#!/usr/bin/python -Wignore::DeprecationWarning # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Wildcard-plugin to monitor spectrum transport usage through an XMPP-connection # sending Statistics Gathering (XEP-0039 [1]) packets. Depending on the suffix, # the plugin monitors one specific characteristic of one or more spectrum # instances. # # Current suffixes are: # spectrum_uptime (monitor uptime of transports) # spectrum_registered (how many users are registered to the transport) # spectrum_online (how many users are online) # spectarm_contacts_registered # spectrum_contacts_online (same as above, only for the legacy network) # spectrum_messages (how many messages have been sent over this transport) # spectrum_memory (how much memory the transport consumes) # # Configuration: # You need to configure this plugin (just like any other plugin) in # plugin-conf.d/munin-node. # You have to configure the plugin to run as user and group "spectrum". # # By default, the plugin monitors all instances configured in a config-file # in /etc/spectrum. If you use a different directory, you can specify the # environment-variable "base". If you do not want to monitor all instances, # you can give an explicit listing of the corresponding configuration files # with the environment variable "cfgs". # # Here is an example of a configuration. Note again that you can ommit both # env.cfgs and env.base: # # [spectrum_*] # user spectrum # group spectrum # env.cfgs xmpp.example.com.cfg,irc.example.com.cfg # env.base /etc/spectrum # # Author: # Mathias Ertl # # Changelog: # 2.0: Port to config_interface local socket # 1.1: Suffixes that aggregate multiple values no longer show the individual # values by default. This can be overridden by setting the "verbose" # env-variable to any non-empty string. # 1.0: Initial version # # [1] http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0039.html # # Copyright (c) 2009 Mathias Ertl. # # Permission to use, copy, and modify this software with or without fee # is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in # all source code copies of any software which is or includes a copy or # modification of this software. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, NONE OF THE AUTHORS MAKES ANY # REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE # MERCHANTABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. # # Magic markers #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest import sys from subprocess import * # autoconf and suggest handling: if len( sys.argv ) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf': print( 'yes' ) sys.exit( 0 ) elif sys.argv[1] == 'suggest': print( """uptime registered online contacts_total contacts_online messages messages_sec memory""" ) sys.exit(0) import os, re # filter forbidden characters for munin fieldnames def handle_field( string ): for regexp in [ '^[^A-Za-z_]', '[^A-Za-z0-9_]' ]: string = re.compile( regexp ).sub( '_', string ) return string # get runtime variables suffix = sys.argv[0].partition('_')[2] verbose = os.environ.get( 'verbose' ) proc = Popen(['spectrum2_manager', 'list'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() jids = out.split('\n')[:-1] # set variables based on wildcard if suffix == 'uptime': stat = { 'uptime': None } title = "Uptime" vlabel = "days" info = '' transformer = lambda value: float(value)/60.0/60.0/24.0 elif suffix == 'backends_count': stat = { "backends_count": None } title = "Backends count" vlabel = "backends" info = 'Total number of backends.' elif suffix == 'crashed_backends_count': stat = { "crashed_backends_count": None } title = "Crashed backends count" vlabel = "backends" info = 'Total number of backends.' elif suffix == 'online': stat = { 'online_users_count': None } title = "Online users" vlabel = "users" info = 'Number of users that currently use the spectrum transports.' elif suffix == 'messages': stat = { 'messages_from_xmpp': 'from_xmpp', 'messages_to_xmpp': 'to_xmpp' } title = "Messages send over transport" vlabel = "messages" info = 'Total messages send over spectrum since the last restart.' elif suffix == 'messages_sec': stat = { 'messages_from_xmpp': 'from_xmpp', 'messages_to_xmpp': 'to_xmpp' } title = "Messages send over transport per second" vlabel = "messages/sec" info = 'Messages send per second over spectrum transports.' elif suffix == 'memory': stat = { 'used_memory': None } title = "Memory usage of transports" vlabel = "megabytes" transformer = lambda value: float(value)/1024.0 info = 'Memory usage of spectrum transports.' elif suffix == 'average_memory_per_user': stat = { 'average_memory_per_user': None } title = "Average memory usage per user" vlabel = "kilobytes" #transformer = lambda value: float(value)/1024.0 info = 'Memory usage of spectrum transports.' # handle config if len( sys.argv ) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'config': print( """graph_title %s graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 graph_scale no graph_vlabel %s graph_category spectrum2 graph_info %s""" %(title, vlabel, info) ) for jid in jids: if len(stat) > 1: # plugin monitors more than one field label = jid + ' total' fieldname = handle_field( label ) print( '%s.label %s' %(fieldname, label) ) if suffix == 'messages_sec': print( '%s.type DERIVE' %(fieldname) ) print( '%s.min 0' %(fieldname) ) # to not print individual fields if verbose is not set: if not verbose: continue for name, field_suffix in stat.iteritems(): label = jid if field_suffix: label += ' ' + field_suffix fieldname = handle_field( label ) print( '%s.label %s' %(fieldname, label) ) if suffix == 'messages_sec': print( '%s.type DERIVE' %(fieldname) ) print( '%s.min 0' %(fieldname) ) sys.exit(0) # callback to handle incoming packets def handler_fetch( packet ): jid = str( packet.getFrom() ) total = None for child in packet.getChildren()[0].getChildren(): label = jid value = child.getAttr( 'value' ) if len( stat ) > 1: if total == None: total = int( value ) else: total += int( value ) if not verbose: continue field_suffix = stat[ child.getAttr( 'name' ) ] if field_suffix: label += ' ' + field_suffix fieldname = handle_field( label ) if 'transformer' in globals(): value = transformer(value) print( '%s.value %s' %(fieldname, value) ) if total != None: fieldname = handle_field( jid + ' total' ) if 'transformer' in globals(): total = transformer( total ) print( '%s.value %s' %(fieldname, total) ) for jid in jids: total = None label = jid for name in stat.keys(): proc = Popen(['spectrum2_manager', jid, name], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() out = out.replace('\n', '') value = 0 try: value = int(out) except: print( "Error: %s" % (value)) continue if len( stat ) > 1: if total == None: total = int( value ) else: total += int( value ) if not verbose: continue field_suffix = stat[ name ] if field_suffix: label += ' ' + field_suffix fieldname = handle_field( label ) if 'transformer' in globals(): value = transformer(value) print( '%s.value %s' %(fieldname, value) ) if total != None: fieldname = handle_field( jid + ' total' ) if 'transformer' in globals(): total = transformer( total ) print( '%s.value %s' %(fieldname, total) )