/* This file is part of telegram-purple This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA Copyright Matthias Jentsch 2014-2015 */ #include "tgp-utils.h" #include "tgp-ft.h" #include "tgp-structs.h" #include "msglog.h" #include #include #include #include "telegram-purple.h" #include "telegram-base.h" static void tgprpl_xfer_free_data (struct tgp_xfer_send_data *data); static char *tgp_strdup_determine_filename (const char *mime, const char *caption, int flags, long long hash) { if (caption) { return g_strdup (caption); } const char *type = NULL; if (mime) { if (flags & TGLDF_VIDEO) { // video message type = "mp4"; } else if (flags & TGLDF_AUDIO) { // audio message type = "ogg"; } else { // document message type = tgp_mime_to_filetype (mime); } } if (! str_not_empty(type)) { if (flags & TGLDF_IMAGE) { type = "png"; } else if (flags & TGLDF_AUDIO) { type = "ogg"; } else if (flags & TGLDF_VIDEO) { type = "mp4"; } else if (flags & TGLDF_STICKER) { type = "webp"; } else { type = "bin"; } } return g_strdup_printf ("%lld.%s", ABS(hash), type); } static void tgprpl_xfer_recv_on_finished (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *_data, int success, const char *filename) { debug ("tgprpl_xfer_recv_on_finished()"); struct tgp_xfer_send_data *data = _data; if (success) { if (!data->done) { debug ("purple_xfer_set_completed"); purple_xfer_set_bytes_sent (data->xfer, purple_xfer_get_size (data->xfer)); purple_xfer_set_completed (data->xfer, TRUE); purple_xfer_end (data->xfer); } g_unlink (purple_xfer_get_local_filename (data->xfer)); g_rename (filename, purple_xfer_get_local_filename (data->xfer)); } else { tgp_notify_on_error_gw (TLS, NULL, success); failure ("ERROR xfer failed"); } data->xfer->data = NULL; tgprpl_xfer_free_data (data); } static void tgprpl_xfer_on_finished (struct tgl_state *TLS, void *_data, int success, struct tgl_message *M) { debug ("tgprpl_xfer_on_finished()"); struct tgp_xfer_send_data *data = _data; if (success) { if (!data->done) { debug ("purple_xfer_set_completed"); purple_xfer_set_bytes_sent (data->xfer, purple_xfer_get_size (data->xfer)); purple_xfer_set_completed (data->xfer, TRUE); purple_xfer_end(data->xfer); } write_secret_chat_file (TLS); } else { tgp_notify_on_error_gw (TLS, NULL, success); failure ("ERROR xfer failed"); } data->xfer->data = NULL; tgprpl_xfer_free_data (data); } static void tgprpl_xfer_canceled (PurpleXfer *X) { struct tgp_xfer_send_data *data = X->data; tgprpl_xfer_free_data (data); } static gboolean tgprpl_xfer_upload_progress (gpointer _data) { PurpleXfer *X = _data; struct tgp_xfer_send_data *data = X->data; connection_data *conn = data->conn; PurpleXferType type = purple_xfer_get_type(X); switch (type) { case PURPLE_XFER_SEND: purple_xfer_set_size (X, conn->TLS->cur_uploading_bytes); purple_xfer_set_bytes_sent (X, conn->TLS->cur_uploaded_bytes); purple_xfer_update_progress (X); debug ("PURPLE_XFER_SEND progress %d / %d", conn->TLS->cur_uploaded_bytes, conn->TLS->cur_uploading_bytes); if (conn->TLS->cur_uploaded_bytes == conn->TLS->cur_uploading_bytes) { data->timer = 0; return FALSE; } break; case PURPLE_XFER_RECEIVE: purple_xfer_set_size (X, conn->TLS->cur_downloading_bytes); purple_xfer_set_bytes_sent (X, conn->TLS->cur_downloaded_bytes); purple_xfer_update_progress (X); debug ("PURPLE_XFER_RECEIVE progress %d / %d", conn->TLS->cur_downloaded_bytes, conn->TLS->cur_downloading_bytes); if (conn->TLS->cur_downloading_bytes == conn->TLS->cur_downloaded_bytes) { data->timer = 0; return FALSE; } break; default: case PURPLE_XFER_UNKNOWN: failure ("ERROR: tgprpl_xfer_upload_progress xfer type PURPLE_XFER_UNKNOWN."); return FALSE; break; } return TRUE; } static void tgprpl_xfer_recv_init (PurpleXfer *X) { debug ("tgprpl_xfer_recv_init"); struct tgp_xfer_send_data *data = X->data; struct tgl_state *TLS = data->conn->TLS; struct tgl_message *M = data->msg; struct tgl_document *D = M->media.document; tgl_peer_t *P = NULL; purple_xfer_start (X, -1, NULL, 0); const char *who = purple_xfer_get_remote_user (X); P = find_peer_by_name (TLS, who); if (P) { switch (M->media.type) { case tgl_message_media_document: tgl_do_load_document (TLS, D, tgprpl_xfer_recv_on_finished, data); break; case tgl_message_media_document_encr: tgl_do_load_encr_document (TLS, M->media.encr_document, tgprpl_xfer_recv_on_finished, data); break; case tgl_message_media_audio: tgl_do_load_audio (TLS, D, tgprpl_xfer_recv_on_finished, data); break; case tgl_message_media_video: tgl_do_load_video (TLS, D, tgprpl_xfer_recv_on_finished, data); break; default: failure ("Unknown message media type: %d, XFER not possible.", M->media.type); break; } } else { warning ("User not found, not downloading..."); } data->timer = purple_timeout_add (100, tgprpl_xfer_upload_progress, X); } static void tgprpl_xfer_send_init (PurpleXfer *X) { struct tgp_xfer_send_data *data = X->data; purple_xfer_start (X, -1, NULL, 0); const char *file = purple_xfer_get_filename (X); const char *localfile = purple_xfer_get_local_filename (X); const char *who = purple_xfer_get_remote_user (X); debug ("xfer_on_init (file=%s, local=%s, who=%s)", file, localfile, who); tgl_peer_t *P = find_peer_by_name (data->conn->TLS, who); if (P) { tgl_do_send_document (data->conn->TLS, P->id, (char*) localfile, NULL, 0, TGL_SEND_MSG_FLAG_DOCUMENT_AUTO, tgprpl_xfer_on_finished, data); } data->timer = purple_timeout_add (100, tgprpl_xfer_upload_progress, X); } static void tgprpl_xfer_init_data (PurpleXfer *X, connection_data *conn, struct tgl_message *msg) { if (!X->data) { struct tgp_xfer_send_data *data = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct tgp_xfer_send_data)); data->xfer = X; data->conn = conn; data->msg = msg; X->data = data; } } static void tgprpl_xfer_free_data (struct tgp_xfer_send_data *data) { if (data->timer) { purple_input_remove(data->timer); } data->timer = 0; g_free (data); } void tgprpl_xfer_free_all (connection_data *conn) { GList *xfers = purple_xfers_get_all(); while (xfers) { PurpleXfer *xfer = xfers->data; struct tgp_xfer_send_data *data = xfer->data; if (data) { purple_xfer_cancel_local (xfer); } xfers = g_list_next(xfers); } } PurpleXfer *tgprpl_new_xfer (PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who) { debug ("tgprpl_new_xfer()"); connection_data *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data (gc); PurpleXfer *X = purple_xfer_new (conn->pa, PURPLE_XFER_SEND, who); if (X) { purple_xfer_set_init_fnc (X, tgprpl_xfer_send_init); purple_xfer_set_cancel_send_fnc (X, tgprpl_xfer_canceled); tgprpl_xfer_init_data (X, purple_connection_get_protocol_data (gc), NULL); } return (PurpleXfer *)X; } static PurpleXfer *tgprpl_new_xfer_recv (PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who) { connection_data *conn = purple_connection_get_protocol_data (gc); PurpleXfer *X = purple_xfer_new (conn->pa, PURPLE_XFER_RECEIVE, who); purple_xfer_set_init_fnc (X, tgprpl_xfer_recv_init); purple_xfer_set_cancel_recv_fnc (X, tgprpl_xfer_canceled); return X; } void tgprpl_recv_file (PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, struct tgl_message *M) { debug ("tgprpl_recv_file()"); PurpleXfer *X = tgprpl_new_xfer_recv (gc, who); const char *mime_type, *caption; long long access_hash; int flags, size; if (M->media.type == tgl_message_media_document_encr) { mime_type = M->media.encr_document->mime_type; caption = M->media.encr_document->caption; access_hash = M->media.encr_document->access_hash; flags = M->media.encr_document->flags; size = M->media.encr_document->size; } else { mime_type = M->media.document->mime_type; caption = M->media.document->caption; access_hash = M->media.document->access_hash; flags = M->media.document->flags; size = M->media.document->size; } char *filename = tgp_strdup_determine_filename (mime_type, caption, flags, access_hash); purple_xfer_set_filename (X, filename); g_free (filename); purple_xfer_set_size (X, size); tgprpl_xfer_init_data (X, purple_connection_get_protocol_data (gc), M); purple_xfer_request (X); } void tgprpl_send_file (PurpleConnection * gc, const char *who, const char *file) { debug ("tgprpl_send_file()"); PurpleXfer *X = tgprpl_new_xfer (gc, who); if (file) { purple_xfer_request_accepted (X, file); debug ("starting xfer..."); } else { purple_xfer_request (X); } }