Fixed inerface

This commit is contained in:
vysheng 2013-10-30 04:08:30 +04:00
parent c8332f38c7
commit 6a804fcfb9
4 changed files with 358 additions and 310 deletions

View file

@ -40,11 +40,136 @@ char *default_prompt = "> ";
int unread_messages;
int msg_num_mode;
int in_readline;
long long cur_uploading_bytes;
long long cur_uploaded_bytes;
long long cur_downloading_bytes;
long long cur_downloaded_bytes;
char *line_ptr;
extern int user_num;
extern int chat_num;
extern union user_chat *Peers[];
int is_same_word (const char *s, size_t l, const char *word) {
return s && word && strlen (word) == l && !memcmp (s, word, l);
char *next_token (int *l) {
while (*line_ptr == ' ') { line_ptr ++; }
if (!*line_ptr) {
*l = 0;
return 0;
int neg = 0;
char *s = line_ptr;
while (*line_ptr && (*line_ptr != ' ' || neg)) {
if (*line_ptr == '\\') {
neg = 1 - neg;
} else {
neg = 0;
*l = line_ptr - s;
return s;
#define NOT_FOUND (int)0x80000000
int next_token_int (void) {
int l;
char *s = next_token (&l);
if (!s) { return NOT_FOUND; }
char *r;
int x = strtod (s, &r);
if (r == s + l) {
return x;
} else {
return NOT_FOUND;
int next_token_user (void) {
int l;
char *s = next_token (&l);
if (!s) { return NOT_FOUND; }
if (*s == '#') {
s ++;
l --;
if (l > 0) {
int r = atoi (s);
if (r < 0) { return r; }
else { return NOT_FOUND; }
} else {
return NOT_FOUND;
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!is_same_word (s, l, Peers[index]->print_name) || Peers[index]->id < 0)) {
index ++;
if (index < user_num + chat_num) {
return Peers[index]->id;
} else {
return NOT_FOUND;
int next_token_chat (void) {
int l;
char *s = next_token (&l);
if (!s) { return NOT_FOUND; }
if (*s == '#') {
s ++;
l --;
if (l > 0) {
int r = atoi (s);
if (r < 0) { return r; }
else { return NOT_FOUND; }
} else {
return NOT_FOUND;
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!is_same_word (s, l, Peers[index]->print_name) || Peers[index]->id > 0)) {
index ++;
if (index < user_num + chat_num) {
return Peers[index]->id;
} else {
return NOT_FOUND;
int next_token_user_chat (void) {
int l;
char *s = next_token (&l);
if (!s) { return NOT_FOUND; }
if (*s == '#') {
s ++;
l --;
if (l > 0) {
int r = atoi (s);
if (r != 0) { return r; }
else { return NOT_FOUND; }
} else {
return NOT_FOUND;
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!is_same_word (s, l, Peers[index]->print_name) || !Peers[index]->id)) {
index ++;
if (index < user_num + chat_num) {
return Peers[index]->id;
} else {
return NOT_FOUND;
char *get_default_prompt (void) {
static char buf[100];
@ -129,54 +254,22 @@ int commands_flags[] = {
char *a = 0;
char *user_list[MAX_USER_NUM + 1];
char **chat_list = &a;
int init_token (char **q) {
char *r = *q;
while (*r == ' ') { r ++; }
if (!*r) { return 0; }
*q = r;
return 1;
char *get_token (char **q, int *l) {
char *r = *q;
while (*r == ' ') { r ++; }
if (!*r) {
*q = r;
*l = 0;
return 0;
int neg = 0;
char *s = r;
while (*r && (*r != ' ' || neg)) {
if (*r == '\\') {
neg = 1 - neg;
} else {
neg = 0;
*q = r;
*l = r - s;
return s;
int get_complete_mode (void) {
char *q = rl_line_buffer;
if (!init_token (&q)) { return 0; }
line_ptr = rl_line_buffer;
int l = 0;
char *r = get_token (&q, &l);
if (!*q) { return 0; }
char *r = next_token (&l);
if (!r) { return 0; }
while (r && r[0] == '[' && r[l - 1] == ']') {
r = next_token (&l);
if (!r) { return 0; }
if (!*line_ptr) { return 0; }
char **command = commands;
int n = 0;
int flags = -1;
while (*command) {
if (!strncmp (r, *command, l)) {
if (is_same_word (r, l, *command)) {
flags = commands_flags[n];
@ -184,20 +277,18 @@ int get_complete_mode (void) {
command ++;
if (flags == -1) {
return -1;
return 7;
int s = 0;
while (1) {
get_token (&q, &l);
if (!*q) { return flags ? flags & 7 : 7; }
if (!next_token (&l) || !*line_ptr) {
return flags ? flags & 7 : 7;
s ++;
if (s <= 4) { flags >>= 3; }
extern int user_num;
extern int chat_num;
extern union user_chat *Peers[];
int complete_user_list (int index, const char *text, int len, char **R) {
index ++;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len) || Peers[index]->id < 0)) {
@ -302,228 +393,221 @@ char **complete_text (char *text, int start UU, int end UU) {
return (char **) rl_completion_matches (text, command_generator);
void work_modifier (const char *s UU) {
void interpreter (char *line UU) {
if (!line) { return; }
line_ptr = line;
assert (!in_readline);
in_readline = 1;
if (!line) {
in_readline = 0;
if (line && *line) {
add_history (line);
if (!memcmp (line, "contact_list", 12)) {
int l;
char *command;
while (1) {
command = next_token (&l);
if (!command) { return; }
if (*command == '[' && command[l - 1] == ']') {
work_modifier (command);
} else {
#define IS_WORD(s) is_same_word (command, l, (s))
#define RET in_readline = 0; return;
if (IS_WORD ("contact_list")) {
do_update_contact_list ();
} else if (!memcmp (line, "dialog_list", 11)) {
} else if (IS_WORD ("dialog_list")) {
do_get_dialog_list ();
} else if (!memcmp (line, "stats", 5)) {
} else if (IS_WORD ("stats")) {
static char stat_buf[1 << 15];
print_stat (stat_buf, (1 << 15) - 1);
printf ("%s\n", stat_buf);
} else if (!memcmp (line, "msg ", 4)) {
char *q = line + 4;
int len;
char *text = get_token (&q, &len);
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len))) {
index ++;
} else if (IS_WORD ("msg")) {
int id = next_token_user_chat ();
if (id == NOT_FOUND) {
printf ("Bad user/chat id\n");
while (*q && (*q == ' ' || *q == '\t')) { q ++; }
if (*q && index < user_num + chat_num) {
do_send_message (Peers[index], q, strlen (q));
int t;
char *s = next_token (&t);
if (!s) {
printf ("Empty message\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "rename_chat", 11)) {
char *q = line + 11;
int len;
char *text = get_token (&q, &len);
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len) || Peers[index]->id >= 0)) {
index ++;
do_send_message (id, s, strlen (s));
} else if (IS_WORD ("rename_chat")) {
int id = next_token_chat ();
if (id == NOT_FOUND) {
printf ("Bad chat id\n");
while (*q && (*q == ' ' || *q == '\t')) { q ++; }
if (*q && index < user_num + chat_num) {
do_rename_chat (Peers[index], q);
int t;
char *s = next_token (&t);
if (!s) {
printf ("Empty new name\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "send_photo", 10)) {
char *q = line + 10;
int len;
char *text = get_token (&q, &len);
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len))) {
index ++;
do_rename_chat (id, s);
} else if (IS_WORD ("send_photo")) {
int id = next_token_user_chat ();
if (id == NOT_FOUND) {
printf ("Bad user/chat id\n");
if (index < user_num + chat_num) {
int len = 0;
char *f = get_token (&q, &len);
if (len > 0) {
do_send_photo (CODE_input_media_uploaded_photo,
Peers[index]->id, strndup (f, len));
int t;
char *s = next_token (&t);
if (!s) {
printf ("Empty file name\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "send_video", 10)) {
char *q = line + 10;
int len;
char *text = get_token (&q, &len);
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len))) {
index ++;
do_send_photo (CODE_input_media_uploaded_photo, id, strndup (s, t));
} else if (IS_WORD("send_video")) {
int id = next_token_user_chat ();
if (id == NOT_FOUND) {
printf ("Bad user/chat id\n");
if (index < user_num + chat_num) {
int len = 0;
char *f = get_token (&q, &len);
if (len > 0) {
do_send_photo (CODE_input_media_uploaded_video,
Peers[index]->id, strndup (f, len));
int t;
char *s = next_token (&t);
if (!s) {
printf ("Empty file name\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "send_text", 9)) {
char *q = line + 10;
int len;
char *text = get_token (&q, &len);
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len))) {
index ++;
do_send_photo (CODE_input_media_uploaded_video, id, strndup (s, t));
} else if (IS_WORD ("send_text")) {
int id = next_token_user_chat ();
if (id == NOT_FOUND) {
printf ("Bad user/chat id\n");
if (index < user_num + chat_num) {
int len = 0;
char *f = get_token (&q, &len);
if (len > 0) {
do_send_text (Peers[index], strndup (f, len));
int t;
char *s = next_token (&t);
if (!s) {
printf ("Empty file name\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "fwd ", 4)) {
char *q = line + 4;
int len;
char *text = get_token (&q, &len);
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len))) {
index ++;
do_send_text (id, strndup (s, t));
} else if (IS_WORD ("fwd")) {
int id = next_token_user_chat ();
if (id == NOT_FOUND) {
printf ("Bad user/chat id\n");
if (index < user_num + chat_num) {
int len = 0;
char *f = get_token (&q, &len);
if (f) {
int num = atoi (f);
if (num > 0) {
do_forward_message (Peers[index], num);
int num = next_token_int ();
if (num == NOT_FOUND || num <= 0) {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "load_photo ", 10)) {
char *q = line + 10;
int len = 0;
char *f = get_token (&q, &len);
if (f) {
int num = atoi (f);
if (num > 0) {
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_photo) {
do_load_photo (&M->, 1);
do_forward_message (id, num);
} else if (IS_WORD ("load_photo")) {
int num = next_token_int ();
if (num == NOT_FOUND || num <= 0) {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "view_photo ", 10)) {
char *q = line + 10;
int len = 0;
char *f = get_token (&q, &len);
if (f) {
int num = atoi (f);
if (num > 0) {
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_photo) {
do_load_photo (&M->, 2);
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_photo) {
do_load_photo (&M->, 1);
} else {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "load_video_thumb ", 16)) {
char *q = line + 16;
int len = 0;
char *f = get_token (&q, &len);
if (f) {
int num = atoi (f);
if (num > 0) {
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_video) {
do_load_video_thumb (&M->, 1);
} else if (IS_WORD ("view_photo")) {
int num = next_token_int ();
if (num == NOT_FOUND || num <= 0) {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "view_video_thumb ", 16)) {
char *q = line + 16;
int len = 0;
char *f = get_token (&q, &len);
if (f) {
int num = atoi (f);
if (num > 0) {
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_video) {
do_load_video_thumb (&M->, 2);
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_photo) {
do_load_photo (&M->, 2);
} else {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "load_video ", 10)) {
char *q = line + 10;
int len = 0;
char *f = get_token (&q, &len);
if (f) {
int num = atoi (f);
if (num > 0) {
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_video) {
do_load_video (&M->, 1);
} else if (IS_WORD ("load_video_thumb")) {
int num = next_token_int ();
if (num == NOT_FOUND || num <= 0) {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "view_video ", 10)) {
char *q = line + 10;
int len = 0;
char *f = get_token (&q, &len);
if (f) {
int num = atoi (f);
if (num > 0) {
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_video) {
do_load_video (&M->, 2);
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_video) {
do_load_video_thumb (&M->, 1);
} else {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "chat_info", 9)) {
char *q = line + 10;
int len;
char *text = get_token (&q, &len);
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len))) {
index ++;
} else if (IS_WORD ("view_video_thumb")) {
int num = next_token_int ();
if (num == NOT_FOUND || num <= 0) {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
if (index < user_num + chat_num && Peers[index]->id < 0) {
do_get_chat_info (Peers[index]);
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_video) {
do_load_video_thumb (&M->, 2);
} else {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "user_info", 9)) {
char *q = line + 10;
int len;
char *text = get_token (&q, &len);
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len))) {
index ++;
} else if (IS_WORD ("load_video")) {
int num = next_token_int ();
if (num == NOT_FOUND || num <= 0) {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
if (index < user_num + chat_num && Peers[index]->id > 0) {
do_get_user_info (Peers[index]);
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_video) {
do_load_video (&M->, 1);
} else {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "history", 7)) {
char *q = line + 7;
int len;
char *text = get_token (&q, &len);
int index = 0;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len))) {
index ++;
} else if (IS_WORD ("view_video")) {
int num = next_token_int ();
if (num == NOT_FOUND || num <= 0) {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
if (index < user_num + chat_num) {
char *text = get_token (&q, &len);
int limit = 40;
if (text) {
limit = atoi (text);
if (limit <= 0 || limit >= 1000000) {
limit = 40;
do_get_history (Peers[index], limit);
struct message *M = message_get (num);
if (M && !M->service && M->media.type == (int)CODE_message_media_video) {
do_load_video (&M->, 2);
} else {
printf ("Bad msg id\n");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "help", 4)) {
} else if (IS_WORD ("chat_info")) {
int id = next_token_chat ();
if (id == NOT_FOUND) {
printf ("Bad chat id\n");
do_get_chat_info (id);
} else if (IS_WORD ("user_info")) {
int id = next_token_user ();
if (id == NOT_FOUND) {
printf ("Bad user id\n");
do_get_user_info (id);
} else if (IS_WORD ("history")) {
int id = next_token_user_chat ();
if (id == NOT_FOUND) {
printf ("Bad user/chat id\n");
int limit = next_token_int ();
do_get_history (id, limit > 0 ? limit : 40);
} else if (IS_WORD ("help")) {
//print_start ();
push_color (COLOR_YELLOW);
printf (
@ -548,12 +632,15 @@ void interpreter (char *line UU) {
rl_on_new_line ();
//print_end ();
printf ("\033[1K\033H");
} else if (!memcmp (line, "show_license", 12)) {
} else if (IS_WORD ("show_license")) {
char *b =
#include "LICENSE.h"
printf ("%s", b);
#undef IS_WORD
#undef RET
in_readline = 0;
int readline_active;
@ -586,6 +673,7 @@ int saved_point;
char *saved_line;
int prompt_was;
void print_start (void) {
if (in_readline) { return; }
assert (!prompt_was);
if (readline_active) {
saved_point = rl_point;
@ -597,6 +685,7 @@ void print_start (void) {
prompt_was = 1;
void print_end (void) {
if (in_readline) { return; }
assert (prompt_was);
if (readline_active) {
rl_set_prompt (get_default_prompt ());

View file

@ -63,14 +63,6 @@ void net_loop (int flags, int (*is_end)(void)) {
double timer = next_timer_in ();
if (timer > 1000) { timer = 1000; }
if (poll (fds, x, timer) < 0) {
/* resuming from interrupt, so not an error situation,
this generally happens when you suspend your
messenger with "C-z" and then "fg". This is allowed "
if (flags & 1) {
rl_reset_line_state ();
rl_forced_update_display ();
work_timers ();
@ -102,6 +94,7 @@ int is_got_it (void) {
int net_getline (char **s, size_t *l) {
rl_already_prompted = 1;
got_it_ok = 0;
_s = s;
_l = l;

View file

@ -622,7 +622,8 @@ struct query_methods msg_send_methods = {
int out_message_num;
int our_id;
void do_send_message (union user_chat *U, const char *msg, int len) {
void out_peer_id (int id);
void do_send_message (int id, const char *msg, int len) {
if (!out_message_num) {
out_message_num = -lrand48 ();
@ -631,21 +632,9 @@ void do_send_message (union user_chat *U, const char *msg, int len) {
struct message *M = malloc (sizeof (*M));
memset (M, 0, sizeof (*M));
M->from_id = our_id;
M->to_id = U->id;
M->to_id = id;
M->unread = 1;
if (U->id < 0) {
out_int (CODE_input_peer_chat);
out_int (-U->id);
} else {
if (U->user.access_hash) {
out_int (CODE_input_peer_foreign);
out_int (U->id);
out_long (U->user.access_hash);
} else {
out_int (CODE_input_peer_contact);
out_int (U->id);
out_peer_id (id);
M->message = malloc (len + 1);
memcpy (M->message, msg, len);
M->message[len] = 0;
@ -660,7 +649,7 @@ void do_send_message (union user_chat *U, const char *msg, int len) {
print_message (M);
void do_send_text (union user_chat *U, char *file_name) {
void do_send_text (int id, char *file_name) {
int fd = open (file_name, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
rprintf ("No such file '%s'\n", file_name);
@ -676,7 +665,7 @@ void do_send_text (union user_chat *U, char *file_name) {
close (fd);
} else {
buf[x] = 0;
do_send_message (U, buf, x);
do_send_message (id, buf, x);
free (file_name);
close (fd);
@ -694,22 +683,10 @@ struct query_methods mark_read_methods = {
.on_answer = mark_read_on_receive
void do_messages_mark_read (union user_chat *U, int max_id) {
void do_messages_mark_read (int id, int max_id) {
clear_packet ();
out_int (CODE_messages_read_history);
if (U->id < 0) {
out_int (CODE_input_peer_chat);
out_int (-U->id);
} else {
if (U->user.access_hash) {
out_int (CODE_input_peer_foreign);
out_int (U->id);
out_long (U->user.access_hash);
} else {
out_int (CODE_input_peer_contact);
out_int (U->id);
out_peer_id (id);
out_int (max_id);
out_int (0);
send_query (DC_working, packet_ptr - packet_buffer, packet_buffer, &mark_read_methods, 0);
@ -749,7 +726,7 @@ int get_history_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
fetch_alloc_user ();
if (sn > 0) {
do_messages_mark_read (q->extra, ML[0]->id);
do_messages_mark_read ((long)(q->extra), ML[0]->id);
return 0;
@ -759,26 +736,14 @@ struct query_methods get_history_methods = {
void do_get_history (union user_chat *U, int limit) {
void do_get_history (int id, int limit) {
clear_packet ();
out_int (CODE_messages_get_history);
if (U->id < 0) {
out_int (CODE_input_peer_chat);
out_int (-U->id);
} else {
if (U->user.access_hash) {
out_int (CODE_input_peer_foreign);
out_int (U->id);
out_long (U->user.access_hash);
} else {
out_int (CODE_input_peer_contact);
out_int (U->id);
out_peer_id (id);
out_int (0);
out_int (0);
out_int (limit);
send_query (DC_working, packet_ptr - packet_buffer, packet_buffer, &get_history_methods, U);
send_query (DC_working, packet_ptr - packet_buffer, packet_buffer, &get_history_methods, (void *)(long)id);
int get_dialogs_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
@ -1023,11 +988,11 @@ struct query_methods fwd_msg_methods = {
.on_answer = fwd_msg_on_answer
void do_forward_message (union user_chat *U, int n) {
void do_forward_message (int id, int n) {
clear_packet ();
out_int (CODE_invoke_with_layer3);
out_int (CODE_messages_forward_message);
out_peer_id (U->id);
out_peer_id (id);
out_int (n);
out_long (lrand48 () * (1ll << 32) + lrand48 ());
send_query (DC_working, packet_ptr - packet_buffer, packet_buffer, &fwd_msg_methods, 0);
@ -1057,10 +1022,10 @@ struct query_methods rename_chat_methods = {
.on_answer = rename_chat_on_answer
void do_rename_chat (union user_chat *U, char *name) {
void do_rename_chat (int id, char *name) {
clear_packet ();
out_int (CODE_messages_edit_chat_title);
out_int (-U->id);
out_int (-id);
out_string (name);
send_query (DC_working, packet_ptr - packet_buffer, packet_buffer, &rename_chat_methods, 0);
@ -1095,10 +1060,10 @@ struct query_methods chat_info_methods = {
.on_answer = chat_info_on_answer
void do_get_chat_info (union user_chat *chat) {
void do_get_chat_info (int id) {
clear_packet ();
out_int (CODE_messages_get_full_chat);
out_int (-chat->id);
out_int (-id);
send_query (DC_working, packet_ptr - packet_buffer, packet_buffer, &chat_info_methods, 0);
@ -1128,16 +1093,17 @@ struct query_methods user_info_methods = {
.on_answer = user_info_on_answer
void do_get_user_info (union user_chat *U) {
void do_get_user_info (int id) {
clear_packet ();
out_int (CODE_users_get_full_user);
if (U->user.access_hash) {
union user_chat *U = user_chat_get (id);
if (U && U->user.access_hash) {
out_int (CODE_input_user_foreign);
out_int (U->id);
out_int (id);
out_long (U->user.access_hash);
} else {
out_int (CODE_input_user_contact);
out_int (U->id);
out_int (id);
send_query (DC_working, packet_ptr - packet_buffer, packet_buffer, &user_info_methods, 0);

View file

@ -68,16 +68,16 @@ double get_double_time (void);
void do_update_contact_list (void);
union user_chat;
void do_send_message (union user_chat *U, const char *msg, int len);
void do_send_text (union user_chat *U, char *file);
void do_get_history (union user_chat *U, int limit);
void do_send_message (int id, const char *msg, int len);
void do_send_text (int id, char *file);
void do_get_history (int id, int limit);
void do_get_dialog_list (void);
void do_send_photo (int type, int to_id, char *file_name);
void do_get_chat_info (union user_chat *chat);
void do_get_chat_info (int id);
void do_get_user_list_info_silent (int num, int *list);
void do_get_user_info (union user_chat *user);
void do_forward_message (union user_chat *U, int n);
void do_rename_chat (union user_chat *U, char *name);
void do_get_user_info (int id);
void do_forward_message (int id, int n);
void do_rename_chat (int id, char *name);
struct photo;
struct video;