446 lines
15 KiB
446 lines
15 KiB
#include "TwitterPlugin.h"
#include "Requests/StatusUpdateRequest.h"
#include "Requests/DirectMessageRequest.h"
#include "Requests/TimelineRequest.h"
#include "Requests/FetchFriends.h"
#include "Requests/HelpMessageRequest.h"
#include "Requests/PINExchangeProcess.h"
#include "Requests/OAuthFlow.h"
#include "Requests/CreateFriendRequest.h"
#include "Requests/DestroyFriendRequest.h"
DEFINE_LOGGER(logger, "Twitter Backend");
TwitterPlugin *np = NULL;
Swift::SimpleEventLoop *loop_; // Event Loop
#define abs(x) ((x)<0?-(x):(x))
static int cmp(std::string a, std::string b)
int diff = abs((int)a.size() - (int)b.size());
if(a.size() < b.size()) a = std::string(diff,'0') + a;
else b = std::string(diff,'0') + b;
if(a == b) return 0;
if(a < b) return -1;
return 1;
TwitterPlugin::TwitterPlugin(Config *config, Swift::SimpleEventLoop *loop, StorageBackend *storagebackend, const std::string &host, int port) : NetworkPlugin()
this->config = config;
this->storagebackend = storagebackend;
if(CONFIG_HAS_KEY(config, "twitter.consumer_key") == false ||
CONFIG_HAS_KEY(config, "twitter.consumer_secret") == false) {
LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Couldn't find consumer key and/or secret. Please check config file.");
twitterMode = SINGLECONTACT;
if(CONFIG_HAS_KEY(config, "twitter.mode") == false) {
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "Using default single contact mode!");
} else twitterMode = (mode)CONFIG_INT(config, "twitter.mode");
consumerKey = CONFIG_STRING(config, "twitter.consumer_key");
consumerSecret = CONFIG_STRING(config, "twitter.consumer_secret");
OAUTH_KEY = "oauth_key";
OAUTH_SECRET = "oauth_secret";
m_factories = new Swift::BoostNetworkFactories(loop);
m_conn = m_factories->getConnectionFactory()->createConnection();
m_conn->onDataRead.connect(boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::_handleDataRead, this, _1));
m_conn->connect(Swift::HostAddressPort(Swift::HostAddress(host), port));
tp = new ThreadPool(loop_, 10);
tweet_timer = m_factories->getTimerFactory()->createTimer(60000);
message_timer = m_factories->getTimerFactory()->createTimer(60000);
tweet_timer->onTick.connect(boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::pollForTweets, this));
message_timer->onTick.connect(boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::pollForDirectMessages, this));
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "Starting the plugin.");
delete storagebackend;
std::map<std::string, twitCurl*>::iterator it;
for(it = sessions.begin() ; it != sessions.end() ; it++) delete it->second;
delete tp;
// Send data to NetworkPlugin server
void TwitterPlugin::sendData(const std::string &string)
// Receive date from the NetworkPlugin server and invoke the appropirate payload handler (implement in the NetworkPlugin class)
void TwitterPlugin::_handleDataRead(boost::shared_ptr<Swift::SafeByteArray> data)
std::string d(data->begin(), data->end());
// User trying to login into his twitter account
void TwitterPlugin::handleLoginRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &password)
if(connectionState.count(user) && (connectionState[user] == NEW ||
connectionState[user] == CONNECTED ||
connectionState[user] == WAITING_FOR_PIN)) {
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, std::string("A session corresponding to ") + user + std::string(" is already active"))
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, std::string("Received login request for ") + user)
initUserSession(user, password);
handleBuddyChanged(user, "twitter-account", "twitter", std::vector<std::string>(), pbnetwork::STATUS_ONLINE);
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "Querying database for usersettings of " << user)
std::string key, secret;
getUserOAuthKeyAndSecret(user, key, secret);
if(key == "" || secret == "") {
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "Intiating OAuth Flow for user " << user)
tp->runAsThread(new OAuthFlow(np, sessions[user], user, sessions[user]->getTwitterUsername()));
} else {
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, user << " is already registerd. Using the stored oauth key and secret")
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, key << " " << secret)
pinExchangeComplete(user, key, secret);
// User logging out
void TwitterPlugin::handleLogoutRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName)
delete sessions[user];
sessions[user] = NULL;
connectionState[user] = DISCONNECTED;
void TwitterPlugin::handleMessageSendRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &legacyName, const std::string &message, const std::string &xhtml)
if(legacyName == "twitter-account") {
//char ch;
std::string cmd = "", data = "";
int i;
for(i=0 ; i<message.size() && message[i] != ' '; i++) cmd += message[i];
while(i<message.size() && message[i] == ' ') i++;
data = message.substr(i);
//handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", cmd + " " + data);
if(cmd == "#pin") tp->runAsThread(new PINExchangeProcess(np, sessions[user], user, data));
else if(cmd == "#help") tp->runAsThread(new HelpMessageRequest(np, user));
else if(cmd[0] == '@') {
std::string username = cmd.substr(1);
tp->runAsThread(new DirectMessageRequest(sessions[user], user, username, data,
boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::directMessageResponse, this, _1, _2, _3)));
else if(cmd == "#status") tp->runAsThread(new StatusUpdateRequest(np, sessions[user], user, data));
else if(cmd == "#timeline") tp->runAsThread(new TimelineRequest(sessions[user], user, data, "",
boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::displayTweets, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)));
else if(cmd == "#friends") tp->runAsThread(new FetchFriends(sessions[user], user,
boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::displayFriendlist, this, _1, _2, _3)));
else if(cmd == "#follow") tp->runAsThread(new CreateFriendRequest(sessions[user], user, data,
boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::createFriendResponse, this, _1, _2, _3)));
else if(cmd == "#unfollow") tp->runAsThread(new DestroyFriendRequest(sessions[user], user, data,
boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::deleteFriendResponse, this, _1, _2, _3)));
else handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", "Unknown command! Type #help for a list of available commands.");
else {
tp->runAsThread(new DirectMessageRequest(sessions[user], user, legacyName, message,
boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::directMessageResponse, this, _1, _2, _3)));
void TwitterPlugin::handleBuddyUpdatedRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName, const std::string &alias, const std::vector<std::string> &groups)
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, user << ": Added buddy " << buddyName << ".");
handleBuddyChanged(user, buddyName, alias, groups, pbnetwork::STATUS_ONLINE);
void TwitterPlugin::handleBuddyRemovedRequest(const std::string &user, const std::string &buddyName, const std::vector<std::string> &groups)
void TwitterPlugin::pollForTweets()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(userlock);
std::set<std::string>::iterator it = onlineUsers.begin();
while(it != onlineUsers.end()) {
std::string user = *it;
tp->runAsThread(new TimelineRequest(sessions[user], user, "", mostRecentTweetID[user],
boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::displayTweets, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)));
void TwitterPlugin::pollForDirectMessages()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(userlock);
std::set<std::string>::iterator it = onlineUsers.begin();
while(it != onlineUsers.end()) {
std::string user = *it;
tp->runAsThread(new DirectMessageRequest(sessions[user], user, "", mostRecentDirectMessageID[user],
boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::directMessageResponse, this, _1, _2, _3)));
bool TwitterPlugin::getUserOAuthKeyAndSecret(const std::string user, std::string &key, std::string &secret)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(dblock);
UserInfo info;
if(storagebackend->getUser(user, info) == false) {
LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Didn't find entry for " << user << " in the database!")
return false;
key="", secret=""; int type;
storagebackend->getUserSetting((long)info.id, OAUTH_KEY, type, key);
storagebackend->getUserSetting((long)info.id, OAUTH_SECRET, type, secret);
return true;
bool TwitterPlugin::storeUserOAuthKeyAndSecret(const std::string user, const std::string OAuthKey, const std::string OAuthSecret)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(dblock);
UserInfo info;
if(storagebackend->getUser(user, info) == false) {
LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Didn't find entry for " << user << " in the database!")
return false;
storagebackend->updateUserSetting((long)info.id, OAUTH_KEY, OAuthKey);
storagebackend->updateUserSetting((long)info.id, OAUTH_SECRET, OAuthSecret);
return true;
void TwitterPlugin::initUserSession(const std::string user, const std::string password)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(userlock);
std::string username = user.substr(0,user.find('@'));
std::string passwd = password;
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, username + " " + passwd)
sessions[user] = new twitCurl();
if(CONFIG_HAS_KEY(config,"proxy.server")) {
std::string ip = CONFIG_STRING(config,"proxy.server");
std::ostringstream out;
out << CONFIG_INT(config,"proxy.port");
std::string port = out.str();
std::string puser = CONFIG_STRING(config,"proxy.user");
std::string ppasswd = CONFIG_STRING(config,"proxy.password");
LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, ip << " " << port << " " << puser << " " << ppasswd)
if(ip != "localhost" && port != "0") {
connectionState[user] = NEW;
void TwitterPlugin::OAuthFlowComplete(const std::string user, twitCurl *obj)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(userlock);
delete sessions[user];
sessions[user] = obj->clone();
connectionState[user] = WAITING_FOR_PIN;
void TwitterPlugin::pinExchangeComplete(const std::string user, const std::string OAuthAccessTokenKey, const std::string OAuthAccessTokenSecret)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(userlock);
sessions[user]->getOAuth().setOAuthTokenKey( OAuthAccessTokenKey );
sessions[user]->getOAuth().setOAuthTokenSecret( OAuthAccessTokenSecret );
connectionState[user] = CONNECTED;
if(twitterMode == MULTIPLECONTACT) {
tp->runAsThread(new FetchFriends(sessions[user], user,
boost::bind(&TwitterPlugin::populateRoster, this, _1, _2, _3)));
mostRecentTweetID[user] = "";
mostRecentDirectMessageID[user] = "";
void TwitterPlugin::updateLastTweetID(const std::string user, const std::string ID)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(userlock);
mostRecentTweetID[user] = ID;
std::string TwitterPlugin::getMostRecentTweetID(const std::string user)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(userlock);
std::string ID = "-1";
if(onlineUsers.count(user)) ID = mostRecentTweetID[user];
return ID;
void TwitterPlugin::updateLastDMID(const std::string user, const std::string ID)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(userlock);
mostRecentDirectMessageID[user] = ID;
std::string TwitterPlugin::getMostRecentDMID(const std::string user)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(userlock);
std::string ID = "";
if(onlineUsers.count(user)) ID = mostRecentDirectMessageID[user];
return ID;
/************************************** Twitter response functions **********************************/
void TwitterPlugin::populateRoster(std::string &user, std::vector<User> &friends, std::string &errMsg)
if(errMsg.length() == 0)
for(int i=0 ; i<friends.size() ; i++) {
handleBuddyChanged(user, friends[i].getScreenName(), friends[i].getUserName(), std::vector<std::string>(), pbnetwork::STATUS_ONLINE);
} else handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", std::string("Error populating roster - ") + errMsg);
void TwitterPlugin::displayFriendlist(std::string &user, std::vector<User> &friends, std::string &errMsg)
if(errMsg.length() == 0)
std::string userlist = "\n***************USER LIST****************\n";
for(int i=0 ; i < friends.size() ; i++) {
userlist += " - " + friends[i].getUserName() + " (" + friends[i].getScreenName() + ")\n";
userlist += "***************************************\n";
handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", userlist);
} else handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", errMsg);
void TwitterPlugin::displayTweets(std::string &user, std::string &userRequested, std::vector<Status> &tweets , std::string &errMsg)
if(errMsg.length() == 0) {
std::string timeline = "";
for(int i=0 ; i<tweets.size() ; i++) {
timeline += " - " + tweets[i].getUserData().getScreenName() + ": " + tweets[i].getTweet() + "\n";
if((userRequested == "" || userRequested == user) && tweets.size()) {
std::string tweetID = getMostRecentTweetID(user);
if(tweetID != tweets[0].getID()) updateLastTweetID(user, tweets[0].getID());
else timeline = ""; //have already sent the tweet earlier
if(timeline.length()) handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", timeline);
} else handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", errMsg);
void TwitterPlugin::directMessageResponse(std::string &user, std::vector<DirectMessage> &messages, std::string &errMsg)
if(errMsg.length()) {
handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", std::string("Error while sending direct message! - ") + errMsg);
if(!messages.size()) return;
if(twitterMode == SINGLECONTACT) {
std::string msglist = "";
std::string msgID = getMostRecentDMID(user);
std::string maxID = msgID;
for(int i=0 ; i < messages.size() ; i++) {
if(cmp(msgID, messages[i].getID()) == -1) {
msglist += " - " + messages[i].getSenderData().getScreenName() + ": " + messages[i].getMessage() + "\n";
if(cmp(maxID, messages[i].getID()) == -1) maxID = messages[i].getID();
if(msglist.length()) handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", msglist);
updateLastDMID(user, maxID);
} else if(twitterMode == MULTIPLECONTACT) {
std::string msgID = getMostRecentDMID(user);
std::string maxID = msgID;
for(int i=0 ; i < messages.size() ; i++) {
if(cmp(msgID, messages[i].getID()) == -1) {
handleMessage(user, messages[i].getSenderData().getScreenName(), messages[i].getMessage());
if(cmp(maxID, messages[i].getID()) == -1) maxID = messages[i].getID();
if(maxID == getMostRecentDMID(user)) LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "No new direct messages for " << user)
updateLastDMID(user, maxID);
void TwitterPlugin::createFriendResponse(std::string &user, std::string &frnd, std::string &errMsg)
if(errMsg.length()) {
handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", errMsg);
if(twitterMode == SINGLECONTACT) {
handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", std::string("You are now following ") + frnd);
} else if(twitterMode == MULTIPLECONTACT) {
handleBuddyChanged(user, frnd, frnd, std::vector<std::string>(), pbnetwork::STATUS_ONLINE);
void TwitterPlugin::deleteFriendResponse(std::string &user, std::string &frnd, std::string &errMsg)
if(errMsg.length()) {
handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", errMsg);
} if(twitterMode == SINGLECONTACT) {
handleMessage(user, "twitter-account", std::string("You are not following ") + frnd + "anymore");
} else if(twitterMode == MULTIPLECONTACT) {