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Build date: 2013-04-03 15:07:25
*/{"alternateClassNames":[],"aliases":{},"enum":null,"parentMixins":[],"tagname":"class","subclasses":[],"extends":null,"uses":[],"html":"<div><pre class=\"hierarchy\"><h4>Files</h4><div class='dependency'><a href='source/Fx.html#Ext-Fx' target='_blank'>Fx.js</a></div></pre><div class='doc-contents'><p>A class to provide basic animation and visual effects support. <b>Note:</b> This class is automatically applied\nto the <a href=\"#!/api/Ext.Element\" rel=\"Ext.Element\" class=\"docClass\">Ext.Element</a> interface when included, so all effects calls should be performed via <a href=\"#!/api/Ext.Element\" rel=\"Ext.Element\" class=\"docClass\">Ext.Element</a>.\nConversely, since the effects are not actually defined in <a href=\"#!/api/Ext.Element\" rel=\"Ext.Element\" class=\"docClass\">Ext.Element</a>, <a href=\"#!/api/Ext.Fx\" rel=\"Ext.Fx\" class=\"docClass\">Ext.Fx</a> <b>must</b> be\n<a href=\"#!/api/Ext-property-enableFx\" rel=\"Ext-property-enableFx\" class=\"docClass\">included</a> in order for the Element effects to work.</p>\n\n\n<br/>\n\n\n\n\n<p><b><u>Method Chaining</u></b></p>\n\n\n<p>It is important to note that although the Fx methods and many non-Fx Element methods support \"method chaining\" in that\nthey return the Element object itself as the method return value, it is not always possible to mix the two in a single\nmethod chain. The Fx methods use an internal effects queue so that each effect can be properly timed and sequenced.\nNon-Fx methods, on the other hand, have no such internal queueing and will always execute immediately. For this reason,\nwhile it may be possible to mix certain Fx and non-Fx method calls in a single chain, it may not always provide the\nexpected results and should be done with care. Also see <tt><a href=\"#!/api/Ext.Fx-cfg-callback\" rel=\"Ext.Fx-cfg-callback\" class=\"docClass\">callback</a></tt>.</p>\n\n\n<br/>\n\n\n\n\n<p><b><u>Anchor Options for Motion Effects</u></b></p>\n\n\n<p>Motion effects support 8-way anchoring, meaning that you can choose one of 8 different anchor points on the Element\nthat will serve as either the start or end point of the animation. Following are all of the supported anchor positions:</p>\n\n\n<pre>Value Description\n----- -----------------------------\ntl The top left corner\nt The center of the top edge\ntr The top right corner\nl The center of the left edge\nr The center of the right edge\nbl The bottom left corner\nb The center of the bottom edge\nbr The bottom right corner\n</pre>\n\n\n<p><b>Note</b>: some Fx methods accept specific custom config parameters. The options shown in the Config Options\nsection below are common options that can be passed to any Fx method unless otherwise noted.</b></p>\n</div><div class='members'><div class='members-section'><div class='definedBy'>Defined By</div><h3 class='members-title icon-cfg'>Config options</h3><div class='subsection'><div id='cfg-afterCls' class='member first-child not-inherited'><a href='#' class='side expandable'><span>&nbsp;</span></a><div class='title'><div class='meta'><span class='defined-in' rel='Ext.Fx'>Ext.Fx</span><br/><a href='source/Fx.html#Ext-Fx-cfg-afterCls' target='_blank' class='view-source'>view source</a></div><a href='#!/api/Ext.Fx-cfg-afterCls' class='name not-expandable'>afterCls</a><span> : <a href=\"#!/api/String\" rel=\"String\" class=\"docClass\">String</a></span></div><div class='description'><div class='short'><p>A css class to apply after the effect</p>\n</div><div class='long'><p>A css class to apply after the effect</p>\n</div></div></div><div id='cfg-afterStyle' class='member not-inherited'><a href='#' class='side expandable'><span>&nbsp;</span></a><div class='title'><div class='meta'><span class='defined-in' rel='Ext.Fx'>Ext.Fx</span><br/><a href='source/Fx.html#Ext-Fx-cfg-afterStyle' target='_blank' class='view-source'>view source</a></div><a href='#!/api/Ext.Fx-cfg-afterStyle' class='name expandable'>afterStyle</a><span> : <a href=\"#!/api/String\" rel=\"String\" class=\"docClass\">String<