many changes

This commit is contained in:
Vysheng 2014-08-12 19:15:04 +04:00
parent 30f949ee75
commit 7741fe8da9
13 changed files with 288 additions and 1105 deletions

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ CC=@CC@
.SUFFIXES: .c .h .o
all: ${EXE_LIST} ${DIR_LIST}
create_dirs_and_headers: ${DIR_LIST} ${AUTO}/auto.c ${AUTO}/auto-header.h
create_dirs_and_headers: ${DIR_LIST} ${AUTO}/auto.c ${AUTO}/auto-header.h ${AUTO}/constants.h
create_dirs: ${DIR_LIST}
@ -59,8 +59,14 @@ ${EXE}/telegram-cli: ${TG_OBJECTS} ${COMMON_OBJECTS}
${AUTO}/scheme.tlo: ${srcdir}/ ${EXE}/tlc
${EXE}/tlc -e $@ ${srcdir}/
${AUTO}/scheme.tlo: ${AUTO}/ ${EXE}/tlc
${EXE}/tlc -e $@ ${AUTO}/
${AUTO}/ ${srcdir}/ ${srcdir}/
cat $^ > $@
${AUTO}/ ${AUTO}/ ${EXE}/tlc
${EXE}/tlc -E ${AUTO}/ 2> $@ || ( cat $@ && rm $@ && false )
${AUTO}/auto.c: ${AUTO}/scheme.tlo ${EXE}/generate
${EXE}/generate ${AUTO}/scheme.tlo > $@
@ -68,6 +74,9 @@ ${AUTO}/auto.c: ${AUTO}/scheme.tlo ${EXE}/generate
${AUTO}/auto-header.h: ${AUTO}/scheme.tlo ${EXE}/generate
${EXE}/generate -H ${AUTO}/scheme.tlo > $@
${AUTO}/constants.h: ${AUTO}/
awk -f ${srcdir}/gen_constants_h.awk < $^ > $@
rm -rf ${DIR_LIST} config.log config.status > /dev/null || echo "all clean"

View file

@ -14,11 +14,14 @@ struct paramed_type {
#define NAME_ARRAY 0x89932ad9
#define TYPE_TO_PARAM(NAME) (&(struct paramed_type) {.type = &tl_type_## NAME, .params=0})
#define TYPE_TO_PARAM_1(NAME,PARAM1) (&(struct paramed_type) {.type = &tl_type_## NAME, .params=(struct paramed_type *[1]){PARAM1}})
#define ODDP(x) (((long)(x)) & 1)
#define EVENP(x) (!ODDP(x))
#define INT2PTR(x) (void *)(long)(((long)x) * 2 + 1)
#define PTR2INT(x) ((((long)x) - 1) / 2)
#include "auto/auto-header.h"

View file

@ -76,6 +76,125 @@ void *alloc_log_event (int l UU) {
long long binlog_pos;
int fetch_comb_binlog_start (void *extra) {
return 0;
int fetch_comb_binlog_dc_option (void *extra) {
int id = fetch_int ();
int l1 = prefetch_strlen ();
assert (l1 >= 0);
char *name = fetch_str (l1);
int l2 = prefetch_strlen ();
assert (l2 >= 0);
char *ip = fetch_str (l2);
int port = fetch_int ();
if (verbosity) {
logprintf ("DC%d '%s' update: %s:%d\n", id, name, ip, port);
alloc_dc (id, tstrndup (ip, l2), port);
return 0;
int fetch_comb_binlog_auth_key (void *extra) {
int num = fetch_int ();
assert (num >= 0 && num <= MAX_DC_ID);
assert (DC_list[num]);
DC_list[num]->auth_key_id = fetch_long ();
fetch_ints (DC_list[num]->auth_key, 64);
DC_list[num]->flags |= 1;
return 0;
int fetch_comb_binlog_default_dc (void *extra) {
int num = fetch_int ();
assert (num >= 0 && num <= MAX_DC_ID);
DC_working = DC_list[num];
dc_working_num = num;
return 0;
int fetch_comb_binlog_our_id (void *extra) {
our_id = fetch_int ();
#ifdef USE_LUA
lua_our_id (our_id);
return 0;
int fetch_comb_binlog_dc_signed (void *extra) {
int num = fetch_int ();
assert (num >= 0 && num <= MAX_DC_ID);
assert (DC_list[num]);
DC_list[num]->has_auth = 1;
return 0;
int fetch_comb_binlog_dc_salt (void *extra) {
int num = fetch_int ();
assert (num >= 0 && num <= MAX_DC_ID);
assert (DC_list[num]);
DC_list[num]->server_salt = fetch_long ();
return 0;
int fetch_comb_binlog_new_user (void *extra) {
peer_id_t id = MK_USER (fetch_int ());
peer_t *_U = user_chat_get (id);
if (!_U) {
_U = talloc0 (sizeof (*_U));
_U->id = id;
insert_user (_U);
} else {
assert (!(_U->flags & FLAG_CREATED));
struct user *U = (void *)_U;
U->flags |= FLAG_CREATED;
if (get_peer_id (id) == our_id) {
U->flags |= FLAG_USER_SELF;
U->first_name = fetch_str_dup ();
U->last_name = fetch_str_dup ();
assert (!U->print_name);
U->print_name = create_print_name (U->id, U->first_name, U->last_name, 0, 0);
peer_insert_name ((void *)U);
U->access_hash = fetch_long ();
U->phone = fetch_str_dup ();
if (fetch_int ()) {
#ifdef USE_LUA
lua_user_update (U);
return 0;
int fetch_comb_binlog_new_user (void *extra) {
peer_id_t id = MK_USER (fetch_int ());
peer_t *U = user_chat_get (id);
assert (U);
U->flags |= FLAG_DELETED;
#ifdef USE_LUA
lua_user_update (U);
return 0;
FETCH_COMBINATOR_FUNCTION (binlog_user_delete)
void replay_log_event (void) {
int *start = rptr;
in_replay_log = 1;
@ -89,258 +208,6 @@ void replay_log_event (void) {
in_ptr = rptr;
in_end = wptr;
switch (op) {
rptr ++;
case CODE_binlog_dc_option:
in_ptr ++;
int id = fetch_int ();
int l1 = prefetch_strlen ();
char *name = fetch_str (l1);
int l2 = prefetch_strlen ();
char *ip = fetch_str (l2);
int port = fetch_int ();
if (verbosity) {
logprintf ( "id = %d, name = %.*s ip = %.*s port = %d\n", id, l1, name, l2, ip, port);
alloc_dc (id, tstrndup (ip, l2), port);
rptr = in_ptr;
rptr ++;
int num = *(rptr ++);
assert (num >= 0 && num <= MAX_DC_ID);
assert (DC_list[num]);
DC_list[num]->auth_key_id = *(long long *)rptr;
rptr += 2;
memcpy (DC_list[num]->auth_key, rptr, 256);
rptr += 64;
DC_list[num]->flags |= 1;
rptr ++;
int num = *(rptr ++);
assert (num >= 0 && num <= MAX_DC_ID);
DC_working = DC_list[num];
dc_working_num = num;
case LOG_OUR_ID:
rptr ++;
our_id = *(rptr ++);
#ifdef USE_LUA
lua_our_id (our_id);
rptr ++;
int num = *(rptr ++);
assert (num >= 0 && num <= MAX_DC_ID);
assert (DC_list[num]);
DC_list[num]->has_auth = 1;
rptr ++;
int num = *(rptr ++);
assert (num >= 0 && num <= MAX_DC_ID);
assert (DC_list[num]);
DC_list[num]->server_salt = *(long long *)rptr;
rptr += 2;
/* case CODE_user_empty:
case CODE_user_self:
case CODE_user_contact:
case CODE_user_request:
case CODE_user_foreign:
case CODE_user_deleted:
fetch_alloc_user ();
rptr = in_ptr;
get_dh_config_on_answer (0);
rptr = in_ptr;
rptr ++;
peer_id_t id = MK_ENCR_CHAT (*(rptr ++));
struct secret_chat *U = (void *)user_chat_get (id);
assert (U);
U->key_fingerprint = *(long long *)rptr;
rptr += 2;
memcpy (U->key, rptr, 256);
rptr += 64;
rptr ++;
peer_id_t id = MK_ENCR_CHAT (*(rptr ++));
struct secret_chat *U = (void *)user_chat_get (id);
assert (U);
U->key_fingerprint = *(long long *)rptr;
rptr += 2;
memcpy (U->key, rptr, 256);
rptr += 64;
if (!U->g_key) {
U->g_key = talloc (256);
memcpy (U->g_key, rptr, 256);
rptr += 64;
rptr ++;
peer_id_t id = MK_ENCR_CHAT (*(rptr ++));
struct secret_chat *U = (void *)user_chat_get (id);
assert (!U || !(U->flags & FLAG_CREATED));
if (!U) {
U = talloc0 (sizeof (peer_t));
U->id = id;
insert_encrypted_chat ((void *)U);
U->flags |= FLAG_CREATED;
U->user_id = *(rptr ++);
memcpy (U->key, rptr, 256);
rptr += 64;
if (!U->print_name) {
peer_t *P = user_chat_get (MK_USER (U->user_id));
if (P) {
U->print_name = create_print_name (U->id, "!", P->user.first_name, P->user.last_name, 0);
} else {
static char buf[100];
tsnprintf (buf, 99, "user#%d", U->user_id);
U->print_name = create_print_name (U->id, "!", buf, 0, 0);
peer_insert_name ((void *)U);
rptr ++;
peer_id_t id = MK_ENCR_CHAT (*(rptr ++));
struct secret_chat *U = (void *)user_chat_get (id);
if (!U) {
U = talloc0 (sizeof (peer_t));
U->id = id;
insert_encrypted_chat ((void *)U);
U->flags |= FLAG_CREATED;
U->state = sc_deleted;
rptr ++;
peer_id_t id = MK_ENCR_CHAT (*(rptr ++));
struct secret_chat *U = (void *)user_chat_get (id);
assert (U);
U->state = sc_waiting;
U->date = *(rptr ++);
U->admin_id = *(rptr ++);
U->user_id = *(rptr ++);
U->access_hash = *(long long *)rptr;
rptr += 2;
rptr ++;
peer_id_t id = MK_ENCR_CHAT (*(rptr ++));
struct secret_chat *U = (void *)user_chat_get (id);
if (!U) {
U = talloc0 (sizeof (peer_t));
U->id = id;
insert_encrypted_chat ((void *)U);
U->flags |= FLAG_CREATED;
U->state = sc_request;
U->date = *(rptr ++);
U->admin_id = *(rptr ++);
U->user_id = *(rptr ++);
U->access_hash = *(long long *)rptr;
if (!U->print_name) {
peer_t *P = user_chat_get (MK_USER (U->user_id));
if (P) {
U->print_name = create_print_name (U->id, "!", P->user.first_name, P->user.last_name, 0);
} else {
static char buf[100];
tsnprintf (buf, 99, "user#%d", U->user_id);
U->print_name = create_print_name (U->id, "!", buf, 0, 0);
peer_insert_name ((void *)U);
rptr += 2;
rptr ++;
peer_id_t id = MK_ENCR_CHAT (*(rptr ++));
struct secret_chat *U = (void *)user_chat_get (id);
assert (U);
U->state = sc_ok;
#ifdef USE_LUA
lua_secret_chat_created (U);
case CODE_binlog_new_user:
in_ptr ++;
peer_id_t id = MK_USER (fetch_int ());
peer_t *_U = user_chat_get (id);
if (!_U) {
_U = talloc0 (sizeof (*_U));
_U->id = id;
insert_user (_U);
} else {
assert (!(_U->flags & FLAG_CREATED));
struct user *U = (void *)_U;
U->flags |= FLAG_CREATED;
if (get_peer_id (id) == our_id) {
U->flags |= FLAG_USER_SELF;
U->first_name = fetch_str_dup ();
U->last_name = fetch_str_dup ();
assert (!U->print_name);
U->print_name = create_print_name (U->id, U->first_name, U->last_name, 0, 0);
peer_insert_name ((void *)U);
U->access_hash = fetch_long ();
U->phone = fetch_str_dup ();
if (fetch_int ()) {
#ifdef USE_LUA
lua_user_update (U);
rptr = in_ptr;
case CODE_binlog_user_delete:
rptr ++;
peer_id_t id = MK_USER (*(rptr ++));
peer_t *U = user_chat_get (id);
assert (U);
U->flags |= FLAG_DELETED;
case CODE_binlog_set_user_access_token:
rptr ++;

View file

@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
#define LOG_ENCR_CHAT_REQUESTED 0x9011011a
#define LOG_ENCR_CHAT_OK 0x7612ce13
#define CODE_binlog_new_user 0xe04f30de
#define CODE_binlog_user_delete 0xf7a27c79
#define CODE_binlog_set_user_access_token 0x1349f615
#define CODE_binlog_set_user_phone 0x5d3afde2

View file

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
log.peer peer_type:int peer_id:int = log.Peer;
log.dc num:int hostname:string ip:string port:int = log.Event;
log.dcRenum old_num:int new_num:int = log.Event;
log.authKey dc:int key:bytes key_id:long = log.Event;
log.signIn dc:int id:int = log.Event;
log.user id:int flags:int access_hash:long first_name:string last_name:string real_first_name:string real_last_name:string phone:string photo:log.Photo photo_id:long photo_big:log.FileLocation photo_small:long.FileLocation = log.Event;
binlog.start = binlog.Update;
binlog.dcUpdate id:int name:string ip:string port:int = binlog.Update;
binlog.authKey dc:int key_id:long key:64*[int] = binlog.Update;
binlog.defaultDc dc:int = binlog.Update;
binlog.ourId id:int = binlog.Update;
binlog.dcSigned id:int = binlog.Update;
binlog.dcSalt id:int salt:long = binlog.Update;
binlog.newUser id:int first_name:string last_name:string hash:long phone:string is_contact:int = binlog.Update;
binlog.userDelete id:int = binlog.Update;

View file

@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
This file is part of telegram-client.
Telegram-client is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Telegram-client is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this telegram-client. If not, see <>.
Copyright Vitaly Valtman 2013
#define CODE_bool_false 0xbc799737
#define CODE_bool_true 0x997275b5
#define CODE_vector 0x1cb5c415
#define CODE_error 0xc4b9f9bb
#define CODE_null 0x56730bcc
#define CODE_input_peer_empty 0x7f3b18ea
#define CODE_input_peer_self 0x7da07ec9
#define CODE_input_peer_contact 0x1023dbe8
#define CODE_input_peer_foreign 0x9b447325
#define CODE_input_peer_chat 0x179be863
#define CODE_input_user_empty 0xb98886cf
#define CODE_input_user_self 0xf7c1b13f
#define CODE_input_user_contact 0x86e94f65
#define CODE_input_user_foreign 0x655e74ff
#define CODE_input_phone_contact 0xf392b7f4
#define CODE_input_file 0xf52ff27f
#define CODE_input_media_empty 0x9664f57f
#define CODE_input_media_uploaded_photo 0x2dc53a7d
#define CODE_input_media_photo 0x8f2ab2ec
#define CODE_input_media_geo_point 0xf9c44144
#define CODE_input_media_contact 0xa6e45987
#define CODE_input_media_uploaded_video 0x4847d92a
#define CODE_input_media_uploaded_thumb_video 0xe628a145
#define CODE_input_media_video 0x7f023ae6
#define CODE_input_chat_photo_empty 0x1ca48f57
#define CODE_input_chat_uploaded_photo 0x94254732
#define CODE_input_chat_photo 0xb2e1bf08
#define CODE_input_geo_point_empty 0xe4c123d6
#define CODE_input_geo_point 0xf3b7acc9
#define CODE_input_photo_empty 0x1cd7bf0d
#define CODE_input_photo 0xfb95c6c4
#define CODE_input_video_empty 0x5508ec75
#define CODE_input_video 0xee579652
#define CODE_input_file_location 0x14637196
#define CODE_input_video_file_location 0x3d0364ec
#define CODE_input_photo_crop_auto 0xade6b004
#define CODE_input_photo_crop 0xd9915325
#define CODE_input_app_event 0x770656a8
#define CODE_peer_user 0x9db1bc6d
#define CODE_peer_chat 0xbad0e5bb
#define CODE_storage_file_unknown 0xaa963b05
#define CODE_storage_file_jpeg 0x7efe0e
#define CODE_storage_file_gif 0xcae1aadf
#define CODE_storage_file_png 0xa4f63c0
#define CODE_storage_file_mp3 0x528a0677
#define CODE_storage_file_mov 0x4b09ebbc
#define CODE_storage_file_partial 0x40bc6f52
#define CODE_storage_file_mp4 0xb3cea0e4
#define CODE_storage_file_webp 0x1081464c
#define CODE_file_location_unavailable 0x7c596b46
#define CODE_file_location 0x53d69076
#define CODE_user_empty 0x200250ba
#define CODE_user_self 0x720535ec
#define CODE_user_contact 0xf2fb8319
#define CODE_user_request 0x22e8ceb0
#define CODE_user_foreign 0x5214c89d
#define CODE_user_deleted 0xb29ad7cc
#define CODE_user_profile_photo_empty 0x4f11bae1
#define CODE_user_profile_photo 0xd559d8c8
#define CODE_user_status_empty 0x9d05049
#define CODE_user_status_online 0xedb93949
#define CODE_user_status_offline 0x8c703f
#define CODE_chat_empty 0x9ba2d800
#define CODE_chat 0x6e9c9bc7
#define CODE_chat_forbidden 0xfb0ccc41
#define CODE_chat_full 0x630e61be
#define CODE_chat_participant 0xc8d7493e
#define CODE_chat_participants_forbidden 0xfd2bb8a
#define CODE_chat_participants 0x7841b415
#define CODE_chat_photo_empty 0x37c1011c
#define CODE_chat_photo 0x6153276a
#define CODE_message_empty 0x83e5de54
#define CODE_message 0x22eb6aba
#define CODE_message_forwarded 0x5f46804
#define CODE_message_service 0x9f8d60bb
#define CODE_message_media_empty 0x3ded6320
#define CODE_message_media_photo 0xc8c45a2a
#define CODE_message_media_video 0xa2d24290
#define CODE_message_media_geo 0x56e0d474
#define CODE_message_media_contact 0x5e7d2f39
#define CODE_message_media_unsupported 0x29632a36
#define CODE_message_action_empty 0xb6aef7b0
#define CODE_message_action_chat_create 0xa6638b9a
#define CODE_message_action_chat_edit_title 0xb5a1ce5a
#define CODE_message_action_chat_edit_photo 0x7fcb13a8
#define CODE_message_action_chat_delete_photo 0x95e3fbef
#define CODE_message_action_chat_add_user 0x5e3cfc4b
#define CODE_message_action_chat_delete_user 0xb2ae9b0c
#define CODE_dialog 0x214a8cdf
#define CODE_photo_empty 0x2331b22d
#define CODE_photo 0x22b56751
#define CODE_photo_size_empty 0xe17e23c
#define CODE_photo_size 0x77bfb61b
#define CODE_photo_cached_size 0xe9a734fa
#define CODE_video_empty 0xc10658a8
#define CODE_video 0x5a04a49f
#define CODE_geo_point_empty 0x1117dd5f
#define CODE_geo_point 0x2049d70c
#define CODE_auth_checked_phone 0xe300cc3b
#define CODE_auth_sent_code 0xefed51d9
#define CODE_auth_authorization 0xf6b673a4
#define CODE_auth_exported_authorization 0xdf969c2d
#define CODE_input_notify_peer 0xb8bc5b0c
#define CODE_input_notify_users 0x193b4417
#define CODE_input_notify_chats 0x4a95e84e
#define CODE_input_notify_all 0xa429b886
#define CODE_input_peer_notify_events_empty 0xf03064d8
#define CODE_input_peer_notify_events_all 0xe86a2c74
#define CODE_input_peer_notify_settings 0x46a2ce98
#define CODE_peer_notify_events_empty 0xadd53cb3
#define CODE_peer_notify_events_all 0x6d1ded88
#define CODE_peer_notify_settings_empty 0x70a68512
#define CODE_peer_notify_settings 0x8d5e11ee
#define CODE_wall_paper 0xccb03657
#define CODE_user_full 0x771095da
#define CODE_contact 0xf911c994
#define CODE_imported_contact 0xd0028438
#define CODE_contact_blocked 0x561bc879
#define CODE_contact_found 0xea879f95
#define CODE_contact_suggested 0x3de191a1
#define CODE_contact_status 0xaa77b873
#define CODE_chat_located 0x3631cf4c
#define CODE_contacts_foreign_link_unknown 0x133421f8
#define CODE_contacts_foreign_link_requested 0xa7801f47
#define CODE_contacts_foreign_link_mutual 0x1bea8ce1
#define CODE_contacts_my_link_empty 0xd22a1c60
#define CODE_contacts_my_link_requested 0x6c69efee
#define CODE_contacts_my_link_contact 0xc240ebd9
#define CODE_contacts_link 0xeccea3f5
#define CODE_contacts_contacts 0x6f8b8cb2
#define CODE_contacts_contacts_not_modified 0xb74ba9d2
#define CODE_contacts_imported_contacts 0xd1cd0a4c
#define CODE_contacts_blocked 0x1c138d15
#define CODE_contacts_blocked_slice 0x900802a1
#define CODE_contacts_found 0x566000e
#define CODE_contacts_suggested 0x5649dcc5
#define CODE_messages_dialogs 0x15ba6c40
#define CODE_messages_dialogs_slice 0x71e094f3
#define CODE_messages_messages 0x8c718e87
#define CODE_messages_messages_slice 0xb446ae3
#define CODE_messages_message_empty 0x3f4e0648
#define CODE_messages_message 0xff90c417
#define CODE_messages_stated_messages 0x969478bb
#define CODE_messages_stated_message 0xd07ae726
#define CODE_messages_sent_message 0xd1f4d35c
#define CODE_messages_chat 0x40e9002a
#define CODE_messages_chats 0x8150cbd8
#define CODE_messages_chat_full 0xe5d7d19c
#define CODE_messages_affected_history 0xb7de36f2
#define CODE_input_messages_filter_empty 0x57e2f66c
#define CODE_input_messages_filter_photos 0x9609a51c
#define CODE_input_messages_filter_video 0x9fc00e65
#define CODE_input_messages_filter_photo_video 0x56e9f0e4
#define CODE_update_new_message 0x13abdb3
#define CODE_update_message_i_d 0x4e90bfd6
#define CODE_update_read_messages 0xc6649e31
#define CODE_update_delete_messages 0xa92bfe26
#define CODE_update_restore_messages 0xd15de04d
#define CODE_update_user_typing 0x6baa8508
#define CODE_update_chat_user_typing 0x3c46cfe6
#define CODE_update_chat_participants 0x7761198
#define CODE_update_user_status 0x1bfbd823
#define CODE_update_user_name 0xda22d9ad
#define CODE_update_user_photo 0x95313b0c
#define CODE_update_contact_registered 0x2575bbb9
#define CODE_update_contact_link 0x51a48a9a
#define CODE_update_activation 0x6f690963
#define CODE_update_new_authorization 0x8f06529a
#define CODE_updates_state 0xa56c2a3e
#define CODE_updates_difference_empty 0x5d75a138
#define CODE_updates_difference 0xf49ca0
#define CODE_updates_difference_slice 0xa8fb1981
#define CODE_updates_too_long 0xe317af7e
#define CODE_update_short_message 0xd3f45784
#define CODE_update_short_chat_message 0x2b2fbd4e
#define CODE_update_short 0x78d4dec1
#define CODE_updates_combined 0x725b04c3
#define CODE_updates 0x74ae4240
#define CODE_photos_photos 0x8dca6aa5
#define CODE_photos_photos_slice 0x15051f54
#define CODE_photos_photo 0x20212ca8
#define CODE_upload_file 0x96a18d5
#define CODE_dc_option 0x2ec2a43c
#define CODE_config 0x2e54dd74
#define CODE_nearest_dc 0x8e1a1775
#define CODE_help_app_update 0x8987f311
#define CODE_help_no_app_update 0xc45a6536
#define CODE_help_invite_text 0x18cb9f78
#define CODE_messages_stated_messages_links 0x3e74f5c6
#define CODE_messages_stated_message_link 0xa9af2881
#define CODE_messages_sent_message_link 0xe9db4a3f
#define CODE_input_geo_chat 0x74d456fa
#define CODE_input_notify_geo_chat_peer 0x4d8ddec8
#define CODE_geo_chat 0x75eaea5a
#define CODE_geo_chat_message_empty 0x60311a9b
#define CODE_geo_chat_message 0x4505f8e1
#define CODE_geo_chat_message_service 0xd34fa24e
#define CODE_geochats_stated_message 0x17b1578b
#define CODE_geochats_located 0x48feb267
#define CODE_geochats_messages 0xd1526db1
#define CODE_geochats_messages_slice 0xbc5863e8
#define CODE_message_action_geo_chat_create 0x6f038ebc
#define CODE_message_action_geo_chat_checkin 0xc7d53de
#define CODE_update_new_geo_chat_message 0x5a68e3f7
#define CODE_wall_paper_solid 0x63117f24
#define CODE_update_new_encrypted_message 0x12bcbd9a
#define CODE_update_encrypted_chat_typing 0x1710f156
#define CODE_update_encryption 0xb4a2e88d
#define CODE_update_encrypted_messages_read 0x38fe25b7
#define CODE_encrypted_chat_empty 0xab7ec0a0
#define CODE_encrypted_chat_waiting 0x3bf703dc
#define CODE_encrypted_chat_requested 0xc878527e
#define CODE_encrypted_chat 0xfa56ce36
#define CODE_encrypted_chat_discarded 0x13d6dd27
#define CODE_input_encrypted_chat 0xf141b5e1
#define CODE_encrypted_file_empty 0xc21f497e
#define CODE_encrypted_file 0x4a70994c
#define CODE_input_encrypted_file_empty 0x1837c364
#define CODE_input_encrypted_file_uploaded 0x64bd0306
#define CODE_input_encrypted_file 0x5a17b5e5
#define CODE_input_encrypted_file_location 0xf5235d55
#define CODE_encrypted_message 0xed18c118
#define CODE_encrypted_message_service 0x23734b06
#define CODE_decrypted_message_layer 0x99a438cf
#define CODE_decrypted_message 0x1f814f1f
#define CODE_decrypted_message_service 0xaa48327d
#define CODE_decrypted_message_media_empty 0x89f5c4a
#define CODE_decrypted_message_media_photo 0x32798a8c
#define CODE_decrypted_message_media_video 0x4cee6ef3
#define CODE_decrypted_message_media_geo_point 0x35480a59
#define CODE_decrypted_message_media_contact 0x588a0a97
#define CODE_decrypted_message_action_set_message_t_t_l 0xa1733aec
#define CODE_messages_dh_config_not_modified 0xc0e24635
#define CODE_messages_dh_config 0x2c221edd
#define CODE_messages_sent_encrypted_message 0x560f8935
#define CODE_messages_sent_encrypted_file 0x9493ff32
#define CODE_input_file_big 0xfa4f0bb5
#define CODE_input_encrypted_file_big_uploaded 0x2dc173c8
#define CODE_update_chat_participant_add 0x3a0eeb22
#define CODE_update_chat_participant_delete 0x6e5f8c22
#define CODE_update_dc_options 0x8e5e9873
#define CODE_input_media_uploaded_audio 0x61a6d436
#define CODE_input_media_audio 0x89938781
#define CODE_input_media_uploaded_document 0x34e794bd
#define CODE_input_media_uploaded_thumb_document 0x3e46de5d
#define CODE_input_media_document 0xd184e841
#define CODE_message_media_document 0x2fda2204
#define CODE_message_media_audio 0xc6b68300
#define CODE_input_audio_empty 0xd95adc84
#define CODE_input_audio 0x77d440ff
#define CODE_input_document_empty 0x72f0eaae
#define CODE_input_document 0x18798952
#define CODE_input_audio_file_location 0x74dc404d
#define CODE_input_document_file_location 0x4e45abe9
#define CODE_decrypted_message_media_document 0xb095434b
#define CODE_decrypted_message_media_audio 0x6080758f
#define CODE_audio_empty 0x586988d8
#define CODE_audio 0x427425e7
#define CODE_document_empty 0x36f8c871
#define CODE_document 0x9efc6326
#define CODE_invoke_after_msg 0xcb9f372d
#define CODE_invoke_after_msgs 0x3dc4b4f0
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer1 0x53835315
#define CODE_auth_check_phone 0x6fe51dfb
#define CODE_auth_send_code 0x768d5f4d
#define CODE_auth_send_call 0x3c51564
#define CODE_auth_sign_up 0x1b067634
#define CODE_auth_sign_in 0xbcd51581
#define CODE_auth_log_out 0x5717da40
#define CODE_auth_reset_authorizations 0x9fab0d1a
#define CODE_auth_send_invites 0x771c1d97
#define CODE_auth_export_authorization 0xe5bfffcd
#define CODE_auth_import_authorization 0xe3ef9613
#define CODE_account_register_device 0x446c712c
#define CODE_account_unregister_device 0x65c55b40
#define CODE_account_update_notify_settings 0x84be5b93
#define CODE_account_get_notify_settings 0x12b3ad31
#define CODE_account_reset_notify_settings 0xdb7e1747
#define CODE_account_update_profile 0xf0888d68
#define CODE_account_update_status 0x6628562c
#define CODE_account_get_wall_papers 0xc04cfac2
#define CODE_users_get_users 0xd91a548
#define CODE_users_get_full_user 0xca30a5b1
#define CODE_contacts_get_statuses 0xc4a353ee
#define CODE_contacts_get_contacts 0x22c6aa08
#define CODE_contacts_import_contacts 0xda30b32d
#define CODE_contacts_search 0x11f812d8
#define CODE_contacts_get_suggested 0xcd773428
#define CODE_contacts_delete_contact 0x8e953744
#define CODE_contacts_delete_contacts 0x59ab389e
#define CODE_contacts_block 0x332b49fc
#define CODE_contacts_unblock 0xe54100bd
#define CODE_contacts_get_blocked 0xf57c350f
#define CODE_messages_get_messages 0x4222fa74
#define CODE_messages_get_dialogs 0xeccf1df6
#define CODE_messages_get_history 0x92a1df2f
#define CODE_messages_search 0x7e9f2ab
#define CODE_messages_read_history 0xb04f2510
#define CODE_messages_delete_history 0xf4f8fb61
#define CODE_messages_delete_messages 0x14f2dd0a
#define CODE_messages_restore_messages 0x395f9d7e
#define CODE_messages_received_messages 0x28abcb68
#define CODE_messages_set_typing 0x719839e9
#define CODE_messages_send_message 0x4cde0aab
#define CODE_messages_send_media 0xa3c85d76
#define CODE_messages_forward_messages 0x514cd10f
#define CODE_messages_get_chats 0x3c6aa187
#define CODE_messages_get_full_chat 0x3b831c66
#define CODE_messages_edit_chat_title 0xb4bc68b5
#define CODE_messages_edit_chat_photo 0xd881821d
#define CODE_messages_add_chat_user 0x2ee9ee9e
#define CODE_messages_delete_chat_user 0xc3c5cd23
#define CODE_messages_create_chat 0x419d9aee
#define CODE_updates_get_state 0xedd4882a
#define CODE_updates_get_difference 0xa041495
#define CODE_photos_update_profile_photo 0xeef579a0
#define CODE_photos_upload_profile_photo 0xd50f9c88
#define CODE_upload_save_file_part 0xb304a621
#define CODE_upload_get_file 0xe3a6cfb5
#define CODE_help_get_config 0xc4f9186b
#define CODE_help_get_nearest_dc 0x1fb33026
#define CODE_help_get_app_update 0xc812ac7e
#define CODE_help_save_app_log 0x6f02f748
#define CODE_help_get_invite_text 0xa4a95186
#define CODE_photos_get_user_photos 0xb7ee553c
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer2 0x289dd1f6
#define CODE_messages_forward_message 0x3f3f4f2
#define CODE_messages_send_broadcast 0x41bb0972
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer3 0xb7475268
#define CODE_geochats_get_located 0x7f192d8f
#define CODE_geochats_get_recents 0xe1427e6f
#define CODE_geochats_checkin 0x55b3e8fb
#define CODE_geochats_get_full_chat 0x6722dd6f
#define CODE_geochats_edit_chat_title 0x4c8e2273
#define CODE_geochats_edit_chat_photo 0x35d81a95
#define CODE_geochats_search 0xcfcdc44d
#define CODE_geochats_get_history 0xb53f7a68
#define CODE_geochats_set_typing 0x8b8a729
#define CODE_geochats_send_message 0x61b0044
#define CODE_geochats_send_media 0xb8f0deff
#define CODE_geochats_create_geo_chat 0xe092e16
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer4 0xdea0d430
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer5 0x417a57ae
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer6 0x3a64d54d
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer7 0xa5be56d3
#define CODE_messages_get_dh_config 0x26cf8950
#define CODE_messages_request_encryption 0xf64daf43
#define CODE_messages_accept_encryption 0x3dbc0415
#define CODE_messages_discard_encryption 0xedd923c5
#define CODE_messages_set_encrypted_typing 0x791451ed
#define CODE_messages_read_encrypted_history 0x7f4b690a
#define CODE_messages_send_encrypted 0xa9776773
#define CODE_messages_send_encrypted_file 0x9a901b66
#define CODE_messages_send_encrypted_service 0x32d439a4
#define CODE_messages_received_queue 0x55a5bb66
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer8 0xe9abd9fd
#define CODE_upload_save_big_file_part 0xde7b673d
#define CODE_init_connection 0x69796de9
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer9 0x76715a63
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer10 0x39620c41
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer11 0xa6b88fdf
#define CODE_invoke_with_layer12 0xdda60d3c

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ lua_State *luaState;
#include "structures.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "auto/constants.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "queries.h"
#include "net.h"

View file

@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@ void work_update_short (struct connection *c, long long msg_id) {
void work_updates (struct connection *c, long long msg_id) {
int *save = in_ptr;
assert (!skip_type_any (&(struct paramed_type) {.type = &tl_type_Updates, .params=0}));
assert (!skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (Updates)));
int *save_end = in_ptr;
in_ptr = save;
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_updates);

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include "interface.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "auto/constants.h"
/* DH key exchange protocol data structures */
#define CODE_req_pq 0x60469778
#define CODE_resPQ 0x05162463
@ -323,6 +323,17 @@ static inline void fetch_ints (void *data, int count) {
memcpy (data, in_ptr, 4 * count);
in_ptr += count;
static inline void fetch256 (void *buf) {
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
assert (l >= 0);
char *s = fetch_str (l);
if (l < 256) {
memcpy (buf + 256 - l, s, l);
} else {
memcpy (buf, s + (l - 256), 256);
int get_random_bytes (unsigned char *buf, int n);

View file

@ -1324,15 +1324,18 @@ int send_encr_file_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods send_file_part_methods = {
.on_answer = send_file_part_on_answer
.on_answer = send_file_part_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(Bool)
struct query_methods send_file_methods = {
.on_answer = send_file_on_answer
.on_answer = send_file_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(messages_StatedMessage)
struct query_methods send_encr_file_methods = {
.on_answer = send_encr_file_on_answer
.on_answer = send_encr_file_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(messages_SentEncryptedMessage)
void send_part (struct send_file *f) {
@ -1614,7 +1617,8 @@ int fwd_msg_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods fwd_msg_methods = {
.on_answer = fwd_msg_on_answer
.on_answer = fwd_msg_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(messages_StatedMessage)
void do_forward_message (peer_id_t id, int n) {
@ -1653,7 +1657,8 @@ int rename_chat_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods rename_chat_methods = {
.on_answer = rename_chat_on_answer
.on_answer = rename_chat_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(messages_StatedMessage)
void do_rename_chat (peer_id_t id, char *name UU) {
@ -1698,7 +1703,8 @@ int chat_info_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods chat_info_methods = {
.on_answer = chat_info_on_answer
.on_answer = chat_info_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(messages_ChatFull)
void do_get_chat_info (peer_id_t id) {
@ -1748,7 +1754,8 @@ int user_info_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods user_info_methods = {
.on_answer = user_info_on_answer
.on_answer = user_info_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(UserFull)
void do_get_user_info (peer_id_t id) {
@ -1789,7 +1796,8 @@ int user_list_info_silent_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods user_list_info_silent_methods = {
.on_answer = user_list_info_silent_on_answer
.on_answer = user_list_info_silent_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM_1(Vector, TYPE_TO_PARAM(User))
void do_get_user_list_info_silent (int num, int *list) {
@ -1891,7 +1899,8 @@ int download_on_answer (struct query *q) {
struct query_methods download_methods = {
.on_answer = download_on_answer
.on_answer = download_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(upload_File)
void load_next_part (struct download *D) {
@ -2092,7 +2101,8 @@ int export_auth_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods export_auth_methods = {
.on_answer = export_auth_on_answer,
.on_error = fail_on_error
.on_error = fail_on_error,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(auth_ExportedAuthorization)
void do_export_auth (int num) {
@ -2117,7 +2127,8 @@ int import_auth_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods import_auth_methods = {
.on_answer = import_auth_on_answer,
.on_error = fail_on_error
.on_error = fail_on_error,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(auth_Authorization)
void do_import_auth (int num) {
@ -2183,6 +2194,7 @@ int add_contact_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods add_contact_methods = {
.on_answer = add_contact_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(contacts_ImportedContacts)
void do_add_contact (const char *phone, int phone_len, const char *first_name, int first_name_len, const char *last_name, int last_name_len, int force) {
@ -2206,7 +2218,8 @@ int msg_search_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods msg_search_methods = {
.on_answer = msg_search_on_answer
.on_answer = msg_search_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(messages_Messages)
void do_msg_search (peer_id_t id, int from, int to, int limit, const char *s) {
@ -2260,7 +2273,8 @@ int contacts_search_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods contacts_search_methods = {
.on_answer = contacts_search_on_answer
.on_answer = contacts_search_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(contacts_Found)
void do_contacts_search (int limit, const char *s) {
@ -2321,11 +2335,13 @@ int send_encr_request_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods send_encr_accept_methods = {
.on_answer = send_encr_accept_on_answer
.on_answer = send_encr_accept_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(EncryptedChat)
struct query_methods send_encr_request_methods = {
.on_answer = send_encr_request_on_answer
.on_answer = send_encr_request_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(EncryptedChat)
int encr_root;
@ -2544,7 +2560,8 @@ int get_dh_config_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods get_dh_config_methods = {
.on_answer = get_dh_config_on_answer
.on_answer = get_dh_config_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(messages_DhConfig)
void do_accept_encr_chat_request (struct secret_chat *E) {
@ -2655,11 +2672,13 @@ int get_difference_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods get_state_methods = {
.on_answer = get_state_on_answer
.on_answer = get_state_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(updates_State)
struct query_methods get_difference_methods = {
.on_answer = get_difference_on_answer
.on_answer = get_difference_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(updates_Difference)
void do_get_difference (void) {
@ -2746,7 +2765,8 @@ int get_suggested_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods get_suggested_methods = {
.on_answer = get_suggested_on_answer
.on_answer = get_suggested_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(contacts_Suggested)
void do_get_suggested (void) {
@ -2760,7 +2780,8 @@ void do_get_suggested (void) {
/* {{{ Add user to chat */
struct query_methods add_user_to_chat_methods = {
.on_answer = fwd_msg_on_answer
.on_answer = fwd_msg_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(MessageAction)
void do_add_user_to_chat (peer_id_t chat_id, peer_id_t id, int limit) {
@ -2818,7 +2839,8 @@ void do_create_secret_chat (peer_id_t id) {
/* {{{ Create group chat */
struct query_methods create_group_chat_methods = {
.on_answer = fwd_msg_on_answer
.on_answer = fwd_msg_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(MessageAction)
void do_create_group_chat (peer_id_t id, char *chat_topic) {
@ -2857,7 +2879,8 @@ int delete_msg_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods delete_msg_methods = {
.on_answer = delete_msg_on_answer
.on_answer = delete_msg_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM_1(Vector, TYPE_TO_PARAM (bare_Int))
void do_delete_msg (long long id) {
@ -2881,7 +2904,8 @@ int restore_msg_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods restore_msg_methods = {
.on_answer = restore_msg_on_answer
.on_answer = restore_msg_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM_1(Vector, TYPE_TO_PARAM (bare_Int))
void do_restore_msg (long long id) {
@ -2899,7 +2923,8 @@ int update_status_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
struct query_methods update_status_methods = {
.on_answer = update_status_on_answer
.on_answer = update_status_on_answer,
.type = TYPE_TO_PARAM(Bool)
void do_update_status (int online UU) {

View file

@ -67,84 +67,6 @@ peer_t *Peers[MAX_PEER_NUM];
extern int binlog_enabled;
void fetch_skip_photo (void);
#define code_assert(x) if (!(x)) { logprintf ("Can not parse at line %d\n", __LINE__); assert (0); return -1; }
#define code_try(x) if ((x) == -1) { return -1; }
* Fetch simple structures (immediate fetch into buffer)
int fetch_file_location (struct file_location *loc) {
int x = fetch_int ();
code_assert (x == CODE_file_location_unavailable || x == CODE_file_location);
if (x == CODE_file_location_unavailable) {
loc->dc = -1;
loc->volume = fetch_long ();
loc->local_id = fetch_int ();
loc->secret = fetch_long ();
} else {
loc->dc = fetch_int ();
loc->volume = fetch_long ();
loc->local_id = fetch_int ();
loc->secret = fetch_long ();
return 0;
int fetch_user_status (struct user_status *S) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
code_assert (x == CODE_user_status_empty || x == CODE_user_status_online || x == CODE_user_status_offline);
switch (x) {
case CODE_user_status_empty:
S->online = 0;
S->when = 0;
case CODE_user_status_online:
S->online = 1;
S->when = fetch_int ();
case CODE_user_status_offline:
S->online = -1;
S->when = fetch_int ();
assert (0);
return 0;
* Skip simple structures
int fetch_skip_file_location (void) {
int x = fetch_int ();
code_assert (x == CODE_file_location_unavailable || x == CODE_file_location);
if (x == CODE_file_location_unavailable) {
in_ptr += 5;
} else {
in_ptr += 6;
return 0;
int fetch_skip_user_status (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
code_assert (x == CODE_user_status_empty || x == CODE_user_status_online || x == CODE_user_status_offline);
if (x != CODE_user_status_empty) {
fetch_int ();
return 0;
char *create_print_name (peer_id_t id, const char *a1, const char *a2, const char *a3, const char *a4) {
const char *d[4];
d[0] = a1; d[1] = a2; d[2] = a3; d[3] = a4;
@ -178,6 +100,52 @@ char *create_print_name (peer_id_t id, const char *a1, const char *a2, const cha
return tstrdup (s);
* Fetch simple structures (immediate fetch into buffer)
int fetch_file_location (struct file_location *loc) {
int x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_file_location_unavailable || x == CODE_file_location);
if (x == CODE_file_location_unavailable) {
loc->dc = -1;
loc->volume = fetch_long ();
loc->local_id = fetch_int ();
loc->secret = fetch_long ();
} else {
loc->dc = fetch_int ();
loc->volume = fetch_long ();
loc->local_id = fetch_int ();
loc->secret = fetch_long ();
return 0;
int fetch_user_status (struct user_status *S) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_user_status_empty || x == CODE_user_status_online || x == CODE_user_status_offline);
switch (x) {
case CODE_user_status_empty:
S->online = 0;
S->when = 0;
case CODE_user_status_online:
S->online = 1;
S->when = fetch_int ();
case CODE_user_status_offline:
S->online = -1;
S->when = fetch_int ();
assert (0);
return 0;
* Fetch with log event
@ -186,7 +154,7 @@ char *create_print_name (peer_id_t id, const char *a1, const char *a2, const cha
long long fetch_user_photo (struct user *U) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
code_assert (x == CODE_user_profile_photo || x == CODE_user_profile_photo_old || x == CODE_user_profile_photo_empty);
assert (x == CODE_user_profile_photo || x == CODE_user_profile_photo_old || x == CODE_user_profile_photo_empty);
if (x == CODE_user_profile_photo_empty) {
bl_do_set_user_profile_photo (U, 0, 0, 0);
return 0;
@ -195,10 +163,10 @@ long long fetch_user_photo (struct user *U) {
if (x == CODE_user_profile_photo) {
photo_id = fetch_long ();
struct file_location big;
struct file_location small;
code_try (fetch_file_location (&small));
code_try (fetch_file_location (&big));
static struct file_location big;
static struct file_location small;
assert (fetch_file_location (&small) >= 0);
assert (fetch_file_location (&big) >= 0);
bl_do_set_user_profile_photo (U, photo_id, &big, &small);
return 0;
@ -206,7 +174,7 @@ long long fetch_user_photo (struct user *U) {
int fetch_user (struct user *U) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
code_assert (x == CODE_user_empty || x == CODE_user_self || x == CODE_user_contact || x == CODE_user_request || x == CODE_user_foreign || x == CODE_user_deleted);
assert (x == CODE_user_empty || x == CODE_user_self || x == CODE_user_contact || x == CODE_user_request || x == CODE_user_foreign || x == CODE_user_deleted);
U->id = MK_USER (fetch_int ());
if (x == CODE_user_empty) {
return 0;
@ -220,16 +188,13 @@ int fetch_user (struct user *U) {
int new = 0;
if (!(U->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) {
new = 1;
int new = !(U->flags & FLAG_CREATED);
if (new) {
int l1 = prefetch_strlen ();
code_assert (l1 >= 0);
assert (l1 >= 0);
char *s1 = fetch_str (l1);
int l2 = prefetch_strlen ();
code_assert (l2 >= 0);
assert (l2 >= 0);
char *s2 = fetch_str (l2);
if (x == CODE_user_deleted && !(U->flags & FLAG_DELETED)) {
@ -245,7 +210,7 @@ int fetch_user (struct user *U) {
char *phone = 0;
if (x != CODE_user_foreign) {
phone_len = prefetch_strlen ();
code_assert (phone_len >= 0);
assert (phone_len >= 0);
phone = fetch_str (phone_len);
bl_do_new_user (get_peer_id (U->id), s1, l1, s2, l2, access_token, phone, phone_len, x == CODE_user_contact);
@ -276,7 +241,7 @@ int fetch_user (struct user *U) {
char *s = fetch_str (l);
bl_do_set_user_phone (U, s, l);
if (fetch_user_photo (U) < 0) { return -1; }
assert (fetch_user_photo (U) >= 0);
fetch_user_status (&U->status);
if (x == CODE_user_self) {
@ -326,26 +291,9 @@ void fetch_encrypted_chat (struct secret_chat *U) {
if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat_requested || x == CODE_encrypted_chat) {
memset (g_key, 0, sizeof (g_key));
memset (nonce, 0, sizeof (nonce));
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
char *s = fetch_str (l);
if (l != 256) { logprintf ("l = %d\n", l); }
if (l < 256) {
memcpy (g_key + 256 - l, s, l);
} else {
memcpy (g_key, s + (l - 256), 256);
/*l = prefetch_strlen ();
s = fetch_str (l);
if (l != 256) { logprintf ("l = %d\n", l); }
if (l < 256) {
memcpy (nonce + 256 - l, s, l);
} else {
memcpy (nonce, s + (l - 256), 256);
fetch256 (g_key);
if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat) {
fetch_long (); // fingerprint
@ -377,27 +325,10 @@ void fetch_encrypted_chat (struct secret_chat *U) {
if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat_requested || x == CODE_encrypted_chat) {
memset (g_key, 0, sizeof (g_key));
memset (nonce, 0, sizeof (nonce));
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
char *s = fetch_str (l);
if (l != 256) { logprintf ("l = %d\n", l); }
if (l < 256) {
memcpy (g_key + 256 - l, s, l);
} else {
memcpy (g_key, s + (l - 256), 256);
/*l = prefetch_strlen ();
s = fetch_str (l);
if (l != 256) { logprintf ("l = %d\n", l); }
if (l < 256) {
memcpy (nonce + 256 - l, s, l);
} else {
memcpy (nonce, s + (l - 256), 256);
fetch256 (g_key);
if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat_requested) {
return; // Duplicate?
@ -406,30 +337,17 @@ void fetch_encrypted_chat (struct secret_chat *U) {
write_secret_chat_file ();
void fetch_notify_settings (void);
void fetch_user_full (struct user *U) {
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_user_full);
fetch_alloc_user ();
unsigned x;
assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_contacts_link);
x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_contacts_my_link_empty || x == CODE_contacts_my_link_requested || x == CODE_contacts_my_link_contact);
if (x == CODE_contacts_my_link_requested) {
fetch_bool ();
x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_unknown || x == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_requested || x == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_mutual);
if (x == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_requested) {
fetch_bool ();
fetch_alloc_user ();
assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (contacts_Link)) >= 0);
int *start = in_ptr;
fetch_skip_photo ();
assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (Photo)) >= 0);
bl_do_set_user_full_photo (U, start, 4 * (in_ptr - start));
fetch_notify_settings ();
assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (PeerNotifySettings)) >= 0);
bl_do_set_user_blocked (U, fetch_bool ());
int l1 = prefetch_strlen ();
char *s1 = fetch_str (l1);
@ -523,25 +441,6 @@ void fetch_chat (struct chat *C) {
void fetch_notify_settings (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_peer_notify_settings || x == CODE_peer_notify_settings_empty || x == CODE_peer_notify_settings_old);
if (x == CODE_peer_notify_settings_old) {
fetch_int (); // mute_until
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
fetch_bool (); // show_previews
fetch_int (); // peer notify events
if (x == CODE_peer_notify_settings) {
fetch_int (); // mute_until
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
fetch_bool (); // show_previews
fetch_int (); // events_mask
void fetch_chat_full (struct chat *C) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_messages_chat_full);
@ -571,9 +470,9 @@ void fetch_chat_full (struct chat *C) {
version = fetch_int ();
int *start = in_ptr;
fetch_skip_photo ();
assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (Photo)) >= 0);
int *end = in_ptr;
fetch_notify_settings ();
assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (PeerNotifySettings)) >= 0);
int n, i;
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector);
@ -616,23 +515,6 @@ void fetch_photo_size (struct photo_size *S) {
void fetch_skip_photo_size (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_photo_size || x == CODE_photo_cached_size || x == CODE_photo_size_empty);
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l); // type
if (x != CODE_photo_size_empty) {
fetch_skip_file_location ();
in_ptr += 2; // w, h
if (x == CODE_photo_size) {
in_ptr ++;
} else {
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
void fetch_geo (struct geo *G) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
if (x == CODE_geo_point) {
@ -645,14 +527,6 @@ void fetch_geo (struct geo *G) {
void fetch_skip_geo (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_geo_point || x == CODE_geo_point_empty);
if (x == CODE_geo_point) {
in_ptr += 4;
void fetch_photo (struct photo *P) {
memset (P, 0, sizeof (*P));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
@ -673,23 +547,6 @@ void fetch_photo (struct photo *P) {
void fetch_skip_photo (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_photo_empty || x == CODE_photo);
in_ptr += 2; // id
if (x == CODE_photo_empty) { return; }
in_ptr += 2 +1 + 1; // access_hash, user_id, date
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l); // caption
fetch_skip_geo ();
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector);
int n = fetch_int ();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
fetch_skip_photo_size ();
void fetch_video (struct video *V) {
memset (V, 0, sizeof (*V));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
@ -707,18 +564,6 @@ void fetch_video (struct video *V) {
V->h = fetch_int ();
void fetch_skip_video (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
fetch_long ();
if (x == CODE_video_empty) { return; }
fetch_skip (4);
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
fetch_skip (2);
fetch_skip_photo_size ();
fetch_skip (3);
void fetch_audio (struct audio *V) {
memset (V, 0, sizeof (*V));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
@ -732,13 +577,6 @@ void fetch_audio (struct audio *V) {
V->dc_id = fetch_int ();
void fetch_skip_audio (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
fetch_skip (2);
if (x == CODE_audio_empty) { return; }
fetch_skip (7);
void fetch_document (struct document *V) {
memset (V, 0, sizeof (*V));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
@ -754,20 +592,6 @@ void fetch_document (struct document *V) {
V->dc_id = fetch_int ();
void fetch_skip_document (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
fetch_skip (2);
if (x == CODE_document_empty) { return; }
fetch_skip (4);
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
fetch_skip (1);
fetch_skip_photo_size ();
fetch_skip (1);
void fetch_message_action (struct message_action *M) {
memset (M, 0, sizeof (*M));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
@ -812,49 +636,6 @@ void fetch_message_action (struct message_action *M) {
void fetch_skip_message_action (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
int l;
switch (x) {
case CODE_message_action_empty:
case CODE_message_action_geo_chat_create:
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
case CODE_message_action_geo_chat_checkin:
case CODE_message_action_chat_create:
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_vector);
l = fetch_int ();
fetch_skip (l);
case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_title:
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_photo:
fetch_skip_photo ();
case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_photo:
case CODE_message_action_chat_add_user:
fetch_int ();
case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_user:
fetch_int ();
assert (0);
void fetch_message_short (struct message *M) {
int new = !(M->flags & FLAG_CREATED);
@ -951,124 +732,6 @@ void fetch_message_media (struct message_media *M) {
void fetch_skip_message_media (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
switch (x) {
case CODE_message_media_empty:
case CODE_message_media_photo:
fetch_skip_photo ();
case CODE_message_media_video:
fetch_skip_video ();
case CODE_message_media_audio:
fetch_skip_audio ();
case CODE_message_media_document:
fetch_skip_document ();
case CODE_message_media_geo:
fetch_skip_geo ();
case CODE_message_media_contact:
int l;
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
fetch_int ();
case CODE_message_media_unsupported:
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
logprintf ("type = 0x%08x\n", x);
assert (0);
void fetch_skip_message_media_encrypted (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
int l;
switch (x) {
case CODE_decrypted_message_media_empty:
case CODE_decrypted_message_media_photo:
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l); // thumb
fetch_skip (5);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
case CODE_decrypted_message_media_video:
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l); // thumb
fetch_skip (6);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
case CODE_decrypted_message_media_audio:
fetch_skip (2);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
case CODE_decrypted_message_media_document:
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l); // thumb
fetch_skip (2);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l); // thumb
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l); // thumb
fetch_skip (1);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
case CODE_decrypted_message_media_geo_point:
fetch_skip (4);
case CODE_decrypted_message_media_contact:
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l); // thumb
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l); // thumb
l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l); // thumb
fetch_skip (1);
logprintf ("type = 0x%08x\n", x);
assert (0);
void fetch_message_media_encrypted (struct message_media *M) {
memset (M, 0, sizeof (*M));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
@ -1218,18 +881,6 @@ void fetch_message_media_encrypted (struct message_media *M) {
void fetch_skip_message_action_encrypted (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
switch (x) {
case CODE_decrypted_message_action_set_message_t_t_l:
fetch_skip (1);
logprintf ("x = 0x%08x\n", x);
assert (0);
void fetch_message_action_encrypted (struct message_action *M) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
switch (x) {
@ -1280,7 +931,9 @@ void fetch_message (struct message *M) {
if (x == CODE_message_service) {
int *start = in_ptr;
fetch_skip_message_action ();
assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (MessageAction)) >= 0);
if (new) {
if (fwd_from_id) {
bl_do_create_message_service_fwd (id, from_id, get_peer_type (to_id), get_peer_id (to_id), date, fwd_from_id, fwd_date, start, (in_ptr - start));
@ -1292,7 +945,9 @@ void fetch_message (struct message *M) {
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
char *s = fetch_str (l);
int *start = in_ptr;
fetch_skip_message_media ();
assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (MessageMedia)) >= 0);
if (new) {
if (fwd_from_id) {
bl_do_create_message_media_fwd (id, from_id, get_peer_type (to_id), get_peer_id (to_id), date, fwd_from_id, fwd_date, l, s, start, in_ptr - start);
@ -1442,11 +1097,11 @@ void fetch_encrypted_message (struct message *M) {
l = prefetch_strlen ();
s = fetch_str (l);
start = in_ptr;
fetch_skip_message_media_encrypted ();
assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (DecryptedMessageMedia)) >= 0);
end = in_ptr;
} else {
start = in_ptr;
fetch_skip_message_action_encrypted ();
assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (DecryptedMessageAction)) >= 0);
end = in_ptr;
in_ptr = save_in_ptr;
@ -1456,7 +1111,7 @@ void fetch_encrypted_message (struct message *M) {
if (sx == CODE_encrypted_message) {
if (ok) {
int *start_file = in_ptr;
fetch_skip_encrypted_message_file ();
assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (EncryptedFile)) >= 0);
if (x == CODE_decrypted_message) {
bl_do_create_message_media_encr (id, P->encr_chat.user_id, PEER_ENCR_CHAT, to_id, date, l, s, start, end - start, start_file, in_ptr - start_file);
@ -1496,15 +1151,6 @@ void fetch_encrypted_message_file (struct message_media *M) {
void fetch_skip_encrypted_message_file (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_encrypted_file || x == CODE_encrypted_file_empty);
if (x == CODE_encrypted_file_empty) {
} else {
fetch_skip (7);
static int id_cmp (struct message *M1, struct message *M2) {
if (M1->id < M2->id) { return -1; }
else if (M1->id > M2->id) { return 1; }

View file

@ -1197,6 +1197,8 @@ struct tl_constructor *tl_add_function (struct tl_type *a, const char *_id, int
assert (magic && magic != (unsigned)-1);
len = x;
struct tl_constructor _t = {.id = id};
if (tree_lookup_tl_constructor (tl_function_tree, &_t)) {
TL_ERROR ("Duplicate function id `%s`\n", id);

View file

@ -139,6 +139,9 @@ void *talloc (size_t size) {
*(int *)(p + RES_AFTER + 4 + size) = used_blocks;
blocks[used_blocks ++] = p;
if (used_blocks - 1 == 24867) {
assert (0);
tcheck ();
return p + 8;