version=4 opts="\ downloadurlmangle=s/tag\/v(.*)$/download\/v$1\/telegram-purple_$1.orig.tar.gz/,\ filenamemangle=s/.*tag\/v(.*)$/telegram-purple_$1.orig.tar.gz/,\ uversionmangle=s/-(beta\d*)$/~$1/,\ " \ \ /tag/v([\d\.]*(?:-beta\d*)?) \ debian \ uupdate # Rationales (from bottom up): # - There will always be tags of the style "v1.2.5", so search for that # - The "beta" group must be non-capturing, otherwise uscan tries to concatenate them (e.g. "1.2.3-beta.-beta") # - Github tars are unusable; use the (hopefully attached) origtar # - Beta-releases should be ordered before the "main" release (was never relevant so far) # - Spacing in order to have exactly one rule per line