/* This file is part of telegram-purple This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA Copyright Ben Wiederhake 2016, Purple developers 2007-2015 Derived from the nullclient.c example at https://github.com/Tasssadar/libpurple/blob/master/example/nullclient.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../commit.h" #include "../telegram-purple.h" // The following eventloop functions are used in both pidgin and purple-text. If your application uses glib mainloop, you can safely use this verbatim. #define PURPLE_GLIB_READ_COND (G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR) #define PURPLE_GLIB_WRITE_COND (G_IO_OUT | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL) typedef struct TdfGLibIOClosure { PurpleInputFunction function; guint result; gpointer data; } TdfGLibIOClosure; typedef struct TdfAccountRequestInfo { PurpleAccountRequestType type; PurpleAccount *account; void *ui_handle; char *user; gpointer userdata; PurpleAccountRequestAuthorizationCb auth_cb; PurpleAccountRequestAuthorizationCb deny_cb; guint ref; } TdfAccountRequestInfo; static void tdf_glib_io_destroy (gpointer data) { g_free (data); } static gboolean tdf_glib_io_invoke (GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) { TdfGLibIOClosure *closure = data; PurpleInputCondition purple_cond = 0; if (condition & PURPLE_GLIB_READ_COND) purple_cond |= PURPLE_INPUT_READ; if (condition & PURPLE_GLIB_WRITE_COND) purple_cond |= PURPLE_INPUT_WRITE; closure->function (closure->data, g_io_channel_unix_get_fd (source), purple_cond); return TRUE; } static guint tdf_glib_input_add (gint fd, PurpleInputCondition condition, PurpleInputFunction function, gpointer data) { TdfGLibIOClosure *closure = g_new0(TdfGLibIOClosure, 1); GIOChannel *channel; GIOCondition cond = 0; closure->function = function; closure->data = data; if (condition & PURPLE_INPUT_READ) cond |= PURPLE_GLIB_READ_COND; if (condition & PURPLE_INPUT_WRITE) cond |= PURPLE_GLIB_WRITE_COND; channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (fd); closure->result = g_io_add_watch_full (channel, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cond, tdf_glib_io_invoke, closure, tdf_glib_io_destroy); g_io_channel_unref (channel); return closure->result; } static PurpleEventLoopUiOps tdf_glib_eventloop_ops = { g_timeout_add, g_source_remove, tdf_glib_input_add, g_source_remove, NULL, #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,14,0) g_timeout_add_seconds, #else NULL, #endif // padding NULL, NULL, NULL }; // End of the eventloop functions. static PurpleConnectionUiOps connection_uiops = { NULL, // connect_progress NULL, // connected NULL, // disconnected NULL, // notice NULL, // report_disconnect NULL, // network_connected NULL, // network_disconnected NULL, // report_disconnect_reason // padding NULL, NULL, NULL }; static void tdf_init (void) { // This should initialize the UI components for all the modules. purple_connections_set_ui_ops (&connection_uiops); } static PurpleCoreUiOps tdf_core_uiops = { NULL, NULL, tdf_init, NULL, // padding NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; PurplePlugin *tgp = NULL; static void display_search_paths (GList *elem) { printf ("Search paths:"); for (; elem; elem = elem->next) { printf (" %s", (char *)elem->data); } printf ("\n"); } static void tdf_inject_plugin (void) { printf ("Injecting our module into purple_plugins_* ...\n"); purple_plugins_init (); GList *search_paths = purple_plugins_get_search_paths (); assert (!search_paths->prev && !search_paths->next && search_paths->data); GList *new_paths = g_list_append (search_paths, g_strdup ("bin/")); assert (new_paths == search_paths); // Load "my" path before the default. assert (search_paths->next && search_paths->next->data); { // swap(search_paths->data, search_paths->next->data); gchar* tmp = search_paths->data; search_paths->data = search_paths->next->data; search_paths->next->data = tmp; } } gboolean tdf_is_in_ci (void) { gchar* envvar = getenv ("CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION"); return envvar && g_str_equal ("true", envvar); } static void init_libpurple (void) { // Set a custom user directory (optional) purple_util_set_user_dir ("test/tmp/user"); // We *do* want debugging. However, this is just too much noise. // Then again, this doesn't hurt if Travis does it. Query the environment to check whether we're in CI or not. purple_debug_set_enabled (tdf_is_in_ci ()); /* Set the core-uiops, which is used to * - initialize the ui specific preferences. * - initialize the debug ui. * - initialize the ui components for all the modules. * - uninitialize the ui components for all the modules when the core terminates. */ purple_core_set_ui_ops (&tdf_core_uiops); // Set the uiops for the eventloop. Since our client is glib-based, you can safely copy this verbatim. */ purple_eventloop_set_ui_ops (&tdf_glib_eventloop_ops); tdf_inject_plugin (); display_search_paths (purple_plugins_get_search_paths ()); // Now that all the essential stuff has been set, let's try to init the core. printf ("Enter purple_core_init ...\n"); if (!purple_core_init ("tgp-dummy")) { // Initializing the core failed. Terminate. fprintf (stderr, "libpurple initialization failed. Abort.\n"); abort (); } printf ("Core initialized.\n"); // Create and load the buddylist. purple_set_blist (purple_blist_new ()); // Find our plugin printf ("Checking version:\n"); tgp = purple_plugins_find_with_id (PLUGIN_ID); if (!tgp) { printf ("Huh! Can't find plugin! Expected ID \"" PLUGIN_ID "\""); abort (); } // Make sure we loaded the correct plugin printf ("This is what we loaded:\n\t\t\tversion: %s\n", tgp->info->version); gchar *pos = g_strrstr (tgp->info->version, "commit: " GIT_COMMIT); if (pos == NULL) { printf ("This is the wrong version, we built for commit %s. Abort!\n", GIT_COMMIT); abort (); } else { printf ("Looks like the right version, because we also expected commit %s.\n", GIT_COMMIT); } } //static void signed_on (PurpleConnection *gc) { // PurpleAccount *account = purple_connection_get_account (gc); // printf("Account connected: \"%s\" (%s)\n", purple_account_get_username(account), purple_account_get_protocol_id(account)); //} // //static void received_im_msg (PurpleAccount *account, char *sender, char *message, PurpleConversation *conv, PurpleMessageFlags flags) { // if (conv==NULL) { // conv = purple_conversation_new(PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_IM, account, sender); // } // // printf("(%s) %s (%s): %s\n", purple_utf8_strftime("%H:%M:%S", NULL), sender, purple_conversation_get_name(conv), message); //} // //static void connect_to_signals(void) //{ // // static int handle; // // purple_signal_connect(purple_connections_get_handle(), "signed-on", &handle, // PURPLE_CALLBACK(signed_on), NULL); // // purple_signal_connect(purple_conversations_get_handle(), "received-im-msg", &handle, // PURPLE_CALLBACK(received_im_msg), NULL); // //} int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf ("Running loadtest on %s.\n", argv[1]); GMainLoop *loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); /* libpurple's built-in DNS resolution forks processes to perform * blocking lookups without blocking the main process. It does not * handle SIGCHLD itself, so if the UI does not you quickly get an army * of zombie subprocesses marching around. */ signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); printf ("Enter init_libpurple\n"); init_libpurple (); printf ("libpurple %s initialized.\n", purple_core_get_version()); // Since we do not yet do anything useful, simply terminate after a few seconds. purple_timeout_add (2000, purple_core_quit_cb, NULL); g_timeout_add (4000, (GSourceFunc)g_main_loop_quit, loop); // connect_to_signals(); // PurpleAccount *account = purple_account_new("YOUR_IM_ACCOUNTS_USERNAME_HERE", "prpl-IM_NETWORK_HERE"); //this could be prpl-aim, prpl-yahoo, prpl-msn, prpl-icq, etc. // purple_account_set_password(account, "YOUR_IM_ACCOUNTS_PASSWORD_HERE"); // purple_accounts_add(account); // purple_account_set_enabled(account, UI_ID, TRUE); g_main_loop_run (loop); return 0; }