/* This file is part of telegram-client. Telegram-client is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Telegram-client is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this telegram-client. If not, see . Copyright Vitaly Valtman 2013 */ #include #include #include "constants.h" #include "structures.h" #include "telegram.h" #include "tree.h" #include "loop.h" #include #include #include "queries.h" #include "binlog.h" #include "net.h" #define sha1 SHA1 static int id_cmp (struct message *M1, struct message *M2); #define peer_cmp(a,b) (cmp_peer_id (a->id, b->id)) #define peer_cmp_name(a,b) (strcmp (a->print_name, b->print_name)) DEFINE_TREE(peer,peer_t *,peer_cmp,0) DEFINE_TREE(peer_by_name,peer_t *,peer_cmp_name,0) DEFINE_TREE(message,struct message *,id_cmp,0) struct message message_list = { .next_use = &message_list, .prev_use = &message_list }; int verbosity; void fetch_skip_photo (struct mtproto_connection *mtp); #define code_assert(x) if (!(x)) { fatal ("Can not parse at line %d\n", __LINE__); assert (0); return -1; } #define code_try(x) if ((x) == -1) { return -1; } /* * * Fetch simple structures (immediate fetch into buffer) * */ int fetch_file_location (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct file_location *loc) { int x = fetch_int (mtp); code_assert (x == CODE_file_location_unavailable || x == CODE_file_location); if (x == CODE_file_location_unavailable) { loc->dc = -1; loc->volume = fetch_long (mtp); loc->local_id = fetch_int (mtp); loc->secret = fetch_long (mtp); } else { loc->dc = fetch_int (mtp); loc->volume = fetch_long (mtp); loc->local_id = fetch_int (mtp); loc->secret = fetch_long (mtp); } return 0; } int fetch_user_status (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct user_status *S) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); code_assert (x == CODE_user_status_empty || x == CODE_user_status_online || x == CODE_user_status_offline); switch (x) { case CODE_user_status_empty: S->online = 0; S->when = 0; break; case CODE_user_status_online: S->online = 1; S->when = fetch_int (mtp); break; case CODE_user_status_offline: S->online = -1; S->when = fetch_int (mtp); break; default: assert (0); } return 0; } /* * * Skip simple structures * */ int fetch_skip_file_location (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { int x = fetch_int (mtp); code_assert (x == CODE_file_location_unavailable || x == CODE_file_location); if (x == CODE_file_location_unavailable) { mtp->in_ptr += 5; } else { mtp->in_ptr += 6; } return 0; } int fetch_skip_user_status (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); code_assert (x == CODE_user_status_empty || x == CODE_user_status_online || x == CODE_user_status_offline); if (x != CODE_user_status_empty) { fetch_int (mtp); } return 0; } char *create_print_name (struct binlog *bl, peer_id_t id, const char *a1, const char *a2, const char *a3, const char *a4) { const char *d[4]; d[0] = a1; d[1] = a2; d[2] = a3; d[3] = a4; static char buf[10000]; buf[0] = 0; int i; int p = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (d[i] && strlen (d[i])) { p += tsnprintf (buf + p, 9999 - p, "%s%s", p ? "_" : "", d[i]); assert (p < 9990); } } char *s = buf; while (*s) { if (*s == ' ') { *s = '_'; } s++; } s = buf; int fl = strlen (s); int cc = 0; while (1) { peer_t *P = peer_lookup_name (bl, s); if (!P || !cmp_peer_id (P->id, id)) { break; } cc ++; assert (cc <= 9999); tsnprintf (s + fl, 9999 - fl, "#%d", cc); } return tstrdup (s); } /* * * Fetch with log event * */ long long fetch_user_photo (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct user *U) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); code_assert (x == CODE_user_profile_photo || x == CODE_user_profile_photo_old || x == CODE_user_profile_photo_empty); if (x == CODE_user_profile_photo_empty) { bl_do_set_user_profile_photo (mtp->bl, mtp, U, 0, 0, 0); return 0; } long long photo_id = 1; if (x == CODE_user_profile_photo) { photo_id = fetch_long (mtp); } struct file_location big; struct file_location small; code_try (fetch_file_location (mtp, &small)); code_try (fetch_file_location (mtp, &big)); bl_do_set_user_profile_photo (mtp->bl, mtp, U, photo_id, &big, &small); return 0; } int user_get_alias(peer_t *user, char *buffer, int maxlen) { char* last_name = (user->user.last_name && strlen(user->user.last_name)) ? user->user.last_name : ""; char* first_name = (user->user.first_name && strlen(user->user.first_name)) ? user->user.first_name : ""; if (strlen(first_name) && strlen(last_name)) { return snprintf(buffer, maxlen, "%s %s", first_name, last_name); } else if (strlen(first_name)) { return snprintf(buffer, maxlen, "%s", first_name); } else if (strlen(last_name)) { return snprintf(buffer, maxlen, "%s", last_name); } else { return snprintf(buffer, maxlen, "%d", get_peer_id(user->id)); } } int fetch_user (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct user *U) { struct telegram *instance = mtp->instance; unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); code_assert (x == CODE_user_empty || x == CODE_user_self || x == CODE_user_contact || x == CODE_user_request || x == CODE_user_foreign || x == CODE_user_deleted); U->id = MK_USER (fetch_int (mtp)); if (x == CODE_user_empty) { return 0; } if (x == CODE_user_self) { assert (!instance->our_id || (instance->our_id == get_peer_id (U->id))); if (!instance->our_id) { bl_do_set_our_id (mtp->bl, mtp, get_peer_id (U->id)); // TODO: What to do here? //write_auth_file (); } } int new = 0; if (!(U->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { new = 1; } if (new) { int l1 = prefetch_strlen (mtp); code_assert (l1 >= 0); char *s1 = fetch_str (mtp, l1); int l2 = prefetch_strlen (mtp); code_assert (l2 >= 0); char *s2 = fetch_str (mtp, l2); if (x == CODE_user_deleted && !(U->flags & FLAG_DELETED)) { bl_do_new_user (mtp->bl, mtp, get_peer_id (U->id), s1, l1, s2, l2, 0, 0, 0, 0); bl_do_user_delete (mtp->bl, mtp, U); } if (x != CODE_user_deleted) { long long access_token = 0; if (x != CODE_user_self) { access_token = fetch_long (mtp); } int phone_len = 0; char *phone = 0; if (x != CODE_user_foreign) { phone_len = prefetch_strlen (mtp); code_assert (phone_len >= 0); phone = fetch_str (mtp, phone_len); } bl_do_new_user (mtp->bl, mtp, get_peer_id (U->id), s1, l1, s2, l2, access_token, phone, phone_len, x == CODE_user_contact); if (fetch_user_photo (mtp, U) < 0) { return -1; } if (fetch_user_status (mtp, &U->status) < 0) { return -1; } if (x == CODE_user_self) { fetch_bool (mtp); } } } else { int l1 = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s1 = fetch_str (mtp, l1); int l2 = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s2 = fetch_str (mtp, l2); bl_do_set_user_name (mtp->bl, mtp, U, s1, l1, s2, l2); if (x == CODE_user_deleted && !(U->flags & FLAG_DELETED)) { bl_do_user_delete (mtp->bl, mtp, U); } if (x != CODE_user_deleted) { if (x != CODE_user_self) { bl_do_set_user_access_token (mtp->bl, mtp, U, fetch_long (mtp)); } if (x != CODE_user_foreign) { int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s = fetch_str (mtp, l); bl_do_set_user_phone (mtp->bl, mtp, U, s, l); } if (fetch_user_photo (mtp, U) < 0) { return -1; } fetch_user_status (mtp, &U->status); if (x == CODE_user_self) { fetch_bool (mtp); } if (x == CODE_user_contact) { bl_do_set_user_friend (mtp->bl, mtp, U, 1); } else { bl_do_set_user_friend (mtp->bl, mtp, U, 0); } } } return 0; } void fetch_encrypted_chat (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct secret_chat *U) { struct telegram *instance = mtp->instance; unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_encrypted_chat_empty || x == CODE_encrypted_chat_waiting || x == CODE_encrypted_chat_requested || x == CODE_encrypted_chat || x == CODE_encrypted_chat_discarded); U->id = MK_ENCR_CHAT (fetch_int (mtp)); if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat_empty) { return; } int new = !(U->flags & FLAG_CREATED); if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat_discarded) { if (new) { warning ("Unknown chat in deleted state. May be we forgot something...\n"); return; } bl_do_encr_chat_delete (mtp->bl, mtp, U); write_secret_chat_file (instance, instance->secret_path); return; } static char g_key[256]; static char nonce[256]; if (new) { long long access_hash = fetch_long (mtp); int date = fetch_int (mtp); int admin_id = fetch_int (mtp); int user_id = fetch_int (mtp) + admin_id - instance->our_id; if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat_waiting) { warning ("Unknown chat in waiting state. May be we forgot something...\n"); return; } if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat_requested || x == CODE_encrypted_chat) { memset (g_key, 0, sizeof (g_key)); memset (nonce, 0, sizeof (nonce)); } int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s = fetch_str (mtp, l); if (l != 256) { debug ("l = %d\n", l); } if (l < 256) { memcpy (g_key + 256 - l, s, l); } else { memcpy (g_key, s + (l - 256), 256); } /*l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); s = fetch_str (mtp, l); if (l != 256) { debug ("l = %d\n", l); } if (l < 256) { memcpy (nonce + 256 - l, s, l); } else { memcpy (nonce, s + (l - 256), 256); }*/ if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat) { fetch_long (mtp); // fingerprint } if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat) { warning ("Unknown chat in ok state. May be we forgot something...\n"); return; } bl_do_encr_chat_requested (mtp->bl, mtp, U, access_hash, date, admin_id, user_id, (void *)g_key, (void *)nonce); write_secret_chat_file (instance, instance->secret_path); } else { bl_do_set_encr_chat_access_hash (mtp->bl, mtp, U, fetch_long (mtp)); bl_do_set_encr_chat_date (mtp->bl, mtp, U, fetch_int (mtp)); if (fetch_int (mtp) != U->admin_id) { failure ("Changed admin in secret chat. WTF?\n"); return; } if (U->user_id != U->admin_id + fetch_int (mtp) - instance->our_id) { failure ("Changed partner in secret chat. WTF?\n"); return; } if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat_waiting) { bl_do_set_encr_chat_state (mtp->bl, mtp, U, sc_waiting); write_secret_chat_file (instance, instance->secret_path); return; // We needed only access hash from here } if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat_requested || x == CODE_encrypted_chat) { memset (g_key, 0, sizeof (g_key)); memset (nonce, 0, sizeof (nonce)); } int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s = fetch_str (mtp, l); if (l != 256) { debug ("l = %d\n", l); } if (l < 256) { memcpy (g_key + 256 - l, s, l); } else { memcpy (g_key, s + (l - 256), 256); } /*l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); s = fetch_str (mtp, l); if (l != 256) { debug ("l = %d\n", l); } if (l < 256) { memcpy (nonce + 256 - l, s, l); } else { memcpy (nonce, s + (l - 256), 256); }*/ if (x == CODE_encrypted_chat_requested) { return; // Duplicate? } bl_do_encr_chat_accepted (mtp->bl, mtp, U, (void *)g_key, (void *)nonce, fetch_long (mtp)); } write_secret_chat_file (instance, instance->secret_path); } void fetch_notify_settings (struct mtproto_connection *mtp); void fetch_user_full (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct user *U) { assert (fetch_int (mtp) == CODE_user_full); fetch_alloc_user (mtp); unsigned x; assert (fetch_int (mtp) == (int)CODE_contacts_link); x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_contacts_my_link_empty || x == CODE_contacts_my_link_requested || x == CODE_contacts_my_link_contact); if (x == CODE_contacts_my_link_requested) { fetch_bool (mtp); } x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_unknown || x == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_requested || x == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_mutual); if (x == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_requested) { fetch_bool (mtp); } fetch_alloc_user (mtp); int *start = mtp->in_ptr; fetch_photo (mtp, &U->photo); bl_do_set_user_full_photo (mtp->bl, mtp, U, start, 4 * (mtp->in_ptr - start)); fetch_notify_settings (mtp); bl_do_set_user_blocked (mtp->bl, mtp, U, fetch_bool (mtp)); int l1 = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s1 = fetch_str (mtp, l1); int l2 = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s2 = fetch_str (mtp, l2); bl_do_set_user_real_name (mtp->bl, mtp, U, s1, l1, s2, l2); } void fetch_chat (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct chat *C) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_chat_empty || x == CODE_chat || x == CODE_chat_forbidden); C->id = MK_CHAT (fetch_int (mtp)); if (x == CODE_chat_empty) { return; } int new = !(C->flags & FLAG_CREATED); if (new) { int y = 0; if (x == CODE_chat_forbidden) { y |= FLAG_FORBIDDEN; } int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s = fetch_str (mtp, l); struct file_location small; struct file_location big; memset (&small, 0, sizeof (small)); memset (&big, 0, sizeof (big)); int users_num = -1; int date = 0; int version = -1; if (x == CODE_chat) { unsigned z = fetch_int (mtp); if (z == CODE_chat_photo_empty) { small.dc = -2; big.dc = -2; } else { assert (z == CODE_chat_photo); fetch_file_location (mtp, &small); fetch_file_location (mtp, &big); } users_num = fetch_int (mtp); date = fetch_int (mtp); if (fetch_bool (mtp)) { y |= FLAG_CHAT_IN_CHAT; } version = fetch_int (mtp); } else { small.dc = -2; big.dc = -2; users_num = -1; date = fetch_int (mtp); version = -1; } bl_do_create_chat (mtp->bl, mtp, C, y, s, l, users_num, date, version, &big, &small); } else { if (x == CODE_chat_forbidden) { bl_do_chat_forbid (mtp->bl, mtp, C, 1); } else { bl_do_chat_forbid (mtp->bl, mtp, C, 0); } int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s = fetch_str (mtp, l); bl_do_set_chat_title (mtp->bl, mtp, C, s, l); struct file_location small; struct file_location big; memset (&small, 0, sizeof (small)); memset (&big, 0, sizeof (big)); if (x == CODE_chat) { unsigned y = fetch_int (mtp); if (y == CODE_chat_photo_empty) { small.dc = -2; big.dc = -2; } else { assert (y == CODE_chat_photo); fetch_file_location (mtp, &small); fetch_file_location (mtp, &big); } bl_do_set_chat_photo (mtp->bl, mtp, C, &big, &small); int users_num = fetch_int (mtp); bl_do_set_chat_date (mtp->bl, mtp, C, fetch_int (mtp)); bl_do_set_chat_set_in_chat (mtp->bl, mtp, C, fetch_bool (mtp)); bl_do_set_chat_version (mtp->bl, mtp, C, users_num, fetch_int (mtp)); } else { bl_do_set_chat_date (mtp->bl, mtp, C, fetch_int (mtp)); } } } void fetch_notify_settings (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_peer_notify_settings || x == CODE_peer_notify_settings_empty || x == CODE_peer_notify_settings_old); if (x == CODE_peer_notify_settings_old) { fetch_int (mtp); // mute_until int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); fetch_bool (mtp); // show_previews fetch_int (mtp); // peer notify events } if (x == CODE_peer_notify_settings) { fetch_int (mtp); // mute_until int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); fetch_bool (mtp); // show_previews fetch_int (mtp); // events_mask } } void fetch_chat_full (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct chat *C) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_messages_chat_full); assert (fetch_int (mtp) == CODE_chat_full); C->id = MK_CHAT (fetch_int (mtp)); //C->flags &= ~(FLAG_DELETED | FLAG_FORBIDDEN | FLAG_CHAT_IN_CHAT); //C->flags |= FLAG_CREATED; x = fetch_int (mtp); int version = 0; struct chat_user *users = 0; int users_num = 0; int admin_id = 0; if (x == CODE_chat_participants) { assert (fetch_int (mtp) == get_peer_id (C->id)); admin_id = fetch_int (mtp); assert (fetch_int (mtp) == CODE_vector); users_num = fetch_int (mtp); users = talloc (sizeof (struct chat_user) * users_num); int i; for (i = 0; i < users_num; i++) { assert (fetch_int (mtp) == (int)CODE_chat_participant); users[i].user_id = fetch_int (mtp); users[i].inviter_id = fetch_int (mtp); users[i].date = fetch_int (mtp); } version = fetch_int (mtp); } int *start = mtp->in_ptr; fetch_skip_photo (mtp); int *end = mtp->in_ptr; fetch_notify_settings (mtp); int n, i; assert (fetch_int (mtp) == CODE_vector); n = fetch_int (mtp); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fetch_alloc_chat (mtp); } assert (fetch_int (mtp) == CODE_vector); n = fetch_int (mtp); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fetch_alloc_user (mtp); } if (admin_id) { bl_do_set_chat_admin (mtp->bl, mtp, C, admin_id); } if (version > 0) { bl_do_set_chat_participants (mtp->bl, mtp, C, version, users_num, users); tfree (users, sizeof (struct chat_user) * users_num); } bl_do_set_chat_full_photo (mtp->bl, mtp, C, start, 4 * (end - start)); } void fetch_photo_size (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct photo_size *S) { memset (S, 0, sizeof (*S)); unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_photo_size || x == CODE_photo_cached_size || x == CODE_photo_size_empty); S->type = fetch_str_dup (mtp); debug("s->type %s\n", S->type); if (x != CODE_photo_size_empty) { fetch_file_location (mtp, &S->loc); S->w = fetch_int (mtp); S->h = fetch_int (mtp); if (x == CODE_photo_size) { S->size = fetch_int (mtp); } else { S->size = prefetch_strlen (mtp); // S->data = talloc (S->size); fetch_str (mtp, S->size); // memcpy (S->data, fetch_str (mtp, S->size), S->size); } } } void fetch_skip_photo_size (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_photo_size || x == CODE_photo_cached_size || x == CODE_photo_size_empty); int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // type if (x != CODE_photo_size_empty) { fetch_skip_file_location (mtp); mtp->in_ptr += 2; // w, h if (x == CODE_photo_size) { mtp->in_ptr ++; } else { l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); } } } void fetch_geo (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct geo *G) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); if (x == CODE_geo_point) { G->longitude = fetch_double (mtp); G->latitude = fetch_double (mtp); } else { assert (x == CODE_geo_point_empty); G->longitude = 0; G->latitude = 0; } } void fetch_skip_geo (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_geo_point || x == CODE_geo_point_empty); if (x == CODE_geo_point) { mtp->in_ptr += 4; } } void fetch_photo (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct photo *P) { memset (P, 0, sizeof (*P)); unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_photo_empty || x == CODE_photo); P->id = fetch_long (mtp); if (x == CODE_photo_empty) { return; } P->access_hash = fetch_long (mtp); P->user_id = fetch_int (mtp); P->date = fetch_int (mtp); P->caption = fetch_str_dup (mtp); fetch_geo (mtp, &P->geo); assert (fetch_int (mtp) == CODE_vector); P->sizes_num = fetch_int (mtp); debug("sizes_num %d \n", P->sizes_num); P->sizes = talloc (sizeof (struct photo_size) * P->sizes_num); int i; for (i = 0; i < P->sizes_num; i++) { fetch_photo_size (mtp, &P->sizes[i]); } } void fetch_skip_photo (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_photo_empty || x == CODE_photo); mtp->in_ptr += 2; // id if (x == CODE_photo_empty) { return; } mtp->in_ptr += 2 +1 + 1; // access_hash, user_id, date int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // caption fetch_skip_geo (mtp); assert (fetch_int (mtp) == CODE_vector); int n = fetch_int (mtp); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fetch_skip_photo_size (mtp); } } void fetch_video (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct video *V) { memset (V, 0, sizeof (*V)); unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); V->id = fetch_long (mtp); if (x == CODE_video_empty) { return; } V->access_hash = fetch_long (mtp); V->user_id = fetch_int (mtp); V->date = fetch_int (mtp); V->caption = fetch_str_dup (mtp); V->duration = fetch_int (mtp); V->size = fetch_int (mtp); fetch_photo_size (mtp, &V->thumb); V->dc_id = fetch_int (mtp); V->w = fetch_int (mtp); V->h = fetch_int (mtp); } void fetch_skip_video (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); fetch_long (mtp); if (x == CODE_video_empty) { return; } fetch_skip (mtp, 4); int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); fetch_skip (mtp, 2); fetch_skip_photo_size (mtp); fetch_skip (mtp, 3); } void fetch_audio (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct audio *V) { memset (V, 0, sizeof (*V)); unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); V->id = fetch_long (mtp); if (x == CODE_audio_empty) { return; } V->access_hash = fetch_long (mtp); V->user_id = fetch_int (mtp); V->date = fetch_int (mtp); V->duration = fetch_int (mtp); V->size = fetch_int (mtp); V->dc_id = fetch_int (mtp); } void fetch_skip_audio (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); fetch_skip (mtp, 2); if (x == CODE_audio_empty) { return; } fetch_skip (mtp, 7); } void fetch_document (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct document *V) { memset (V, 0, sizeof (*V)); unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); V->id = fetch_long (mtp); if (x == CODE_document_empty) { return; } V->access_hash = fetch_long (mtp); V->user_id = fetch_int (mtp); V->date = fetch_int (mtp); V->caption = fetch_str_dup (mtp); V->mime_type = fetch_str_dup (mtp); V->size = fetch_int (mtp); fetch_photo_size (mtp, &V->thumb); V->dc_id = fetch_int (mtp); } void fetch_skip_document (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); fetch_skip (mtp, 2); if (x == CODE_document_empty) { return; } fetch_skip (mtp, 4); int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); fetch_skip (mtp, 1); fetch_skip_photo_size (mtp); fetch_skip (mtp, 1); } void fetch_message_action (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct message_action *M) { memset (M, 0, sizeof (*M)); unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); M->type = x; switch (x) { case CODE_message_action_empty: break; case CODE_message_action_geo_chat_create: { int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); // title char *s = fetch_str (mtp, l); int l2 = prefetch_strlen (mtp); // checkin char *s2 = fetch_str (mtp, l2); debug ("Message action: Created geochat %.*s in address %.*s\n", l, s, l2, s2); } break; case CODE_message_action_geo_chat_checkin: break; case CODE_message_action_chat_create: M->title = fetch_str_dup (mtp); assert (fetch_int (mtp) == (int)CODE_vector); M->user_num = fetch_int (mtp); M->users = talloc (M->user_num * 4); fetch_ints (mtp, M->users, M->user_num); break; case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_title: M->new_title = fetch_str_dup (mtp); break; case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_photo: fetch_photo (mtp, &M->photo); break; case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_photo: break; case CODE_message_action_chat_add_user: M->user = fetch_int (mtp); break; case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_user: M->user = fetch_int (mtp); break; default: assert (0); } } void fetch_skip_message_action (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); int l; switch (x) { case CODE_message_action_empty: break; case CODE_message_action_geo_chat_create: { l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); } break; case CODE_message_action_geo_chat_checkin: break; case CODE_message_action_chat_create: l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); assert (fetch_int (mtp) == (int)CODE_vector); l = fetch_int (mtp); fetch_skip (mtp, l); break; case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_title: l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); break; case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_photo: fetch_skip_photo (mtp); break; case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_photo: break; case CODE_message_action_chat_add_user: fetch_int (mtp); break; case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_user: fetch_int (mtp); break; default: assert (0); } } void fetch_message_short (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct message *M) { struct telegram *instance = mtp->instance; int new = !(M->flags & FLAG_CREATED); if (new) { int id = fetch_int (mtp); int from_id = fetch_int (mtp); int to_id = instance->our_id; int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s = fetch_str (mtp, l); fetch_pts (mtp); int date = fetch_int (mtp); fetch_seq (mtp); bl_do_create_message_text (mtp->bl, mtp, id, from_id, PEER_USER, to_id, date, l, s); } else { fetch_int (mtp); // id fetch_int (mtp); // from_id int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // text fetch_pts (mtp); fetch_int (mtp); fetch_seq (mtp); } } void fetch_message_short_chat (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct message *M) { int new = !(M->flags & FLAG_CREATED); if (new) { int id = fetch_int (mtp); int from_id = fetch_int (mtp); int to_id = fetch_int (mtp); int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s = fetch_str (mtp, l); fetch_pts (mtp); int date = fetch_int (mtp); fetch_seq (mtp); bl_do_create_message_text (mtp->bl, mtp, id, from_id, PEER_CHAT, to_id, date, l, s); } else { fetch_int (mtp); // id fetch_int (mtp); // from_id fetch_int (mtp); // to_id int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // text fetch_pts (mtp); fetch_int (mtp); fetch_seq (mtp); } } void fetch_message_media (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct message_media *M) { memset (M, 0, sizeof (*M)); M->type = fetch_int (mtp); switch (M->type) { case CODE_message_media_empty: break; case CODE_message_media_photo: fetch_photo (mtp, &M->photo); break; case CODE_message_media_video: fetch_video (mtp, &M->video); break; case CODE_message_media_audio: fetch_audio (mtp, &M->audio); break; case CODE_message_media_document: fetch_document (mtp, &M->document); break; case CODE_message_media_geo: fetch_geo (mtp, &M->geo); break; case CODE_message_media_contact: M->phone = fetch_str_dup (mtp); M->first_name = fetch_str_dup (mtp); M->last_name = fetch_str_dup (mtp); M->user_id = fetch_int (mtp); break; case CODE_message_media_unsupported: M->data_size = prefetch_strlen (mtp); M->data = talloc (M->data_size); memcpy (M->data, fetch_str (mtp, M->data_size), M->data_size); break; default: debug ("type = 0x%08x\n", M->type); assert (0); } } void fetch_skip_message_media (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); switch (x) { case CODE_message_media_empty: break; case CODE_message_media_photo: fetch_skip_photo (mtp); break; case CODE_message_media_video: fetch_skip_video (mtp); break; case CODE_message_media_audio: fetch_skip_audio (mtp); break; case CODE_message_media_document: fetch_skip_document (mtp); break; case CODE_message_media_geo: fetch_skip_geo (mtp); break; case CODE_message_media_contact: { int l; l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); fetch_int (mtp); } break; case CODE_message_media_unsupported: { int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); } break; default: debug ("type = 0x%08x\n", x); assert (0); } } void fetch_skip_message_media_encrypted (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); int l; switch (x) { case CODE_decrypted_message_media_empty: break; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_photo: l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb fetch_skip (mtp, 5); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); break; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_video: l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb fetch_skip (mtp, 6); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); break; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_audio: fetch_skip (mtp, 2); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); break; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_document: l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb fetch_skip (mtp, 2); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb fetch_skip (mtp, 1); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); break; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_geo_point: fetch_skip (mtp, 4); break; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_contact: l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb fetch_skip (mtp, 1); break; default: debug ("type = 0x%08x\n", x); assert (0); } } void fetch_message_media_encrypted (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct message_media *M) { memset (M, 0, sizeof (*M)); unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); int l; switch (x) { case CODE_decrypted_message_media_empty: M->type = CODE_message_media_empty; break; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_photo: M->type = x; l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb fetch_int (mtp); // thumb_w fetch_int (mtp); // thumb_h M->encr_photo.w = fetch_int (mtp); M->encr_photo.h = fetch_int (mtp); M->encr_photo.size = fetch_int (mtp); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); assert (l > 0); M->encr_photo.key = talloc (32); memset (M->encr_photo.key, 0, 32); if (l <= 32) { memcpy (M->encr_photo.key + (32 - l), fetch_str (mtp, l), l); } else { memcpy (M->encr_photo.key, fetch_str (mtp, l) + (l - 32), 32); } M->encr_photo.iv = talloc (32); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); assert (l > 0); memset (M->encr_photo.iv, 0, 32); if (l <= 32) { memcpy (M->encr_photo.iv + (32 - l), fetch_str (mtp, l), l); } else { memcpy (M->encr_photo.iv, fetch_str (mtp, l) + (l - 32), 32); } break; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_video: M->type = x; l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb fetch_int (mtp); // thumb_w fetch_int (mtp); // thumb_h M->encr_video.duration = fetch_int (mtp); M->encr_video.w = fetch_int (mtp); M->encr_video.h = fetch_int (mtp); M->encr_video.size = fetch_int (mtp); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); assert (l > 0); M->encr_video.key = talloc0 (32); if (l <= 32) { memcpy (M->encr_video.key + (32 - l), fetch_str (mtp, l), l); } else { memcpy (M->encr_video.key, fetch_str (mtp, l) + (l - 32), 32); } M->encr_video.iv = talloc (32); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); assert (l > 0); memset (M->encr_video.iv, 0, 32); if (l <= 32) { memcpy (M->encr_video.iv + (32 - l), fetch_str (mtp, l), l); } else { memcpy (M->encr_video.iv, fetch_str (mtp, l) + (l - 32), 32); } break; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_audio: M->type = x; M->encr_audio.duration = fetch_int (mtp); M->encr_audio.size = fetch_int (mtp); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); assert (l > 0); M->encr_video.key = talloc0 (32); if (l <= 32) { memcpy (M->encr_video.key + (32 - l), fetch_str (mtp, l), l); } else { memcpy (M->encr_video.key, fetch_str (mtp, l) + (l - 32), 32); } M->encr_video.iv = talloc0 (32); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); assert (l > 0); if (l <= 32) { memcpy (M->encr_video.iv + (32 - l), fetch_str (mtp, l), l); } else { memcpy (M->encr_video.iv, fetch_str (mtp, l) + (l - 32), 32); } break; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_document: M->type = x; l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb fetch_int (mtp); // thumb_w fetch_int (mtp); // thumb_h M->encr_document.file_name = fetch_str_dup (mtp); M->encr_document.mime_type = fetch_str_dup (mtp); M->encr_video.size = fetch_int (mtp); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); assert (l > 0); M->encr_video.key = talloc0 (32); if (l <= 32) { memcpy (M->encr_video.key + (32 - l), fetch_str (mtp, l), l); } else { memcpy (M->encr_video.key, fetch_str (mtp, l) + (l - 32), 32); } M->encr_video.iv = talloc0 (32); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); assert (l > 0); if (l <= 32) { memcpy (M->encr_video.iv + (32 - l), fetch_str (mtp, l), l); } else { memcpy (M->encr_video.iv, fetch_str (mtp, l) + (l - 32), 32); } break; /* case CODE_decrypted_message_media_file: M->type = x; M->encr_file.filename = fetch_str_dup (mtp); l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, l); // thumb l = fetch_int (mtp); assert (l > 0); M->encr_file.key = talloc (l); memcpy (M->encr_file.key, fetch_str (mtp, l), l); l = fetch_int (mtp); assert (l > 0); M->encr_file.iv = talloc (l); memcpy (M->encr_file.iv, fetch_str (mtp, l), l); break; */ case CODE_decrypted_message_media_geo_point: M->geo.longitude = fetch_double (mtp); M->geo.latitude = fetch_double (mtp); M->type = CODE_message_media_geo; break; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_contact: M->type = CODE_message_media_contact; M->phone = fetch_str_dup (mtp); M->first_name = fetch_str_dup (mtp); M->last_name = fetch_str_dup (mtp); M->user_id = fetch_int (mtp); break; default: debug ("type = 0x%08x\n", x); assert (0); } } void fetch_skip_message_action_encrypted (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); switch (x) { case CODE_decrypted_message_action_set_message_t_t_l: fetch_skip (mtp, 1); break; default: debug ("x = 0x%08x\n", x); assert (0); } } void fetch_message_action_encrypted (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct message_action *M) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); switch (x) { case CODE_decrypted_message_action_set_message_t_t_l: M->type = x; M->ttl = fetch_int (mtp); break; default: debug ("x = 0x%08x\n", x); assert (0); } } peer_id_t fetch_peer_id (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x =fetch_int (mtp); if (x == CODE_peer_user) { return MK_USER (fetch_int (mtp)); } else { assert (CODE_peer_chat); return MK_CHAT (fetch_int (mtp)); } } void fetch_message (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct message *M) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_message_empty || x == CODE_message || x == CODE_message_forwarded || x == CODE_message_service); int id = fetch_int (mtp); assert (M->id == id); if (x == CODE_message_empty) { return; } int fwd_from_id = 0; int fwd_date = 0; if (x == CODE_message_forwarded) { fwd_from_id = fetch_int (mtp); fwd_date = fetch_int (mtp); } int from_id = fetch_int (mtp); peer_id_t to_id = fetch_peer_id (mtp); fetch_bool (mtp); // out. int unread = fetch_bool (mtp); int date = fetch_int (mtp); int new = !(M->flags & FLAG_CREATED); if (x == CODE_message_service) { int *start = mtp->in_ptr; fetch_skip_message_action (mtp); if (new) { if (fwd_from_id) { bl_do_create_message_service_fwd (mtp->bl, mtp, id, from_id, get_peer_type (to_id), get_peer_id (to_id), date, fwd_from_id, fwd_date, start, (mtp->in_ptr - start)); } else { bl_do_create_message_service (mtp->bl, mtp, id, from_id, get_peer_type (to_id), get_peer_id (to_id), date, start, (mtp->in_ptr - start)); } } } else { int l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); char *s = fetch_str (mtp, l); int *start = mtp->in_ptr; fetch_skip_message_media (mtp); if (new) { if (fwd_from_id) { bl_do_create_message_media_fwd (mtp->bl, mtp, id, from_id, get_peer_type (to_id), get_peer_id (to_id), date, fwd_from_id, fwd_date, l, s, start, mtp->in_ptr - start); } else { bl_do_create_message_media (mtp->bl, mtp, id, from_id, get_peer_type (to_id), get_peer_id (to_id), date, l, s, start, mtp->in_ptr - start); } } } bl_do_set_unread (mtp->bl, mtp, M, unread); } void fetch_geo_message (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct message *M) { memset (M, 0, sizeof (*M)); unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_geo_chat_message_empty || x == CODE_geo_chat_message || x == CODE_geo_chat_message_service); M->to_id = MK_GEO_CHAT (fetch_int (mtp)); M->id = fetch_int (mtp); if (x == CODE_geo_chat_message_empty) { M->flags |= 1; return; } M->from_id = MK_USER (fetch_int (mtp)); M->date = fetch_int (mtp); if (x == CODE_geo_chat_message_service) { M->service = 1; fetch_message_action (mtp, &M->action); } else { M->message = fetch_str_dup (mtp); M->message_len = strlen (M->message); fetch_message_media (mtp, &M->media); } } static int *decr_ptr; static int *decr_end; int decrypt_encrypted_message (struct secret_chat *E) { int *msg_key = decr_ptr; decr_ptr += 4; assert (decr_ptr < decr_end); static unsigned char sha1a_buffer[20]; static unsigned char sha1b_buffer[20]; static unsigned char sha1c_buffer[20]; static unsigned char sha1d_buffer[20]; static unsigned char buf[64]; memcpy (buf, msg_key, 16); memcpy (buf + 16, E->key, 32); sha1 (buf, 48, sha1a_buffer); memcpy (buf, E->key + 8, 16); memcpy (buf + 16, msg_key, 16); memcpy (buf + 32, E->key + 12, 16); sha1 (buf, 48, sha1b_buffer); memcpy (buf, E->key + 16, 32); memcpy (buf + 32, msg_key, 16); sha1 (buf, 48, sha1c_buffer); memcpy (buf, msg_key, 16); memcpy (buf + 16, E->key + 24, 32); sha1 (buf, 48, sha1d_buffer); static unsigned char key[32]; memcpy (key, sha1a_buffer + 0, 8); memcpy (key + 8, sha1b_buffer + 8, 12); memcpy (key + 20, sha1c_buffer + 4, 12); static unsigned char iv[32]; memcpy (iv, sha1a_buffer + 8, 12); memcpy (iv + 12, sha1b_buffer + 0, 8); memcpy (iv + 20, sha1c_buffer + 16, 4); memcpy (iv + 24, sha1d_buffer + 0, 8); AES_KEY aes_key; AES_set_decrypt_key (key, 256, &aes_key); AES_ige_encrypt ((void *)decr_ptr, (void *)decr_ptr, 4 * (decr_end - decr_ptr), &aes_key, iv, 0); memset (&aes_key, 0, sizeof (aes_key)); int x = *(decr_ptr); if (x < 0 || (x & 3)) { return -1; } assert (x >= 0 && !(x & 3)); sha1 ((void *)decr_ptr, 4 + x, sha1a_buffer); if (memcmp (sha1a_buffer + 4, msg_key, 16)) { failure ("Sha1 mismatch\n"); return -1; } return 0; } void fetch_encrypted_message (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct message *M) { struct binlog *bl = mtp->bl; unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_encrypted_message || x == CODE_encrypted_message_service); unsigned sx = x; int new = !(M->flags & FLAG_CREATED); long long id = fetch_long (mtp); int to_id = fetch_int (mtp); peer_id_t chat = MK_ENCR_CHAT (to_id); int date = fetch_int (mtp); peer_t *P = user_chat_get (bl, chat); if (!P) { warning ("Encrypted message to unknown chat. Dropping\n"); M->flags |= FLAG_MESSAGE_EMPTY; } int len = prefetch_strlen (mtp); assert ((len & 15) == 8); decr_ptr = (void *)fetch_str (mtp, len); decr_end = decr_ptr + (len / 4); int ok = 0; if (P) { if (*(long long *)decr_ptr != P->encr_chat.key_fingerprint) { warning ("Encrypted message with bad fingerprint to chat %s\n", P->print_name); P = 0; } decr_ptr += 2; } int l = 0; char *s = 0; int *start = 0; int *end = 0; x = 0; if (P && decrypt_encrypted_message (&P->encr_chat) >= 0 && new) { ok = 1; int *save_in_ptr = mtp->in_ptr; int *save_in_end = mtp->in_end; mtp->in_ptr = decr_ptr; int ll = fetch_int (mtp); mtp->in_end = mtp->in_ptr + ll; x = fetch_int (mtp); if (x == CODE_decrypted_message_layer) { int layer = fetch_int (mtp); assert (layer >= 0); x = fetch_int (mtp); } assert (x == CODE_decrypted_message || x == CODE_decrypted_message_service); //assert (id == fetch_long (mtp)); fetch_long (mtp); ll = prefetch_strlen (mtp); fetch_str (mtp, ll); // random_bytes if (x == CODE_decrypted_message) { l = prefetch_strlen (mtp); s = fetch_str (mtp, l); start = mtp->in_ptr; fetch_skip_message_media_encrypted (mtp); end = mtp->in_ptr; } else { start = mtp->in_ptr; fetch_skip_message_action_encrypted (mtp); end = mtp->in_ptr; } mtp->in_ptr = save_in_ptr; mtp->in_end = save_in_end; } if (sx == CODE_encrypted_message) { if (ok) { int *start_file = mtp->in_ptr; fetch_skip_encrypted_message_file (mtp); if (x == CODE_decrypted_message) { bl_do_create_message_media_encr (mtp->bl, mtp, id, P->encr_chat.user_id, PEER_ENCR_CHAT, to_id, date, l, s, start, end - start, start_file, mtp->in_ptr - start_file); } } else { x = fetch_int (mtp); if (x == CODE_encrypted_file) { fetch_skip (mtp, 7); } else { assert (x == CODE_encrypted_file_empty); } M->media.type = CODE_message_media_empty; } } else { if (ok && x == CODE_decrypted_message_service) { bl_do_create_message_service_encr (mtp->bl, mtp, id, P->encr_chat.user_id, PEER_ENCR_CHAT, to_id, date, start, end - start); } } } void fetch_encrypted_message_file (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct message_media *M) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_encrypted_file || x == CODE_encrypted_file_empty); if (x == CODE_encrypted_file_empty) { assert (M->type != CODE_decrypted_message_media_photo && M->type != CODE_decrypted_message_media_video); } else { assert (M->type == CODE_decrypted_message_media_document || M->type == CODE_decrypted_message_media_photo || M->type == CODE_decrypted_message_media_video || M->type == CODE_decrypted_message_media_audio); M->encr_photo.id = fetch_long(mtp); M->encr_photo.access_hash = fetch_long(mtp); if (!M->encr_photo.size) { M->encr_photo.size = fetch_int (mtp); } else { fetch_int (mtp); } M->encr_photo.dc_id = fetch_int(mtp); M->encr_photo.key_fingerprint = fetch_int(mtp); } } void fetch_skip_encrypted_message_file (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { unsigned x = fetch_int (mtp); assert (x == CODE_encrypted_file || x == CODE_encrypted_file_empty); if (x == CODE_encrypted_file_empty) { } else { fetch_skip (mtp, 7); } } static int id_cmp (struct message *M1, struct message *M2) { if (M1->id < M2->id) { return -1; } else if (M1->id > M2->id) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } struct user *fetch_alloc_user (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { struct binlog *bl = mtp->instance->bl; debug("fetch_alloc_user()\n"); int data[2]; prefetch_data (mtp, data, 8); peer_t *U = user_chat_get (bl, MK_USER (data[1])); if (!U) { bl->users_allocated ++; U = talloc0 (sizeof (*U)); U->id = MK_USER (data[1]); bl->peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (bl->peer_tree, U, lrand48 ()); assert (bl->peer_num < MAX_PEER_NUM); bl->Peers[bl->peer_num ++] = U; fetch_user (mtp, &U->user); event_update_user_status(mtp->connection->instance, U); event_peer_allocated(mtp->connection->instance, U); } else { fetch_user (mtp, &U->user); event_update_user_status(mtp->connection->instance, U); } return &U->user; } struct secret_chat *fetch_alloc_encrypted_chat (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { struct binlog *bl = mtp->bl; debug("fetch_alloc_encrypted_chat()\n"); int data[2]; prefetch_data (mtp, data, 8); peer_t *U = user_chat_get (bl, MK_ENCR_CHAT (data[1])); if (!U) { U = talloc0 (sizeof (*U)); U->id = MK_ENCR_CHAT (data[1]); bl->encr_chats_allocated ++; bl->peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (bl->peer_tree, U, lrand48 ()); assert (bl->peer_num < MAX_PEER_NUM); bl->Peers[bl->peer_num ++] = U; } fetch_encrypted_chat (mtp, &U->encr_chat); event_peer_allocated(mtp->connection->instance, U); return &U->encr_chat; } void insert_encrypted_chat (struct binlog *bl, peer_t *P) { bl->encr_chats_allocated ++; bl->peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (bl->peer_tree, P, lrand48 ()); assert (bl->peer_num < MAX_PEER_NUM); bl->Peers[bl->peer_num ++] = P; } void insert_user (struct binlog *bl, peer_t *P) { bl->users_allocated ++; bl->peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (bl->peer_tree, P, lrand48 ()); assert (bl->peer_num < MAX_PEER_NUM); bl->Peers[bl->peer_num ++] = P; } void insert_chat (struct binlog *bl, peer_t *P) { bl->chats_allocated ++; bl->peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (bl->peer_tree, P, lrand48 ()); assert (bl->peer_num < MAX_PEER_NUM); bl->Peers[bl->peer_num ++] = P; } struct user *fetch_alloc_user_full (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { struct binlog *bl = mtp->bl; int data[3]; prefetch_data (mtp, data, 12); peer_t *U = user_chat_get (bl, MK_USER (data[2])); if (U) { fetch_user_full (mtp, &U->user); return &U->user; } else { bl->users_allocated ++; U = talloc0 (sizeof (*U)); U->id = MK_USER (data[2]); bl->peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (bl->peer_tree, U, lrand48 ()); fetch_user_full (mtp, &U->user); assert (bl->peer_num < MAX_PEER_NUM); bl->Peers[bl->peer_num ++] = U; return &U->user; } } void free_user (struct user *U) { if (U->first_name) { tfree_str (U->first_name); } if (U->last_name) { tfree_str (U->last_name); } if (U->print_name) { tfree_str (U->print_name); } if (U->phone) { tfree_str (U->phone); } } void free_photo_size (struct photo_size *S) { tfree_str (S->type); if (S->data) { tfree (S->data, S->size); } } void free_photo (struct photo *P) { if (!P->access_hash) { return; } if (P->caption) { tfree_str (P->caption); } if (P->sizes) { int i; for (i = 0; i < P->sizes_num; i++) { free_photo_size (&P->sizes[i]); } tfree (P->sizes, sizeof (struct photo_size) * P->sizes_num); } } void free_video (struct video *V) { if (!V->access_hash) { return; } tfree_str (V->caption); free_photo_size (&V->thumb); } void free_document (struct document *D) { if (!D->access_hash) { return; } tfree_str (D->caption); tfree_str (D->mime_type); free_photo_size (&D->thumb); } void free_message_media (struct message_media *M) { switch (M->type) { case CODE_message_media_empty: case CODE_message_media_geo: case CODE_message_media_audio: return; case CODE_message_media_photo: free_photo (&M->photo); return; case CODE_message_media_video: free_video (&M->video); return; case CODE_message_media_contact: tfree_str (M->phone); tfree_str (M->first_name); tfree_str (M->last_name); return; case CODE_message_media_document: free_document (&M->document); return; case CODE_message_media_unsupported: tfree (M->data, M->data_size); return; case CODE_decrypted_message_media_photo: case CODE_decrypted_message_media_video: case CODE_decrypted_message_media_audio: case CODE_decrypted_message_media_document: tfree_secure (M->encr_photo.key, 32); tfree_secure (M->encr_photo.iv, 32); return; case 0: break; default: debug ("%08x\n", M->type); assert (0); } } void free_message_action (struct message_action *M) { switch (M->type) { case CODE_message_action_empty: break; case CODE_message_action_chat_create: tfree_str (M->title); tfree (M->users, M->user_num * 4); break; case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_title: tfree_str (M->new_title); break; case CODE_message_action_chat_edit_photo: free_photo (&M->photo); break; case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_photo: break; case CODE_message_action_chat_add_user: break; case CODE_message_action_chat_delete_user: break; case 0: break; default: assert (0); } } void free_message (struct message *M) { if (!M->service) { if (M->message) { tfree (M->message, M->message_len + 1); } free_message_media (&M->media); } else { free_message_action (&M->action); } } void message_del_use (struct message *M) { M->next_use->prev_use = M->prev_use; M->prev_use->next_use = M->next_use; } void message_add_use (struct message *M) { M->next_use = message_list.next_use; M->prev_use = &message_list; M->next_use->prev_use = M; M->prev_use->next_use = M; } void message_add_peer (struct message *M) { struct binlog *bl = M->instance->bl; peer_id_t id; if (!cmp_peer_id (M->to_id, MK_USER (M->instance->our_id))) { id = M->from_id; } else { id = M->to_id; } peer_t *P = user_chat_get (bl, id); if (!P) { P = talloc0 (sizeof (*P)); P->id = id; switch (get_peer_type (id)) { case PEER_USER: bl->users_allocated ++; break; case PEER_CHAT: bl->chats_allocated ++; break; case PEER_GEO_CHAT: bl->geo_chats_allocated ++; break; case PEER_ENCR_CHAT: bl->encr_chats_allocated ++; break; } bl->peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (bl->peer_tree, P, lrand48 ()); assert (bl->peer_num < MAX_PEER_NUM); bl->Peers[bl->peer_num ++] = P; } if (!P->last) { P->last = M; M->prev = M->next = 0; } else { if (get_peer_type (P->id) != PEER_ENCR_CHAT) { struct message *N = P->last; struct message *NP = 0; while (N && N->id > M->id) { NP = N; N = N->next; } if (N) { assert (N->id < M->id); } M->next = N; M->prev = NP; if (N) { N->prev = M; } if (NP) { NP->next = M; } else { P->last = M; } } else { struct message *N = P->last; struct message *NP = 0; M->next = N; M->prev = NP; if (N) { N->prev = M; } if (NP) { NP->next = M; } else { P->last = M; } } } } void message_del_peer (struct message *M) { peer_id_t id; if (!cmp_peer_id (M->to_id, MK_USER (M->instance->our_id))) { id = M->from_id; } else { id = M->to_id; } peer_t *P = user_chat_get (M->instance->bl, id); if (M->prev) { M->prev->next = M->next; } if (M->next) { M->next->prev = M->prev; } if (P && P->last == M) { P->last = M->next; } } struct message *fetch_alloc_message (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct telegram *instance) { struct binlog *bl = mtp->bl; debug("fetch_alloc_message()\n"); int data[2]; prefetch_data (mtp, data, 8); struct message *M = message_get (bl, data[1]); if (!M) { M = talloc0 (sizeof (*M)); M->instance = instance; M->id = data[1]; message_insert_tree (M); mtp->bl->messages_allocated ++; fetch_message (mtp, M); return M; } fetch_message (mtp, M); return M; } struct message *fetch_alloc_geo_message (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct telegram *instance) { debug("fetch_alloc_geo_message()\n"); struct message *M = talloc (sizeof (*M)); M->instance = instance; fetch_geo_message (mtp, M); struct message *M1 = tree_lookup_message (mtp->bl->message_tree, M); mtp->bl->messages_allocated ++; if (M1) { message_del_use (M1); message_del_peer (M1); free_message (M1); memcpy (M1, M, sizeof (*M)); tfree (M, sizeof (*M)); message_add_use (M1); message_add_peer (M1); mtp->bl->messages_allocated --; return M1; } else { message_add_use (M); message_add_peer (M); mtp->bl->message_tree = tree_insert_message (mtp->bl->message_tree, M, lrand48 ()); return M; } } struct message *fetch_alloc_encrypted_message (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct telegram *instance) { struct binlog *bl = mtp->bl; debug("fetch_alloc_encrypted_message()\n"); int data[3]; prefetch_data (mtp, data, 12); struct message *M = message_get (bl, *(long long *)(data + 1)); if (!M) { M = talloc0 (sizeof (*M)); M->instance = instance; M->id = *(long long *)(data + 1); message_insert_tree (M); mtp->bl->messages_allocated ++; assert (message_get (bl, M->id) == M); debug ("id = %lld\n", M->id); } fetch_encrypted_message (mtp, M); return M; } struct message *fetch_alloc_message_short (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct telegram *instance) { struct binlog *bl = mtp->bl; int data[1]; prefetch_data (mtp, data, 4); struct message *M = message_get (bl, data[0]); if (!M) { M = talloc0 (sizeof (*M)); M->instance = instance; M->id = data[0]; message_insert_tree (M); mtp->bl->messages_allocated ++; } fetch_message_short (mtp, M); return M; } struct message *fetch_alloc_message_short_chat (struct mtproto_connection *mtp, struct telegram *instance) { struct binlog *bl = mtp->bl; int data[1]; prefetch_data (mtp, data, 4); struct message *M = message_get (bl, data[0]); if (!M) { M = talloc0 (sizeof (*M)); M->instance = instance; M->id = data[0]; message_insert_tree (M); mtp->bl->messages_allocated ++; } fetch_message_short_chat (mtp, M); return M; } struct chat *fetch_alloc_chat (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { struct binlog *bl = mtp->bl; debug("fetch_alloc_chat()\n"); int data[2]; prefetch_data (mtp, data, 8); peer_t *U = user_chat_get (bl, MK_CHAT (data[1])); debug("id %d\n", U->id.id); debug("type %d\n", U->id.type); if (!U) { bl->chats_allocated ++; U = talloc0 (sizeof (*U)); U->id = MK_CHAT (data[1]); bl->peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (bl->peer_tree, U, lrand48 ()); assert (bl->peer_num < MAX_PEER_NUM); bl->Peers[bl->peer_num ++] = U; } fetch_chat (mtp, &U->chat); event_peer_allocated(mtp->connection->instance, U); return &U->chat; } struct chat *fetch_alloc_chat_full (struct mtproto_connection *mtp) { struct binlog *bl = mtp->bl; int data[3]; prefetch_data (mtp, data, 12); peer_t *U = user_chat_get (bl, MK_CHAT (data[2])); if (U) { fetch_chat_full (mtp, &U->chat); return &U->chat; } else { bl->chats_allocated ++; U = talloc0 (sizeof (*U)); U->id = MK_CHAT (data[2]); bl->peer_tree = tree_insert_peer (bl->peer_tree, U, lrand48 ()); fetch_chat_full (mtp, &U->chat); assert (bl->peer_num < MAX_PEER_NUM); bl->Peers[bl->peer_num ++] = U; return &U->chat; } } void free_chat (struct chat *U) { if (U->title) { tfree_str (U->title); } if (U->print_title) { tfree_str (U->print_title); } } int print_stat (struct binlog *bl, char *s, int len) { return tsnprintf (s, len, "bl->users_allocated\t%d\n" "bl->chats_allocated\t%d\n" "secret_bl->chats_allocated\t%d\n" "bl->peer_num\t%d\n" "bl->messages_allocated\t%d\n", bl->users_allocated, bl->chats_allocated, bl->encr_chats_allocated, bl->peer_num, bl->messages_allocated ); } peer_t *user_chat_get (struct binlog *bl, peer_id_t id) { static peer_t U; U.id = id; return tree_lookup_peer (bl->peer_tree, &U); } struct message *message_get (struct binlog *bl, long long id) { struct message M; M.id = id; return tree_lookup_message (bl->message_tree, &M); } void update_message_id (struct message *M, long long id) { struct binlog *bl = M->instance->bl; bl->message_tree = tree_delete_message (bl->message_tree, M); M->id = id; bl->message_tree = tree_insert_message (bl->message_tree, M, lrand48 ()); } void message_insert_tree (struct message *M) { struct binlog *bl = M->instance->bl; assert (M->id); bl->message_tree = tree_insert_message (bl->message_tree, M, lrand48 ()); } void message_remove_tree (struct message *M) { struct binlog *bl = M->instance->bl; assert (M->id); bl->message_tree = tree_delete_message (bl->message_tree, M); } void message_insert (struct message *M) { message_add_use (M); message_add_peer (M); } void message_insert_unsent (struct message *M) { struct binlog *bl = M->instance->bl; bl->message_unsent_tree = tree_insert_message (bl->message_unsent_tree, M, lrand48 ()); } void message_remove_unsent (struct message *M) { struct binlog *bl = M->instance->bl; bl->message_unsent_tree = tree_delete_message (bl->message_unsent_tree, M); } void __send_msg (struct message *M) { debug ("Resending message...\n"); //print_message (M); assert(M->instance); do_send_msg (M->instance, M); } void send_all_unsent (struct binlog *bl) { tree_act_message (bl->message_unsent_tree, __send_msg); } void peer_insert_name (struct binlog *bl, peer_t *P) { //if (!P->print_name || !strlen (P->print_name)) { return; } //debug ("+%s\n", P->print_name); bl->peer_by_name_tree = tree_insert_peer_by_name (bl->peer_by_name_tree, P, lrand48 ()); } void peer_delete_name (struct binlog *bl, peer_t *P) { //if (!P->print_name || !strlen (P->print_name)) { return; } //debug ("-%s\n", P->print_name); bl->peer_by_name_tree = tree_delete_peer_by_name (bl->peer_by_name_tree, P); } peer_t *peer_lookup_name (struct binlog *bl, const char *s) { static peer_t P; P.print_name = (void *)s; peer_t *R = tree_lookup_peer_by_name (bl->peer_by_name_tree, &P); return R; } void free_messages (struct binlog *bl) { while (bl->message_tree) { struct message *M = tree_get_min_message (bl->message_tree); assert (M); debug ("freeing message: %lld\n", M->id); bl->message_tree = tree_delete_message (bl->message_tree, M); bl->messages_allocated --; free_message (M); } } void free_peers (struct binlog *bl) { while (bl->peer_by_name_tree) { bl->peer_by_name_tree = tree_delete_peer_by_name (bl->peer_by_name_tree, tree_get_min_peer_by_name(bl->peer_by_name_tree)); } while (bl->peer_tree) { union peer *P = tree_get_min_peer (bl->peer_tree); assert (P); bl->peer_tree = tree_delete_peer (bl->peer_tree, P); bl->peer_num --; free (P->print_name); tfree (P, sizeof (union peer)); } }