/* This file is part of telegram-client. Telegram-client is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Telegram-client is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this telegram-client. If not, see . Copyright Vitaly Valtman 2013 */ #ifndef __STRUCTURES_H__ #define __STRUCTURES_H__ #include typedef struct { int id; } peer_id_t; #define FLAG_EMPTY 1 #define FLAG_DELETED 2 #define FLAG_FORBIDDEN 4 #define FLAG_HAS_PHOTO 8 #define FLAG_USER_SELF 128 #define FLAG_USER_FOREIGN 256 #define FLAG_USER_CONTACT 512 #define FLAG_USER_IN_CONTACT 1024 #define FLAG_USER_OUT_CONTACT 2048 #define FLAG_CHAT_IN_CHAT 128 struct file_location { int dc; long long volume; int local_id; long long secret; }; struct photo_size { char *type; struct file_location loc; int w; int h; int size; char *data; }; struct geo { double longitude; double latitude; }; struct photo { long long id; long long access_hash; int user_id; int date; char *caption; struct geo geo; int sizes_num; struct photo_size *sizes; }; struct user_status { int online; int when; }; struct user { peer_id_t id; int flags; char *print_name; struct file_location photo_big; struct file_location photo_small; struct photo photo; char *first_name; char *last_name; char *phone; long long access_hash; struct user_status status; int blocked; char *real_first_name; char *real_last_name; }; struct chat_user { int user_id; int inviter_id; int date; }; struct chat { peer_id_t id; int flags; char *print_title; struct file_location photo_big; struct file_location photo_small; struct photo photo; char *title; int users_num; struct chat_user *users; int date; int version; int admin_id; }; typedef union peer { struct { peer_id_t id; int flags; char *print_name; struct file_location photo_big; struct file_location photo_small; struct photo photo; }; struct user user; struct chat chat; } peer_t; struct video { long long id; long long access_hash; int user_id; int date; char *caption; int duration; int size; struct photo_size thumb; int dc_id; int w; int h; }; struct message_action { int type; union { struct { char *title; int user_num; int *users; }; char *new_title; struct photo photo; int user; }; }; struct message_media { int type; union { struct photo photo; struct video video; struct geo geo; struct { char *phone; char *first_name; char *last_name; int user_id; }; void *data; }; }; struct message { struct message *next_use, *prev_use; int id; int flags; peer_id_t fwd_from_id; int fwd_date; peer_id_t from_id; peer_id_t to_id; int out; int unread; int date; int service; union { struct message_action action; struct { char *message; int message_len; struct message_media media; }; }; }; void fetch_file_location (struct file_location *loc); void fetch_user_status (struct user_status *S); void fetch_user (struct user *U); struct user *fetch_alloc_user (void); struct user *fetch_alloc_user_full (void); struct chat *fetch_alloc_chat (void); struct chat *fetch_alloc_chat_full (void); struct message *fetch_alloc_message (void); struct message *fetch_alloc_message_short (void); struct message *fetch_alloc_message_short_chat (void); peer_id_t fetch_peer_id (void); void free_user (struct user *U); void free_chat (struct chat *U); int print_stat (char *s, int len); peer_t *user_chat_get (peer_id_t id); struct message *message_get (int id); void update_message_id (struct message *M, int id); void message_insert (struct message *M); void free_photo (struct photo *P); void fetch_photo (struct photo *P); #define PEER_USER 1 #define PEER_CHAT 2 #define PEER_UNKNOWN 0 #define MK_USER(id) set_peer_id (PEER_USER,id) #define MK_CHAT(id) set_peer_id (PEER_CHAT,id) static inline int get_peer_type (peer_id_t id) { if (id.id > 0) { return PEER_USER; } if (id.id < 0) { return PEER_CHAT; } return PEER_UNKNOWN; } static inline int get_peer_id (peer_id_t id) { switch (get_peer_type (id)) { case PEER_USER: return id.id; case PEER_CHAT: return -id.id; default: return 0; } } static inline peer_id_t set_peer_id (int type, int id) { peer_id_t ID; switch (type) { case PEER_USER: ID.id = id; return ID; case PEER_CHAT: ID.id = -id; return ID; default: assert (0); return ID; } } static inline int cmp_peer_id (peer_id_t a, peer_id_t b) { return memcmp (&a, &b, sizeof (a)); } #endif