Commit parse of many structures (message, chat, photo, etc)

This commit is contained in:
Vysheng 2013-10-14 21:26:25 +04:00
parent 5f2080e956
commit baa56b709c
7 changed files with 490 additions and 29 deletions

gen_constants_h.awk Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
print "#ifndef CONSTANTS_H";
print "#define CONSTANTS_H";
// {
if (split ($1, a, "#") == 2) {
gsub (/[A-Z]/, "_&", a[1]);
gsub (/[.]/, "_", a[1]);
if (a[2] in h) {
print "ERROR: Duplicate magic " a[2] " for define " a[1] " and " h[a[2]] >"/dev/stderr/"
exit 1;
h[a[2]] = a[1];
print "#define", "CODE_" tolower(a[1]), "0x" a[2];
print "#endif";

View file

@ -104,14 +104,28 @@ int get_complete_mode (void) {
extern int user_num;
extern struct user *Users[];
extern int chat_num;
extern union user_chat *Peers[];
int complete_user_list (int index, const char *text, int len, char **R) {
index ++;
while (index < user_num && (!Users[index]->print_name || strncmp (Users[index]->print_name, text, len))) {
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len) || Peers[index]->id < 0)) {
index ++;
if (index < user_num) {
*R = strdup (Users[index]->print_name);
if (index < user_num + chat_num) {
*R = strdup (Peers[index]->print_name);
return index;
} else {
return -1;
int complete_user_chat_list (int index, const char *text, int len, char **R) {
index ++;
while (index < user_num + chat_num && (!Peers[index]->print_name || strncmp (Peers[index]->print_name, text, len))) {
index ++;
if (index < user_num + chat_num) {
*R = strdup (Peers[index]->print_name);
return index;
} else {
return -1;
@ -161,7 +175,7 @@ char *command_generator (const char *text, int state) {
index = complete_user_list (index, text, len, &R);
return R;
case 2:
index = complete_string_list (chat_list, index, text, len, &R);
index = complete_user_chat_list (index, text, len, &R);
return R;
case 3:
return rl_filename_completion_function(text,state);

View file

@ -270,7 +270,10 @@ static inline char *fetch_str (int len) {
static inline char *fetch_str_dup (void) {
int l = prefetch_strlen ();
return strndup (fetch_str (l), l);
char *s = malloc (l + 1);
memcpy (s, fetch_str (l), l);
s[l] = 0;
return s;
static __inline__ unsigned long long rdtsc(void) {
@ -299,6 +302,17 @@ static inline long long fetch_long (void) {
return r;
static inline double fetch_double (void) {
double r = *(double *)in_ptr;
in_ptr += 2;
return r;
static inline void fetch_ints (void *data, int count) {
memcpy (data, in_ptr, 4 * count);
in_ptr += count;
int get_random_bytes (void *buf, int n);
int pad_rsa_encrypt (char *from, int from_len, char *to, int size, BIGNUM *N, BIGNUM *E);

View file

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void fetch_chat (struct chat *C) {
memset (C, 0, sizeof (*C));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_chat_empty || x == CODE_chat || x == CODE_chat_forbidden);
C->id = fetch_int ();
C->id = -fetch_int ();
if (x == CODE_chat_empty) {
C->flags = 1;
@ -130,34 +130,200 @@ void fetch_chat (struct chat *C) {
fetch_file_location (&C->photo_small);
fetch_file_location (&C->photo_big);
C->user_num = fetch_int ();
C->date = fetch_int ();
if (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_bool_true) {
C->flags |= 16;
C->version = fetch_int ();
} else {
C->photo_small.dc = -2;
C->photo_big.dc = -2;
C->user_num = -1;
C->date = fetch_int ();
C->version = -1;
void fetch_photo_size (struct photo_size *S) {
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_photo_size || x == CODE_photo_cached_size);
S->type = fetch_str_dup ();
fetch_file_location (&S->loc);
S->w = fetch_int ();
S->h = fetch_int ();
if (x == CODE_photo_size) {
S->size = fetch_int ();
} else {
S->data = fetch_str_dup ();
void fetch_geo (struct geo *G) {
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_geo_point);
G->longitude = fetch_double ();
G->latitude = fetch_double ();
void fetch_photo (struct photo *P) {
memset (P, 0, sizeof (*P));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
P->id = fetch_long ();
if (x == CODE_photo_empty) { return; }
P->access_hash = fetch_long ();
P->user_id = fetch_int ();
P->date = fetch_int ();
P->caption = fetch_str_dup ();
fetch_geo (&P->geo);
assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector);
P->sizes_num = fetch_int ();
P->sizes = malloc (sizeof (struct photo_size) * P->sizes_num);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < P->sizes_num; i++) {
fetch_photo_size (&P->sizes[i]);
void fetch_video (struct video *V) {
memset (V, 0, sizeof (*V));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
V->id = fetch_long ();
if (x == CODE_video_empty) { return; }
V->access_hash = fetch_long ();
V->user_id = fetch_int ();
V->date = fetch_int ();
V->caption = fetch_str_dup ();
V->duration = fetch_int ();
V->size = fetch_int ();
fetch_photo_size (&V->thumb);
V->dc_id = fetch_int ();
V->w = fetch_int ();
V->h = fetch_int ();
void fetch_message_action (struct message_action *M) {
memset (M, 0, sizeof (*M));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
M->type = x;
switch (x) {
case CODE_message_action_empty:
case CODE_message_action_chat_create:
M->title = fetch_str_dup ();
assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_vector);
M->user_num = fetch_int ();
M->users = malloc (M->user_num * 4);
fetch_ints (M->users, M->user_num);
case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_title:
M->new_title = fetch_str_dup ();
case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_photo:
fetch_photo (&M->photo);
case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_photo:
case CODE_message_action_chat_add_user:
M->user = fetch_int ();
case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_user:
M->user = fetch_int ();
assert (0);
void fetch_message_media (struct message_media *M) {
memset (M, 0, sizeof (*M));
M->type = fetch_int ();
switch (M->type) {
case CODE_message_media_empty:
case CODE_message_media_photo:
fetch_photo (&M->photo);
case CODE_message_media_video:
fetch_video (&M->video);
case CODE_message_media_geo:
fetch_geo (&M->geo);
case CODE_message_media_contact:
M->phone = fetch_str_dup ();
M->first_name = fetch_str_dup ();
M->last_name = fetch_str_dup ();
M->user_id = fetch_int ();
case CODE_message_media_unsupported:
M->data = fetch_str_dup ();
assert (0);
void fetch_message (struct message *M) {
memset (M, 0, sizeof (*M));
unsigned x = fetch_int ();
assert (x == CODE_message_empty || x == CODE_message || x == CODE_message_forwarded || x == CODE_message_service);
M->id = fetch_int ();
if (x == CODE_message_empty) {
M->flags |= 1;
if (x == CODE_message_forwarded) {
M->fwd_from_id = fetch_int ();
M->fwd_date = fetch_int ();
M->from_id = fetch_int ();
M->to_id = fetch_int ();
M->out = (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_bool_true);
M->unread = (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_bool_true);
M->date = fetch_int ();
if (x == CODE_message_service) {
M->service = 1;
fetch_message_action (&M->action);
} else {
M->message = fetch_str_dup ();
fetch_message_media (&M->media);
#define user_cmp(a,b) ((a)->id - (b)->id)
DEFINE_TREE(user,struct user *,user_cmp,0)
struct tree_user *user_tree;
DEFINE_TREE(peer,union user_chat *,user_cmp,0)
DEFINE_TREE(message,struct message *,user_cmp,0)
struct tree_peer *peer_tree;
struct tree_message *message_tree;
int chat_num;
int user_num;
struct user *Users[MAX_USER_NUM];
int users_allocated;
int chats_allocated;
int messages_allocated;
union user_chat *Peers[MAX_USER_NUM];
struct message message_list = {
.next_use = &message_list,
.prev_use = &message_list
struct user *fetch_alloc_user (void) {
struct user *U = malloc (sizeof (*U));
fetch_user (U);
union user_chat *U = malloc (sizeof (*U));
fetch_user (&U->user);
users_allocated ++;
struct user *U1 = tree_lookup_user (user_tree, U);
union user_chat *U1 = tree_lookup_peer (peer_tree, U);
if (U1) {
free_user (U1);
free_user (&U1->user);
memcpy (U1, U, sizeof (*U));
free (U);
users_allocated --;
return U1;
return &U1->user;
} else {
user_tree = tree_insert_user (user_tree, U, lrand48 ());
Users[user_num ++] = U;
return U;
peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (peer_tree, U, lrand48 ());
Peers[chat_num + (user_num ++)] = U;
return &U->user;
@ -168,10 +334,144 @@ void free_user (struct user *U) {
if (U->phone) { free (U->phone); }
void free_photo_size (struct photo_size *S) {
free (S->type);
free (S->data);
void free_photo (struct photo *P) {
free (P->caption);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < P->sizes_num; i++) {
free_photo_size (&P->sizes[i]);
free (P->sizes);
void free_video (struct video *V) {
free (V->caption);
free (&V->thumb);
void free_message_media (struct message_media *M) {
switch (M->type) {
case CODE_message_media_empty:
case CODE_message_media_photo:
free_photo (&M->photo);
case CODE_message_media_video:
free_video (&M->video);
case CODE_message_media_contact:
free (M->phone);
free (M->first_name);
free (M->last_name);
case CODE_message_media_unsupported:
free (M->data);
assert (0);
void free_message_action (struct message_action *M) {
switch (M->type) {
case CODE_message_action_empty:
case CODE_message_action_chat_create:
free (M->title);
free (M->users);
case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_title:
free (M->new_title);
case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_photo:
free_photo (&M->photo);
case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_photo:
case CODE_message_action_chat_add_user:
case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_user:
assert (0);
void free_message (struct message *M) {
if (!M->service) {
if (M->message) { free (M->message); }
free_message_media (&M->media);
} else {
free_message_action (&M->action);
void message_del_use (struct message *M) {
M->next_use->prev_use = M->prev_use;
M->prev_use->next_use = M->next_use;
void message_add_use (struct message *M) {
M->next_use = message_list.next_use;
M->prev_use = &message_list;
M->next_use->prev_use = M;
M->prev_use->next_use = M;
struct message *fetch_alloc_message (void) {
struct message *M = malloc (sizeof (*M));
fetch_message (M);
struct message *M1 = tree_lookup_message (message_tree, M);
messages_allocated ++;
if (M1) {
message_del_use (M1);
free_message (M1);
memcpy (M1, M, sizeof (*M));
free (M);
message_add_use (M1);
messages_allocated --;
return M1;
} else {
message_add_use (M);
message_tree = tree_insert_message (message_tree, M, lrand48 ());
return M;
struct chat *fetch_alloc_chat (void) {
union user_chat *U = malloc (sizeof (*U));
fetch_chat (&U->chat);
chats_allocated ++;
union user_chat *U1 = tree_lookup_peer (peer_tree, U);
if (U1) {
free_chat (&U1->chat);
*U1 = *U;
free (U);
chats_allocated --;
return &U1->chat;
} else {
peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (peer_tree, U, lrand48 ());
Peers[(chat_num ++) + user_num] = U;
return &U->chat;
void free_chat (struct chat *U) {
if (U->title) { free (U->title); }
if (U->print_title) { free (U->print_title); }
int print_stat (char *s, int len) {
return snprintf (s, len,

View file

@ -17,33 +17,137 @@ struct user_status {
struct user {
int id;
int flags;
char *print_name;
struct file_location photo_big;
struct file_location photo_small;
char *first_name;
char *last_name;
char *phone;
char *print_name;
long long access_hash;
struct file_location photo_big;
struct file_location photo_small;
struct user_status status;
struct chat {
int id;
int flags;
char *title;
char *print_title;
struct file_location photo_big;
struct file_location photo_small;
char *title;
int user_num;
int date;
int version;
struct file_location photo_big;
struct file_location photo_small;
union user_chat {
struct {
int id;
int flags;
char *print_name;
struct file_location photo_big;
struct file_location photo_small;
struct user user;
struct chat chat;
struct photo_size {
char *type;
struct file_location loc;
int w;
int h;
int size;
char *data;
struct geo {
double longitude;
double latitude;
struct photo {
long long id;
long long access_hash;
int user_id;
int date;
char *caption;
struct geo geo;
int sizes_num;
struct photo_size *sizes;
struct video {
long long id;
long long access_hash;
int user_id;
int date;
char *caption;
int duration;
int size;
struct photo_size thumb;
int dc_id;
int w;
int h;
struct message_action {
int type;
union {
struct {
char *title;
int user_num;
int *users;
char *new_title;
struct photo photo;
int user;
struct message_media {
int type;
union {
struct photo photo;
struct video video;
struct geo geo;
struct {
char *phone;
char *first_name;
char *last_name;
int user_id;
void *data;
struct message {
struct message *next_use, *prev_use;
int id;
int flags;
int fwd_from_id;
int fwd_date;
int from_id;
int to_id;
int out;
int unread;
int date;
int service;
union {
struct message_action action;
struct {
char *message;
struct message_media media;
void fetch_file_location (struct file_location *loc);
void fetch_user (struct user *U);
struct user *fetch_alloc_user (void);
struct chat *fetch_alloc_chat (void);
void free_user (struct user *U);
void free_chat (struct chat *U);
int print_stat (char *s, int len);

View file

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
#define MAX_DC_NUM 9
#define MAX_USER_NUM 1000
#define MAX_CHAT_NUM 1000

9 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@