/* This file is part of telegram-purple This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA Copyright Matthias Jentsch 2014-2015 */ #include "telegram-base.h" static void tgl_do_mark_read_gw (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { tgl_peer_id_t to = * (tgl_peer_id_t *)value; info ("tgl_do_mark_read (%d)", tgl_get_peer_id (to)); tgl_do_mark_read ((struct tgl_state *) data, to, tgp_notify_on_error_gw, NULL); } void pending_reads_send_all (struct tgl_state *TLS) { if (! purple_account_get_bool (tls_get_pa (TLS), TGP_KEY_SEND_READ_NOTIFICATIONS, TGP_DEFAULT_SEND_READ_NOTIFICATIONS)) { debug ("automatic read recipes disabled, not sending recipes"); return; } if (! p2tgl_status_is_present (purple_account_get_active_status (tls_get_pa (TLS)))) { debug ("user is not present, not sending recipes"); return; } debug ("sending all pending recipes"); g_hash_table_foreach (tls_get_data (TLS)->pending_reads, tgl_do_mark_read_gw, TLS); g_hash_table_remove_all (tls_get_data (TLS)->pending_reads); } void pending_reads_send_user (struct tgl_state *TLS, tgl_peer_id_t id) { if (g_hash_table_remove (tls_get_data (TLS)->pending_reads, GINT_TO_POINTER (tgl_get_peer_id (id)))) { info ("tgl_do_mark_read (%d)", tgl_get_peer_id (id)); tgl_do_mark_read (TLS, id, tgp_notify_on_error_gw, NULL); } } void pending_reads_add (struct tgl_state *TLS, struct tgl_message *M) { tgl_peer_id_t *copy = g_new (tgl_peer_id_t, 1); if (tgl_get_peer_type (M->to_id) == TGL_PEER_USER) { *copy = M->from_id; } else { *copy = M->to_id; } g_hash_table_replace (tls_get_data (TLS)->pending_reads, GINT_TO_POINTER (tgl_get_peer_id (*copy)), copy); } static void used_image_free (gpointer data) { purple_imgstore_unref_by_id (GPOINTER_TO_INT(data)); } void used_images_add (connection_data *data, gint imgid) { data->used_images = g_list_append (data->used_images, GINT_TO_POINTER(imgid)); } void tgp_msg_loading_free (gpointer data) { struct tgp_msg_loading *C = data; free (C); } struct tgp_msg_loading *tgp_msg_loading_init (struct tgl_message *M) { struct tgp_msg_loading *C = talloc0 (sizeof (struct tgp_msg_loading)); C->pending = 0; C->msg = M; C->data = NULL; return C; } struct tgp_msg_sending *tgp_msg_sending_init (struct tgl_state *TLS, gchar *M, tgl_peer_id_t to) { struct tgp_msg_sending *C = malloc (sizeof (struct tgp_msg_sending)); C->TLS = TLS; C->msg = M; C->to = to; return C; } void tgp_msg_sending_free (gpointer data) { struct tgp_msg_sending *C = data; g_free (C->msg); free (C); } connection_data *connection_data_init (struct tgl_state *TLS, PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleAccount *pa) { connection_data *conn = g_new0 (connection_data, 1); conn->TLS = TLS; conn->gc = gc; conn->pa = pa; conn->new_messages = g_queue_new (); conn->out_messages = g_queue_new (); conn->pending_reads = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_free); conn->pending_chat_info = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); conn->id_to_purple_name = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_free); conn->purple_name_to_id = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); return conn; } void *connection_data_free (connection_data *conn) { if (conn->write_timer) { purple_timeout_remove (conn->write_timer); } if (conn->login_timer) { purple_timeout_remove (conn->login_timer); } if (conn->out_timer) { purple_timeout_remove (conn->out_timer); } tgp_g_queue_free_full (conn->new_messages, tgp_msg_loading_free); tgp_g_queue_free_full (conn->out_messages, tgp_msg_sending_free); tgp_g_list_free_full (conn->used_images, used_image_free); tgp_g_list_free_full (conn->pending_joins, g_free); g_hash_table_destroy (conn->pending_reads); g_hash_table_destroy (conn->pending_chat_info); g_hash_table_destroy (conn->id_to_purple_name); g_hash_table_destroy (conn->purple_name_to_id); tgprpl_xfer_free_all (conn); g_free (conn->TLS->base_path); tgl_free_all (conn->TLS); free (conn); return NULL; } get_user_info_data* get_user_info_data_new (int show_info, tgl_peer_id_t peer) { get_user_info_data *info_data = malloc (sizeof(get_user_info_data)); info_data->show_info = show_info; info_data->peer = peer; return info_data; }