295 lines
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295 lines
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* libtransport -- C++ library for easy XMPP Transports development
* Copyright (C) 2011, Jan Kaluza <hanzz.k@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
#pragma once
#include <time.h>
#undef TYPE_BOOL
#include "transport/protocol.pb.h"
// #include "conversation.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
namespace Transport {
/// Represents Spectrum2 legacy network plugin.
/// This class is base class for all C++ legacy network plugins. It provides a way to connect
/// Spectrum2 NetworkPluginServer and allows to use high-level API for legacy network plugins
/// development.
class NetworkPlugin {
enum ExitCode { StorageBackendNeeded = -2 };
class PluginConfig {
PluginConfig() : m_needPassword(true), m_needRegistration(true), m_supportMUC(false), m_rawXML(false),
m_disableJIDEscaping(false) {}
virtual ~PluginConfig() {}
void setNeedRegistration(bool needRegistration = false) { m_needRegistration = needRegistration; }
void setNeedPassword(bool needPassword = true) { m_needPassword = needPassword; }
void setSupportMUC(bool supportMUC = true) { m_supportMUC = supportMUC; }
void setExtraFields(const std::vector<std::string> &fields) { m_extraFields = fields; }
void setRawXML(bool rawXML = false) { m_rawXML = rawXML; }
void disableJIDEscaping() { m_disableJIDEscaping = true; }
bool m_needPassword;
bool m_needRegistration;
bool m_supportMUC;
bool m_rawXML;
bool m_disableJIDEscaping;
std::vector<std::string> m_extraFields;
friend class NetworkPlugin;
/// Creates new NetworkPlugin and connects the Spectrum2 NetworkPluginServer.
/// \param loop Event loop.
/// \param host Host where Spectrum2 NetworkPluginServer runs.
/// \param port Port.
/// Destructor.
virtual ~NetworkPlugin();
void sendConfig(const PluginConfig &cfg);
void sendRawXML(std::string &xml);
/// Call this function when legacy network buddy changed.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "user2@gmail.com")
/// \param alias Alias of legacy network buddy. If empty, then it's not changed on XMPP side.
/// \param groups Groups in which buddy currently is. If empty, then it's not changed on XMPP side.
/// \param status Status of this buddy.
/// \param statusMessage Status message of this buddy.
/// \param iconHash MD5 hash of buddy icon. Empty if none buddy icon.
/// \param blocked True if this buddy is blocked in privacy lists in legacy network.
void handleBuddyChanged(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName, const std::string &alias,
const std::vector<std::string> &groups, pbnetwork::StatusType status, const std::string &statusMessage = "", const std::string &iconHash = "",
bool blocked = false
/// Call this method when buddy is removed from legacy network contact list.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "user2@gmail.com")
void handleBuddyRemoved(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName);
/// Call this function when participant in room changed.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param nickname Nickname of participant. If participant renamed, this is old name of participant. (eg. "HanzZ")
/// \param room Room in which participant changed. (eg. #spectrum)
/// \param flags Participant flags.
/// \param status Current status of participant. Swift::StatusShow::None if participant left the room.
/// \param statusMessage Current status message of participant.
/// \param newname New name of participant if he changed the nickname. Otherwise empty.
void handleParticipantChanged(const std::string &user, const std::string &nickname, const std::string &room, int flags,
pbnetwork::StatusType = pbnetwork::STATUS_NONE, const std::string &statusMessage = "", const std::string &newname = "",
const std::string &alias = "");
/// Call this function when user disconnected the legacy network because of some legacy network error.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param error Reserved for future use, currently keep it on 0.
/// \param message XMPP message which is sent to XMPP user.
void handleDisconnected(const std::string &user, int error = 0, const std::string &message = "");
/// Call this function when user connected the legacy network and is logged in.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
void handleConnected(const std::string &user);
/// Call this function when new message is received from legacy network for user.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param legacyName Name of legacy network buddy or name of room. (eg. "user2@gmail.com")
/// \param message Plain text message.
/// \param nickname Nickname of buddy in room. Empty if it's normal chat message.
/// \param xhtml XHTML message.
void handleMessage(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &message, const std::string &nickname = "", const std::string &xhtml = "", const std::string ×tamp = "", bool headline = false, bool pm = false);
void handleMessageAck(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &id);
/// Call this function when subject in room changed.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param legacyName Name of room. (eg. "#spectrum")
/// \param message Subject message.
/// \param nickname Nickname of user who changed subject.
void handleSubject(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &message, const std::string &nickname = "");
/// Call this function XMPP user's nickname changed.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param room Room in which participant changed. (eg. #spectrum)
/// \param nickname New nickname.
void handleRoomNicknameChanged(const std::string &user, const std::string &room, const std::string &nickname);
/// Call this function when requested VCard arrived.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param id VCard ID.
/// \param legacyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "user2@gmail.com")
/// \param fullName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "Monty Python")
/// \param nickname Nickname.
/// \param photo Raw photo.
void handleVCard(const std::string &user, unsigned int id, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &fullName, const std::string &nickname, const std::string &photo);
/// Call this function when buddy started typing.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "user2@gmail.com")
void handleBuddyTyping(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName);
/// Call this function when buddy typed, but is not typing anymore.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "user2@gmail.com")
void handleBuddyTyped(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName);
/// Call this function when buddy has been typing, but paused for a while.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "user2@gmail.com")
void handleBuddyStoppedTyping(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName);
/// Call this function when new authorization request arrived form legacy network
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "user2@gmail.com")
void handleAuthorization(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName);
/// Call this function when attention request arrived from legacy network.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs. You can get it from NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest(). (eg. "user%gmail.com@xmpp.domain.tld")
/// \param buddyName Name of legacy network buddy. (eg. "user2@gmail.com")
/// \param message Message.
void handleAttention(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName, const std::string &message);
void handleFTStart(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName, const std::string fileName, unsigned long size);
void handleFTFinish(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName, const std::string fileName, unsigned long size, unsigned long ftid);
void handleFTData(unsigned long ftID, const std::string &data);
void handleRoomList(const std::string &user, const std::list<std::string> &rooms, const std::list<std::string> &names);
/// Called when XMPP user wants to connect legacy network.
/// You should connect him to legacy network and call handleConnected or handleDisconnected function later.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs.
/// \param legacyName Legacy network name of this user used for login.
/// \param password Legacy network password of this user.
NetworkPlugin->YourNetworkPlugin [label="handleLoginRequest(...)", URL="\ref NetworkPlugin::handleLoginRequest()"];
YourNetworkPlugin->LegacyNetwork [label="connect the legacy network"];
--- [label="If password was valid and user is connected and logged in"];
YourNetworkPlugin<-LegacyNetwork [label="connected"];
YourNetworkPlugin->NetworkPlugin [label="handleConnected()", URL="\ref NetworkPlugin::handleConnected()"];
--- [label="else"];
YourNetworkPlugin<-LegacyNetwork [label="disconnected"];
YourNetworkPlugin->NetworkPlugin [label="handleDisconnected()", URL="\ref NetworkPlugin::handleDisconnected()"];
virtual void handleLoginRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &password) = 0;
/// Called when XMPP user wants to disconnect legacy network.
/// You should disconnect him from legacy network.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs.
/// \param legacyName Legacy network name of this user used for login.
virtual void handleLogoutRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName) = 0;
/// Called when XMPP user sends message to legacy network.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs.
/// \param legacyName Legacy network name of buddy or room.
/// \param message Plain text message.
/// \param xhtml XHTML message.
virtual void handleMessageSendRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &message, const std::string &xhtml = "", const std::string &id = "") = 0;
/// Called when XMPP user requests VCard of buddy.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs.
/// \param legacyName Legacy network name of buddy whose VCard is requested.
/// \param id ID which is associated with this request. You have to pass it to handleVCard function when you receive VCard.
NetworkPlugin->YourNetworkPlugin [label="handleVCardRequest(...)", URL="\ref NetworkPlugin::handleVCardRequest()"];
YourNetworkPlugin->LegacyNetwork [label="start VCard fetching"];
YourNetworkPlugin<-LegacyNetwork [label="VCard fetched"];
YourNetworkPlugin->NetworkPlugin [label="handleVCard()", URL="\ref NetworkPlugin::handleVCard()"];
virtual void handleVCardRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*legacyName*/, unsigned int /*id*/) {}
/// Called when XMPP user updates his own VCard.
/// You should update the VCard in legacy network too.
/// \param user XMPP JID of user for which this event occurs.
/// \param photo Raw photo data.
virtual void handleVCardUpdatedRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*photo*/, const std::string &nickname) {}
virtual void handleRoomSubjectChangedRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*room*/, const std::string &/*message*/) {}
virtual void handleJoinRoomRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*room*/, const std::string &/*nickname*/, const std::string &/*pasword*/) {}
virtual void handleLeaveRoomRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*room*/) {}
virtual void handleStatusChangeRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, int status, const std::string &statusMessage) {}
virtual void handleBuddyUpdatedRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*buddyName*/, const std::string &/*alias*/, const std::vector<std::string> &/*groups*/) {}
virtual void handleBuddyRemovedRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*buddyName*/, const std::vector<std::string> &/*groups*/) {}
virtual void handleBuddyBlockToggled(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*buddyName*/, bool /*blocked*/) {}
virtual void handleTypingRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*buddyName*/) {}
virtual void handleTypedRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*buddyName*/) {}
virtual void handleStoppedTypingRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*buddyName*/) {}
virtual void handleAttentionRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*buddyName*/, const std::string &/*message*/) {}
virtual void handleFTStartRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*buddyName*/, const std::string &/*fileName*/, unsigned long size, unsigned long ftID) {}
virtual void handleFTFinishRequest(const std::string &/*user*/, const std::string &/*buddyName*/, const std::string &/*fileName*/, unsigned long size, unsigned long ftID) {}
virtual void handleFTPauseRequest(unsigned long ftID) {}
virtual void handleFTContinueRequest(unsigned long ftID) {}
virtual void handleRawXML(const std::string &xml) {}
virtual void handleMemoryUsage(double &res, double &shared) {res = 0; shared = 0;}
virtual void handleExitRequest() { exit(1); }
void handleDataRead(std::string &data);
virtual void sendData(const std::string &string) {}
void checkPing();
void handleLoginPayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleLogoutPayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleStatusChangedPayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleConvMessagePayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleJoinRoomPayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleLeaveRoomPayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleVCardPayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleBuddyChangedPayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleBuddyRemovedPayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleChatStatePayload(const std::string &payload, int type);
void handleAttentionPayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleFTStartPayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleFTFinishPayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleFTPausePayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleFTContinuePayload(const std::string &payload);
void handleRoomSubjectChangedPayload(const std::string &payload);
void send(const std::string &data);
void sendPong();
void sendMemoryUsage();
std::string m_data;
bool m_pingReceived;
double m_init_res;