/* This file is part of telegram-cli. Telegram-cli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Telegram-cli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this telegram-cli. If not, see . Copyright Vitaly Valtman 2013-2014 */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #define _GNU_SOURCE #define READLINE_CALLBACKS #include #include #include #include #ifdef READLINE_GNU #include #include #else #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "interface.h" #include "telegram.h" #include "loop.h" #include "lua-tg.h" #include "tgl.h" #include "binlog.h" int verbosity; int binlog_read; extern char *default_username; extern char *auth_token; void set_default_username (const char *s); extern int binlog_enabled; extern int unknown_user_list_pos; extern int unknown_user_list[]; int register_mode; extern int safe_quit; extern int sync_from_start; void got_it (char *line, int len); void write_state_file (void); static void stdin_read_callback (evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg) { if (((long)arg) & 1) { rl_callback_read_char (); } else { char *line = 0; size_t len = 0; assert (getline (&line, &len, stdin) >= 0); got_it (line, strlen (line)); } } void net_loop (int flags, int (*is_end)(void)) { if (verbosity) { logprintf ("Starting netloop\n"); } struct event *ev = 0; if (flags & 3) { ev = event_new (tgl_state.ev_base, 0, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, stdin_read_callback, (void *)(long)flags); event_add (ev, 0); } while (!is_end || !is_end ()) { event_base_loop (tgl_state.ev_base, EVLOOP_ONCE); #ifdef USE_LUA lua_do_all (); #endif if (safe_quit && !tgl_state.active_queries) { printf ("All done. Exit\n"); rl_callback_handler_remove (); exit (0); } write_state_file (); update_prompt (); if (unknown_user_list_pos) { int i; for (i = 0; i < unknown_user_list_pos; i++) { tgl_do_get_user_info (TGL_MK_USER (unknown_user_list[i]), 0, 0, 0); } unknown_user_list_pos = 0; } } if (ev) { event_free (ev); } if (verbosity) { logprintf ("End of netloop\n"); } } char **_s; size_t *_l; int got_it_ok; void got_it (char *line, int len) { assert (len > 0); line[-- len] = 0; // delete end of line *_s = line; *_l = len; got_it_ok = 1; } int is_got_it (void) { return got_it_ok; } int net_getline (char **s, size_t *l) { fflush (stdout); // rl_already_prompted = 1; got_it_ok = 0; _s = s; _l = l; // rl_callback_handler_install (0, got_it); net_loop (2, is_got_it); return 0; } int main_loop (void) { net_loop (1, 0); return 0; } struct tgl_dc *cur_a_dc; int is_authorized (void) { return tgl_authorized_dc (cur_a_dc); } int config_got; int got_config (void) { return config_got; } void on_get_config (void *extra, int success) { if (!success) { logprintf ("Can not get config.\n"); exit (1); } config_got = 1; } int should_register; char *hash; void sign_in_callback (void *extra, int success, int registered, const char *mhash) { if (!success) { logprintf ("Can not send code\n"); exit (1); } should_register = !registered; hash = strdup (mhash); } int signed_in_ok; void sign_in_result (void *extra, int success, struct tgl_user *U) { if (!success) { logprintf ("Can not login\n"); exit (1); } signed_in_ok = 1; } int signed_in (void) { return signed_in_ok; } int sent_code (void) { return hash != 0; } int dc_signed_in (void) { return tgl_signed_dc (cur_a_dc); } void export_auth_callback (void *DC, int success) { if (!success) { logprintf ("Can not export auth\n"); exit (1); } } int d_got_ok; void get_difference_callback (void *extra, int success) { assert (success); d_got_ok = 1; } int dgot (void) { return d_got_ok; } int zero[512]; int readline_active; int new_dc_num; int wait_dialog_list; extern struct tgl_update_callback upd_cb; #define DC_SERIALIZED_MAGIC 0x868aa81d #define STATE_FILE_MAGIC 0x28949a93 #define SECRET_FILE_MAGIX 0x37a1988a char *get_auth_key_filename (void); char *get_state_filename (void); void read_state_file (void) { if (binlog_enabled) { return; } int state_file_fd = open (get_state_filename (), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0600); if (state_file_fd < 0) { return; } int version, magic; if (read (state_file_fd, &magic, 4) < 4) { close (state_file_fd); return; } if (magic != (int)STATE_FILE_MAGIC) { close (state_file_fd); return; } if (read (state_file_fd, &version, 4) < 4) { close (state_file_fd); return; } assert (version >= 0); int x[4]; if (read (state_file_fd, x, 16) < 16) { close (state_file_fd); return; } int pts = x[0]; int qts = x[1]; int seq = x[2]; int date = x[3]; close (state_file_fd); bl_do_set_seq (seq); bl_do_set_pts (pts); bl_do_set_qts (qts); bl_do_set_date (date); } void write_state_file (void) { if (binlog_enabled) { return; } static int wseq; static int wpts; static int wqts; static int wdate; if (wseq >= tgl_state.seq && wpts >= tgl_state.pts && wqts >= tgl_state.qts && wdate >= tgl_state.date) { return; } wseq = tgl_state.seq; wpts = tgl_state.pts; wqts = tgl_state.qts; wdate = tgl_state.date; int state_file_fd = open (get_state_filename (), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0600); if (state_file_fd < 0) { logprintf ("Can not write state file '%s': %m\n", get_state_filename ()); exit (2); } int x[6]; x[0] = STATE_FILE_MAGIC; x[1] = 0; x[2] = wpts; x[3] = wqts; x[4] = wseq; x[5] = wdate; assert (write (state_file_fd, x, 24) == 24); close (state_file_fd); } void write_dc (struct tgl_dc *DC, void *extra) { int auth_file_fd = *(int *)extra; if (!DC) { int x = 0; assert (write (auth_file_fd, &x, 4) == 4); return; } else { int x = 1; assert (write (auth_file_fd, &x, 4) == 4); } assert (DC->has_auth); assert (write (auth_file_fd, &DC->port, 4) == 4); int l = strlen (DC->ip); assert (write (auth_file_fd, &l, 4) == 4); assert (write (auth_file_fd, DC->ip, l) == l); assert (write (auth_file_fd, &DC->auth_key_id, 8) == 8); assert (write (auth_file_fd, DC->auth_key, 256) == 256); } void write_auth_file (void) { if (binlog_enabled) { return; } int auth_file_fd = open (get_auth_key_filename (), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0600); assert (auth_file_fd >= 0); int x = DC_SERIALIZED_MAGIC; assert (write (auth_file_fd, &x, 4) == 4); assert (write (auth_file_fd, &tgl_state.max_dc_num, 4) == 4); assert (write (auth_file_fd, &tgl_state.dc_working_num, 4) == 4); tgl_dc_iterator_ex (write_dc, &auth_file_fd); assert (write (auth_file_fd, &tgl_state.our_id, 4) == 4); close (auth_file_fd); } void read_dc (int auth_file_fd, int id, unsigned ver) { int port = 0; assert (read (auth_file_fd, &port, 4) == 4); int l = 0; assert (read (auth_file_fd, &l, 4) == 4); assert (l >= 0 && l < 100); char ip[100]; assert (read (auth_file_fd, ip, l) == l); ip[l] = 0; long long auth_key_id; static unsigned char auth_key[256]; assert (read (auth_file_fd, &auth_key_id, 8) == 8); assert (read (auth_file_fd, auth_key, 256) == 256); //bl_do_add_dc (id, ip, l, port, auth_key_id, auth_key); bl_do_dc_option (id, 2, "DC", l, ip, port); bl_do_set_auth_key_id (id, auth_key); bl_do_dc_signed (id); } void empty_auth_file (void) { char *ip = tgl_state.test_mode ? TG_SERVER_TEST : TG_SERVER; bl_do_dc_option (1, 3, "DC1", strlen (ip), ip, 443); bl_do_set_working_dc (1); } int need_dc_list_update; void read_auth_file (void) { if (binlog_enabled) { return; } int auth_file_fd = open (get_auth_key_filename (), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0600); if (auth_file_fd < 0) { empty_auth_file (); return; } assert (auth_file_fd >= 0); unsigned x; unsigned m; if (read (auth_file_fd, &m, 4) < 4 || (m != DC_SERIALIZED_MAGIC)) { close (auth_file_fd); empty_auth_file (); return; } assert (read (auth_file_fd, &x, 4) == 4); assert (x > 0); int dc_working_num; assert (read (auth_file_fd, &dc_working_num, 4) == 4); int i; for (i = 0; i <= (int)x; i++) { int y; assert (read (auth_file_fd, &y, 4) == 4); if (y) { read_dc (auth_file_fd, i, m); } } bl_do_set_working_dc (dc_working_num); int our_id; int l = read (auth_file_fd, &our_id, 4); if (l < 4) { assert (!l); } if (our_id) { bl_do_set_our_id (our_id); } close (auth_file_fd); } void dlist_cb (void *callback_extra, int success, int size, tgl_peer_id_t peers[], int last_msg_id[], int unread_count[]) { d_got_ok = 1; } int loop (void) { //on_start (); tgl_set_callback (&upd_cb); tgl_init (); if (binlog_enabled) { double t = tglt_get_double_time (); logprintf ("replay log start\n"); tgl_replay_log (); logprintf ("replay log end in %lf seconds\n", tglt_get_double_time () - t); tgl_reopen_binlog_for_writing (); } else { read_auth_file (); read_state_file (); } binlog_read = 1; #ifdef USE_LUA lua_binlog_end (); #endif update_prompt (); if (!tgl_authorized_dc (tgl_state.DC_working)) { cur_a_dc = tgl_state.DC_working; tgl_dc_authorize (tgl_state.DC_working); net_loop (0, is_authorized); } tgl_do_help_get_config (on_get_config, 0); net_loop (0, got_config); if (verbosity) { logprintf ("DC_info: %d new DC got\n", new_dc_num); } int i; for (i = 0; i <= tgl_state.max_dc_num; i++) if (tgl_state.DC_list[i] && !tgl_authorized_dc (tgl_state.DC_list[i])) { cur_a_dc = tgl_state.DC_list[i]; tgl_dc_authorize (cur_a_dc); net_loop (0, is_authorized); } if (!tgl_signed_dc (tgl_state.DC_working)) { if (!default_username) { size_t size = 0; char *user = 0; if (!user) { printf ("Telephone number (with '+' sign): "); if (net_getline (&user, &size) == -1) { perror ("getline()"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } set_default_username (user); } } tgl_do_send_code (default_username, sign_in_callback, 0); net_loop (0, sent_code); logprintf ("%s\n", should_register ? "phone not registered" : "phone registered"); if (!should_register) { char *code = 0; size_t size = 0; printf ("Code from sms (if you did not receive an SMS and want to be called, type \"call\"): "); while (1) { if (net_getline (&code, &size) == -1) { perror ("getline()"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!strcmp (code, "call")) { printf ("You typed \"call\", switching to phone system.\n"); tgl_do_phone_call (default_username, hash, 0, 0); printf ("Calling you! Code: "); continue; } if (tgl_do_send_code_result (default_username, hash, code, sign_in_result, 0) >= 0) { break; } printf ("Invalid code. Try again: "); free (code); } } else { printf ("User is not registered. Do you want to register? [Y/n] "); char *code; size_t size; if (net_getline (&code, &size) == -1) { perror ("getline()"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!*code || *code == 'y' || *code == 'Y') { printf ("Ok, starting registartion.\n"); } else { printf ("Then try again\n"); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } char *first_name; printf ("First name: "); if (net_getline (&first_name, &size) == -1) { perror ("getline()"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } char *last_name; printf ("Last name: "); if (net_getline (&last_name, &size) == -1) { perror ("getline()"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } printf ("Code from sms (if you did not receive an SMS and want to be called, type \"call\"): "); while (1) { if (net_getline (&code, &size) == -1) { perror ("getline()"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!strcmp (code, "call")) { printf ("You typed \"call\", switching to phone system.\n"); tgl_do_phone_call (default_username, hash, 0, 0); printf ("Calling you! Code: "); continue; } if (tgl_do_send_code_result_auth (default_username, hash, code, first_name, last_name, sign_in_result, 0) >= 0) { break; } printf ("Invalid code. Try again: "); free (code); } } net_loop (0, signed_in); //bl_do_dc_signed (tgl_state.DC_working); } for (i = 0; i <= tgl_state.max_dc_num; i++) if (tgl_state.DC_list[i] && !tgl_signed_dc (tgl_state.DC_list[i])) { tgl_do_export_auth (i, export_auth_callback, (void*)(long)tgl_state.DC_list[i]); cur_a_dc = tgl_state.DC_list[i]; net_loop (0, dc_signed_in); assert (tgl_signed_dc (tgl_state.DC_list[i])); } write_auth_file (); fflush (stdout); fflush (stderr); //read_state_file (); //read_secret_chat_file (); set_interface_callbacks (); tgl_do_get_difference (sync_from_start, get_difference_callback, 0); net_loop (0, dgot); assert (!(tgl_state.locks & TGL_LOCK_DIFF)); if (wait_dialog_list) { d_got_ok = 0; tgl_do_get_dialog_list (dlist_cb, 0); net_loop (0, dgot); } #ifdef USE_LUA lua_diff_end (); #endif tglm_send_all_unsent (); /*tgl_do_get_dialog_list (get_dialogs_callback, 0); if (wait_dialog_list) { dialog_list_got = 0; net_loop (0, dlgot); }*/ return main_loop (); }