flags << "\n";
np->handleParticipantChanged(user, nickname, channel.toStdString(), flags, Swift::StatusShow::Online);
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class MyIrcSession : public Irc::Session
MyIrcSession(const std::string &user, NetworkPlugin *np, QObject* parent = 0);
std::map<std::string, int> m_modes;
std::map<std::string, Conversation::ParticipantFlag> m_modes;
protected Q_SLOTS:
void on_connected();
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ protected Q_SLOTS:
void on_numericMessageReceived(const QString& origin, uint code, const QStringList& params);
void on_unknownMessageReceived(const QString& origin, const QStringList& params);
int correctNickname(std::string &nickname);
Conversation::ParticipantFlag correctNickname(std::string &nickname);
#endif // SESSION_H
@ -180,12 +180,12 @@ class SpectrumNetworkPlugin : public NetworkPlugin {
if (password.empty()) {
np->handleDisconnected(user, name, 0, "Empty password.");
np->handleDisconnected(user, 0, "Empty password.");
if (!purple_find_prpl(protocol.c_str())) {
np->handleDisconnected(user, name, 0, "Invalid protocol " + protocol);
np->handleDisconnected(user, 0, "Invalid protocol " + protocol);
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ static void buddyListNewNode(PurpleBlistNode *node) {
std::cout << "BLOCKED?" << (purple_privacy_check(account, purple_buddy_get_name(buddy)) == false) << "\n";
np->handleBuddyChanged(np->m_accounts[account], purple_buddy_get_name(buddy), getAlias(buddy), getGroups(buddy)[0], (int) status.getType(), message, getIconHash(buddy),
np->handleBuddyChanged(np->m_accounts[account], purple_buddy_get_name(buddy), getAlias(buddy), getGroups(buddy)[0], status.getType(), message, getIconHash(buddy),
@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ static PurpleConversationUiOps conversation_ui_ops =
static void connection_report_disconnect(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleConnectionError reason, const char *text){
PurpleAccount *account = purple_connection_get_account(gc);
np->handleDisconnected(np->m_accounts[account], purple_account_get_username(account), (int) reason, text ? text : "");
np->handleDisconnected(np->m_accounts[account], (int) reason, text ? text : "");
np->handleLogoutRequest(np->m_accounts[account], purple_account_get_username(account));
@ -31,44 +31,132 @@
#include "Swiften/Network/BoostIOServiceThread.h"
#include "Swiften/Network/Connection.h"
#include "storagebackend.h"
#include "conversation.h"
namespace Transport {
/// Represents Spectrum2 legacy network plugin.
/// This class is base class for all C++ legacy network plugins. It provides a way to connect
/// Spectrum2 NetworkPluginServer and allows to use high-level API for legacy network plugins
/// development.
class NetworkPlugin {
/// Creates new NetworkPlugin and connects the Spectrum2 NetworkPluginServer.
/// \param loop Event loop.
/// \param host Host where Spectrum2 NetworkPluginServer runs.
/// \param port Port.
NetworkPlugin(Swift::EventLoop *loop, const std::string &host, int port);
/// Destructor.
virtual ~NetworkPlugin();
/// Call this function when legacy network buddy changed.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "")
/// \param alias Alias of legacy network buddy. If empty, then it's not changed on XMPP side.
/// \param groups Groups in which buddy currently is. If empty, then it's not changed on XMPP side.
/// \param status Status of this buddy.
/// \param statusMessage Status message of this buddy.
/// \param iconHash MD5 hash of buddy icon. Empty if none buddy icon.
/// \param blocked True if this buddy is blocked in privacy lists in legacy network.
void handleBuddyChanged(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName, const std::string &alias,
const std::string &groups, int status, const std::string &statusMessage = "", const std::string &iconHash = "",
const std::string &groups, Swift::StatusShow::Type status, const std::string &statusMessage = "", const std::string &iconHash = "",
bool blocked = false
void handleParticipantChanged(const std::string &user, const std::string &nickname, const std::string &room, int flags, int status = Swift::StatusShow::None, const std::string &statusMessage = "", const std::string &newname = "");
/// Call this function when participant in room changed.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param nickname Nickname of participant. If participant renamed, this is old name of participant. (eg. "HanzZ")
/// \param room Room in which participant changed. (eg. #spectrum)
/// \param flags Participant flags.
/// \param status Current status of participant. Swift::StatusShow::None if participant left the room.
/// \param statusMessage Current status message of participant.
/// \param newname New name of participant if he changed the nickname. Otherwise empty.
void handleParticipantChanged(const std::string &user, const std::string &nickname, const std::string &room, Conversation::ParticipantFlag flags = Conversation::None,
Swift::StatusShow::Type status = Swift::StatusShow::None, const std::string &statusMessage = "", const std::string &newname = "");
void handleDisconnected(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, int error, const std::string &message);
/// Call this function when user disconnected the legacy network because of some legacy network error.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param error Reserved for future use, currently keep it on 0.
/// \param message XMPP message which is sent to XMPP user.
void handleDisconnected(const std::string &user, int error = 0, const std::string &message = "");
/// Call this function when user connected the legacy network and is logged in.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
void handleConnected(const std::string &user);
/// Call this function when new message is received from legacy network for user.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param legacyName Name of legacy network buddy or name of room. (eg. "")
/// \param message Plain text message.
/// \param nickname Nickname of buddy in room. Empty if it's normal chat message.
/// \param xhtml XHTML message.
void handleMessage(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &message, const std::string &nickname = "", const std::string &xhtml = "");
/// Call this function when subject in room changed.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param legacyName Name of room. (eg. "#spectrum")
/// \param message Subject message.
/// \param nickname Nickname of user who changed subject.
void handleSubject(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &message, const std::string &nickname = "");
void handleRoomChanged(const std::string &user, const std::string &room, const std::string &nickname);
/// Call this function XMPP user's nickname changed.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param room Room in which participant changed. (eg. #spectrum)
/// \param nickname New nickname.
void handleRoomNicknameChanged(const std::string &user, const std::string &room, const std::string &nickname);
/// Call this function when requested VCard arrived.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param id VCard ID.
/// \param legacyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "")
/// \param fullName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "Monty Python")
/// \param nickname Nickname.
/// \param photo Raw photo.
void handleVCard(const std::string &user, unsigned int id, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &fullName, const std::string &nickname, const std::string &photo);
/// Call this function when buddy started typing.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "")
void handleBuddyTyping(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName);
/// Call this function when buddy typed, but is not typing anymore.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "")
void handleBuddyTyped(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName);
/// Call this function when buddy has been typing, but paused for a while.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "")
void handleBuddyStoppedTyping(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName);
/// Call this function when new authorization request arrived form legacy network
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "")
void handleAuthorization(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName);
/// Call this function when attention request arrived from legacy network.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "")
/// \param message Message.
void handleAttention(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName, const std::string &message);
/// Called when XMPP user wants to connect legacy network.
/// You should connect it to legacy network and call handleConnected or handleDisconnected function later.
NetworkPlugin->YourNetworkPlugin [label="handleLoginRequest(...)", URL="\ref NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest()"];
YourNetworkPlugin->LegacyNetwork [label="connect the legacy network"];
--- [label="If password was valid and user is connected and logged in"];
YourNetworkPlugin<-LegacyNetwork [label="connected"];
YourNetworkPlugin->NetworkPlugin [label="handleConnected()", URL="\ref NetworkPlugin::handleConnected()"];
--- [label="else"];
YourNetworkPlugin<-LegacyNetwork [label="disconnected"];
YourNetworkPlugin->NetworkPlugin [label="handleDisconnected()", URL="\ref NetworkPlugin::handleDisconnected()"];
virtual void handleLoginRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &password) = 0;
virtual void handleLogoutRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName) = 0;
virtual void handleMessageSendRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &message, const std::string &xhtml = "") = 0;
@ -37,9 +37,6 @@
#include "transport/config.h"
#include "transport/factory.h"
#define tr(lang,STRING) (STRING)
#define _(STRING) (STRING)
namespace Transport {
// typedef enum { CLIENT_FEATURE_ROSTERX = 2,
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class UserManager {
int getUserCount();
/// Removes user. This function disconnects user and safely removes
/// User class. This does *not* remove user from database.
/// User class. This does *not* remove user from StorageBackend.
/// \param user User class to remove
void removeUser(User *user);
@ -88,15 +88,24 @@ class UserManager {
/// \param user removed User class
boost::signal<void (User *user)> onUserDestroyed;
/// Returns true if user is connected.
/// \return True if user is connected.
bool isUserConnected(const std::string &barejid) const {
return m_users.find(barejid) != m_users.end();
/// Returns pointer to UserRegistry.
/// \return Pointer to UserRegistry.
UserRegistry *getUserRegistry() {
return m_userRegistry;
/// Connects user manually.
/// \param user JID of user.
void connectUser(const Swift::JID &user);
/// Disconnects user manually.
/// \param user JID of user.
void disconnectUser(const Swift::JID &user);
@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ void NetworkPlugin::handleSubject(const std::string &user, const std::string &le
void NetworkPlugin::handleBuddyChanged(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName, const std::string &alias,
const std::string &groups, int status, const std::string &statusMessage, const std::string &iconHash, bool blocked) {
const std::string &groups, Swift::StatusShow::Type status, const std::string &statusMessage, const std::string &iconHash, bool blocked) {
pbnetwork::Buddy buddy;
@ -214,10 +214,9 @@ void NetworkPlugin::handleConnected(const std::string &user) {
void NetworkPlugin::handleDisconnected(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, int error, const std::string &msg) {
void NetworkPlugin::handleDisconnected(const std::string &user, int error, const std::string &msg) {
pbnetwork::Disconnected d;
@ -229,7 +228,7 @@ void NetworkPlugin::handleDisconnected(const std::string &user, const std::strin
void NetworkPlugin::handleParticipantChanged(const std::string &user, const std::string &nickname, const std::string &room, int flags, int status, const std::string &statusMessage, const std::string &newname) {
void NetworkPlugin::handleParticipantChanged(const std::string &user, const std::string &nickname, const std::string &room, Conversation::ParticipantFlag flags, Swift::StatusShow::Type status, const std::string &statusMessage, const std::string &newname) {
pbnetwork::Participant d;
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ static void handleBuddyPayload(LocalBuddy *buddy, const pbnetwork::Buddy &payloa
NetworkPluginServer::NetworkPluginServer(Component *component, Config *config, UserManager *userManager) {
std::cout << "BUDDY " << sizeof(Buddy) << "\n";
std::cout << "BUDDY " << sizeof(LocalBuddy) << "\n";
m_userManager = userManager;
m_config = config;
m_component = component;
@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ message Connected {
message Disconnected {
required string user = 1;
required string name = 2;
required int32 error = 3;
optional string message = 4;
required int32 error = 2;
optional string message = 3;
message Login {
@ -324,6 +324,10 @@ void UserManager::connectUser(const Swift::JID &user) {
// Called by UserRegistry in server mode when user connects the server and wants
// to connect legacy network
if (m_users.find(user.toBare().toString()) != m_users.end()) {
if (!m_component->inServerMode()) {
if (m_users[user.toBare().toString()]->isConnected()) {
if (CONFIG_BOOL(m_component->getConfig(), "service.more_resources")) {
@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ bool UserRegistration::handleGetRequest(const Swift::JID& from, const Swift::JID
std::string usernameField = CONFIG_STRING(m_config, "registration.username_field");
Form::ref form(new Form(Form::FormType));
form->setTitle(tr(_language, _("Registration")));
form->setInstructions(tr(_language, instructions));
HiddenFormField::ref type = HiddenFormField::create();
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ bool UserRegistration::handleGetRequest(const Swift::JID& from, const Swift::JID
TextSingleFormField::ref username = TextSingleFormField::create();
username->setLabel(tr(_language, usernameField));
@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ bool UserRegistration::handleGetRequest(const Swift::JID& from, const Swift::JID
if (CONFIG_STRING(m_config, "service.protocol") != "twitter" && CONFIG_STRING(m_config, "service.protocol") != "bonjour") {
TextPrivateFormField::ref password = TextPrivateFormField::create();
password->setLabel(tr(_language, _("Password")));
ListSingleFormField::ref language = ListSingleFormField::create();
language->setLabel(tr(_language, _("Language")));
if (registered)
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ bool UserRegistration::handleGetRequest(const Swift::JID& from, const Swift::JID
TextSingleFormField::ref encoding = TextSingleFormField::create();
encoding->setLabel(tr(_language, _("Encoding")));
if (registered)
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ bool UserRegistration::handleGetRequest(const Swift::JID& from, const Swift::JID
if (registered) {
BooleanFormField::ref boolean = BooleanFormField::create();
boolean->setLabel(tr(_language, _("Remove your registration")));
boolean->setLabel((("Remove your registration")));
Add table
Reference in a new issue