/** * libtransport -- C++ library for easy XMPP Transports development * * Copyright (C) 2011, Jan Kaluza * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */ #include "transport/Config.h" #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #define getcwd _getcwd #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #define PATH_MAX MAX_PATH #endif #endif #include "iostream" #include "boost/version.hpp" #include "boost/algorithm/string.hpp" #define BOOST_MAJOR_VERSION BOOST_VERSION / 100000 #define BOOST_MINOR_VERSION BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000 using namespace boost::program_options; namespace Transport { static int getRandomPort(const std::string &s) { unsigned long r = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(char c, s) { r += (int) c; } srand(time(NULL) + r); return 30000 + rand() % 10000; } bool Config::load(const std::string &configfile, boost::program_options::options_description &opts, const std::string &jid) { std::ifstream ifs(configfile.c_str()); if (!ifs.is_open()) return false; m_file = configfile; m_jid = jid; bool ret = load(ifs, opts, jid); ifs.close(); #ifndef WIN32 char path[PATH_MAX] = ""; if (m_file.find_first_of("/") != 0) { getcwd(path, PATH_MAX); m_file = std::string(path) + "/" + m_file; } #endif return ret; } bool Config::load(std::istream &ifs, boost::program_options::options_description &opts, const std::string &_jid) { m_unregistered.clear(); opts.add_options() ("service.jid", value()->default_value(""), "Transport Jabber ID") ("service.server", value()->default_value(""), "Server to connect to") ("service.password", value()->default_value(""), "Password used to auth the server") ("service.port", value()->default_value(0), "Port the server is listening on") ("service.user", value()->default_value(""), "The name of user Spectrum runs as.") ("service.group", value()->default_value(""), "The name of group Spectrum runs as.") ("service.backend", value()->default_value("libpurple_backend"), "Backend") ("service.protocol", value()->default_value(""), "Protocol") ("service.pidfile", value()->default_value("/var/run/spectrum2/$jid.pid"), "Full path to pid file") ("service.portfile", value()->default_value("/var/run/spectrum2/$jid.port"), "File to store backend_port to. It's used by spectrum2_manager.") ("service.working_dir", value()->default_value("/var/lib/spectrum2/$jid"), "Working dir") ("service.allowed_servers", value >()->multitoken(), "Only users from these servers can connect") ("service.server_mode", value()->default_value(false), "True if Spectrum should behave as server") ("service.users_per_backend", value()->default_value(100), "Number of users per one legacy network backend") ("service.backend_host", value()->default_value(""), "Host to bind backend server to") ("service.backend_port", value()->default_value("0"), "Port to bind backend server to") ("service.cert", value()->default_value(""), "PKCS#12 Certificate.") ("service.cert_password", value()->default_value(""), "PKCS#12 Certificate password.") ("service.admin_jid", value >()->multitoken(), "Administrator jid.") ("service.admin_password", value()->default_value(""), "Administrator password.") ("service.reuse_old_backends", value()->default_value(true), "True if Spectrum should use old backends which were full in the past.") ("service.idle_reconnect_time", value()->default_value(0), "Time in seconds after which idle users are reconnected to let their backend die.") ("service.memory_collector_time", value()->default_value(0), "Time in seconds after which backend with most memory is set to die.") ("service.more_resources", value()->default_value(false), "Allow more resources to be connected in server mode at the same time.") ("service.enable_privacy_lists", value()->default_value(true), "") ("service.enable_xhtml", value()->default_value(true), "") ("service.max_room_list_size", value()->default_value(100), "") ("service.login_delay", value()->default_value(0), "") ("service.jid_escaping", value()->default_value(true), "") ("service.vip_only", value()->default_value(false), "") ("service.vip_message", value()->default_value(""), "") ("service.reconnect_all_users", value()->default_value(false), "") ("service.frontend", value()->default_value("xmpp"), "") ("service.web_directory", value()->default_value(""), "Full path to directory used to save files to which the links are sent to users.") ("service.web_url", value()->default_value(""), "URL on which files in web_directory are accessible.") ("vhosts.vhost", value >()->multitoken(), "") ("identity.name", value()->default_value("Spectrum 2 Transport"), "Name showed in service discovery.") ("identity.category", value()->default_value("gateway"), "Disco#info identity category. 'gateway' by default.") ("identity.type", value()->default_value(""), "Type of transport ('icq','msn','gg','irc', ...)") ("registration.enable_public_registration", value()->default_value(true), "True if users should be able to register.") ("registration.language", value()->default_value("en"), "Default language for registration form") ("registration.instructions", value()->default_value("Enter your legacy network username and password."), "Instructions showed to user in registration form") ("registration.username_label", value()->default_value("3rd-party network username"), "Label for username field") ("registration.password_label", value()->default_value("3rd-party network password"), "Label for password field") ("registration.username_mask", value()->default_value(""), "Username mask") ("registration.allowed_usernames", value()->default_value(""), "Allowed usernames") ("registration.auto_register", value()->default_value(false), "Register new user automatically when the presence arrives.") ("registration.encoding", value()->default_value("utf8"), "Default encoding in registration form") ("registration.require_local_account", value()->default_value(false), "True if users have to have a local account to register to this transport from remote servers.") ("registration.notify_jid", value >()->multitoken(), "Send message to this JID if user registers/unregisters") ("registration.local_username_label", value()->default_value("Local username:"), "Label for local usernme field") ("registration.local_account_server", value()->default_value("localhost"), "The server on which the local accounts will be checked for validity") ("registration.local_account_server_timeout", value()->default_value(10000), "Timeout when checking local user on local_account_server (msecs)") ("gateway_responder.prompt", value()->default_value("Contact ID"), "Value of field") ("gateway_responder.label", value()->default_value("Enter legacy network contact ID."), "Label for add contact ID field") ("database.type", value()->default_value("none"), "Database type.") ("database.database", value()->default_value("/var/lib/spectrum2/$jid/database.sql"), "Database used to store data") ("database.server", value()->default_value("localhost"), "Database server.") ("database.user", value()->default_value(""), "Database user.") ("database.password", value()->default_value(""), "Database Password.") ("database.port", value()->default_value(0), "Database port.") ("database.prefix", value()->default_value(""), "Prefix of tables in database") ("database.encryption_key", value()->default_value(""), "Encryption key.") ("database.vip_statement", value()->default_value(""), "Encryption key.") ("logging.config", value()->default_value(""), "Path to log4cxx config file which is used for Spectrum 2 instance") ("logging.backend_config", value()->default_value(""), "Path to log4cxx config file which is used for backends") ("backend.default_avatar", value()->default_value(""), "Full path to default avatar") ("backend.avatars_directory", value()->default_value(""), "Path to directory with avatars") ("backend.no_vcard_fetch", value()->default_value(false), "True if VCards for buddies should not be fetched. Only avatars will be forwarded.") ("proxy.server", value()->default_value("localhost"), "Proxy IP.") ("proxy.user", value()->default_value(""), "Proxy user.") ("proxy.password", value()->default_value(""), "Proxy Password.") ("proxy.port", value()->default_value(0), "Proxy port.") ("twitter.fetch_timeout", value()->default_value(90000), "Proxy port.") ; parsed_options parsed = parse_config_file(ifs, opts, true); bool found_working = false; bool found_pidfile = false; bool found_portfile = false; bool found_backend_port = false; bool found_database = false; std::string jid = ""; BOOST_FOREACH(option &opt, parsed.options) { if (opt.string_key == "service.jid") { if (_jid.empty()) { jid = opt.value[0]; } else { opt.value[0] = _jid; jid = _jid; } } else if (opt.string_key == "service.backend_port") { found_backend_port = true; if (opt.value[0] == "0") { opt.value[0] = boost::lexical_cast(getRandomPort(_jid.empty() ? jid : _jid)); } } else if (opt.string_key == "service.working_dir") { found_working = true; } else if (opt.string_key == "service.pidfile") { found_pidfile = true; } else if (opt.string_key == "service.portfile") { found_portfile = true; } else if (opt.string_key == "database.database") { found_database = true; } } if (!found_working) { std::vector value; value.push_back("/var/lib/spectrum2/$jid"); parsed.options.push_back(boost::program_options::basic_option("service.working_dir", value)); } if (!found_pidfile) { std::vector value; value.push_back("/var/run/spectrum2/$jid.pid"); parsed.options.push_back(boost::program_options::basic_option("service.pidfile", value)); } if (!found_portfile) { std::vector value; value.push_back("/var/run/spectrum2/$jid.port"); parsed.options.push_back(boost::program_options::basic_option("service.portfile", value)); } if (!found_backend_port) { std::vector value; std::string p = boost::lexical_cast(getRandomPort(_jid.empty() ? jid : _jid)); value.push_back(p); parsed.options.push_back(boost::program_options::basic_option("service.backend_port", value)); } if (!found_database) { std::vector value; value.push_back("/var/lib/spectrum2/$jid/database.sql"); parsed.options.push_back(boost::program_options::basic_option("database.database", value)); } std::list has_key; BOOST_FOREACH(option &opt, parsed.options) { if (opt.unregistered) { if (std::find(has_key.begin(), has_key.end(), opt.string_key) == has_key.end()) { has_key.push_back(opt.string_key); if (opt.value[0] == "true" || opt.value[0] == "1") { m_unregistered[opt.string_key] = variable_value(true, false); } else if (opt.value[0] == "false" || opt.value[0] == "0") { m_unregistered[opt.string_key] = variable_value(false, false); } else { m_unregistered[opt.string_key] = variable_value(opt.value[0], false); } } else { std::list list; try { list = m_unregistered[opt.string_key].as >(); } catch(...) { list.push_back(m_unregistered[opt.string_key].as()); } list.push_back(opt.value[0]); m_unregistered[opt.string_key] = variable_value(list, false); } } else if (opt.value[0].find("$jid") != std::string::npos) { boost::replace_all(opt.value[0], "$jid", jid); } } // Load configs passed by command line if (m_argc != 0 && m_argv) { basic_command_line_parser parser = command_line_parser(m_argc, m_argv).options(opts).allow_unregistered(); parsed_options parsed = parser.run(); BOOST_FOREACH(option &opt, parsed.options) { if (opt.unregistered && !opt.value.empty()) { m_unregistered[opt.string_key] = variable_value(opt.value[0], false); } } store(parsed, m_variables); } store(parsed, m_variables); notify(m_variables); onConfigReloaded(); return true; } bool Config::load(std::istream &ifs) { options_description opts("Transport options"); return load(ifs, opts); } bool Config::load(const std::string &configfile, const std::string &jid) { try { options_description opts("Transport options"); return load(configfile, opts, jid); } catch ( const boost::program_options::multiple_occurrences& e ) { #if (BOOST_MAJOR_VERSION >= 1 && BOOST_MINOR_VERSION >= 42) std::cerr << configfile << " parsing error: " << e.what() << " from option: " << e.get_option_name() << std::endl; #else std::cerr << configfile << " parsing error: " << e.what() << std::endl; #endif return false; } } bool Config::reload() { if (m_file.empty()) { return false; } return load(m_file, m_jid); } Config::SectionValuesCont Config::getSectionValues(const std::string& sectionName) { SectionValuesCont sectionValues; std::string sectionSearchString = sectionName + "."; BOOST_FOREACH (const Variables::value_type & varItem, m_variables) { if (boost::istarts_with(varItem.first, sectionSearchString)) sectionValues[varItem.first] = varItem.second; } BOOST_FOREACH (const UnregisteredCont::value_type & varItem, m_unregistered) { if (boost::istarts_with(varItem.first, sectionSearchString)) sectionValues[varItem.first] = varItem.second; } return sectionValues; } std::string Config::getCommandLineArgs() const { std::ostringstream commandLineArgs; // Return the command-line arguments that were passed to us originally (but remove the initial .exe part) for (int i = 1; i < m_argc; ++i) { commandLineArgs << "\"" << m_argv[i] << "\" "; } return commandLineArgs.str(); } void Config::updateBackendConfig(const std::string &backendConfig) { options_description opts("Backend options"); opts.add_options() ("registration.needPassword", value()->default_value(true), "") ("registration.needRegistration", value()->default_value(true), "") ("registration.extraField", value >()->multitoken(), "") ("features.receipts", value()->default_value(false), "") ("features.muc", value()->default_value(false), "") ("features.rawxml", value()->default_value(false), "") ("features.disable_jid_escaping", value()->default_value(false), "") ("features.send_buddies_on_login", value()->default_value(false), "") ; std::stringstream ifs(backendConfig); parsed_options parsed = parse_config_file(ifs, opts, true); store(parsed, m_backendConfig); notify(m_backendConfig); onBackendConfigUpdated(); if (CONFIG_BOOL_DEFAULTED(this, "features.disable_jid_escaping", false)) { Variables::iterator it(m_variables.find("service.jid_escaping")); boost::program_options::variable_value& vx(it->second); vx.value() = false; } } Config *Config::createFromArgs(int argc, char **argv, std::string &error, std::string &host, int &port) { std::string jid; std::ostringstream os; std::string configFile; boost::program_options::variables_map vm; boost::program_options::options_description desc("Usage: spectrum \nAllowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "help") ("host,h", boost::program_options::value(&host)->default_value(""), "Host to connect to") ("port,p", boost::program_options::value(&port)->default_value(10000), "Port to connect to") ("no-daemonize,n", "Do not run spectrum as daemon") ("no-debug,d", "Create coredumps on crash") ("jid,j", boost::program_options::value(&jid)->default_value(""), "Specify JID of transport manually") ("config", boost::program_options::value(&configFile)->default_value(""), "Config file") ; os << desc; try { boost::program_options::positional_options_description p; p.add("config", -1); boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::command_line_parser(argc, argv). options(desc).positional(p).allow_unregistered().run(), vm); boost::program_options::notify(vm); if(vm.count("help")) { error = os.str(); return NULL; } if(vm.count("config") == 0) { error = os.str(); return NULL; } } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { error = std::string(e.what()) + "\n" + os.str(); return NULL; } catch (...) { error = os.str(); return NULL; } Config *config = new Config(argc, argv); if (!config->load(configFile)) { error = "Can't open " + configFile + " configuration file.\n"; delete config; return NULL; } return config; } }