import os import sys from subprocess import * import time def run_spectrum(backend, test): os.system("rm test.sql") f = open("sample.cfg", "w") f.write("\ [service]\n\ jid = localhost\n\ password = secret\n\ server =\n\ port = 5222\n\ server_mode = 1\n\ backend=../backends/%s/%s_backend\n\ protocol=prpl-jabber\n\ \ [database]\n\ database = test.sql\n\ prefix=icq\n\ " % (backend, backend) ) f.close() p = Popen("../spectrum/src/spectrum sample.cfg > " + backend + "_" + test + ".log 2>&1", shell=True) time.sleep(4) return p def one_test_run(): os.system("killall spectrum 2> /dev/null") os.system("rm *.log") for backend in os.listdir("../backends"): if not os.path.isdir("../backends/" + backend) or backend == "CMakeFiles": continue for d in os.listdir("."): binary = d + "/" + d + "_test" if not os.path.exists(binary): continue p = run_spectrum(backend, d) if backend.find("purple") >= 0: p = Popen(binary + " test", shell=True) else: p = Popen(binary + " test", shell=True) seconds = 0 while p.poll() is None and seconds < 20: time.sleep(1) seconds += 1 if p.returncode == 0 and seconds < 20: print "[ PASS ]", backend, binary else: if seconds == 20: print "[ TIME ]", backend, binary else: print "[ FAIL ]", backend, binary os.system("killall spectrum 2> /dev/null") while True: one_test_run()