Clean up and merge Linux and BSD instructions

* Now BSDs don't require setting environment for configure.
 * No default Makefile any more.
This commit is contained in:
Dmitrij D. Czarkoff 2014-02-27 01:09:56 +01:00
parent 839e535f73
commit 926a97fe08

View file

@ -19,13 +19,15 @@ or download and extract zip
$ wget -O
$ unzip && cd tg-master
#### Linux
#### Linux and BSDs
Install libs: readline or libedit, openssl and (if you want to use config) libconfig and liblua.
If you do not want to use them pass options --disable-libconfig and --disable-liblua respectively.
Install libs: readline openssl and (if you want to use config) libconfig and liblua.
If you do not want to use them pass options --disable-libconfig and --disable-liblua respectively
On ubuntu use:
$ sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev
On gentoo:
$ sudo emerge -av sys-libs/readline dev-libs/libconfig dev-libs/openssl dev-lang/lua
@ -34,7 +36,13 @@ On Fedora:
$ sudo yum install lua-devel openssl-devel libconfig-devel readline-devel
Default Makefile uses liblua5.2 from ubuntu. If you use different version of liblua or linux you have to run ./configure script or you will get some strange compilation error.
On FreeBSD:
$ pkg install libconfig libexecinfo lua52
On OpenBSD:
$ pkg_add libconfig libexecinfo lua
@ -55,31 +63,6 @@ The client depends on [readline library](
Thanks to [@jfontan]( for this solution.
#### FreeBSD
Install these ports:
* devel/libconfig
* devel/libexecinfo
* lang/lua52
Then build:
$ env CC=clang CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib ./configure
$ make
#### OpenBSD
Install these packages (or *ports*):
* libconfig (*devel/libconfig*)
* libexecinfo (*devel/libexecinfo*)
* lua >= 5.2 (*lang/lua/5.2*)
Then build:
$ CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" ./configure
$ make
#### Other UNIX