diff --git a/msglog.c b/msglog.c
index 0518025..c44abbc 100644
--- a/msglog.c
+++ b/msglog.c
@@ -20,60 +20,54 @@
void hexdump (int *in_ptr, int *in_end) {
- // TODO: figure out how to log hexdumps to purple log
- int *ptr = in_ptr;
- while (ptr < in_end) {
- ++ ptr;
- //printf (" %08x", *(ptr ++));
- }
- //printf ("\n");
+ // TODO: figure out how to log hexdumps to purple log
+ int *ptr = in_ptr;
+ while (ptr < in_end) {
+ ++ ptr;
+ //printf (" %08x", *(ptr ++));
+ }
+ //printf ("\n");
-void log_level_printf (const char* format, va_list ap, int level, char *color)
- char buffer[256];
- vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, ap);
- purple_debug(level, PLUGIN_ID, "%s%s%s ", color, buffer, COLOR_NORMAL);
+void log_level_printf (const char* format, va_list ap, int level, char *color) {
+ char buffer[256];
+ vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, ap);
+ purple_debug(level, PLUGIN_ID, "%s%s%s ", color, buffer, COLOR_NORMAL);
-void debug(const char* format, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start (ap, format);
- log_level_printf (format, ap, PURPLE_DEBUG_MISC, COLOR_NORMAL);
- va_end (ap);
+void debug(const char* format, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start (ap, format);
+ log_level_printf (format, ap, PURPLE_DEBUG_MISC, COLOR_NORMAL);
+ va_end (ap);
-void info(const char* format, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start (ap, format);
- log_level_printf (format, ap, PURPLE_DEBUG_INFO, COLOR_GREEN);
- va_end (ap);
+void info(const char* format, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start (ap, format);
+ log_level_printf (format, ap, PURPLE_DEBUG_INFO, COLOR_GREEN);
+ va_end (ap);
-void warning(const char* format, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start (ap, format);
- log_level_printf (format, ap, PURPLE_DEBUG_WARNING, COLOR_YELLOW);
- va_end (ap);
+void warning(const char* format, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start (ap, format);
+ log_level_printf (format, ap, PURPLE_DEBUG_WARNING, COLOR_YELLOW);
+ va_end (ap);
-void failure(const char* format, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start (ap, format);
- log_level_printf (format, ap, PURPLE_DEBUG_ERROR, COLOR_YELLOW);
- va_end (ap);
+void failure(const char* format, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start (ap, format);
+ log_level_printf (format, ap, PURPLE_DEBUG_ERROR, COLOR_YELLOW);
+ va_end (ap);
-void fatal(const char* format, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start (ap, format);
- log_level_printf (format, ap, PURPLE_DEBUG_FATAL, COLOR_REDB);
- va_end (ap);
- info ("\n");
+void fatal(const char* format, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start (ap, format);
+ log_level_printf (format, ap, PURPLE_DEBUG_FATAL, COLOR_REDB);
+ va_end (ap);
+ info ("\n");
diff --git a/telegram-base.c b/telegram-base.c
index 4a123bf..695d6d5 100644
--- a/telegram-base.c
+++ b/telegram-base.c
@@ -275,47 +275,47 @@ static void request_code (struct tgl_state *TLS) {
telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
purple_request_input (
- conn->gc, // handle (the PurpleAccount)
- "Telegram Code", // title
+ conn->gc, // handle (the PurpleAccount)
+ "Telegram Code", // title
"Enter Telegram Code", // primary
"Telegram wants to verify your identity, please enter the code, that you have received via SMS.", // secondary
- NULL, // default_value
- 0, // multiline
- 0, // masked
- "code", // hint
- "OK", // ok_text
- G_CALLBACK(request_code_entered), // ok_cb
- "Cancel", // cancel_text
- G_CALLBACK(request_code_canceled), // cancel_cb
- conn->pa, // account
- NULL, // who
- NULL, // conv
- TLS // user_data
+ NULL, // default_value
+ 0, // multiline
+ 0, // masked
+ "code", // hint
+ "OK", // ok_text
+ G_CALLBACK(request_code_entered),
+ "Cancel", // cancel_text
+ G_CALLBACK(request_code_canceled),
+ conn->pa, // account
+ NULL, // who
+ NULL, // conv
+ TLS // user_data
static void request_name_and_code (struct tgl_state *TLS) {
- telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
+ telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
- debug ("Phone is not registered, registering...\n");
+ debug ("Phone is not registered, registering...\n");
- PurpleRequestFields* fields = purple_request_fields_new();
- PurpleRequestField* field = 0;
+ PurpleRequestFields* fields = purple_request_fields_new();
+ PurpleRequestField* field = 0;
- PurpleRequestFieldGroup* group = purple_request_field_group_new("Registration");
- field = purple_request_field_string_new("first_name", "First Name", "", 0);
- purple_request_field_group_add_field(group, field);
- field = purple_request_field_string_new("last_name", "Last Name", "", 0);
- purple_request_field_group_add_field(group, field);
- purple_request_fields_add_group(fields, group);
+ PurpleRequestFieldGroup* group = purple_request_field_group_new("Registration");
+ field = purple_request_field_string_new("first_name", "First Name", "", 0);
+ purple_request_field_group_add_field(group, field);
+ field = purple_request_field_string_new("last_name", "Last Name", "", 0);
+ purple_request_field_group_add_field(group, field);
+ purple_request_fields_add_group(fields, group);
- group = purple_request_field_group_new("Authorization");
- field = purple_request_field_string_new("code", "Telegram Code", "", 0);
- purple_request_field_group_add_field(group, field);
- purple_request_fields_add_group(fields, group);
+ group = purple_request_field_group_new("Authorization");
+ field = purple_request_field_string_new("code", "Telegram Code", "", 0);
+ purple_request_field_group_add_field(group, field);
+ purple_request_fields_add_group(fields, group);
- purple_request_fields(conn->gc, "Register", "Please register your phone number.", NULL, fields, "Ok",
- G_CALLBACK( request_name_code_entered ), "Cancel", NULL, conn->pa, NULL, NULL, conn->gc);
+ purple_request_fields(conn->gc, "Register", "Please register your phone number.", NULL, fields, "Ok",
+ G_CALLBACK( request_name_code_entered ), "Cancel", NULL, conn->pa, NULL, NULL, conn->gc);
static void sign_in_callback (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, int registered, const char *mhash) {
diff --git a/telegram-purple.c b/telegram-purple.c
index 067c480..cf6015d 100644
--- a/telegram-purple.c
+++ b/telegram-purple.c
@@ -66,150 +66,125 @@ void on_user_get_info (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *show_info, int success, stru
static void add_all_users_to_chat (PurpleConversation *pc, struct tgl_chat *chat);
static telegram_conn *get_conn_from_buddy (PurpleBuddy *buddy) {
- telegram_conn *c = purple_connection_get_protocol_data (
- purple_account_get_connection (purple_buddy_get_account (buddy)));
- return c;
+ telegram_conn *c = purple_connection_get_protocol_data (
+ purple_account_get_connection (purple_buddy_get_account (buddy)));
+ return c;
static const char *format_time(time_t date) {
- struct tm *datetime = localtime(&date);
- return purple_utf8_strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S", datetime);
+ struct tm *datetime = localtime(&date);
+ return purple_utf8_strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S", datetime);
static char *format_status(struct tgl_user_status *status) {
- return status->online ? "Online" : "Mobile";
+ return status->online ? "Online" : "Mobile";
static char *format_img_full(int imgstore) {
- return g_strdup_printf ("
", imgstore);
+ return g_strdup_printf ("
", imgstore);
static char *format_img_thumb(int imgstore, char *filename) {
- return g_strdup_printf("![]()
- filename, imgstore, filename, filename);
+ return g_strdup_printf("![]()
+ filename, imgstore, filename, filename);
-static void on_update_user_name (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_t *user)
- debug("on_update_user_name(id=%d, type=%d)\n", user->id.id, user->id.type);
- p2tgl_got_alias(TLS, user->id, p2tgl_strdup_alias(user));
+static void on_update_user_name (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_t *user) {
+ debug("on_update_user_name(id=%d, type=%d)\n", user->id.id, user->id.type);
+ p2tgl_got_alias(TLS, user->id, p2tgl_strdup_alias(user));
-static void on_update_chat_participants (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_t *chat)
- debug("on_update_chat_participants(chat.id=%d)\n", chat->id.id);
- // Refresh chat participants
- PurpleConversation *pc = purple_find_chat(tg_get_conn(TLS), chat->chat.id.id);
- if (pc) {
- purple_conv_chat_clear_users (purple_conversation_get_chat_data(pc));
- add_all_users_to_chat (pc, chat);
+static void on_update_chat_participants (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_t *chat) {
+ debug("on_update_chat_participants(chat.id=%d)\n", chat->id.id);
+ // Refresh chat participants
+ PurpleConversation *pc = purple_find_chat(tg_get_conn(TLS), chat->chat.id.id);
+ if (pc) {
+ purple_conv_chat_clear_users (purple_conversation_get_chat_data(pc));
+ add_all_users_to_chat (pc, chat);
+ }
+static int our_msg (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_message *M) {
+ return tgl_get_peer_id(M->from_id) == TLS->our_id;
+static PurpleConversation *chat_show (PurpleConnection *gc, int id) {
+ debug ("show chat");
+ telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
+ PurpleConversation *convo = purple_find_chat(gc, id);
+ if (! convo) {
+ // chat exists
+ gchar *name = g_strdup_printf ("%d", id);
+ if (! g_hash_table_contains (conn->joining_chats, name)) {
+ // mark chat as already joining
+ g_hash_table_insert(conn->joining_chats, name, 0);
+ // join chat first
+ tgl_do_get_chat_info (conn->TLS, TGL_MK_CHAT(id), 0, on_chat_get_info, NULL);
+ g_free(name);
+ }
+ return convo;
-static int our_msg (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_message *M)
- return tgl_get_peer_id(M->from_id) == TLS->our_id;
+static int chat_add_message(struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_message *M) {
+ telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
+ if (chat_show (conn->gc, M->to_id.id)) {
+ p2tgl_got_chat_in(TLS, M->to_id, M->from_id, M->message, PURPLE_MESSAGE_RECV, M->date);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ // add message once the chat was initialised
+ g_queue_push_tail (conn->new_messages, M);
+ return 0;
+ }
-static PurpleConversation *chat_show (PurpleConnection *gc, int id)
- debug ("show chat");
- telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
- PurpleConversation *convo = purple_find_chat(gc, id);
- if (! convo) {
- // chat exists
- gchar *name = g_strdup_printf ("%d", id);
- if (! g_hash_table_contains (conn->joining_chats, name)) {
- // mark chat as already joining
- g_hash_table_insert(conn->joining_chats, name, 0);
- // join chat first
- tgl_do_get_chat_info (conn->TLS, TGL_MK_CHAT(id), 0, on_chat_get_info, NULL);
- }
- g_free(name);
- }
- return convo;
+static void add_all_users_to_chat (PurpleConversation *pc, struct tgl_chat *chat) {
+ struct tgl_chat_user *curr = chat->user_list;
+ if (!curr) {
+ warning ("add_all_users_to_chat: chat contains no user list, cannot add users\n.");
+ return;
+ }
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < chat->user_list_size; i++) {
+ struct tgl_chat_user *uid = (curr + i);
+ int flags = (chat->admin_id == uid->user_id ? PURPLE_CBFLAGS_FOUNDER : PURPLE_CBFLAGS_NONE);
+ p2tgl_conv_add_user(pc, *uid, NULL, flags, 0);
+ }
-static int chat_add_message(struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_message *M)
- telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
- if (chat_show (conn->gc, M->to_id.id)) {
- p2tgl_got_chat_in(TLS, M->to_id, M->from_id, M->message, PURPLE_MESSAGE_RECV, M->date);
- return 1;
- } else {
- // add message once the chat was initialised
- g_queue_push_tail (conn->new_messages, M);
- return 0;
- }
+static const char *tgprpl_list_icon(PurpleAccount * acct, PurpleBuddy * buddy) {
+ return "telegram";
-static void add_all_users_to_chat (PurpleConversation *pc, struct tgl_chat *chat)
- struct tgl_chat_user *curr = chat->user_list;
- if (!curr) {
- warning ("add_all_users_to_chat: chat contains no user list, cannot add users\n.");
- return;
- }
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < chat->user_list_size; i++) {
- struct tgl_chat_user *uid = (curr + i);
- int flags = (chat->admin_id == uid->user_id ? PURPLE_CBFLAGS_FOUNDER : PURPLE_CBFLAGS_NONE);
- p2tgl_conv_add_user(pc, *uid, NULL, flags, 0);
- }
+static void tgprpl_tooltip_text(PurpleBuddy * buddy, PurpleNotifyUserInfo * info, gboolean full) {
+ debug ("tgprpl_tooltip_text()\n", buddy->name);
+ tgl_peer_id_t *peer = purple_buddy_get_protocol_data(buddy);
+ if (!peer) {
+ purple_notify_user_info_add_pair_plaintext(info, "Status", "Offline");
+ return;
+ }
+ tgl_peer_t *P = tgl_peer_get (get_conn_from_buddy(buddy)->TLS, *peer);
+ if (!P) {
+ warning ("tgprpl_tooltip_text: warning peer with id %d not found in tree.\n", peer->id);
+ return;
+ }
+ purple_notify_user_info_add_pair_plaintext(info, "Status", format_status(&P->user.status));
+ purple_notify_user_info_add_pair_plaintext(info, "Last seen: ", format_time(P->user.status.when));
- * Returns the base icon name for the given buddy and account.
- * If buddy is NULL and the account is non-NULL, it will return the
- * name to use for the account's icon. If both are NULL, it will
- * return the name to use for the protocol's icon.
- *
- * This must be implemented.
- */
-static const char *tgprpl_list_icon(PurpleAccount * acct, PurpleBuddy * buddy)
- return "telegram";
- * Allows the prpl to add text to a buddy's tooltip.
- */
-static void tgprpl_tooltip_text(PurpleBuddy * buddy, PurpleNotifyUserInfo * info, gboolean full)
- debug ("tgprpl_tooltip_text()\n", buddy->name);
- tgl_peer_id_t *peer = purple_buddy_get_protocol_data(buddy);
- if (!peer) {
- purple_notify_user_info_add_pair_plaintext(info, "Status", "Offline");
- return;
- }
- tgl_peer_t *P = tgl_peer_get (get_conn_from_buddy(buddy)->TLS, *peer);
- if (!P) {
- warning ("tgprpl_tooltip_text: warning peer with id %d not found in tree.\n", peer->id);
- return;
- }
- purple_notify_user_info_add_pair_plaintext(info, "Status", format_status(&P->user.status));
- purple_notify_user_info_add_pair_plaintext(info, "Last seen: ", format_time(P->user.status.when));
- * Handle a proxy-close of telegram
- *
- * Remove all open inputs added to purple
- */
gboolean queries_timerfunc (gpointer data) {
debug ("queries_timerfunc()\n");
telegram_conn *conn = data;
if (conn->updated) {
- debug ("State updated, storing current session...\n");
- conn->updated = 0;
- write_state_file (conn->TLS);
+ debug ("State updated, storing current session...\n");
+ conn->updated = 0;
+ write_state_file (conn->TLS);
return 1;
@@ -222,9 +197,9 @@ void telegram_on_ready (struct tgl_state *TLS) {
tggroup = purple_find_group("Telegram");
if (tggroup == NULL) {
- purple_debug_info (PLUGIN_ID, "PurpleGroup = NULL, creating");
- tggroup = purple_group_new ("Telegram");
- purple_blist_add_group (tggroup, NULL);
+ purple_debug_info (PLUGIN_ID, "PurpleGroup = NULL, creating");
+ tggroup = purple_group_new ("Telegram");
+ purple_blist_add_group (tggroup, NULL);
tgl_do_get_difference (TLS, 0, 0, 0);
@@ -247,207 +222,201 @@ struct tgl_update_callback tgp_callback = {
.type_notification = on_user_typing
- * This must be implemented.
- */
-static void tgprpl_login(PurpleAccount * acct)
- purple_debug_info (PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_login()\n");
- PurpleConnection *gc = purple_account_get_connection(acct);
- char const *username = purple_account_get_username(acct);
- struct tgl_state *TLS = tgl_state_alloc ();
- const char *dir = config_dir;
- struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());
- int len = strlen (dir) + strlen (pw->pw_dir) + 2 + strlen (username);
- TLS->base_path = malloc (len);
- snprintf (TLS->base_path, len, "%s/%s/%s", pw->pw_dir, dir, username);
- debug ("base configuration path: '%s'", TLS->base_path);
- g_mkdir_with_parents(TLS->base_path, 0700);
+static void tgprpl_login(PurpleAccount * acct) {
+ purple_debug_info (PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_login()\n");
+ PurpleConnection *gc = purple_account_get_connection(acct);
+ char const *username = purple_account_get_username(acct);
+ struct tgl_state *TLS = tgl_state_alloc ();
+ const char *dir = config_dir;
+ struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());
+ int len = strlen (dir) + strlen (pw->pw_dir) + 2 + strlen (username);
+ TLS->base_path = malloc (len);
+ snprintf (TLS->base_path, len, "%s/%s/%s", pw->pw_dir, dir, username);
+ debug ("base configuration path: '%s'", TLS->base_path);
+ g_mkdir_with_parents(TLS->base_path, 0700);
- len += strlen ("/downloads");
- char *ddir = malloc (len);
- sprintf (ddir, "%s/downloads", TLS->base_path);
- tgl_set_download_directory (TLS, ddir);
- g_mkdir_with_parents(ddir, 0700);
- free (ddir);
+ len += strlen ("/downloads");
+ char *ddir = malloc (len);
+ sprintf (ddir, "%s/downloads", TLS->base_path);
+ tgl_set_download_directory (TLS, ddir);
+ g_mkdir_with_parents(ddir, 0700);
+ free (ddir);
- tgl_set_verbosity (TLS, 4);
- tgl_set_rsa_key (TLS, pk_path);
+ tgl_set_verbosity (TLS, 4);
+ tgl_set_rsa_key (TLS, pk_path);
- // create handle to store additional info for libpurple in
- // the new telegram instance
- telegram_conn *conn = g_new0(telegram_conn, 1);
- conn->TLS = TLS;
- conn->gc = gc;
- conn->pa = acct;
- conn->new_messages = g_queue_new();
- conn->joining_chats = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
- purple_connection_set_protocol_data (gc, conn);
- tgl_set_ev_base (TLS, conn);
- tgl_set_net_methods (TLS, &tgp_conn_methods);
- tgl_set_timer_methods (TLS, &tgp_timers);
- tgl_set_callback (TLS, &tgp_callback);
+ // create handle to store additional info for libpurple in
+ // the new telegram instance
+ telegram_conn *conn = g_new0(telegram_conn, 1);
+ conn->TLS = TLS;
+ conn->gc = gc;
+ conn->pa = acct;
+ conn->new_messages = g_queue_new();
+ conn->joining_chats = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
+ purple_connection_set_protocol_data (gc, conn);
+ tgl_set_ev_base (TLS, conn);
+ tgl_set_net_methods (TLS, &tgp_conn_methods);
+ tgl_set_timer_methods (TLS, &tgp_timers);
+ tgl_set_callback (TLS, &tgp_callback);
- tgl_init (TLS);
- purple_connection_set_state (conn->gc, PURPLE_CONNECTING);
+ tgl_init (TLS);
+ purple_connection_set_state (conn->gc, PURPLE_CONNECTING);
- telegram_login (TLS);
+ telegram_login (TLS);
* This must be implemented.
-static void tgprpl_close(PurpleConnection * gc)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_close()\n");
- telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
- purple_timeout_remove(conn->timer);
- tgl_free_all (conn->TLS);
+static void tgprpl_close(PurpleConnection * gc) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_close()\n");
+ telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
+ purple_timeout_remove(conn->timer);
+ tgl_free_all (conn->TLS);
-void message_received_handler(struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_message *M)
- if (M->service) {
- // TODO: handle service messages properly, currently adding them
- // causes a segfault for an unknown reason
- debug ("service message, skipping...\n");
- return;
- }
- return;
- }
- if (! (M->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) {
- return;
- }
- if (! tgl_get_peer_type (M->to_id)) {
- warning ("Bad msg\n");
- return;
- }
+void message_received_handler(struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_message *M) {
+ if (M->service) {
+ // TODO: handle service messages properly, currently adding them
+ // causes a segfault for an unknown reason
+ debug ("service message, skipping...\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! (M->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! tgl_get_peer_type (M->to_id)) {
+ warning ("Bad msg\n");
+ return;
+ }
- switch (tgl_get_peer_type (M->to_id)) {
- debug ("PEER_CHAT\n");
- chat_add_message (TLS, M);
- break;
- debug ("PEER_USER\n");
- if (our_msg(TLS, M)) {
- p2tgl_got_im (TLS, M->to_id, M->message, PURPLE_MESSAGE_SEND, M->date);
- } else {
- p2tgl_got_im (TLS, M->from_id, M->message, PURPLE_MESSAGE_RECV, M->date);
- }
- break;
- break;
- break;
- }
- telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
- conn->updated = 1;
+ switch (tgl_get_peer_type (M->to_id)) {
+ debug ("PEER_CHAT\n");
+ // don't add our own chat messages in Adium, or
+ // else they will show up twice
+ // if (our_msg(TLS, M)) { return; }
+ chat_add_message (TLS, M);
+ break;
+ debug ("PEER_USER\n");
+ if (our_msg(TLS, M)) {
+ p2tgl_got_im (TLS, M->to_id, M->message, PURPLE_MESSAGE_SEND, M->date);
+ } else {
+ p2tgl_got_im (TLS, M->from_id, M->message, PURPLE_MESSAGE_RECV, M->date);
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
+ conn->updated = 1;
-void on_new_user_status (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *peer)
- tgl_peer_t *p = peer;
- p2tgl_prpl_got_user_status(TLS, p->id, &p->user.status);
+void on_new_user_status (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *peer) {
+ tgl_peer_t *p = peer;
+ p2tgl_prpl_got_user_status(TLS, p->id, &p->user.status);
-void on_user_typing (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_user *U, enum tgl_typing_status status)
- if (status == tgl_typing_typing) {
- p2tgl_got_typing(TLS, U->id, 2);
- }
+void on_user_typing (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_user *U, enum tgl_typing_status status) {
+ if (status == tgl_typing_typing) {
+ p2tgl_got_typing(TLS, U->id, 2);
+ }
-void user_update_handler (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_user *user, unsigned flags)
- if (!(flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { return; }
+void user_update_handler (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_user *user, unsigned flags) {
+ if (!(flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { return; }
- if (TLS->our_id == tgl_get_peer_id (user->id)) {
- p2tgl_connection_set_display_name (TLS, (tgl_peer_t *)user);
- } else {
- PurpleBuddy *buddy = p2tgl_buddy_find(TLS, user->id);
- if (!buddy) {
- buddy = p2tgl_buddy_new (TLS, (tgl_peer_t *)user);
- purple_blist_add_buddy (buddy, NULL, tggroup, NULL);
- tgl_do_get_user_info (TLS, user->id, 0, on_user_get_info, 0);
- }
- purple_buddy_set_protocol_data (buddy, (gpointer)user);
- p2tgl_prpl_got_user_status (TLS, user->id, &user->status);
+ if (TLS->our_id == tgl_get_peer_id (user->id)) {
+ p2tgl_connection_set_display_name (TLS, (tgl_peer_t *)user);
+ } else {
+ PurpleBuddy *buddy = p2tgl_buddy_find(TLS, user->id);
+ if (!buddy) {
+ buddy = p2tgl_buddy_new (TLS, (tgl_peer_t *)user);
+ purple_blist_add_buddy (buddy, NULL, tggroup, NULL);
+ tgl_do_get_user_info (TLS, user->id, 0, on_user_get_info, 0);
+ purple_buddy_set_protocol_data (buddy, (gpointer)user);
+ p2tgl_prpl_got_user_status (TLS, user->id, &user->status);
+ }
-void chat_update_handler (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_chat *chat, unsigned flags)
- if (!(flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { return; }
- telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
- tgl_do_get_chat_info (TLS, chat->id, 0, on_chat_get_info, 0);
- PurpleChat *ch = p2tgl_chat_find (TLS, chat->id);
- if (!ch) {
- ch = p2tgl_chat_new (TLS, chat);
- purple_blist_add_chat(ch, NULL, NULL);
- }
+void chat_update_handler (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_chat *chat, unsigned flags) {
+ if (!(flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { return; }
+ telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
+ tgl_do_get_chat_info (TLS, chat->id, 0, on_chat_get_info, 0);
+ PurpleChat *ch = p2tgl_chat_find (TLS, chat->id);
+ if (!ch) {
+ ch = p2tgl_chat_new (TLS, chat);
+ purple_blist_add_chat(ch, NULL, NULL);
+ }
-PurpleNotifyUserInfo *create_user_notify_info(struct tgl_user *usr)
- PurpleNotifyUserInfo *info = purple_notify_user_info_new();
- purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(info, "First name", usr->first_name);
- purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(info, "Last name", usr->last_name);
- purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(info, "Phone", usr->phone);
- purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(info, "Status", usr->status.online == 1 ? "Online" : "Offline");
- return info;
+PurpleNotifyUserInfo *create_user_notify_info(struct tgl_user *usr) {
+ PurpleNotifyUserInfo *info = purple_notify_user_info_new();
+ purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(info, "First name", usr->first_name);
+ purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(info, "Last name", usr->last_name);
+ purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(info, "Phone", usr->phone);
+ purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(info, "Status", usr->status.online == 1 ? "Online" : "Offline");
+ return info;
void on_userpic_loaded (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, char *filename) {
- telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
+ telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
- gchar *data = NULL;
- size_t len;
- GError *err = NULL;
- g_file_get_contents (filename, &data, &len, &err);
- int imgStoreId = purple_imgstore_add_with_id (g_memdup(data, (guint)len), len, NULL);
- struct download_desc *dld = extra;
- struct tgl_user *U = dld->data;
+ gchar *data = NULL;
+ size_t len;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ g_file_get_contents (filename, &data, &len, &err);
+ int imgStoreId = purple_imgstore_add_with_id (g_memdup(data, (guint)len), len, NULL);
+ struct download_desc *dld = extra;
+ struct tgl_user *U = dld->data;
- char *who = g_strdup_printf ("%d", tgl_get_peer_id (U->id));
- if (dld->type == 1) {
- PurpleNotifyUserInfo *info = create_user_notify_info(U);
- char *profile_image = profile_image = format_img_full(imgStoreId);
- purple_notify_user_info_add_pair (info, "Profile image", profile_image);
- purple_notify_userinfo (conn->gc, who, info, NULL, NULL);
- g_free (profile_image);
- }
- purple_buddy_icons_set_for_user(conn->pa, who, g_memdup(data, (guint)len), len, NULL);
- g_free(who);
+ char *who = g_strdup_printf ("%d", tgl_get_peer_id (U->id));
+ if (dld->type == 1) {
+ PurpleNotifyUserInfo *info = create_user_notify_info(U);
+ char *profile_image = profile_image = format_img_full(imgStoreId);
+ purple_notify_user_info_add_pair (info, "Profile image", profile_image);
+ purple_notify_userinfo (conn->gc, who, info, NULL, NULL);
+ g_free (profile_image);
+ }
+ purple_buddy_icons_set_for_user(conn->pa, who, g_memdup(data, (guint)len), len, NULL);
+ g_free(who);
void on_user_get_info (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *show_info, int success, struct tgl_user *U)
- assert (success);
- if (U->photo.sizes_num == 0 && show_info) {
- PurpleNotifyUserInfo *info = create_user_notify_info(U);
- p2tgl_notify_userinfo(TLS, U->id, info, NULL, NULL);
- } else {
- struct download_desc *dld = malloc (sizeof(struct download_desc));
- dld->data = U;
- dld->type = show_info ? 1 : 2;
- tgl_do_load_photo (TLS, &U->photo, on_userpic_loaded, dld);
- }
+ assert (success);
+ if (U->photo.sizes_num == 0 && show_info) {
+ PurpleNotifyUserInfo *info = create_user_notify_info(U);
+ p2tgl_notify_userinfo(TLS, U->id, info, NULL, NULL);
+ } else {
+ struct download_desc *dld = malloc (sizeof(struct download_desc));
+ dld->data = U;
+ dld->type = show_info ? 1 : 2;
+ tgl_do_load_photo (TLS, &U->photo, on_userpic_loaded, dld);
+ }
@@ -459,26 +428,25 @@ void on_user_get_info (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *show_info, int success, stru
* errno values, or just big something. If the message should
* not be echoed to the conversation window, return 0.
-static int tgprpl_send_im(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags)
- debug ("tgprpl_send_im()\n");
- telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
- PurpleAccount *pa = conn->pa;
- PurpleBuddy *b = purple_find_buddy (pa, who);
- if (!b) {
- warning ("Buddy %s not found, cannot send IM\n", who);
- return -1;
- }
- tgl_peer_t *peer = tgl_peer_get(conn->TLS, TGL_MK_USER(atoi (who)));
- if (!peer) {
- warning ("Protocol data tgl_peer_t for %s not found, cannot send IM\n", who);
- return -1;
- }
- tgl_do_send_message (conn->TLS, peer->id, message, (int)strlen (message), 0, 0);
- return 1;
+static int tgprpl_send_im(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags) {
+ debug ("tgprpl_send_im()\n");
+ telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
+ PurpleAccount *pa = conn->pa;
+ PurpleBuddy *b = purple_find_buddy (pa, who);
+ if (!b) {
+ warning ("Buddy %s not found, cannot send IM\n", who);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ tgl_peer_t *peer = tgl_peer_get(conn->TLS, TGL_MK_USER(atoi (who)));
+ if (!peer) {
+ warning ("Protocol data tgl_peer_t for %s not found, cannot send IM\n", who);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ tgl_do_send_message (conn->TLS, peer->id, message, (int)strlen (message), 0, 0);
+ return 1;
@@ -490,22 +458,21 @@ static int tgprpl_send_im(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, const char *me
* some other negative value. You can use one of the valid
* errno values, or just big something.
- * @param id The id of the chat to send the message to.
+ * @param id The id of the chat to send the message to.
* @param message The message to send to the chat.
* @param flags A bitwise OR of #PurpleMessageFlags representing
- * message flags.
- * @return A positive number or 0 in case of success,
- * a negative error number in case of failure.
+ * message flags.
+ * @return A positive number or 0 in case of success,
+ * a negative error number in case of failure.
-static int tgprpl_send_chat(PurpleConnection * gc, int id, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_send_chat()\n");
- telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data (gc);
- tgl_do_send_message (conn->TLS, TGL_MK_CHAT(id), message, (int)strlen (message), 0, 0);
- p2tgl_got_chat_in(conn->TLS, TGL_MK_CHAT(id), TGL_MK_USER(conn->TLS->our_id), message,
- return 1;
+static int tgprpl_send_chat(PurpleConnection * gc, int id, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_send_chat()\n");
+ telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data (gc);
+ tgl_do_send_message (conn->TLS, TGL_MK_CHAT(id), message, (int)strlen (message), 0, 0);
+ p2tgl_got_chat_in(conn->TLS, TGL_MK_CHAT(id), TGL_MK_USER(conn->TLS->our_id), message,
+ return 1;
@@ -519,64 +486,56 @@ static int tgprpl_send_chat(PurpleConnection * gc, int id, const char *message,
* @deprecated Since 2.8.0, add_buddy_with_invite is preferred.
* @see add_buddy_with_invite
-static void tgprpl_add_buddy(PurpleConnection * gc, PurpleBuddy * buddy, PurpleGroup * group)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_add_buddy()\n");
+static void tgprpl_add_buddy(PurpleConnection * gc, PurpleBuddy * buddy, PurpleGroup * group) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_add_buddy()\n");
-static void tgprpl_add_buddies(PurpleConnection * gc, GList * buddies, GList * groups)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_add_buddies()\n");
+static void tgprpl_add_buddies(PurpleConnection * gc, GList * buddies, GList * groups) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_add_buddies()\n");
-static void tgprpl_remove_buddy(PurpleConnection * gc, PurpleBuddy * buddy, PurpleGroup * group)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_remove_buddy()\n");
+static void tgprpl_remove_buddy(PurpleConnection * gc, PurpleBuddy * buddy, PurpleGroup * group) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_remove_buddy()\n");
-static void tgprpl_remove_buddies(PurpleConnection * gc, GList * buddies, GList * groups)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_remove_buddies()\n");
+static void tgprpl_remove_buddies(PurpleConnection * gc, GList * buddies, GList * groups){
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_remove_buddies()\n");
-static void tgprpl_convo_closed(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_convo_closed()\n");
+static void tgprpl_convo_closed(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who){
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_convo_closed()\n");
-static void tgprpl_add_deny(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *name)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_add_deny()\n");
+static void tgprpl_add_deny(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *name){
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_add_deny()\n");
-static void tgprpl_rem_deny(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *name)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_rem_deny()\n");
+static void tgprpl_rem_deny(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *name){
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_rem_deny()\n");
* @return If this protocol requires the PURPLE_TYPING message to
- * be sent repeatedly to signify that the user is still
- * typing, then the PRPL should return the number of
- * seconds to wait before sending a subsequent notification.
- * Otherwise the PRPL should return 0.
+ * be sent repeatedly to signify that the user is still
+ * typing, then the PRPL should return the number of
+ * seconds to wait before sending a subsequent notification.
+ * Otherwise the PRPL should return 0.
-static unsigned int tgprpl_send_typing(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, PurpleTypingState typing)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_send_typing()\n");
- /*telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
- PurpleBuddy *b = purple_find_buddy(conn->pa, who);
- if (b) {
- tgl_peer_id_t *peer = purple_buddy_get_protocol_data(b);
- if (peer) {
- tgl_do_update_typing (conn->tg, *peer);
- }
- }*/
- return 0;
+static unsigned int tgprpl_send_typing(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, PurpleTypingState typing) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_send_typing()\n");
+ /*telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
+ PurpleBuddy *b = purple_find_buddy(conn->pa, who);
+ if (b) {
+ tgl_peer_id_t *peer = purple_buddy_get_protocol_data(b);
+ if (peer) {
+ tgl_do_update_typing (conn->tg, *peer);
+ }
+ }*/
+ return 0;
@@ -584,31 +543,28 @@ static unsigned int tgprpl_send_typing(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, P
* does NOT own a reference to @a img; if it needs one, it must
* #purple_imgstore_ref(@a img) itself.
-static void tgprpl_set_buddy_icon(PurpleConnection * gc, PurpleStoredImage * img)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_set_buddy_icon()\n");
+static void tgprpl_set_buddy_icon(PurpleConnection * gc, PurpleStoredImage * img) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_set_buddy_icon()\n");
* File transfer callback
-static gboolean tgprpl_can_receive_file(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_can_receive_file()\n");
- return 0;
+static gboolean tgprpl_can_receive_file(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_can_receive_file()\n");
+ return 0;
* Checks whether offline messages to @a buddy are supported.
* @return @c 1 if @a buddy can be sent messages while they are
- * offline, or @c 0 if not.
+ * offline, or @c 0 if not.
-static gboolean tgprpl_offline_message(const PurpleBuddy * buddy)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_offline_message()\n");
- return 0;
+static gboolean tgprpl_offline_message(const PurpleBuddy * buddy) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_offline_message()\n");
+ return 0;
@@ -616,58 +572,52 @@ static gboolean tgprpl_offline_message(const PurpleBuddy * buddy)
* this must be implemented, and must add at least the offline and
* online states.
-static GList *tgprpl_status_types(PurpleAccount * acct)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_status_types()\n");
- GList *types = NULL;
- PurpleStatusType *type;
- type = purple_status_type_new_with_attrs(PURPLE_STATUS_AVAILABLE, NULL, NULL,
- 1, 1, 0, "message", "Message", purple_value_new(PURPLE_TYPE_STRING), NULL);
- types = g_list_prepend(types, type);
- type = purple_status_type_new_with_attrs(PURPLE_STATUS_MOBILE, NULL, NULL, 1,
- 1, 0, "message", "Message", purple_value_new(PURPLE_TYPE_STRING), NULL);
- types = g_list_prepend(types, type);
+static GList *tgprpl_status_types(PurpleAccount * acct) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_status_types()\n");
+ GList *types = NULL;
+ PurpleStatusType *type;
+ type = purple_status_type_new_with_attrs(PURPLE_STATUS_AVAILABLE, NULL, NULL,
+ 1, 1, 0, "message", "Message", purple_value_new(PURPLE_TYPE_STRING), NULL);
+ types = g_list_prepend(types, type);
+ type = purple_status_type_new_with_attrs(PURPLE_STATUS_MOBILE, NULL, NULL, 1,
+ 1, 0, "message", "Message", purple_value_new(PURPLE_TYPE_STRING), NULL);
+ types = g_list_prepend(types, type);
- type = purple_status_type_new(PURPLE_STATUS_OFFLINE, NULL, NULL, 1);
- types = g_list_append(types, type);
+ type = purple_status_type_new(PURPLE_STATUS_OFFLINE, NULL, NULL, 1);
+ types = g_list_append(types, type);
- return g_list_reverse(types);
+ return g_list_reverse(types);
-static void tgprpl_set_status(PurpleAccount * acct, PurpleStatus * status)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_set_status()\n");
+static void tgprpl_set_status(PurpleAccount * acct, PurpleStatus * status) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_set_status()\n");
* Should arrange for purple_notify_userinfo() to be called with
* @a who's user info.
-static void tgprpl_get_info(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *username)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_get_info()\n");
- telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
- tgl_peer_id_t u = TGL_MK_USER(atoi(username));
- tgl_do_get_user_info (conn->TLS, u, 0, on_user_get_info, (void *)1l);
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_get_info ready()\n");
+static void tgprpl_get_info(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *username) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_get_info()\n");
+ telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
+ tgl_peer_id_t u = TGL_MK_USER(atoi(username));
+ tgl_do_get_user_info (conn->TLS, u, 0, on_user_get_info, (void *)1l);
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_get_info ready()\n");
* change a buddy's group on a server list/roster
-static void tgprpl_group_buddy(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, const char *old_group, const char *new_group)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_group_buddy()\n");
+static void tgprpl_group_buddy(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, const char *old_group, const char *new_group) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_group_buddy()\n");
* rename a group on a server list/roster
-static void tgprpl_rename_group(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *old_name, PurpleGroup * group, GList * moved_buddies)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_rename_group()\n");
+static void tgprpl_rename_group(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *old_name, PurpleGroup * group, GList * moved_buddies) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_rename_group()\n");
@@ -677,16 +627,15 @@ static void tgprpl_rename_group(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *old_name, Pur
* @return A list of #proto_chat_entry structs
-static GList *tgprpl_chat_join_info(PurpleConnection * gc)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_chat_join_info()\n");
- struct proto_chat_entry *pce;
+static GList *tgprpl_chat_join_info(PurpleConnection * gc) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_chat_join_info()\n");
+ struct proto_chat_entry *pce;
- pce = g_new0(struct proto_chat_entry, 1);
- pce->label = "_Subject:";
- pce->identifier = "subject";
- pce->required = TRUE;
- return g_list_append(NULL, pce);
+ pce = g_new0(struct proto_chat_entry, 1);
+ pce->label = "_Subject:";
+ pce->identifier = "subject";
+ pce->required = TRUE;
+ return g_list_append(NULL, pce);
@@ -699,10 +648,9 @@ static GList *tgprpl_chat_join_info(PurpleConnection * gc)
* @param chat_name The chat name to be turned into components
* @return Hashtable containing the information extracted from chat_name
-static GHashTable *tgprpl_chat_info_defaults(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *chat_name)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_chat_info_defaults()\n");
- return NULL;
+static GHashTable *tgprpl_chat_info_deflt(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *chat_name) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_chat_info_defaults()\n");
+ return NULL;
@@ -710,65 +658,64 @@ static GHashTable *tgprpl_chat_info_defaults(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *
* #serv_got_joined_chat to be called.
* @param components A hashtable containing information required to
- * join the chat as described by the entries returned
- * by #chat_info. It may also be called when accepting
- * an invitation, in which case this matches the
- * data parameter passed to #serv_got_chat_invite.
+ * join the chat as described by the entries returned
+ * by #chat_info. It may also be called when accepting
+ * an invitation, in which case this matches the
+ * data parameter passed to #serv_got_chat_invite.
-static void tgprpl_chat_join(PurpleConnection * gc, GHashTable * data)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_chat_join()\n");
+static void tgprpl_chat_join(PurpleConnection * gc, GHashTable * data) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_chat_join()\n");
- telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
- const char *groupname = g_hash_table_lookup(data, "subject");
+ telegram_conn *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc);
+ const char *groupname = g_hash_table_lookup(data, "subject");
- char *id = g_hash_table_lookup(data, "id");
- if (!id) {
- warning ("Got no chat id, aborting...\n");
- return;
- }
- if (!purple_find_chat(gc, atoi(id))) {
- tgl_do_get_chat_info (conn->TLS, TGL_MK_CHAT(atoi(id)), 0, on_chat_get_info, 0);
- } else {
- serv_got_joined_chat(conn->gc, atoi(id), groupname);
- }
+ char *id = g_hash_table_lookup(data, "id");
+ if (!id) {
+ warning ("Got no chat id, aborting...\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!purple_find_chat(gc, atoi(id))) {
+ tgl_do_get_chat_info (conn->TLS, TGL_MK_CHAT(atoi(id)), 0, on_chat_get_info, 0);
+ } else {
+ serv_got_joined_chat(conn->gc, atoi(id), groupname);
+ }
void on_chat_get_info (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *extra, int success, struct tgl_chat *C) {
- assert (success);
- debug ("on_chat_joined(%d)\n", tgl_get_peer_id (C->id));
- telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
+ assert (success);
+ debug ("on_chat_joined(%d)\n", tgl_get_peer_id (C->id));
+ telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
- PurpleConversation *conv;
- if (!(conv = purple_find_chat(conn->gc, tgl_get_peer_id(C->id)))) {
- // chat conversation is not existing, create it
- conv = serv_got_joined_chat(conn->gc, tgl_get_peer_id(C->id), C->title);
+ PurpleConversation *conv;
+ if (!(conv = purple_find_chat(conn->gc, tgl_get_peer_id(C->id)))) {
+ // chat conversation is not existing, create it
+ conv = serv_got_joined_chat(conn->gc, tgl_get_peer_id(C->id), C->title);
+ }
+ purple_conv_chat_clear_users(purple_conversation_get_chat_data(conv));
+ add_all_users_to_chat(conv, C);
+ struct tgl_message *M = 0;
+ while ((M = g_queue_pop_head (conn->new_messages))) {
+ int id = tgl_get_peer_id (M->from_id);
+ if (!chat_add_message(TLS, M)) {
+ warning ("WARNING, chat %d still not existing... \n", tgl_get_peer_id (C->id));
+ break;
- purple_conv_chat_clear_users(purple_conversation_get_chat_data(conv));
- add_all_users_to_chat(conv, C);
- struct tgl_message *M = 0;
- while ((M = g_queue_pop_head (conn->new_messages))) {
- int id = tgl_get_peer_id (M->from_id);
- if (!chat_add_message(TLS, M)) {
- warning ("WARNING, chat %d still not existing... \n", tgl_get_peer_id (C->id));
- break;
- }
- }
- gchar *name = g_strdup_printf ("%d", tgl_get_peer_id(C->id));
- g_hash_table_remove (conn->joining_chats, name);
- g_free (name);
+ }
+ gchar *name = g_strdup_printf ("%d", tgl_get_peer_id(C->id));
+ g_hash_table_remove (conn->joining_chats, name);
+ g_free (name);
* Invite a user to join a chat.
- * @param id The id of the chat to invite the user to.
+ * @param id The id of the chat to invite the user to.
* @param message A message displayed to the user when the invitation
- * is received.
- * @param who The name of the user to send the invation to.
+ * is received.
+ * @param who The name of the user to send the invation to.
static void tgprpl_chat_invite(PurpleConnection * gc, int id, const char *message, const char *name) { purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_chat_invite()\n"); }
@@ -778,172 +725,165 @@ static void tgprpl_chat_invite(PurpleConnection * gc, int id, const char *messag
* @param components A hashtable containing information about the chat.
-static char *tgprpl_get_chat_name(GHashTable * data)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_get_chat_name()\n");
- return g_strdup(g_hash_table_lookup(data, "subject"));
+static char *tgprpl_get_chat_name(GHashTable * data) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_get_chat_name()\n");
+ return g_strdup(g_hash_table_lookup(data, "subject"));
* File transfer callback.
-static PurpleXfer *tgprpl_new_xfer(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_new_xfer()\n");
- return (PurpleXfer *)NULL;
+static PurpleXfer *tgprpl_new_xfer(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_new_xfer()\n");
+ return (PurpleXfer *)NULL;
* File transfer callback.
-static void tgprpl_send_file(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, const char *file)
- purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_send_file()\n");
+static void tgprpl_send_file(PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, const char *file) {
+ purple_debug_info(PLUGIN_ID, "tgprpl_send_file()\n");
// SEE prpl.h
static PurplePluginProtocolInfo prpl_info = {
- OPT_PROTO_NO_PASSWORD, /* options */
- NULL, /* user_splits, initialized in tgprpl_init() */
- NULL, /* protocol_options, initialized in tgprpl_init() */
- { /* icon_spec, a PurpleBuddyIconSpec */
- "png", /* format */
- 1, /* min_width */
- 1, /* min_height */
- 512, /* max_width */
- 512, /* max_height */
- 64000, /* max_filesize */
- PURPLE_ICON_SCALE_SEND, /* scale_rules */
- },
- tgprpl_list_icon,
- tgprpl_tooltip_text,
- tgprpl_status_types,
- NULL, /* blist_node_menu */
- tgprpl_chat_join_info,
- tgprpl_chat_info_defaults, /* chat_info_defaults */
- tgprpl_login, /* login */
- tgprpl_close, /* close */
- tgprpl_send_im, /* send_im */
- NULL, /* set_info */
- tgprpl_send_typing, /* send_typing */
- tgprpl_get_info, /* get_info */
- tgprpl_set_status, /* set_status */
- NULL, /* set_idle */
- NULL, /* change_passwd */
- tgprpl_add_buddy, /* add_buddy */
- tgprpl_add_buddies, /* add_buddies */
- tgprpl_remove_buddy, /* remove_buddy */
- tgprpl_remove_buddies, /* remove_buddies */
- NULL, /* add_permit */
- tgprpl_add_deny, /* add_deny */
- NULL, /* rem_permit */
- tgprpl_rem_deny, /* rem_deny */
- NULL, /* set_permit_deny */
- tgprpl_chat_join, /* join_chat */
- NULL, /* reject_chat */
- tgprpl_get_chat_name, /* get_chat_name */
- tgprpl_chat_invite, /* chat_invite */
- NULL, /* chat_leave */
- NULL, /* chat_whisper */
- tgprpl_send_chat, /* chat_send */
- NULL, /* keepalive */
- NULL, /* register_user */
- NULL, /* get_cb_info */
- NULL, /* get_cb_away */
- NULL, /* alias_buddy */
- tgprpl_group_buddy, /* group_buddy */
- tgprpl_rename_group, /* rename_group */
- NULL, /* buddy_free */
- tgprpl_convo_closed, /* convo_closed */
- purple_normalize_nocase, /* normalize */
- tgprpl_set_buddy_icon, /* set_buddy_icon */
- NULL, /* remove_group */
- NULL, /* get_cb_real_name */
- NULL, /* set_chat_topic */
- NULL, /* find_blist_chat */
- NULL, /* roomlist_get_list */
- NULL, /* roomlist_cancel */
- NULL, /* roomlist_expand_category */
- tgprpl_can_receive_file, /* can_receive_file */
- tgprpl_send_file, /* send_file */
- tgprpl_new_xfer, /* new_xfer */
- tgprpl_offline_message, /* offline_message */
- NULL, /* whiteboard_prpl_ops */
- NULL, /* send_raw */
- NULL, /* roomlist_room_serialize */
- NULL, /* unregister_user */
- NULL, /* send_attention */
- NULL, /* get_attention_types */
- sizeof(PurplePluginProtocolInfo), /* struct_size */
- NULL, /* get_account_text_table */
- NULL, /* initiate_media */
- NULL, /* get_media_caps */
- NULL, /* get_moods */
- NULL, /* set_public_alias */
- NULL, /* get_public_alias */
- NULL, /* add_buddy_with_invite */
- NULL /* add_buddies_with_invite */
+ NULL, // user_splits, initialized in tgprpl_init()
+ NULL, // protocol_options, initialized in tgprpl_init()
+ {
+ "png",
+ 1, // min_width
+ 1, // min_height
+ 512, // max_width
+ 512, // max_height
+ 64000, // max_filesize
+ },
+ tgprpl_list_icon,
+ tgprpl_tooltip_text,
+ tgprpl_status_types,
+ NULL, // blist_node_menu
+ tgprpl_chat_join_info,
+ tgprpl_chat_info_deflt,
+ tgprpl_login,
+ tgprpl_close,
+ tgprpl_send_im,
+ NULL, // set_info
+ tgprpl_send_typing,
+ tgprpl_get_info,
+ tgprpl_set_status,
+ NULL, // set_idle
+ NULL, // change_passwd
+ tgprpl_add_buddy,
+ tgprpl_add_buddies,
+ tgprpl_remove_buddy,
+ tgprpl_remove_buddies,
+ NULL, // add_permit
+ tgprpl_add_deny,
+ NULL, // rem_permit
+ tgprpl_rem_deny,
+ NULL, // set_permit_deny
+ tgprpl_chat_join,
+ NULL, // reject_chat
+ tgprpl_get_chat_name,
+ tgprpl_chat_invite,
+ NULL, // chat_leave
+ NULL, // chat_whisper
+ tgprpl_send_chat,
+ NULL, // keepalive
+ NULL, // register_user
+ NULL, // get_cb_info
+ NULL, // get_cb_away
+ NULL, // alias_buddy
+ tgprpl_group_buddy,
+ tgprpl_rename_group,
+ NULL, // buddy_free
+ tgprpl_convo_closed,
+ purple_normalize_nocase,
+ tgprpl_set_buddy_icon,
+ NULL, // remove_group
+ NULL, // get_cb_real_name
+ NULL, // set_chat_topic
+ NULL, // find_blist_chat
+ NULL, // roomlist_get_list
+ NULL, // roomlist_cancel
+ NULL, // roomlist_expand_category
+ tgprpl_can_receive_file,
+ tgprpl_send_file,
+ tgprpl_new_xfer,
+ tgprpl_offline_message,
+ NULL, // whiteboard_prpl_ops
+ NULL, // send_raw
+ NULL, // roomlist_room_serialize
+ NULL, // unregister_user
+ NULL, // send_attention
+ NULL, // get_attention_types
+ sizeof(PurplePluginProtocolInfo),
+ NULL, // get_account_text_table
+ NULL, // initiate_media
+ NULL, // get_media_caps
+ NULL, // get_moods
+ NULL, // set_public_alias
+ NULL, // get_public_alias
+ NULL, // add_buddy_with_invite
+ NULL // add_buddies_with_invite
-static void tgprpl_init(PurplePlugin *plugin)
- PurpleAccountOption *option;
- GList *verification_values = NULL;
- // Extra Options
+static void tgprpl_init(PurplePlugin *plugin) {
+ PurpleAccountOption *option;
+ GList *verification_values = NULL;
+ // Extra Options
#define ADD_VALUE(list, desc, v) { \
- PurpleKeyValuePair *kvp = g_new0(PurpleKeyValuePair, 1); \
- kvp->key = g_strdup((desc)); \
- kvp->value = g_strdup((v)); \
- list = g_list_prepend(list, kvp); \
+ PurpleKeyValuePair *kvp = g_new0(PurpleKeyValuePair, 1); \
+ kvp->key = g_strdup((desc)); \
+ kvp->value = g_strdup((v)); \
+ list = g_list_prepend(list, kvp); \
- ADD_VALUE(verification_values, "Phone", TELEGRAM_AUTH_MODE_PHONE);
- ADD_VALUE(verification_values, "SMS", TELEGRAM_AUTH_MODE_SMS);
+ ADD_VALUE(verification_values, "Phone", TELEGRAM_AUTH_MODE_PHONE);
+ ADD_VALUE(verification_values, "SMS", TELEGRAM_AUTH_MODE_SMS);
- option = purple_account_option_list_new("Verification type", "verification_type", verification_values);
- prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option);
+ option = purple_account_option_list_new("Verification type", "verification_type", verification_values);
+ prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option);
- _telegram_protocol = plugin;
+ _telegram_protocol = plugin;
-static GList *tgprpl_actions(PurplePlugin * plugin, gpointer context)
- // return possible actions (See Libpurple doc)
- return (GList *)NULL;
+static GList *tgprpl_actions(PurplePlugin * plugin, gpointer context) {
+ // return possible actions (See Libpurple doc)
+ return (GList *)NULL;
static PurplePluginInfo plugin_info = {
- 0,
- "Telegram",
- TG_VERSION " libtgl: " TGL_VERSION " ",
- "Telegram",
- "https://github.com/majn/telegram-purple",
- NULL, // on load
- NULL, // on unload
- NULL, // on destroy
- NULL, // ui specific struct
- &prpl_info, // plugin info struct
- NULL, // prefs info
- tgprpl_actions, // actions
- NULL, // reserved
- NULL, // reserved
- NULL, // reserved
- NULL // reserved
+ 0,
+ "Telegram",
+ TG_VERSION " libtgl: " TGL_VERSION " ",
+ "Telegram",
+ "https://github.com/majn/telegram-purple",
+ NULL, // on load
+ NULL, // on unload
+ NULL, // on destroy
+ NULL, // ui specific struct
+ &prpl_info,
+ NULL, // prefs info
+ tgprpl_actions,
+ NULL, // reserved
+ NULL, // reserved
+ NULL, // reserved
+ NULL // reserved
PURPLE_INIT_PLUGIN(telegram, tgprpl_init, plugin_info)
diff --git a/tgp-2prpl.c b/tgp-2prpl.c
index e75e7f6..e141f1d 100644
--- a/tgp-2prpl.c
+++ b/tgp-2prpl.c
@@ -21,210 +21,211 @@
static void sanitize_alias(char *buffer) {
- size_t len = strlen(buffer);
- gchar *curr;
- while ((curr = g_utf8_strchr(buffer, len, '\n'))) {
- *curr = 0x20;
- }
+ size_t len = strlen(buffer);
+ gchar *curr;
+ while ((curr = g_utf8_strchr(buffer, len, '\n'))) {
+ *curr = 0x20;
+ }
static int user_get_alias (tgl_peer_t *user, char *buffer, int maxlen) {
- char* last_name = (user->user.last_name && strlen(user->user.last_name)) ? user->user.last_name : "";
- char* first_name = (user->user.first_name && strlen(user->user.first_name)) ? user->user.first_name : "";
- sanitize_alias (last_name);
- sanitize_alias (first_name);
- if (strlen (first_name) && strlen(last_name)) {
- return snprintf (buffer, maxlen, "%s %s", first_name, last_name);
- } else if (strlen (first_name)) {
- return snprintf (buffer, maxlen, "%s", first_name);
- } else if (strlen (last_name)) {
- return snprintf (buffer, maxlen, "%s", last_name);
- } else {
- return snprintf (buffer, maxlen, "%d", tgl_get_peer_id (user->id));
- }
+ char* last_name = (user->user.last_name && strlen(user->user.last_name)) ? user->user.last_name : "";
+ char* first_name = (user->user.first_name && strlen(user->user.first_name)) ? user->user.first_name : "";
+ sanitize_alias (last_name);
+ sanitize_alias (first_name);
+ if (strlen (first_name) && strlen(last_name)) {
+ return snprintf (buffer, maxlen, "%s %s", first_name, last_name);
+ } else if (strlen (first_name)) {
+ return snprintf (buffer, maxlen, "%s", first_name);
+ } else if (strlen (last_name)) {
+ return snprintf (buffer, maxlen, "%s", last_name);
+ } else {
+ return snprintf (buffer, maxlen, "%d", tgl_get_peer_id (user->id));
+ }
PurpleAccount *tg_get_acc (struct tgl_state *TLS) {
- return (PurpleAccount *) ((telegram_conn *)TLS->ev_base)->pa;
+ return (PurpleAccount *) ((telegram_conn *)TLS->ev_base)->pa;
PurpleConnection *tg_get_conn (struct tgl_state *TLS) {
- return (PurpleConnection *) ((telegram_conn *)TLS->ev_base)->gc;
+ return (PurpleConnection *) ((telegram_conn *)TLS->ev_base)->gc;
static char *peer_strdup_id(tgl_peer_id_t user) {
- return g_strdup_printf("%d", tgl_get_peer_id(user));
+ return g_strdup_printf("%d", tgl_get_peer_id(user));
char *p2tgl_strdup_alias(tgl_peer_t *user) {
- char *alias = malloc(64);
- if (user_get_alias(user, alias, 64) < 0) {
- free (alias);
- warning ("user name too long");
- return "!!! name too long";
- }
- gchar *g_alias = g_strdup(alias);
+ char *alias = malloc(64);
+ if (user_get_alias(user, alias, 64) < 0) {
free (alias);
- return g_alias;
+ warning ("user name too long");
+ return "!!! name too long";
+ }
+ gchar *g_alias = g_strdup(alias);
+ free (alias);
+ return g_alias;
static PurpleChat *blist_find_chat_by_hasht_cond(PurpleConnection *gc,
- int (*fn)(GHashTable *hasht, void *data), void *data) {
- PurpleAccount *account = purple_connection_get_account(gc);
- PurpleBlistNode *node = purple_blist_get_root();
- GHashTable *hasht;
- while (node) {
- PurpleChat *ch = PURPLE_CHAT(node);
- if (purple_chat_get_account(ch) == account) {
- hasht = purple_chat_get_components(ch);
- if (fn(hasht, data))
- return ch;
- }
- }
- node = purple_blist_node_next(node, 0);
+ int (*fn)(GHashTable *hasht, void *data), void *data) {
+ PurpleAccount *account = purple_connection_get_account(gc);
+ PurpleBlistNode *node = purple_blist_get_root();
+ GHashTable *hasht;
+ while (node) {
+ PurpleChat *ch = PURPLE_CHAT(node);
+ if (purple_chat_get_account(ch) == account) {
+ hasht = purple_chat_get_components(ch);
+ if (fn(hasht, data))
+ return ch;
+ }
- return NULL;
+ node = purple_blist_node_next(node, 0);
+ }
+ return NULL;
static int hasht_cmp_id(GHashTable *hasht, void *data) {
- return !strcmp(g_hash_table_lookup(hasht, "id"), *((char **)data));
+ return !strcmp(g_hash_table_lookup(hasht, "id"), *((char **)data));
PurpleConversation *p2tgl_got_joined_chat (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_chat *chat) {
- telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
- gchar *alias = p2tgl_strdup_alias(chat);
- PurpleConversation *conv = serv_got_joined_chat(conn->gc, tgl_get_peer_id(chat->id), alias);
- g_free(alias);
- return conv;
+ telegram_conn *conn = TLS->ev_base;
+ gchar *alias = p2tgl_strdup_alias(chat);
+ PurpleConversation *conv = serv_got_joined_chat(conn->gc, tgl_get_peer_id(chat->id), alias);
+ g_free(alias);
+ return conv;
void p2tgl_got_chat_left (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_id_t chat) {
- serv_got_chat_left(tg_get_conn(TLS), tgl_get_peer_id(chat));
+ serv_got_chat_left(tg_get_conn(TLS), tgl_get_peer_id(chat));
void p2tgl_got_chat_in (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_id_t chat, tgl_peer_id_t who, const char *message, int flags, time_t when) {
- char *name = peer_strdup_id(who);
- serv_got_chat_in(tg_get_conn(TLS), chat.id, name, flags, message, when);
- g_free (name);
+ char *name = peer_strdup_id(who);
+ serv_got_chat_in(tg_get_conn(TLS), chat.id, name, flags, message, when);
+ g_free (name);
void p2tgl_got_alias (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_id_t who, const char *alias) {
- char *name = peer_strdup_id(who);
- serv_got_alias(tg_get_conn(TLS), name, alias);
- g_free (name);
+ char *name = peer_strdup_id(who);
+ serv_got_alias(tg_get_conn(TLS), name, alias);
+ g_free (name);
void p2tgl_got_im (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_id_t who, const char *msg, int flags, time_t when) {
- char *name = peer_strdup_id(who);
- serv_got_im(tg_get_conn(TLS), name, msg,flags, when);
- g_free (name);
+ char *name = peer_strdup_id(who);
+ serv_got_im(tg_get_conn(TLS), name, msg,flags, when);
+ g_free (name);
void p2tgl_got_typing (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_id_t user, int timeout) {
- char *who = g_strdup_printf("%d", tgl_get_peer_id(user));
- serv_got_typing(tg_get_conn(TLS), who, timeout, PURPLE_TYPING);
- g_free(who);
+ char *who = g_strdup_printf("%d", tgl_get_peer_id(user));
+ serv_got_typing(tg_get_conn(TLS), who, timeout, PURPLE_TYPING);
+ g_free(who);
PurpleBuddy *p2tgl_buddy_find (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_id_t user) {
- gchar *name = peer_strdup_id(user);
- PurpleBuddy *b = purple_find_buddy (tg_get_acc(TLS), name);
- g_free (name);
- return b;
+ gchar *name = peer_strdup_id(user);
+ PurpleBuddy *b = purple_find_buddy (tg_get_acc(TLS), name);
+ g_free (name);
+ return b;
PurpleBuddy *p2tgl_buddy_new (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_t *user) {
- char *alias = p2tgl_strdup_alias (user);
- char *name = peer_strdup_id (user->id);
- PurpleBuddy *b = purple_buddy_new(tg_get_acc(TLS), name, alias);
- g_free (alias);
- g_free (name);
- return b;
+ char *alias = p2tgl_strdup_alias (user);
+ char *name = peer_strdup_id (user->id);
+ PurpleBuddy *b = purple_buddy_new(tg_get_acc(TLS), name, alias);
+ g_free (alias);
+ g_free (name);
+ return b;
void p2tgl_prpl_got_user_status (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_id_t user, struct tgl_user_status *status) {
- const char *state = status->online == 1 ? "available" : "mobile";
- char *name = peer_strdup_id (user);
- char *when = g_strdup_printf("%d", status->when);
- purple_prpl_got_user_status (tg_get_acc(TLS), name, state, "last online", when, NULL);
- g_free(name);
- g_free(when);
+ const char *state = status->online == 1 ? "available" : "mobile";
+ char *name = peer_strdup_id (user);
+ char *when = g_strdup_printf("%d", status->when);
+ purple_prpl_got_user_status (tg_get_acc(TLS), name, state, "last online", when, NULL);
+ g_free(name);
+ g_free(when);
PurpleChat *p2tgl_blist_find_chat(struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_id_t chat) {
- char *name = peer_strdup_id(chat);
- PurpleChat *c = purple_blist_find_chat(tg_get_acc(TLS), name);
- g_free (name);
- return c;
+ char *name = peer_strdup_id(chat);
+ PurpleChat *c = purple_blist_find_chat(tg_get_acc(TLS), name);
+ g_free (name);
+ return c;
PurpleChat *p2tgl_chat_new (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_chat *chat) {
- gchar *admin = g_strdup_printf("%d", chat->admin_id);
- gchar *title = g_strdup(chat->title);
- gchar *name = peer_strdup_id (chat->id);
- GHashTable *ht = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
- g_hash_table_insert(ht, g_strdup("subject"), title);
- g_hash_table_insert(ht, g_strdup("id"), name);
- g_hash_table_insert(ht, g_strdup("owner"), admin);
- return purple_chat_new(tg_get_acc(TLS), chat->title, ht);
+ gchar *admin = g_strdup_printf("%d", chat->admin_id);
+ gchar *title = g_strdup(chat->title);
+ gchar *name = peer_strdup_id (chat->id);
+ GHashTable *ht = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
+ g_hash_table_insert(ht, g_strdup("subject"), title);
+ g_hash_table_insert(ht, g_strdup("id"), name);
+ g_hash_table_insert(ht, g_strdup("owner"), admin);
+ return purple_chat_new(tg_get_acc(TLS), chat->title, ht);
PurpleChat *p2tgl_chat_find (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_id_t id) {
- char *name = peer_strdup_id(id);
- PurpleChat *c = blist_find_chat_by_hasht_cond(tg_get_conn(TLS), hasht_cmp_id, &name);
- g_free(name);
- return c;
+ char *name = peer_strdup_id(id);
+ PurpleChat *c = blist_find_chat_by_hasht_cond(tg_get_conn(TLS), hasht_cmp_id, &name);
+ g_free(name);
+ return c;
void p2tgl_conv_add_user (PurpleConversation *conv, struct tgl_chat_user user, char *message, int flags, int new_arrival) {
- PurpleConvChat *cdata = purple_conversation_get_chat_data(conv);
- char *name = g_strdup_printf("%d", user.user_id);
- purple_conv_chat_add_user(cdata, name, message, flags, new_arrival);
- g_free(name);
+ PurpleConvChat *cdata = purple_conversation_get_chat_data(conv);
+ char *name = g_strdup_printf("%d", user.user_id);
+ purple_conv_chat_add_user(cdata, name, message, flags, new_arrival);
+ g_free(name);
void p2tgl_connection_set_display_name(struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_t *user) {
- char *name = p2tgl_strdup_alias(user);
- purple_connection_set_display_name(tg_get_conn(TLS), name);
- g_free(name);
+ char *name = p2tgl_strdup_alias(user);
+ purple_connection_set_display_name(tg_get_conn(TLS), name);
+ g_free(name);
void *p2tgl_notify_userinfo(struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_id_t user, PurpleNotifyUserInfo *user_info, PurpleNotifyCloseCallback cb, gpointer user_data) {
- char *name = peer_strdup_id(user);
- void *handle = 0;
- handle = purple_notify_userinfo(tg_get_conn(TLS), name, user_info, cb, user_data);
- g_free(name);
- return handle;
+ char *name = peer_strdup_id(user);
+ void *handle = 0;
+ handle = purple_notify_userinfo(tg_get_conn(TLS), name, user_info, cb, user_data);
+ g_free(name);
+ return handle;
diff --git a/tgp-net.c b/tgp-net.c
index 010d509..94c035b 100644
--- a/tgp-net.c
+++ b/tgp-net.c
@@ -42,18 +42,13 @@
#include "tgp-net.h"
-//#include "include.h"
-//#include "mtproto-client.h"
-//#include "mtproto-common.h"
-//#include "tree.h"
-//#include "tools.h"
-#include "telegram-purple.h"
#define POLLRDHUP 0