diff --git a/tgp-msg.c b/tgp-msg.c
index 6e2bd42..ee7ba31 100644
--- a/tgp-msg.c
+++ b/tgp-msg.c
@@ -376,13 +376,13 @@ int tgp_msg_send (struct tgl_state *TLS, const char *message, tgl_peer_id_t to)
return 0;
-static char *tgp_msg_file_display (const char *filename, const char *caption) {
-#ifndef __ADIUM_
- return g_strdup_printf ("%s", g_markup_escape_text (filename, -1),
- g_markup_escape_text (caption, -1));
- return g_strdup_printf ("file:///%s", g_uri_escape_string (filename, NULL, TRUE));
+static char *tgp_msg_file_display (const char *path, const char *filename, const char* caption, const char *mime, long long size) {
+ gchar *fsize = g_format_size(size);
+ gchar *format;
+ format = g_strdup_printf ("[%s %s %s %s]", g_markup_escape_text (caption, -1), g_markup_escape_text (path, -1),
+ g_markup_escape_text (filename, -1), g_markup_escape_text (mime, -1), fsize);
+ g_free (fsize);
+ return format;
static char *tgp_msg_photo_display (struct tgl_state *TLS, const char *filename, int *flags) {
@@ -492,19 +492,30 @@ static void tgp_msg_display (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgp_msg_loading *C) {
case tgl_message_media_document:
if (M->media.document->flags & TGLDF_STICKER) {
g_return_if_fail(C->data != NULL);
text = tgp_msg_sticker_display (TLS, M->from_id, C->data, &flags);
- } else if (M->media.document->flags & TGLDF_ANIMATED && C->data) {
- text = tgp_msg_file_display (C->data, _("[animation]"));
+ } else if (M->media.document->flags & TGLDF_ANIMATED) {
+ g_return_if_fail(C->data != NULL);
+ text = tgp_msg_file_display (C->data, M->media.document->caption, _("animation"),
+ M->media.document->mime_type, M->media.document->size);
} else if (M->media.document->flags & TGLDF_IMAGE) {
g_return_if_fail(C->data != NULL);
text = tgp_msg_photo_display (TLS, C->data, &flags);
} else {
if (! tgp_our_msg (TLS, M)) {
- tgprpl_recv_file (tls_get_conn (TLS), tgp_blist_lookup_purple_name (TLS, M->from_id), M);
+ if (C->data) {
+ text = tgp_msg_file_display (C->data, M->media.document->caption, _("document"),
+ M->media.document->mime_type, M->media.document->size);
+ } else {
+ tgprpl_recv_file (tls_get_conn (TLS), tgp_blist_lookup_purple_name (TLS, M->from_id), M);
+ return;
+ }
- return;
@@ -512,10 +523,17 @@ static void tgp_msg_display (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgp_msg_loading *C) {
case tgl_message_media_audio: {
if (! tgp_our_msg (TLS, M)) {
if (C->data) {
- text = tgp_msg_file_display (C->data,
- M->media.type == tgl_message_media_audio ? _("[audio]") : _("[video]"));
+ const char *filename = C->data + strlen(C->data) - 1;
+ while (filename > (char *)C->data && *filename != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) {
+ filename --;
+ }
+ filename ++;
+ text = tgp_msg_file_display (C->data, filename,
+ M->media.type == tgl_message_media_audio ? _("audio") : _("video"),
+ M->media.document->mime_type, M->media.document->size);
} else {
tgprpl_recv_file (tls_get_conn (TLS), tgp_blist_lookup_purple_name (TLS, M->from_id), M);
+ return;
@@ -525,14 +543,22 @@ static void tgp_msg_display (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgp_msg_loading *C) {
if (M->media.encr_document->flags & TGLDF_STICKER) {
g_return_if_fail(C->data != NULL);
text = tgp_msg_sticker_display (TLS, M->from_id, C->data, &flags);
} if (M->media.encr_document->flags & TGLDF_IMAGE) {
g_return_if_fail(C->data != NULL);
text = tgp_msg_photo_display (TLS, C->data, &flags);
} else {
if (! tgp_our_msg (TLS, M)) {
- tgprpl_recv_file (tls_get_conn (TLS), tgp_blist_lookup_purple_name (TLS, M->to_id), M);
+ if (C->data) {
+ text = tgp_msg_file_display (C->data, M->media.encr_document->caption, _("document"),
+ M->media.encr_document->mime_type, M->media.encr_document->size);
+ } else {
+ tgprpl_recv_file (tls_get_conn (TLS), tgp_blist_lookup_purple_name (TLS, M->to_id), M);
+ return;
+ }
- return;
@@ -831,12 +857,12 @@ void tgp_msg_recv (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_message *M, GList *before)
if (M->media.document->flags & (TGLDF_STICKER | TGLDF_IMAGE)) {
++ C->pending;
tgl_do_load_document (TLS, M->media.document, tgp_msg_on_loaded_document, C);
- } else if (M->media.document->flags & (TGLDF_ANIMATED | TGLDF_VIDEO | TGLDF_AUDIO)) {
+ } else {
// adium doesn't support file links, autoloading media would mean that it
// wouldn't be possible to show a usable link to the user
#ifndef __ADIUM_
- if (M->media.document->size <= tls_get_media_threshold (TLS)) { // 8mb auto loading threshold
+ if (M->media.document->size <= tls_get_media_threshold (TLS)) {
++ C->pending;
if (M->media.document->flags & TGLDF_AUDIO) {
tgl_do_load_audio (TLS, M->media.document, tgp_msg_on_loaded_document, C);