Fixed chat_info query

This commit is contained in:
Vysheng 2013-10-24 21:04:44 +04:00
parent dfdd183169
commit 7f47948cc6
4 changed files with 187 additions and 99 deletions

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@ -334,6 +334,10 @@ static inline int prefetch_int (void) {
return *(in_ptr);
static inline void prefetch_data (void *data, int size) {
memcpy (data, in_ptr, size);
static inline long long fetch_long (void) {
long long r = *(long long *)in_ptr;
in_ptr += 2;

View file

@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ struct query *send_query (struct dc *DC, int ints, void *data, struct query_meth
void query_ack (long long id) {
struct query *q = query_get (id);
if (q && !(q->flags & QUERY_ACK_RECEIVED)) {
remove_event_timer (&q->ev);
remove_event_timer (&q->ev);
@ -863,37 +863,22 @@ void do_send_photo (int type, int to_id, char *file_name) {
int chat_info_on_answer (struct query *q UU) {
assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_messages_chat_full);
assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_chat_full);
int id = fetch_int (); // id
assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_chat_participants);
assert (id == fetch_int ()); // id
int admin_id = fetch_int ();
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector);
int n = fetch_int ();
assert (n <= 100);
int i;
static int a[300];
for (i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_chat_participant);
a[3 * i + 0] = fetch_int ();
a[3 * i + 1] = fetch_int ();
a[3 * i + 2] = fetch_int ();
fetch_int (); // version
struct chat *C = fetch_alloc_chat_full ();
union user_chat *U = (void *)C;
print_start ();
push_color (COLOR_YELLOW);
printf ("Chat ");
print_chat_name (-id, user_chat_get (-id));
print_chat_name (U->id, U);
printf (" members:\n");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < C->users_num; i++) {
printf ("\t\t");
print_user_name (a[3 * i], user_chat_get (a[3 * i]));
if (a[3 * i] == admin_id) {
print_user_name (C->users[i].user_id, user_chat_get (C->users[i].user_id));
printf (" invited by ");
print_user_name (C->users[i].inviter_id, user_chat_get (C->users[i].inviter_id));
printf (" at ");
print_date_full (C->users[i].date);
if (C->users[i].user_id == C->admin_id) {
printf (" admin");
printf ("\n");

View file

@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ void fetch_user_status (struct user_status *S) {
int our_id;
void fetch_user (struct user *U) {
memset (U, 0, sizeof (*U));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_user_empty || x == CODE_user_self || x == CODE_user_contact || x == CODE_user_request || x == CODE_user_foreign || x == CODE_user_deleted);
U->id = fetch_int ();
if (x == CODE_user_empty) {
U->flags = FLAG_EMPTY;
U->flags |= FLAG_EMPTY;
if (x == CODE_user_self) {
@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ void fetch_user (struct user *U) {
write_auth_file ();
if (U->first_name) { free (U->first_name); }
if (U->last_name) { free (U->last_name); }
if (U->print_name) { free (U->print_name); }
U->first_name = fetch_str_dup ();
U->last_name = fetch_str_dup ();
if (!strlen (U->first_name)) {
@ -98,17 +101,18 @@ void fetch_user (struct user *U) {
if (x == CODE_user_deleted) {
U->flags = FLAG_DELETED;
U->flags |= FLAG_DELETED;
if (x == CODE_user_self) {
U->flags = FLAG_USER_SELF;
U->flags |= FLAG_USER_SELF;
} else {
U->access_hash = fetch_long ();
if (x == CODE_user_foreign) {
} else {
if (U->phone) { free (U->phone); }
U->phone = fetch_str_dup ();
unsigned y = fetch_int ();
@ -130,17 +134,19 @@ void fetch_user (struct user *U) {
void fetch_chat (struct chat *C) {
memset (C, 0, sizeof (*C));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_chat_empty || x == CODE_chat || x == CODE_chat_forbidden);
C->id = -fetch_int ();
if (x == CODE_chat_empty) {
C->flags = FLAG_EMPTY;
C->flags |= FLAG_EMPTY;
if (x == CODE_chat_forbidden) {
if (C->title) { free (C->title); }
if (C->print_title) { free (C->print_title); }
C->title = fetch_str_dup ();
C->print_title = strdup (C->title);
char *s = C->print_title;
@ -158,7 +164,7 @@ void fetch_chat (struct chat *C) {
fetch_file_location (&C->photo_small);
fetch_file_location (&C->photo_big);
C->user_num = fetch_int ();
C->users_num = fetch_int ();
C->date = fetch_int ();
if (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_bool_true) {
C->flags |= FLAG_CHAT_IN_CHAT;
@ -167,12 +173,72 @@ void fetch_chat (struct chat *C) {
} else {
C->photo_small.dc = -2;
C->photo_big.dc = -2;
C->user_num = -1;
C->users_num = -1;
C->date = fetch_int ();
C->version = -1;
void fetch_notify_settings (void) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_peer_notify_settings || x == CODE_peer_notify_settings_empty);
if (x == CODE_peer_notify_settings) {
fetch_int (); // mute_until
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
fetch_str (l);
fetch_bool (); // show_previews
fetch_int (); // peer notify events
void fetch_chat_full (struct chat *C) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_messages_chat_full);
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_chat_full);
C->id = -fetch_int ();
x = fetch_int ();
if (x == CODE_chat_participants) {
assert (fetch_int () == -C->id);
C->admin_id = fetch_int ();
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector);
if (C->users) {
free (C->users);
C->users_num = fetch_int ();
C->users = malloc (sizeof (struct chat_user) * C->users_num);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < C->users_num; i++) {
assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_chat_participant);
C->users[i].user_id = fetch_int ();
C->users[i].inviter_id = fetch_int ();
C->users[i].date = fetch_int ();
C->version = fetch_int ();
} else {
assert (x == CODE_chat_participants_forbidden);
if (C->flags & FLAG_HAS_PHOTO) {
free_photo (&C->photo);
fetch_photo (&C->photo);
C->flags |= FLAG_HAS_PHOTO;
fetch_notify_settings ();
int n, i;
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector);
n = fetch_int ();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
fetch_alloc_chat ();
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector);
n = fetch_int ();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
fetch_alloc_user ();
void fetch_photo_size (struct photo_size *S) {
memset (S, 0, sizeof (*S));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
@ -205,6 +271,7 @@ void fetch_geo (struct geo *G) {
void fetch_photo (struct photo *P) {
memset (P, 0, sizeof (*P));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_photo_empty || x == CODE_photo);
P->id = fetch_long ();
if (x == CODE_photo_empty) { return; }
P->access_hash = fetch_long ();
@ -384,17 +451,17 @@ struct message message_list = {
struct user *fetch_alloc_user (void) {
union user_chat *U = malloc (sizeof (*U));
fetch_user (&U->user);
users_allocated ++;
union user_chat *U1 = tree_lookup_peer (peer_tree, U);
if (U1) {
free_user (&U1->user);
memcpy (U1, U, sizeof (*U));
free (U);
users_allocated --;
return &U1->user;
int data[2];
prefetch_data (data, 8);
union user_chat *U = user_chat_get (data[1]);
if (U) {
fetch_user (&U->user);
return &U->user;
} else {
users_allocated ++;
U = malloc (sizeof (*U));
memset (U, 0, sizeof (*U));
fetch_user (&U->user);
peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (peer_tree, U, lrand48 ());
Peers[chat_num + (user_num ++)] = U;
return &U->user;
@ -568,23 +635,42 @@ struct message *fetch_alloc_message_short_chat (void) {
struct chat *fetch_alloc_chat (void) {
union user_chat *U = malloc (sizeof (*U));
fetch_chat (&U->chat);
chats_allocated ++;
union user_chat *U1 = tree_lookup_peer (peer_tree, U);
if (U1) {
free_chat (&U1->chat);
*U1 = *U;
free (U);
chats_allocated --;
return &U1->chat;
int data[2];
prefetch_data (data, 8);
union user_chat *U = user_chat_get (-data[1]);
if (U) {
fetch_chat (&U->chat);
return &U->chat;
} else {
chats_allocated ++;
U = malloc (sizeof (*U));
memset (U, 0, sizeof (*U));
fetch_chat (&U->chat);
peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (peer_tree, U, lrand48 ());
Peers[(chat_num ++) + user_num] = U;
return &U->chat;
struct chat *fetch_alloc_chat_full (void) {
int data[3];
prefetch_data (data, 12);
union user_chat *U = user_chat_get (-data[2]);
if (U) {
fetch_chat_full (&U->chat);
return &U->chat;
} else {
chats_allocated ++;
U = malloc (sizeof (*U));
memset (U, 0, sizeof (*U));
U->id = -data[2];
peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (peer_tree, U, lrand48 ());
fetch_chat_full (&U->chat);
Peers[(chat_num ++) + user_num] = U;
return &U->chat;
void free_chat (struct chat *U) {
if (U->title) { free (U->title); }
if (U->print_title) { free (U->print_title); }

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#define FLAG_EMPTY 1
#define FLAG_DELETED 2
#define FLAG_HAS_PHOTO 8
#define FLAG_USER_SELF 128
@ -37,49 +37,6 @@ struct file_location {
long long secret;
struct user_status {
int online;
int when;
struct user {
int id;
int flags;
char *print_name;
struct file_location photo_big;
struct file_location photo_small;
char *first_name;
char *last_name;
char *phone;
long long access_hash;
struct user_status status;
struct chat {
int id;
int flags;
char *print_title;
struct file_location photo_big;
struct file_location photo_small;
char *title;
int user_num;
int date;
int version;
int admin_id;
union user_chat {
struct {
int id;
int flags;
char *print_name;
struct file_location photo_big;
struct file_location photo_small;
struct user user;
struct chat chat;
struct photo_size {
char *type;
struct file_location loc;
@ -105,6 +62,59 @@ struct photo {
struct photo_size *sizes;
struct user_status {
int online;
int when;
struct user {
int id;
int flags;
char *print_name;
struct file_location photo_big;
struct file_location photo_small;
struct photo photo;
char *first_name;
char *last_name;
char *phone;
long long access_hash;
struct user_status status;
struct chat_user {
int user_id;
int inviter_id;
int date;
struct chat {
int id;
int flags;
char *print_title;
struct file_location photo_big;
struct file_location photo_small;
struct photo photo;
char *title;
int users_num;
struct chat_user *users;
int date;
int version;
int admin_id;
union user_chat {
struct {
int id;
int flags;
char *print_name;
struct file_location photo_big;
struct file_location photo_small;
struct photo photo;
struct user user;
struct chat chat;
struct video {
long long id;
long long access_hash;
@ -179,6 +189,7 @@ struct chat *fetch_alloc_chat (void);
struct message *fetch_alloc_message (void);
struct message *fetch_alloc_message_short (void);
struct message *fetch_alloc_message_short_chat (void);
struct chat *fetch_alloc_chat_full (void);
int fetch_peer_id (void);
void free_user (struct user *U);
@ -189,4 +200,6 @@ union user_chat *user_chat_get (int id);
struct message *message_get (int id);
void update_message_id (struct message *M, int id);
void message_insert (struct message *M);
void free_photo (struct photo *P);
void fetch_photo (struct photo *P);