
672 lines
19 KiB

#include "oauthlib.h"
#include "HMAC_SHA1.h"
#include "base64.h"
#include "urlencode.h"
* @method: oAuth::oAuth
* @description: constructor
* @input: none
* @output: none
* @method: oAuth::~oAuth
* @description: destructor
* @input: none
* @output: none
* @method: oAuth::clone
* @description: creates a clone of oAuth object
* @input: none
* @output: cloned oAuth object
oAuth oAuth::clone()
oAuth cloneObj;
cloneObj.m_consumerKey = m_consumerKey;
cloneObj.m_consumerSecret = m_consumerSecret;
cloneObj.m_oAuthTokenKey = m_oAuthTokenKey;
cloneObj.m_oAuthTokenSecret = m_oAuthTokenSecret;
cloneObj.m_oAuthPin = m_oAuthPin;
cloneObj.m_nonce = m_nonce;
cloneObj.m_timeStamp = m_timeStamp;
cloneObj.m_oAuthScreenName = m_oAuthScreenName;
return cloneObj;
* @method: oAuth::getConsumerKey
* @description: this method gives consumer key that is being used currently
* @input: none
* @output: consumer key
void oAuth::getConsumerKey( std::string& consumerKey )
consumerKey = m_consumerKey;
* @method: oAuth::setConsumerKey
* @description: this method saves consumer key that should be used
* @input: consumer key
* @output: none
void oAuth::setConsumerKey( const std::string& consumerKey )
m_consumerKey.assign( consumerKey );
* @method: oAuth::getConsumerSecret
* @description: this method gives consumer secret that is being used currently
* @input: none
* @output: consumer secret
void oAuth::getConsumerSecret( std::string& consumerSecret )
consumerSecret = m_consumerSecret;
* @method: oAuth::setConsumerSecret
* @description: this method saves consumer secret that should be used
* @input: consumer secret
* @output: none
void oAuth::setConsumerSecret( const std::string& consumerSecret )
m_consumerSecret = consumerSecret;
* @method: oAuth::getOAuthTokenKey
* @description: this method gives OAuth token (also called access token) that is being used currently
* @input: none
* @output: OAuth token
void oAuth::getOAuthTokenKey( std::string& oAuthTokenKey )
oAuthTokenKey = m_oAuthTokenKey;
* @method: oAuth::setOAuthTokenKey
* @description: this method saves OAuth token that should be used
* @input: OAuth token
* @output: none
void oAuth::setOAuthTokenKey( const std::string& oAuthTokenKey )
m_oAuthTokenKey = oAuthTokenKey;
* @method: oAuth::getOAuthTokenSecret
* @description: this method gives OAuth token secret that is being used currently
* @input: none
* @output: OAuth token secret
void oAuth::getOAuthTokenSecret( std::string& oAuthTokenSecret )
oAuthTokenSecret = m_oAuthTokenSecret;
* @method: oAuth::setOAuthTokenSecret
* @description: this method saves OAuth token that should be used
* @input: OAuth token secret
* @output: none
void oAuth::setOAuthTokenSecret( const std::string& oAuthTokenSecret )
m_oAuthTokenSecret = oAuthTokenSecret;
* @method: oAuth::getOAuthScreenName
* @description: this method gives authorized user's screenname
* @input: none
* @output: screen name
void oAuth::getOAuthScreenName( std::string& oAuthScreenName )
oAuthScreenName = m_oAuthScreenName;
* @method: oAuth::setOAuthScreenName
* @description: this method sets authorized user's screenname
* @input: screen name
* @output: none
void oAuth::setOAuthScreenName( const std::string& oAuthScreenName )
m_oAuthScreenName = oAuthScreenName;
* @method: oAuth::getOAuthPin
* @description: this method gives OAuth verifier PIN
* @input: none
* @output: OAuth verifier PIN
void oAuth::getOAuthPin( std::string& oAuthPin )
oAuthPin = m_oAuthPin;
* @method: oAuth::setOAuthPin
* @description: this method sets OAuth verifier PIN
* @input: OAuth verifier PIN
* @output: none
void oAuth::setOAuthPin( const std::string& oAuthPin )
m_oAuthPin = oAuthPin;
* @method: oAuth::generateNonceTimeStamp
* @description: this method generates nonce and timestamp for OAuth header
* @input: none
* @output: none
* @remarks: internal method
void oAuth::generateNonceTimeStamp()
char szTime[oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_BUFFSIZE];
char szRand[oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_BUFFSIZE];
memset( szTime, 0, oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_BUFFSIZE );
memset( szRand, 0, oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_BUFFSIZE );
srand( time( NULL ) );
sprintf( szRand, "%x", rand()%1000 );
sprintf( szTime, "%ld", time( NULL ) );
m_nonce.assign( szTime );
m_nonce.append( szRand );
m_timeStamp.assign( szTime );
* @method: oAuth::buildOAuthRawDataKeyValPairs
* @description: this method prepares key-value pairs from the data part of the URL
* or from the URL post fields data, as required by OAuth header
* and signature generation.
* @input: rawData - Raw data either from the URL itself or from post fields.
* Should already be url encoded.
* urlencodeData - If true, string will be urlencoded before converting
* to key value pairs.
* @output: rawDataKeyValuePairs - Map in which key-value pairs are populated
* @remarks: internal method
void oAuth::buildOAuthRawDataKeyValPairs( const std::string& rawData,
bool urlencodeData,
oAuthKeyValuePairs& rawDataKeyValuePairs )
/* Raw data if it's present. Data should already be urlencoded once */
if( rawData.length() )
size_t nSep = std::string::npos;
size_t nPos = std::string::npos;
std::string dataKeyVal;
std::string dataKey;
std::string dataVal;
/* This raw data part can contain many key value pairs: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3 */
std::string dataPart = rawData;
while( std::string::npos != ( nSep = dataPart.find_first_of("&") ) )
/* Extract first key=value pair */
dataKeyVal = dataPart.substr( 0, nSep );
/* Split them */
nPos = dataKeyVal.find_first_of( "=" );
if( std::string::npos != nPos )
dataKey = dataKeyVal.substr( 0, nPos );
dataVal = dataKeyVal.substr( nPos + 1 );
/* Put this key=value pair in map */
rawDataKeyValuePairs[dataKey] = urlencodeData ? urlencode( dataVal ) : dataVal;
dataPart = dataPart.substr( nSep + 1 );
/* For the last key=value */
dataKeyVal = dataPart.substr( 0, nSep );
/* Split them */
nPos = dataKeyVal.find_first_of( "=" );
if( std::string::npos != nPos )
dataKey = dataKeyVal.substr( 0, nPos );
dataVal = dataKeyVal.substr( nPos + 1 );
/* Put this key=value pair in map */
rawDataKeyValuePairs[dataKey] = urlencodeData ? urlencode( dataVal ) : dataVal;
* @method: oAuth::buildOAuthTokenKeyValuePairs
* @description: this method prepares key-value pairs required for OAuth header
* and signature generation.
* @input: includeOAuthVerifierPin - flag to indicate whether oauth_verifer key-value
* pair needs to be included. oauth_verifer is only
* used during exchanging request token with access token.
* oauthSignature - base64 and url encoded OAuth signature.
* generateTimestamp - If true, then generate new timestamp for nonce.
* @output: keyValueMap - map in which key-value pairs are populated
* @remarks: internal method
bool oAuth::buildOAuthTokenKeyValuePairs( const bool includeOAuthVerifierPin,
const std::string& oauthSignature,
oAuthKeyValuePairs& keyValueMap,
const bool generateTimestamp )
/* Generate nonce and timestamp if required */
if( generateTimestamp )
/* Consumer key and its value */
keyValueMap[oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_CONSUMERKEY_KEY] = m_consumerKey;
/* Nonce key and its value */
keyValueMap[oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_NONCE_KEY] = m_nonce;
/* Signature if supplied */
if( oauthSignature.length() )
keyValueMap[oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_SIGNATURE_KEY] = oauthSignature;
/* Signature method, only HMAC-SHA1 as of now */
keyValueMap[oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_SIGNATUREMETHOD_KEY] = std::string( "HMAC-SHA1" );
/* Timestamp */
keyValueMap[oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_TIMESTAMP_KEY] = m_timeStamp;
/* Token */
if( m_oAuthTokenKey.length() )
keyValueMap[oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_KEY] = m_oAuthTokenKey;
/* Verifier */
if( includeOAuthVerifierPin && m_oAuthPin.length() )
keyValueMap[oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_VERIFIER_KEY] = m_oAuthPin;
/* Version */
keyValueMap[oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_VERSION_KEY] = std::string( "1.0" );
return ( keyValueMap.size() ) ? true : false;
* @method: oAuth::getSignature
* @description: this method calculates HMAC-SHA1 signature of OAuth header
* @input: eType - HTTP request type
* rawUrl - raw url of the HTTP request
* rawKeyValuePairs - key-value pairs containing OAuth headers and HTTP data
* @output: oAuthSignature - base64 and url encoded signature
* @remarks: internal method
bool oAuth::getSignature( const eOAuthHttpRequestType eType,
const std::string& rawUrl,
const oAuthKeyValuePairs& rawKeyValuePairs,
std::string& oAuthSignature )
std::string rawParams;
std::string paramsSeperator;
std::string sigBase;
/* Initially empty signature */
oAuthSignature.assign( "" );
/* Build a string using key-value pairs */
paramsSeperator = "&";
getStringFromOAuthKeyValuePairs( rawKeyValuePairs, rawParams, paramsSeperator );
/* Start constructing base signature string. Refer http://dev.twitter.com/auth#intro */
switch( eType )
case eOAuthHttpGet:
sigBase.assign( "GET&" );
case eOAuthHttpPost:
sigBase.assign( "POST&" );
case eOAuthHttpDelete:
sigBase.assign( "DELETE&" );
return false;
sigBase.append( urlencode( rawUrl ) );
sigBase.append( "&" );
sigBase.append( urlencode( rawParams ) );
/* Now, hash the signature base string using HMAC_SHA1 class */
std::string secretSigningKey;
unsigned char strDigest[oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_BUFFSIZE_LARGE];
memset( strDigest, 0, oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_BUFFSIZE_LARGE );
/* Signing key is composed of consumer_secret&token_secret */
secretSigningKey.assign( m_consumerSecret );
secretSigningKey.append( "&" );
if( m_oAuthTokenSecret.length() )
secretSigningKey.append( m_oAuthTokenSecret );
objHMACSHA1.HMAC_SHA1( (unsigned char*)sigBase.c_str(),
(unsigned char*)secretSigningKey.c_str(),
strDigest );
/* Do a base64 encode of signature */
std::string base64Str = base64_encode( strDigest, 20 /* SHA 1 digest is 160 bits */ );
/* Do an url encode */
oAuthSignature = urlencode( base64Str );
return ( oAuthSignature.length() ) ? true : false;
* @method: oAuth::getOAuthHeader
* @description: this method builds OAuth header that should be used in HTTP requests to twitter
* @input: eType - HTTP request type
* rawUrl - raw url of the HTTP request
* rawData - HTTP data (post fields)
* includeOAuthVerifierPin - flag to indicate whether or not oauth_verifier needs to included
* in OAuth header
* @output: oAuthHttpHeader - OAuth header
bool oAuth::getOAuthHeader( const eOAuthHttpRequestType eType,
const std::string& rawUrl,
const std::string& rawData,
std::string& oAuthHttpHeader,
const bool includeOAuthVerifierPin )
oAuthKeyValuePairs rawKeyValuePairs;
std::string rawParams;
std::string oauthSignature;
std::string paramsSeperator;
std::string pureUrl( rawUrl );
/* Clear header string initially */
oAuthHttpHeader.assign( "" );
/* If URL itself contains ?key=value, then extract and put them in map */
size_t nPos = rawUrl.find_first_of( "?" );
if( std::string::npos != nPos )
/* Get only URL */
pureUrl = rawUrl.substr( 0, nPos );
/* Get only key=value data part */
std::string dataPart = rawUrl.substr( nPos + 1 );
/* Split the data in URL as key=value pairs */
buildOAuthRawDataKeyValPairs( dataPart, true, rawKeyValuePairs );
/* Split the raw data if it's present, as key=value pairs. Data should already be urlencoded once */
buildOAuthRawDataKeyValPairs( rawData, false, rawKeyValuePairs );
/* Build key-value pairs needed for OAuth request token, without signature */
buildOAuthTokenKeyValuePairs( includeOAuthVerifierPin, std::string( "" ), rawKeyValuePairs, true );
/* Get url encoded base64 signature using request type, url and parameters */
getSignature( eType, pureUrl, rawKeyValuePairs, oauthSignature );
/* Clear map so that the parameters themselves are not sent along with the OAuth values */
/* Now, again build key-value pairs with signature this time */
buildOAuthTokenKeyValuePairs( includeOAuthVerifierPin, oauthSignature, rawKeyValuePairs, false );
/* Get OAuth header in string format */
paramsSeperator = ",";
getStringFromOAuthKeyValuePairs( rawKeyValuePairs, rawParams, paramsSeperator );
/* Build authorization header */
oAuthHttpHeader.assign( oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_AUTHHEADER_STRING );
oAuthHttpHeader.append( rawParams );
return ( oAuthHttpHeader.length() ) ? true : false;
* @method: oAuth::getStringFromOAuthKeyValuePairs
* @description: this method builds a sorted string from key-value pairs
* @input: rawParamMap - key-value pairs map
* paramsSeperator - sepearator, either & or ,
* @output: rawParams - sorted string of OAuth parameters
* @remarks: internal method
bool oAuth::getStringFromOAuthKeyValuePairs( const oAuthKeyValuePairs& rawParamMap,
std::string& rawParams,
const std::string& paramsSeperator )
rawParams.assign( "" );
if( rawParamMap.size() )
oAuthKeyValueList keyValueList;
std::string dummyStr;
/* Push key-value pairs to a list of strings */
oAuthKeyValuePairs::const_iterator itMap = rawParamMap.begin();
for( ; itMap != rawParamMap.end(); itMap++ )
dummyStr.assign( itMap->first );
dummyStr.append( "=" );
if( paramsSeperator == "," )
dummyStr.append( "\"" );
dummyStr.append( itMap->second );
if( paramsSeperator == "," )
dummyStr.append( "\"" );
keyValueList.push_back( dummyStr );
/* Sort key-value pairs based on key name */
/* Now, form a string */
dummyStr.assign( "" );
oAuthKeyValueList::iterator itKeyValue = keyValueList.begin();
for( ; itKeyValue != keyValueList.end(); itKeyValue++ )
if( dummyStr.length() )
dummyStr.append( paramsSeperator );
dummyStr.append( itKeyValue->c_str() );
rawParams.assign( dummyStr );
return ( rawParams.length() ) ? true : false;
* @method: oAuth::extractOAuthTokenKeySecret
* @description: this method extracts oauth token key and secret from
* twitter's HTTP response
* @input: requestTokenResponse - response from twitter
* @output: none
bool oAuth::extractOAuthTokenKeySecret( const std::string& requestTokenResponse )
if( requestTokenResponse.length() )
size_t nPos = std::string::npos;
std::string strDummy;
/* Get oauth_token key */
nPos = requestTokenResponse.find( oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_KEY );
if( std::string::npos != nPos )
nPos = nPos + oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_KEY.length() + strlen( "=" );
strDummy = requestTokenResponse.substr( nPos );
nPos = strDummy.find( "&" );
if( std::string::npos != nPos )
m_oAuthTokenKey = strDummy.substr( 0, nPos );
/* Get oauth_token_secret */
nPos = requestTokenResponse.find( oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_TOKENSECRET_KEY );
if( std::string::npos != nPos )
nPos = nPos + oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_TOKENSECRET_KEY.length() + strlen( "=" );
strDummy = requestTokenResponse.substr( nPos );
nPos = strDummy.find( "&" );
if( std::string::npos != nPos )
m_oAuthTokenSecret = strDummy.substr( 0, nPos );
/* Get screen_name */
nPos = requestTokenResponse.find( oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_SCREENNAME_KEY );
if( std::string::npos != nPos )
nPos = nPos + oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_SCREENNAME_KEY.length() + strlen( "=" );
strDummy = requestTokenResponse.substr( nPos );
m_oAuthScreenName = strDummy;
return true;