#include "transport/StorageBackend.h" #include "transport/Config.h" #include "transport/SQLite3Backend.h" #include "transport/MySQLBackend.h" #include "transport/PQXXBackend.h" #include "Swiften/StringCodecs/Base64.h" namespace Transport { StorageBackend *StorageBackend::createBackend(Config *config, std::string &error) { StorageBackend *storageBackend = NULL; #ifdef WITH_SQLITE if (CONFIG_STRING(config, "database.type") == "sqlite3") { storageBackend = new SQLite3Backend(config); } #else if (CONFIG_STRING(config, "database.type") == "sqlite3") { error = "Libtransport is not compiled with sqlite3 backend support."; } #endif #ifdef WITH_MYSQL if (CONFIG_STRING(config, "database.type") == "mysql") { storageBackend = new MySQLBackend(config); } #else if (CONFIG_STRING(config, "database.type") == "mysql") { error = "Spectrum2 is not compiled with mysql backend support."; } #endif #ifdef WITH_PQXX if (CONFIG_STRING(config, "database.type") == "pqxx") { storageBackend = new PQXXBackend(config); } #else if (CONFIG_STRING(config, "database.type") == "pqxx") { error = "Spectrum2 is not compiled with pqxx backend support."; } #endif if (CONFIG_STRING(config, "database.type") != "mysql" && CONFIG_STRING(config, "database.type") != "sqlite3" && CONFIG_STRING(config, "database.type") != "pqxx" && CONFIG_STRING(config, "database.type") != "none") { error = "Unknown storage backend " + CONFIG_STRING(config, "database.type"); } return storageBackend; } std::string StorageBackend::encryptPassword(const std::string &password, const std::string &key) { std::string encrypted; encrypted.resize(password.size()); for (int i = 0; i < password.size(); i++) { char c = password[i]; char keychar = key[i % key.size()]; c += keychar; encrypted[i] = c; } encrypted = Swift::Base64::encode(Swift::createByteArray(encrypted)); return encrypted; } std::string StorageBackend::decryptPassword(std::string &encrypted, const std::string &key) { encrypted = Swift::byteArrayToString(Swift::Base64::decode(encrypted)); std::string password; password.resize(encrypted.size()); for (int i = 0; i < encrypted.size(); i++) { char c = encrypted[i]; char keychar = key[i % key.size()]; c -= keychar; password[i] = c; } return password; } std::string StorageBackend::serializeGroups(const std::vector &groups) { std::string ret; BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &group, groups) { ret += group + "\n"; } if (!ret.empty()) { ret.erase(ret.end() - 1); } return ret; } std::vector StorageBackend::deserializeGroups(std::string &groups) { std::vector ret; if (groups.empty()) { return ret; } boost::split(ret, groups, boost::is_any_of("\n")); if (ret.back().empty()) { ret.erase(ret.end() - 1); } return ret; } }