libyahoo2 skeleton
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 404 additions and 3 deletions
@ -3,6 +3,13 @@
#include "transport/networkplugin.h"
#include "transport/logging.h"
// Yahoo2
#include <yahoo2.h>
#include <yahoo2_callbacks.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Swiften
#include "Swiften/Swiften.h"
@ -18,6 +25,35 @@ using namespace boost::filesystem;
using namespace boost::program_options;
using namespace Transport;
typedef struct {
int id;
boost::shared_ptr<Swift::Connection> conn;
int status;
std::string msg;
std::string buffer;
} yahoo_local_account;
static std::string *currently_read_data;
typedef struct {
std::string yahoo_id;
std::string name;
int status;
int away;
std::string msg;
std::string group;
} yahoo_account;
typedef struct {
int id;
char *label;
} yahoo_idlabel;
typedef struct {
int id;
char *who;
} yahoo_authorize_data;
DEFINE_LOGGER(logger, "Yahoo2");
// eventloop
@ -55,9 +91,19 @@ class YahooPlugin : public NetworkPlugin {
void handleLoginRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &password) {
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, user << ": Added buddy - Echo.");
handleBuddyChanged(user, "echo", "Echo", std::vector<std::string>(), pbnetwork::STATUS_ONLINE);
yahoo_local_account *account = new yahoo_local_account;
m_users[user] = account;
account->id = yahoo_init_with_attributes(legacyName.c_str(), password.c_str(),
"local_host", "",
"pager_port", 5050,
m_ids[account->id] = user;
account->status = YAHOO_STATUS_OFFLINE;
yahoo_login(account->id, YAHOO_STATUS_AVAILABLE);
void handleLogoutRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName) {
@ -79,8 +125,38 @@ class YahooPlugin : public NetworkPlugin {
void _yahoo_connect_finished(yahoo_local_account *account, yahoo_connect_callback callback, void *data, bool error) {
if (error) {
callback(NULL, 0, data);
else {
callback(account->conn.get(), 0, data);
void _yahoo_data_read(yahoo_local_account *account, boost::shared_ptr<Swift::SafeByteArray> data) {
std::string d(data->begin(), data->end());
currently_read_data = &d;
yahoo_read_ready(account->id, account->conn.get(), NULL);
int _yahoo_connect_async(int id, const char *host, int port, yahoo_connect_callback callback, void *data, int use_ssl) {
yahoo_local_account *account = m_users[m_ids[id]];
if (!account) {
return -1;
account->conn = m_factories->getConnectionFactory()->createConnection();
m_conn->onConnectFinished.connect(boost::bind(&YahooPlugin::_yahoo_connect_finished, this, account, callback, data, _1));
m_conn->onDataRead.connect(boost::bind(&YahooPlugin::_yahoo_data_read, this, account, _1));
account->conn->connect(Swift::HostAddressPort(Swift::HostAddress(host), port));
return 0;
Config *config;
std::map<std::string, yahoo_local_account *> m_users;
std::map<int, std::string> m_ids;
static void spectrum_sigchld_handler(int sig)
@ -99,6 +175,329 @@ static void spectrum_sigchld_handler(int sig)
static void ext_yahoo_got_conf_invite(int id, const char *me, const char *who, const char *room, const char *msg, YList *members) {
static void ext_yahoo_conf_userdecline(int id, const char *me, const char *who, const char *room, const char *msg) {
static void ext_yahoo_conf_userjoin(int id, const char *me, const char *who, const char *room) {
static void ext_yahoo_conf_userleave(int id, const char *me, const char *who, const char *room) {
static void ext_yahoo_conf_message(int id, const char *me, const char *who, const char *room, const char *msg, int utf8) {
static void ext_yahoo_chat_cat_xml(int id, const char *xml) {
static void ext_yahoo_chat_join(int id, const char *me, const char *room, const char * topic, YList *members, void *fd) {
static void ext_yahoo_chat_userjoin(int id, const char *me, const char *room, struct yahoo_chat_member *who) {
static void ext_yahoo_chat_userleave(int id, const char *me, const char *room, const char *who) {
static void ext_yahoo_chat_message(int id, const char *me, const char *who, const char *room, const char *msg, int msgtype, int utf8) {
static void ext_yahoo_status_changed(int id, const char *who, int stat, const char *msg, int away, int idle, int mobile) {
static void ext_yahoo_got_buddies(int id, YList * buds) {
// while(buddies) {
// FREE(buddies->data);
// buddies = buddies->next;
// if(buddies)
// FREE(buddies->prev);
// }
// for(; buds; buds = buds->next) {
// yahoo_account *ya = y_new0(yahoo_account, 1);
// struct yahoo_buddy *bud = buds->data;
// strncpy(ya->yahoo_id, bud->id, 255);
// if(bud->real_name)
// strncpy(ya->name, bud->real_name, 255);
// strncpy(ya->group, bud->group, 255);
// ya->status = YAHOO_STATUS_OFFLINE;
// buddies = y_list_append(buddies, ya);
// /* print_message(("%s is %s", bud->id, bud->real_name));*/
// }
static void ext_yahoo_got_ignore(int id, YList * igns)
static void ext_yahoo_got_buzz(int id, const char *me, const char *who, long tm) {
static void ext_yahoo_got_im(int id, const char *me, const char *who, const char *msg, long tm, int stat, int utf8) {
static void ext_yahoo_rejected(int id, const char *who, const char *msg) {
static void ext_yahoo_contact_added(int id, const char *myid, const char *who, const char *msg) {
static void ext_yahoo_typing_notify(int id, const char* me, const char *who, int stat) {
static void ext_yahoo_game_notify(int id, const char *me, const char *who, int stat, const char *msg)
static void ext_yahoo_mail_notify(int id, const char *from, const char *subj, int cnt) {
static void ext_yahoo_got_webcam_image(int id, const char *who, const unsigned char *image, unsigned int image_size, unsigned int real_size, unsigned int timestamp) {
static void ext_yahoo_webcam_viewer(int id, const char *who, int connect) {
static void ext_yahoo_webcam_closed(int id, const char *who, int reason) {
static void ext_yahoo_webcam_data_request(int id, int send) {
static void ext_yahoo_webcam_invite(int id, const char *me, const char *from) {
static void ext_yahoo_webcam_invite_reply(int id, const char *me, const char *from, int accept) {
static void ext_yahoo_system_message(int id, const char *me, const char *who, const char *msg) {
static void ext_yahoo_got_cookies(int id) {
static void ext_yahoo_login_response(int id, int succ, const char *url) {
// char buff[1024];
// if(succ == YAHOO_LOGIN_OK) {
// ylad->status = yahoo_current_status(id);
// print_message(("logged in"));
// return;
// } else if(succ == YAHOO_LOGIN_UNAME) {
// snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "Could not log into Yahoo service - username not recognised. Please verify that your username is correctly typed.");
// } else if(succ == YAHOO_LOGIN_PASSWD) {
// snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "Could not log into Yahoo service - password incorrect. Please verify that your password is correctly typed.");
// } else if(succ == YAHOO_LOGIN_LOCK) {
// snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "Could not log into Yahoo service. Your account has been locked.\nVisit %s to reactivate it.", url);
// } else if(succ == YAHOO_LOGIN_DUPL) {
// snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "You have been logged out of the yahoo service, possibly due to a duplicate login.");
// } else if(succ == YAHOO_LOGIN_SOCK) {
// snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "The server closed the socket.");
// } else {
// snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "Could not log in, unknown reason: %d.", succ);
// }
// ylad->status = YAHOO_STATUS_OFFLINE;
// print_message((buff));
// yahoo_logout();
// poll_loop=0;
static void ext_yahoo_error(int id, const char *_err, int fatal, int num) {
std::string err(_err);
std::string msg("Yahoo Error: ");
msg += err + " - ";
switch(num) {
msg += "unknown error " + err;
case E_CUSTOM:
msg += "custom error " + err;
msg += err + " is not available for the conference";
msg += err + " is already ignored";
msg += err +" is not in the ignore list";
msg += err + " is in buddy list - cannot ignore ";
case E_SYSTEM:
msg += "system error " + err;
msg += err + "server connection error %s";
LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, msg);
// if(fatal)
// yahoo_logout();
static int ext_yahoo_connect(const char *host, int port) {
return -1;
static int ext_yahoo_add_handler(int id, void *d, yahoo_input_condition cond, void *data) {
static void ext_yahoo_remove_handler(int id, int tag) {
static int ext_yahoo_write(void *_conn, char *buf, int len) {
std::string string(buf, len);
Swift::Connection *conn = (Swift::Connection *) _conn;
return len;
static int ext_yahoo_read(void *fd, char *buf, int len) {
if (currently_read_data->size() < len) {
len = currently_read_data->size();
strncpy(buf, currently_read_data->c_str(), len);
currently_read_data->erase(0, len);
return len;
static void ext_yahoo_close(void *fd) {
static int ext_yahoo_connect_async(int id, const char *host, int port, yahoo_connect_callback callback, void *data, int use_ssl) {
return np->_yahoo_connect_async(id, host, port, callback, data, use_ssl);
static void ext_yahoo_got_file(int id, const char *me, const char *who, const char *msg, const char *fname, unsigned long fesize, char *trid) {
static void ext_yahoo_file_transfer_done(int id, int response, void *data) {
static char *ext_yahoo_get_ip_addr(const char *domain) {
return NULL;
static void ext_yahoo_got_ft_data(int id, const unsigned char *in, int count, void *data) {
static void ext_yahoo_got_identities(int id, YList * ids) {
static void ext_yahoo_chat_yahoologout(int id, const char *me) {
static void ext_yahoo_chat_yahooerror(int id, const char *me) {
static void ext_yahoo_got_ping(int id, const char *errormsg){
static void ext_yahoo_got_search_result(int id, int found, int start, int total, YList *contacts) {
static void ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon_checksum(int id, const char *a, const char *b, int checksum) {
static void ext_yahoo_got_buddy_change_group(int id, const char *me, const char *who, const char *old_group, const char *new_group) {
static void ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon(int id, const char *a, const char *b, const char *c, int checksum) {
static void ext_yahoo_buddyicon_uploaded(int id, const char *url) {
static void ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon_request(int id, const char *me, const char *who) {
static int ext_yahoo_log(const char *fmt,...)
static char log[8192];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(log, 8191, fmt, ap);
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, log);
return 0;
static void register_callbacks()
static struct yahoo_callbacks yc;
yc.ext_yahoo_login_response = ext_yahoo_login_response;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_buddies = ext_yahoo_got_buddies;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_ignore = ext_yahoo_got_ignore;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_identities = ext_yahoo_got_identities;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_cookies = ext_yahoo_got_cookies;
yc.ext_yahoo_status_changed = ext_yahoo_status_changed;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_im = ext_yahoo_got_im;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_buzz = ext_yahoo_got_buzz;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_conf_invite = ext_yahoo_got_conf_invite;
yc.ext_yahoo_conf_userdecline = ext_yahoo_conf_userdecline;
yc.ext_yahoo_conf_userjoin = ext_yahoo_conf_userjoin;
yc.ext_yahoo_conf_userleave = ext_yahoo_conf_userleave;
yc.ext_yahoo_conf_message = ext_yahoo_conf_message;
yc.ext_yahoo_chat_cat_xml = ext_yahoo_chat_cat_xml;
yc.ext_yahoo_chat_join = ext_yahoo_chat_join;
yc.ext_yahoo_chat_userjoin = ext_yahoo_chat_userjoin;
yc.ext_yahoo_chat_userleave = ext_yahoo_chat_userleave;
yc.ext_yahoo_chat_message = ext_yahoo_chat_message;
yc.ext_yahoo_chat_yahoologout = ext_yahoo_chat_yahoologout;
yc.ext_yahoo_chat_yahooerror = ext_yahoo_chat_yahooerror;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_webcam_image = ext_yahoo_got_webcam_image;
yc.ext_yahoo_webcam_invite = ext_yahoo_webcam_invite;
yc.ext_yahoo_webcam_invite_reply = ext_yahoo_webcam_invite_reply;
yc.ext_yahoo_webcam_closed = ext_yahoo_webcam_closed;
yc.ext_yahoo_webcam_viewer = ext_yahoo_webcam_viewer;
yc.ext_yahoo_webcam_data_request = ext_yahoo_webcam_data_request;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_file = ext_yahoo_got_file;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_ft_data = ext_yahoo_got_ft_data;
yc.ext_yahoo_get_ip_addr = ext_yahoo_get_ip_addr;
yc.ext_yahoo_file_transfer_done = ext_yahoo_file_transfer_done;
yc.ext_yahoo_contact_added = ext_yahoo_contact_added;
yc.ext_yahoo_rejected = ext_yahoo_rejected;
yc.ext_yahoo_typing_notify = ext_yahoo_typing_notify;
yc.ext_yahoo_game_notify = ext_yahoo_game_notify;
yc.ext_yahoo_mail_notify = ext_yahoo_mail_notify;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_search_result = ext_yahoo_got_search_result;
yc.ext_yahoo_system_message = ext_yahoo_system_message;
yc.ext_yahoo_error = ext_yahoo_error;
yc.ext_yahoo_log = ext_yahoo_log;
yc.ext_yahoo_add_handler = ext_yahoo_add_handler;
yc.ext_yahoo_remove_handler = ext_yahoo_remove_handler;
yc.ext_yahoo_connect = ext_yahoo_connect;
yc.ext_yahoo_connect_async = ext_yahoo_connect_async;
yc.ext_yahoo_read = ext_yahoo_read;
yc.ext_yahoo_write = ext_yahoo_write;
yc.ext_yahoo_close = ext_yahoo_close;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon = ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon_checksum = ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon_checksum;
yc.ext_yahoo_buddyicon_uploaded = ext_yahoo_buddyicon_uploaded;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon_request = ext_yahoo_got_buddyicon_request;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_ping = ext_yahoo_got_ping;
yc.ext_yahoo_got_buddy_change_group = ext_yahoo_got_buddy_change_group;
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::string host;
@ -144,6 +543,8 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
Swift::SimpleEventLoop eventLoop;
loop_ = &eventLoop;
np = new YahooPlugin(&config, &eventLoop, host, port);
Add table
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