#include "tgl.h" #include "updates.h" #include "mtproto-common.h" #include "binlog.h" #include "auto.h" #include "structures.h" #include void tglu_fetch_pts (void) { int p = fetch_int (); if (p <= tgl_state.pts) { return; } /*if (p != tgl_state.pts + 1) { if (tgl_state.pts) { //vlogprintf (E_NOTICE, "Hole in pts p = %d, pts = %d\n", p, tgl_state.pts); // get difference should be here tgl_state.pts = p; } else { tgl_state.pts = p; } } else { tgl_state.pts ++; }*/ bl_do_set_pts (tgl_state.pts); } void tglu_fetch_qts (void) { int p = fetch_int (); if (p <= tgl_state.qts) { return; } /*if (p != tgl_state.qts + 1) { if (tgl_state.qts) { //logprintf ("Hole in qts\n"); // get difference should be here tgl_state.qts = p; } else { tgl_state.qts = p; } } else { tgl_state.qts ++; }*/ bl_do_set_qts (tgl_state.qts); } void tglu_fetch_date (void) { int p = fetch_int (); if (p > tgl_state.date) { //tgl_state.date = p; bl_do_set_date (tgl_state.date); } } void tglu_fetch_seq (void) { int x = fetch_int (); if (x > tgl_state.seq + 1) { vlogprintf (E_NOTICE, "Hole in seq: seq = %d, x = %d\n", tgl_state.seq, x); //tgl_do_get_difference (); //seq = x; } else if (x == tgl_state.seq + 1) { tgl_state.seq = x; bl_do_set_seq (tgl_state.seq); } } static void fetch_dc_option (void) { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_dc_option); int id = fetch_int (); int l1 = prefetch_strlen (); char *name = fetch_str (l1); int l2 = prefetch_strlen (); char *ip = fetch_str (l2); int port = fetch_int (); vlogprintf (E_DEBUG, "id = %d, name = %.*s ip = %.*s port = %d\n", id, l1, name, l2, ip, port); bl_do_dc_option (id, l1, name, l2, ip, port); } void tglu_work_update (struct connection *c, long long msg_id) { unsigned op = fetch_int (); switch (op) { case CODE_update_new_message: { struct tgl_message *M = tglf_fetch_alloc_message (); assert (M); tglu_fetch_pts (); //if (tgl_state.callback.new_msg) { // tgl_state.callback.new_msg (M); //} //unread_messages ++; //print_message (M); //update_prompt (); break; }; case CODE_update_message_i_d: { int id = fetch_int (); // id int new = fetch_long (); // random_id struct tgl_message *M = tgl_message_get (new); if (M) { bl_do_set_msg_id (M, id); } } break; case CODE_update_read_messages: { assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_vector); int n = fetch_int (); //int p = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int id = fetch_int (); struct tgl_message *M = tgl_message_get (id); if (M) { bl_do_set_unread (M, 0); } } tglu_fetch_pts (); /*if (log_level >= 1) { print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" %d messages marked as read\n", n); pop_color (); print_end (); }*/ } break; case CODE_update_user_typing: { tgl_peer_id_t id = TGL_MK_USER (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_t *U = tgl_peer_get (id); if (tgl_state.callback.type_notification && U) { tgl_state.callback.type_notification ((void *)U); } /*if (log_level >= 2) { print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (id, U); printf (" is typing....\n"); pop_color (); print_end (); }*/ } break; case CODE_update_chat_user_typing: { tgl_peer_id_t chat_id = TGL_MK_CHAT (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_id_t id = TGL_MK_USER (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_t *C = tgl_peer_get (chat_id); tgl_peer_t *U = tgl_peer_get (id); if (U && C) { if (tgl_state.callback.type_in_chat_notification) { tgl_state.callback.type_in_chat_notification ((void *)U, (void *)C); } } /*if (log_level >= 2) { print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (id, U); printf (" is typing in chat "); print_chat_name (chat_id, C); printf ("....\n"); pop_color (); print_end (); }*/ } break; case CODE_update_user_status: { tgl_peer_id_t user_id = TGL_MK_USER (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_t *U = tgl_peer_get (user_id); if (U) { tglf_fetch_user_status (&U->user.status); if (tgl_state.callback.status_notification) { tgl_state.callback.status_notification ((void *)U); } /*if (log_level >= 3) { print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (user_id, U); printf (" is now "); printf ("%s\n", (U->user.status.online > 0) ? "online" : "offline"); pop_color (); print_end (); }*/ } else { struct tgl_user_status t; tglf_fetch_user_status (&t); } } break; case CODE_update_user_name: { tgl_peer_id_t user_id = TGL_MK_USER (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_t *UC = tgl_peer_get (user_id); if (UC && (UC->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { int l1 = prefetch_strlen (); char *f = fetch_str (l1); int l2 = prefetch_strlen (); char *l = fetch_str (l2); struct tgl_user *U = &UC->user; bl_do_user_set_real_name (U, f, l1, l, l2); /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (user_id, UC); printf (" changed name to "); print_user_name (user_id, UC); printf ("\n"); pop_color (); print_end ();*/ } else { fetch_skip_str (); fetch_skip_str (); } } break; case CODE_update_user_photo: { tgl_peer_id_t user_id = TGL_MK_USER (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_t *UC = tgl_peer_get (user_id); tglu_fetch_date (); if (UC && (UC->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { struct tgl_user *U = &UC->user; unsigned y = fetch_int (); long long photo_id; struct tgl_file_location big; struct tgl_file_location small; memset (&big, 0, sizeof (big)); memset (&small, 0, sizeof (small)); if (y == CODE_user_profile_photo_empty) { photo_id = 0; big.dc = -2; small.dc = -2; } else { assert (y == CODE_user_profile_photo); photo_id = fetch_long (); tglf_fetch_file_location (&small); tglf_fetch_file_location (&big); } bl_do_set_user_profile_photo (U, photo_id, &big, &small); /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (user_id, UC); printf (" updated profile photo\n"); pop_color (); print_end ();*/ } else { struct tgl_file_location t; unsigned y = fetch_int (); if (y == CODE_user_profile_photo_empty) { } else { assert (y == CODE_user_profile_photo); fetch_long (); // photo_id tglf_fetch_file_location (&t); tglf_fetch_file_location (&t); } } fetch_bool (); } break; case CODE_update_restore_messages: { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); int n = fetch_int (); /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Restored %d messages\n", n); pop_color (); print_end ();*/ fetch_skip (n); tglu_fetch_pts (); } break; case CODE_update_delete_messages: { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); int n = fetch_int (); /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Deleted %d messages\n", n); pop_color (); print_end ();*/ fetch_skip (n); tglu_fetch_pts (); } break; case CODE_update_chat_participants: { unsigned x = fetch_int (); assert (x == CODE_chat_participants || x == CODE_chat_participants_forbidden); tgl_peer_id_t chat_id = TGL_MK_CHAT (fetch_int ()); int n = 0; tgl_peer_t *C = tgl_peer_get (chat_id); if (C && (C->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { if (x == CODE_chat_participants) { bl_do_chat_set_admin (&C->chat, fetch_int ()); assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); n = fetch_int (); struct tgl_chat_user *users = talloc (12 * n); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_chat_participant); users[i].user_id = fetch_int (); users[i].inviter_id = fetch_int (); users[i].date = fetch_int (); } int version = fetch_int (); bl_do_chat_set_participants (&C->chat, version, n, users); } } else { if (x == CODE_chat_participants) { fetch_int (); // admin_id assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); n = fetch_int (); fetch_skip (n * 4); fetch_int (); // version } } /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Chat "); print_chat_name (chat_id, C); if (x == CODE_chat_participants) { printf (" changed list: now %d members\n", n); } else { printf (" changed list, but we are forbidden to know about it (Why this update even was sent to us?\n"); } pop_color (); print_end ();*/ } break; case CODE_update_contact_registered: { tgl_peer_id_t user_id = TGL_MK_USER (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_t *U = tgl_peer_get (user_id); fetch_int (); // date if (tgl_state.callback.user_registered && U) { tgl_state.callback.user_registered ((void *)U); } /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (user_id, U); printf (" registered\n"); pop_color (); print_end ();*/ } break; case CODE_update_contact_link: { tgl_peer_id_t user_id = TGL_MK_USER (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_t *U = tgl_peer_get (user_id); /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Updated link with user "); print_user_name (user_id, U); printf ("\n"); pop_color (); print_end ();*/ unsigned t = fetch_int (); assert (t == CODE_contacts_my_link_empty || t == CODE_contacts_my_link_requested || t == CODE_contacts_my_link_contact); if (t == CODE_contacts_my_link_requested) { fetch_bool (); // has_phone } t = fetch_int (); assert (t == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_unknown || t == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_requested || t == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_mutual); if (t == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_requested) { fetch_bool (); // has_phone } if (U) {} } break; case CODE_update_activation: { tgl_peer_id_t user_id = TGL_MK_USER (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_t *U = tgl_peer_get (user_id); if (tgl_state.callback.user_activated && U) { tgl_state.callback.user_activated ((void *)U); } /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (user_id, U); printf (" activated\n"); pop_color (); print_end ();*/ } break; case CODE_update_new_authorization: { fetch_long (); // auth_key_id fetch_int (); // date char *s = fetch_str_dup (); char *location = fetch_str_dup (); /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" New autorization: device='%s' location='%s'\n", s, location); pop_color (); print_end ();*/ if (tgl_state.callback.new_authorization) { tgl_state.callback.new_authorization (s, location); } tfree_str (s); tfree_str (location); } break; case CODE_update_new_geo_chat_message: { struct tgl_message *M = tglf_fetch_alloc_geo_message (); assert (M); //if (tgl_state.callback.new_msg) { // tgl_state.callback.new_msg (M); //} //unread_messages ++; //print_message (M); //update_prompt (); } break; case CODE_update_new_encrypted_message: { struct tgl_message *M = tglf_fetch_alloc_encrypted_message (); assert (M); //unread_messages ++; //print_message (M); //update_prompt (); tglu_fetch_qts (); //if (tgl_state.callback.new_msg) { // tgl_state.callback.new_msg (M); //} } break; case CODE_update_encryption: { struct tgl_secret_chat *E = tglf_fetch_alloc_encrypted_chat (); vlogprintf (E_DEBUG, "Secret chat state = %d\n", E->state); /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); switch (E->state) { case sc_none: break; case sc_waiting: printf (" Encrypted chat "); print_encr_chat_name (E->id, (void *)E); printf (" is now in wait state\n"); break; case sc_request: printf (" Encrypted chat "); print_encr_chat_name (E->id, (void *)E); printf (" is now in request state. Sending request ok\n"); break; case sc_ok: printf (" Encrypted chat "); print_encr_chat_name (E->id, (void *)E); printf (" is now in ok state\n"); break; case sc_deleted: printf (" Encrypted chat "); print_encr_chat_name (E->id, (void *)E); printf (" is now in deleted state\n"); break; } pop_color (); print_end ();*/ /*if (E->state == sc_request) { if (tgl_state.callback.secret_chat_update) { tgl_state.callback.secret_chat_request (E); } } else if (E->state == sc_ok) { if (tgl_state.callback.secret_chat_established) { tgl_state.callback.secret_chat_established (E); } } else if (E->state == sc_deleted) { if (tgl_state.callback.secret_chat_deleted) { tgl_state.callback.secret_chat_deleted (E); } }*/ if (E->state == sc_ok) { tgl_do_send_encr_chat_layer (E); } fetch_int (); // date } break; case CODE_update_encrypted_chat_typing: { tgl_peer_id_t id = TGL_MK_ENCR_CHAT (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_t *P = tgl_peer_get (id); if (P) { if (tgl_state.callback.type_in_secret_chat_notification) { tgl_state.callback.type_in_secret_chat_notification ((void *)P); } } /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); if (P) { printf (" User "); tgl_peer_id_t user_id = TGL_MK_USER (P->encr_chat.user_id); print_user_name (user_id, tgl_peer_get (user_id)); printf (" typing in secret chat "); print_encr_chat_name (id, P); printf ("\n"); } else { printf (" Some user is typing in unknown secret chat\n"); } pop_color (); print_end ();*/ } break; case CODE_update_encrypted_messages_read: { tgl_peer_id_t id = TGL_MK_ENCR_CHAT (fetch_int ()); // chat_id fetch_int (); // max_date fetch_int (); // date tgl_peer_t *P = tgl_peer_get (id); //int x = -1; if (P && P->last) { //x = 0; struct tgl_message *M = P->last; while (M && (!M->out || M->unread)) { if (M->out) { bl_do_set_unread (M, 0); } M = M->next; } } /*if (log_level >= 1) { print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Encrypted chat "); print_encr_chat_name_full (id, tgl_peer_get (id)); printf (": %d messages marked read \n", x); pop_color (); print_end (); }*/ } break; case CODE_update_chat_participant_add: { tgl_peer_id_t chat_id = TGL_MK_CHAT (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_id_t user_id = TGL_MK_USER (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_id_t inviter_id = TGL_MK_USER (fetch_int ()); int version = fetch_int (); tgl_peer_t *C = tgl_peer_get (chat_id); if (C && (C->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { bl_do_chat_add_user (&C->chat, version, tgl_get_peer_id (user_id), tgl_get_peer_id (inviter_id), time (0)); } /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Chat "); print_chat_name (chat_id, tgl_peer_get (chat_id)); printf (": user "); print_user_name (user_id, tgl_peer_get (user_id)); printf (" added by user "); print_user_name (inviter_id, tgl_peer_get (inviter_id)); printf ("\n"); pop_color (); print_end ();*/ } break; case CODE_update_chat_participant_delete: { tgl_peer_id_t chat_id = TGL_MK_CHAT (fetch_int ()); tgl_peer_id_t user_id = TGL_MK_USER (fetch_int ()); int version = fetch_int (); tgl_peer_t *C = tgl_peer_get (chat_id); if (C && (C->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { bl_do_chat_del_user (&C->chat, version, tgl_get_peer_id (user_id)); } /*print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Chat "); print_chat_name (chat_id, tgl_peer_get (chat_id)); printf (": user "); print_user_name (user_id, tgl_peer_get (user_id)); printf (" deleted\n"); pop_color (); print_end ();*/ } break; case CODE_update_dc_options: { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); int n = fetch_int (); assert (n >= 0); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fetch_dc_option (); } } break; case CODE_update_user_blocked: { int id = fetch_int (); int blocked = fetch_bool (); tgl_peer_t *P = tgl_peer_get (TGL_MK_USER (id)); if (P && (P->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { bl_do_user_set_blocked (&P->user, blocked); } } break; case CODE_update_notify_settings: { assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (notify_peer)) >= 0); assert (skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (peer_notify_settings)) >= 0); } break; default: vlogprintf (E_ERROR, "Unknown update type %08x\n", op); ; } } void tglu_work_update_short (struct connection *c, long long msg_id) { int *save = in_ptr; assert (!skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (updates))); int *save_end = in_ptr; in_ptr = save; assert (fetch_int () == CODE_update_short); tglu_work_update (c, msg_id); tglu_fetch_date (); assert (save_end == in_ptr); } static int do_skip_seq (int seq) { if (tgl_state.seq) { if (seq <= tgl_state.seq) { vlogprintf (E_NOTICE, "Duplicate message with seq=%d\n", seq); return -1; } if (seq > tgl_state.seq + 1) { vlogprintf (E_NOTICE, "Hole in seq (seq = %d, cur_seq = %d)\n", seq, tgl_state.seq); tgl_do_get_difference (0, 0, 0); return -1; } if (tgl_state.locks & TGL_LOCK_DIFF) { return -1; } return 0; } else { return -1; } } void tglu_work_updates (struct connection *c, long long msg_id) { int *save = in_ptr; assert (!skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (updates))); if (do_skip_seq (*(in_ptr - 1)) < 0) { return; } int *save_end = in_ptr; in_ptr = save; assert (fetch_int () == CODE_updates); assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); int n = fetch_int (); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { tglu_work_update (c, msg_id); } assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); n = fetch_int (); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { tglf_fetch_alloc_user (); } assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); n = fetch_int (); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { tglf_fetch_alloc_chat (); } bl_do_set_date (fetch_int ()); //bl_do_set_seq (fetch_int ()); fetch_int (); assert (save_end == in_ptr); } void tglu_work_update_short_message (struct connection *c, long long msg_id) { int *save = in_ptr; assert (!skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (updates))); if (do_skip_seq (*(in_ptr - 1)) < 0) { return; } int *save_end = in_ptr; in_ptr = save; assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_update_short_message); struct tgl_message *M = tglf_fetch_alloc_message_short (); assert (M); /*unread_messages ++; print_message (M); update_prompt (); if (M->date > last_date) { last_date = M->date; }*/ assert (save_end == in_ptr); } void tglu_work_update_short_chat_message (struct connection *c, long long msg_id) { int *save = in_ptr; assert (!skip_type_any (TYPE_TO_PARAM (updates))); if (do_skip_seq (*(in_ptr - 1)) < 0) { return; } int *save_end = in_ptr; in_ptr = save; assert (fetch_int () == CODE_update_short_chat_message); struct tgl_message *M = tglf_fetch_alloc_message_short_chat (); assert (M); /*unread_messages ++; print_message (M); update_prompt (); if (M->date > last_date) { last_date = M->date; }*/ assert (save_end == in_ptr); bl_do_msg_seq_update (M->id); } void tglu_work_updates_to_long (struct connection *c, long long msg_id) { assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_updates_too_long); vlogprintf (E_NOTICE, "updates too long... Getting difference\n"); tgl_do_get_difference (0, 0, 0); }