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This file is part of Ext JS 3.4
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Build date: 2013-04-03 15:07:25
* @class Ext.data.DirectProxy
* @extends Ext.data.DataProxy
Ext.data.DirectProxy = function(config){
Ext.apply(this, config);
if(typeof this.paramOrder == 'string'){
this.paramOrder = this.paramOrder.split(/[\s,|]/);
Ext.data.DirectProxy.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
Ext.extend(Ext.data.DirectProxy, Ext.data.DataProxy, {
* @cfg {Array/String} paramOrder Defaults to <tt>undefined</tt>. A list of params to be executed
* server side. Specify the params in the order in which they must be executed on the server-side
* as either (1) an Array of String values, or (2) a String of params delimited by either whitespace,
* comma, or pipe. For example,
* any of the following would be acceptable:<pre><code>
paramOrder: ['param1','param2','param3']
paramOrder: 'param1 param2 param3'
paramOrder: 'param1,param2,param3'
paramOrder: 'param1|param2|param'
paramOrder: undefined,
* @cfg {Boolean} paramsAsHash
* Send parameters as a collection of named arguments (defaults to <tt>true</tt>). Providing a
* <tt>{@link #paramOrder}</tt> nullifies this configuration.
paramsAsHash: true,
* @cfg {Function} directFn
* Function to call when executing a request. directFn is a simple alternative to defining the api configuration-parameter
* for Store's which will not implement a full CRUD api.
directFn : undefined,
* DirectProxy implementation of {@link Ext.data.DataProxy#doRequest}
* @param {String} action The crud action type (create, read, update, destroy)
* @param {Ext.data.Record/Ext.data.Record[]} rs If action is load, rs will be null
* @param {Object} params An object containing properties which are to be used as HTTP parameters
* for the request to the remote server.
* @param {Ext.data.DataReader} reader The Reader object which converts the data
* object into a block of Ext.data.Records.
* @param {Function} callback
* <div class="sub-desc"><p>A function to be called after the request.
* The <tt>callback</tt> is passed the following arguments:<ul>
* <li><tt>r</tt> : Ext.data.Record[] The block of Ext.data.Records.</li>
* <li><tt>options</tt>: Options object from the action request</li>
* <li><tt>success</tt>: Boolean success indicator</li></ul></p></div>
* @param {Object} scope The scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the callback function is executed. Defaults to the browser window.
* @param {Object} arg An optional argument which is passed to the callback as its second parameter.
* @protected
doRequest : function(action, rs, params, reader, callback, scope, options) {
var args = [],
directFn = this.api[action] || this.directFn;
switch (action) {
case Ext.data.Api.actions.create:
args.push(params.jsonData); // <-- create(Hash)
case Ext.data.Api.actions.read:
// If the method has no parameters, ignore the paramOrder/paramsAsHash.
if(directFn.directCfg.method.len > 0){
for(var i = 0, len = this.paramOrder.length; i < len; i++){
}else if(this.paramsAsHash){
case Ext.data.Api.actions.update:
args.push(params.jsonData); // <-- update(Hash/Hash[])
case Ext.data.Api.actions.destroy:
args.push(params.jsonData); // <-- destroy(Int/Int[])
var trans = {
params : params || {},
request: {
callback : callback,
scope : scope,
arg : options
reader: reader
args.push(this.createCallback(action, rs, trans), this);
directFn.apply(window, args);
// private
createCallback : function(action, rs, trans) {
var me = this;
return function(result, res) {
if (!res.status) {
// @deprecated fire loadexception
if (action === Ext.data.Api.actions.read) {
me.fireEvent("loadexception", me, trans, res, null);
me.fireEvent('exception', me, 'remote', action, trans, res, null);
trans.request.callback.call(trans.request.scope, null, trans.request.arg, false);
if (action === Ext.data.Api.actions.read) {
me.onRead(action, trans, result, res);
} else {
me.onWrite(action, trans, result, res, rs);
* Callback for read actions
* @param {String} action [Ext.data.Api.actions.create|read|update|destroy]
* @param {Object} trans The request transaction object
* @param {Object} result Data object picked out of the server-response.
* @param {Object} res The server response
* @protected
onRead : function(action, trans, result, res) {
var records;
try {
records = trans.reader.readRecords(result);
catch (ex) {
// @deprecated: Fire old loadexception for backwards-compat.
this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, trans, res, ex);
this.fireEvent('exception', this, 'response', action, trans, res, ex);
trans.request.callback.call(trans.request.scope, null, trans.request.arg, false);
this.fireEvent("load", this, res, trans.request.arg);
trans.request.callback.call(trans.request.scope, records, trans.request.arg, true);
* Callback for write actions
* @param {String} action [{@link Ext.data.Api#actions create|read|update|destroy}]
* @param {Object} trans The request transaction object
* @param {Object} result Data object picked out of the server-response.
* @param {Object} res The server response
* @param {Ext.data.Record/Ext.data.Record[]} rs The Store resultset associated with the action.
* @protected
onWrite : function(action, trans, result, res, rs) {
var data = trans.reader.extractData(trans.reader.getRoot(result), false);
var success = trans.reader.getSuccess(result);
success = (success !== false);
if (success){
this.fireEvent("write", this, action, data, res, rs, trans.request.arg);
this.fireEvent('exception', this, 'remote', action, trans, result, rs);
trans.request.callback.call(trans.request.scope, data, res, success);
* @class Ext.data.DirectStore
* @extends Ext.data.Store
* <p>Small helper class to create an {@link Ext.data.Store} configured with an
* {@link Ext.data.DirectProxy} and {@link Ext.data.JsonReader} to make interacting
* with an {@link Ext.Direct} Server-side {@link Ext.direct.Provider Provider} easier.
* To create a different proxy/reader combination create a basic {@link Ext.data.Store}
* configured as needed.</p>
* <p><b>*Note:</b> Although they are not listed, this class inherits all of the config options of:</p>
* <div><ul class="mdetail-params">
* <li><b>{@link Ext.data.Store Store}</b></li>
* <div class="sub-desc"><ul class="mdetail-params">
* </ul></div>
* <li><b>{@link Ext.data.JsonReader JsonReader}</b></li>
* <div class="sub-desc"><ul class="mdetail-params">
* <li><tt><b>{@link Ext.data.JsonReader#root root}</b></tt></li>
* <li><tt><b>{@link Ext.data.JsonReader#idProperty idProperty}</b></tt></li>
* <li><tt><b>{@link Ext.data.JsonReader#totalProperty totalProperty}</b></tt></li>
* </ul></div>
* <li><b>{@link Ext.data.DirectProxy DirectProxy}</b></li>
* <div class="sub-desc"><ul class="mdetail-params">
* <li><tt><b>{@link Ext.data.DirectProxy#directFn directFn}</b></tt></li>
* <li><tt><b>{@link Ext.data.DirectProxy#paramOrder paramOrder}</b></tt></li>
* <li><tt><b>{@link Ext.data.DirectProxy#paramsAsHash paramsAsHash}</b></tt></li>
* </ul></div>
* </ul></div>
* @xtype directstore
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config
Ext.data.DirectStore = Ext.extend(Ext.data.Store, {
constructor : function(config){
// each transaction upon a singe record will generate a distinct Direct transaction since Direct queues them into one Ajax request.
var c = Ext.apply({}, {
batchTransactions: false
}, config);
Ext.data.DirectStore.superclass.constructor.call(this, Ext.apply(c, {
proxy: Ext.isDefined(c.proxy) ? c.proxy : new Ext.data.DirectProxy(Ext.copyTo({}, c, 'paramOrder,paramsAsHash,directFn,api')),
reader: (!Ext.isDefined(c.reader) && c.fields) ? new Ext.data.JsonReader(Ext.copyTo({}, c, 'totalProperty,root,idProperty'), c.fields) : c.reader
Ext.reg('directstore', Ext.data.DirectStore);
* @class Ext.Direct
* @extends Ext.util.Observable
* <p><b><u>Overview</u></b></p>
* <p>Ext.Direct aims to streamline communication between the client and server
* by providing a single interface that reduces the amount of common code
* typically required to validate data and handle returned data packets
* (reading data, error conditions, etc).</p>
* <p>The Ext.direct namespace includes several classes for a closer integration
* with the server-side. The Ext.data namespace also includes classes for working
* with Ext.data.Stores which are backed by data from an Ext.Direct method.</p>
* <p><b><u>Specification</u></b></p>
* <p>For additional information consult the
* <a href="http://extjs.com/products/extjs/direct.php">Ext.Direct Specification</a>.</p>
* <p><b><u>Providers</u></b></p>
* <p>Ext.Direct uses a provider architecture, where one or more providers are
* used to transport data to and from the server. There are several providers
* that exist in the core at the moment:</p><div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
* <li>{@link Ext.direct.JsonProvider JsonProvider} for simple JSON operations</li>
* <li>{@link Ext.direct.PollingProvider PollingProvider} for repeated requests</li>
* <li>{@link Ext.direct.RemotingProvider RemotingProvider} exposes server side
* on the client.</li>
* </ul></div>
* <p>A provider does not need to be invoked directly, providers are added via
* {@link Ext.Direct}.{@link Ext.Direct#add add}.</p>
* <p><b><u>Router</u></b></p>
* <p>Ext.Direct utilizes a "router" on the server to direct requests from the client
* to the appropriate server-side method. Because the Ext.Direct API is completely
* platform-agnostic, you could completely swap out a Java based server solution
* and replace it with one that uses C# without changing the client side JavaScript
* at all.</p>
* <p><b><u>Server side events</u></b></p>
* <p>Custom events from the server may be handled by the client by adding
* listeners, for example:</p>
* <pre><code>
{"type":"event","name":"message","data":"Successfully polled at: 11:19:30 am"}
// add a handler for a 'message' event sent by the server
Ext.Direct.on('message', function(e){
out.append(String.format('<p><i>{0}</i></p>', e.data));
out.el.scrollTo('t', 100000, true);
* </code></pre>
* @singleton
Ext.Direct = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
* Each event type implements a getData() method. The default event types are:
* <div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
* <li><b><tt>event</tt></b> : Ext.Direct.Event</li>
* <li><b><tt>exception</tt></b> : Ext.Direct.ExceptionEvent</li>
* <li><b><tt>rpc</tt></b> : Ext.Direct.RemotingEvent</li>
* </ul></div>
* @property eventTypes
* @type Object
* Four types of possible exceptions which can occur:
* <div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
* <li><b><tt>Ext.Direct.exceptions.TRANSPORT</tt></b> : 'xhr'</li>
* <li><b><tt>Ext.Direct.exceptions.PARSE</tt></b> : 'parse'</li>
* <li><b><tt>Ext.Direct.exceptions.LOGIN</tt></b> : 'login'</li>
* <li><b><tt>Ext.Direct.exceptions.SERVER</tt></b> : 'exception'</li>
* </ul></div>
* @property exceptions
* @type Object
exceptions: {
PARSE: 'parse',
LOGIN: 'login',
SERVER: 'exception'
// private
constructor: function(){
* @event event
* Fires after an event.
* @param {event} e The {@link Ext.Direct#eventTypes Ext.Direct.Event type} that occurred.
* @param {Ext.direct.Provider} provider The {@link Ext.direct.Provider Provider}.
* @event exception
* Fires after an event exception.
* @param {event} e The {@link Ext.Direct#eventTypes Ext.Direct.Event type} that occurred.
this.transactions = {};
this.providers = {};
* Adds an Ext.Direct Provider and creates the proxy or stub methods to execute server-side methods.
* If the provider is not already connected, it will auto-connect.
* <pre><code>
var pollProv = new Ext.direct.PollingProvider({
url: 'php/poll2.php'
"type":"remoting", // create a {@link Ext.direct.RemotingProvider}
"url":"php\/router.php", // url to connect to the Ext.Direct server-side router.
"actions":{ // each property within the actions object represents a Class
"TestAction":[ // array of methods within each server side Class
"name":"doEcho", // name of method
"formHandler":true, // handle form on server with Ext.Direct.Transaction
"namespace":"myApplication",// namespace to create the Remoting Provider in
type: 'polling', // create a {@link Ext.direct.PollingProvider}
url: 'php/poll.php'
pollProv // reference to previously created instance
* </code></pre>
* @param {Object/Array} provider Accepts either an Array of Provider descriptions (an instance
* or config object for a Provider) or any number of Provider descriptions as arguments. Each
* Provider description instructs Ext.Direct how to create client-side stub methods.
addProvider : function(provider){
var a = arguments;
if(a.length > 1){
for(var i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++){
// if provider has not already been instantiated
provider = new Ext.Direct.PROVIDERS[provider.type](provider);
provider.id = provider.id || Ext.id();
this.providers[provider.id] = provider;
provider.on('data', this.onProviderData, this);
provider.on('exception', this.onProviderException, this);
return provider;
* Retrieve a {@link Ext.direct.Provider provider} by the
* <b><tt>{@link Ext.direct.Provider#id id}</tt></b> specified when the provider is
* {@link #addProvider added}.
* @param {String} id Unique identifier assigned to the provider when calling {@link #addProvider}
getProvider : function(id){
return this.providers[id];
removeProvider : function(id){
var provider = id.id ? id : this.providers[id];
provider.un('data', this.onProviderData, this);
provider.un('exception', this.onProviderException, this);
delete this.providers[provider.id];
return provider;
addTransaction: function(t){
this.transactions[t.tid] = t;
return t;
removeTransaction: function(t){
delete this.transactions[t.tid || t];
return t;
getTransaction: function(tid){
return this.transactions[tid.tid || tid];
onProviderData : function(provider, e){
for(var i = 0, len = e.length; i < len; i++){
this.onProviderData(provider, e[i]);
if(e.name && e.name != 'event' && e.name != 'exception'){
this.fireEvent(e.name, e);
}else if(e.type == 'exception'){
this.fireEvent('exception', e);
this.fireEvent('event', e, provider);
createEvent : function(response, extraProps){
return new Ext.Direct.eventTypes[response.type](Ext.apply(response, extraProps));
// overwrite impl. with static instance
Ext.Direct = new Ext.Direct();
Ext.Direct.TID = 1;
Ext.Direct.PROVIDERS = {};/**
* @class Ext.Direct.Transaction
* @extends Object
* <p>Supporting Class for Ext.Direct (not intended to be used directly).</p>
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config
Ext.Direct.Transaction = function(config){
Ext.apply(this, config);
this.tid = ++Ext.Direct.TID;
this.retryCount = 0;
Ext.Direct.Transaction.prototype = {
send: function(){
retry: function(){
getProvider: function(){
return this.provider;
};Ext.Direct.Event = function(config){
Ext.apply(this, config);
Ext.Direct.Event.prototype = {
status: true,
getData: function(){
return this.data;
Ext.Direct.RemotingEvent = Ext.extend(Ext.Direct.Event, {
type: 'rpc',
getTransaction: function(){
return this.transaction || Ext.Direct.getTransaction(this.tid);
Ext.Direct.ExceptionEvent = Ext.extend(Ext.Direct.RemotingEvent, {
status: false,
type: 'exception'
Ext.Direct.eventTypes = {
'rpc': Ext.Direct.RemotingEvent,
'event': Ext.Direct.Event,
'exception': Ext.Direct.ExceptionEvent
* @class Ext.direct.Provider
* @extends Ext.util.Observable
* <p>Ext.direct.Provider is an abstract class meant to be extended.</p>
* <p>For example ExtJs implements the following subclasses:</p>
* <pre><code>
+---{@link Ext.direct.JsonProvider JsonProvider}
+---{@link Ext.direct.PollingProvider PollingProvider}
+---{@link Ext.direct.RemotingProvider RemotingProvider}
* </code></pre>
* @abstract
Ext.direct.Provider = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of the provider (defaults to an {@link Ext#id auto-assigned id}).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the provider later and you do
* not have an object reference available, for example:
* <pre><code>
type: 'polling',
url: 'php/poll.php',
id: 'poll-provider'
var p = {@link Ext.Direct Ext.Direct}.{@link Ext.Direct#getProvider getProvider}('poll-provider');
* </code></pre>
* @cfg {Number} priority
* Priority of the request. Lower is higher priority, <tt>0</tt> means "duplex" (always on).
* All Providers default to <tt>1</tt> except for PollingProvider which defaults to <tt>3</tt>.
priority: 1,
* @cfg {String} type
* <b>Required</b>, <tt>undefined</tt> by default. The <tt>type</tt> of provider specified
* to {@link Ext.Direct Ext.Direct}.{@link Ext.Direct#addProvider addProvider} to create a
* new Provider. Acceptable values by default are:<div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
* <li><b><tt>polling</tt></b> : {@link Ext.direct.PollingProvider PollingProvider}</li>
* <li><b><tt>remoting</tt></b> : {@link Ext.direct.RemotingProvider RemotingProvider}</li>
* </ul></div>
// private
constructor : function(config){
Ext.apply(this, config);
* @event connect
* Fires when the Provider connects to the server-side
* @param {Ext.direct.Provider} provider The {@link Ext.direct.Provider Provider}.
* @event disconnect
* Fires when the Provider disconnects from the server-side
* @param {Ext.direct.Provider} provider The {@link Ext.direct.Provider Provider}.
* @event data
* Fires when the Provider receives data from the server-side
* @param {Ext.direct.Provider} provider The {@link Ext.direct.Provider Provider}.
* @param {event} e The {@link Ext.Direct#eventTypes Ext.Direct.Event type} that occurred.
* @event exception
* Fires when the Provider receives an exception from the server-side
Ext.direct.Provider.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
* Returns whether or not the server-side is currently connected.
* Abstract method for subclasses to implement.
isConnected: function(){
return false;
* Abstract methods for subclasses to implement.
connect: Ext.emptyFn,
* Abstract methods for subclasses to implement.
disconnect: Ext.emptyFn
* @class Ext.direct.JsonProvider
* @extends Ext.direct.Provider
Ext.direct.JsonProvider = Ext.extend(Ext.direct.Provider, {
parseResponse: function(xhr){
if(typeof xhr.responseText == 'object'){
return xhr.responseText;
return Ext.decode(xhr.responseText);
return null;
getEvents: function(xhr){
var data = null;
data = this.parseResponse(xhr);
var event = new Ext.Direct.ExceptionEvent({
data: e,
xhr: xhr,
code: Ext.Direct.exceptions.PARSE,
message: 'Error parsing json response: \n\n ' + data
return [event];
var events = [];
for(var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++){
return events;
* @class Ext.direct.PollingProvider
* @extends Ext.direct.JsonProvider
* <p>Provides for repetitive polling of the server at distinct {@link #interval intervals}.
* The initial request for data originates from the client, and then is responded to by the
* server.</p>
* <p>All configurations for the PollingProvider should be generated by the server-side
* API portion of the Ext.Direct stack.</p>
* <p>An instance of PollingProvider may be created directly via the new keyword or by simply
* specifying <tt>type = 'polling'</tt>. For example:</p>
* <pre><code>
var pollA = new Ext.direct.PollingProvider({
url: 'php/pollA.php',
url: 'php/pollB.php',
id: 'pollB-provider'
var pollB = Ext.Direct.getProvider('pollB-provider');
* </code></pre>
Ext.direct.PollingProvider = Ext.extend(Ext.direct.JsonProvider, {
* @cfg {Number} priority
* Priority of the request (defaults to <tt>3</tt>). See {@link Ext.direct.Provider#priority}.
// override default priority
priority: 3,
* @cfg {Number} interval
* How often to poll the server-side in milliseconds (defaults to <tt>3000</tt> - every
* 3 seconds).
interval: 3000,
* @cfg {Object} baseParams An object containing properties which are to be sent as parameters
* on every polling request
* @cfg {String/Function} url
* The url which the PollingProvider should contact with each request. This can also be
* an imported Ext.Direct method which will accept the baseParams as its only argument.
// private
constructor : function(config){
Ext.direct.PollingProvider.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
* @event beforepoll
* Fired immediately before a poll takes place, an event handler can return false
* in order to cancel the poll.
* @param {Ext.direct.PollingProvider} this
* @event poll
* This event has not yet been implemented.
* @param {Ext.direct.PollingProvider} this
// inherited
isConnected: function(){
return !!this.pollTask;
* Connect to the server-side and begin the polling process. To handle each
* response subscribe to the data event.
connect: function(){
if(this.url && !this.pollTask){
this.pollTask = Ext.TaskMgr.start({
run: function(){
if(this.fireEvent('beforepoll', this) !== false){
if(typeof this.url == 'function'){
url: this.url,
callback: this.onData,
scope: this,
params: this.baseParams
interval: this.interval,
scope: this
this.fireEvent('connect', this);
}else if(!this.url){
throw 'Error initializing PollingProvider, no url configured.';
* Disconnect from the server-side and stop the polling process. The disconnect
* event will be fired on a successful disconnect.
disconnect: function(){
delete this.pollTask;
this.fireEvent('disconnect', this);
// private
onData: function(opt, success, xhr){
var events = this.getEvents(xhr);
for(var i = 0, len = events.length; i < len; i++){
var e = events[i];
this.fireEvent('data', this, e);
var e = new Ext.Direct.ExceptionEvent({
data: e,
code: Ext.Direct.exceptions.TRANSPORT,
message: 'Unable to connect to the server.',
xhr: xhr
this.fireEvent('data', this, e);
Ext.Direct.PROVIDERS['polling'] = Ext.direct.PollingProvider;/**
* @class Ext.direct.RemotingProvider
* @extends Ext.direct.JsonProvider
* <p>The {@link Ext.direct.RemotingProvider RemotingProvider} exposes access to
* server side methods on the client (a remote procedure call (RPC) type of
* connection where the client can initiate a procedure on the server).</p>
* <p>This allows for code to be organized in a fashion that is maintainable,
* while providing a clear path between client and server, something that is
* not always apparent when using URLs.</p>
* <p>To accomplish this the server-side needs to describe what classes and methods
* are available on the client-side. This configuration will typically be
* outputted by the server-side Ext.Direct stack when the API description is built.</p>
Ext.direct.RemotingProvider = Ext.extend(Ext.direct.JsonProvider, {
* @cfg {Object} actions
* Object literal defining the server side actions and methods. For example, if
* the Provider is configured with:
* <pre><code>
"actions":{ // each property within the 'actions' object represents a server side Class
"TestAction":[ // array of methods within each server side Class to be
{ // stubbed out on client
"name":"multiply",// name of method
"len":2 // The number of parameters that will be used to create an
// array of data to send to the server side function.
// Ensure the server sends back a Number, not a String.
"formHandler":true, // direct the client to use specialized form handling method
* </code></pre>
* <p>Note that a Store is not required, a server method can be called at any time.
* In the following example a <b>client side</b> handler is used to call the
* server side method "multiply" in the server-side "TestAction" Class:</p>
* <pre><code>
2, 4, // pass two arguments to server, so specify len=2
// callback function after the server is called
// result: the result returned by the server
// e: Ext.Direct.RemotingEvent object
function(result, e){
var t = e.getTransaction();
var action = t.action; // server side Class called
var method = t.method; // server side method called
var answer = Ext.encode(result); // 8
var msg = e.message; // failure message
* </code></pre>
* In the example above, the server side "multiply" function will be passed two
* arguments (2 and 4). The "multiply" method should return the value 8 which will be
* available as the <tt>result</tt> in the example above.
* @cfg {String/Object} namespace
* Namespace for the Remoting Provider (defaults to the browser global scope of <i>window</i>).
* Explicitly specify the namespace Object, or specify a String to have a
* {@link Ext#namespace namespace created} implicitly.
* @cfg {String} url
* <b>Required<b>. The url to connect to the {@link Ext.Direct} server-side router.
* @cfg {String} enableUrlEncode
* Specify which param will hold the arguments for the method.
* Defaults to <tt>'data'</tt>.
* @cfg {Number/Boolean} enableBuffer
* <p><tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt> to enable or disable combining of method
* calls. If a number is specified this is the amount of time in milliseconds
* to wait before sending a batched request (defaults to <tt>10</tt>).</p>
* <br><p>Calls which are received within the specified timeframe will be
* concatenated together and sent in a single request, optimizing the
* application by reducing the amount of round trips that have to be made
* to the server.</p>
enableBuffer: 10,
* @cfg {Number} maxRetries
* Number of times to re-attempt delivery on failure of a call. Defaults to <tt>1</tt>.
maxRetries: 1,
* @cfg {Number} timeout
* The timeout to use for each request. Defaults to <tt>undefined</tt>.
timeout: undefined,
constructor : function(config){
Ext.direct.RemotingProvider.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
* @event beforecall
* Fires immediately before the client-side sends off the RPC call.
* By returning false from an event handler you can prevent the call from
* executing.
* @param {Ext.direct.RemotingProvider} provider
* @param {Ext.Direct.Transaction} transaction
* @param {Object} meta The meta data
* @event call
* Fires immediately after the request to the server-side is sent. This does
* NOT fire after the response has come back from the call.
* @param {Ext.direct.RemotingProvider} provider
* @param {Ext.Direct.Transaction} transaction
* @param {Object} meta The meta data
this.namespace = (Ext.isString(this.namespace)) ? Ext.ns(this.namespace) : this.namespace || window;
this.transactions = {};
this.callBuffer = [];
// private
initAPI : function(){
var o = this.actions;
for(var c in o){
var cls = this.namespace[c] || (this.namespace[c] = {}),
ms = o[c];
for(var i = 0, len = ms.length; i < len; i++){
var m = ms[i];
cls[m.name] = this.createMethod(c, m);
// inherited
isConnected: function(){
return !!this.connected;
connect: function(){
this.connected = true;
this.fireEvent('connect', this);
}else if(!this.url){
throw 'Error initializing RemotingProvider, no url configured.';
disconnect: function(){
this.connected = false;
this.fireEvent('disconnect', this);
onData: function(opt, success, xhr){
var events = this.getEvents(xhr);
for(var i = 0, len = events.length; i < len; i++){
var e = events[i],
t = this.getTransaction(e);
this.fireEvent('data', this, e);
this.doCallback(t, e, true);
var ts = [].concat(opt.ts);
for(var i = 0, len = ts.length; i < len; i++){
var t = this.getTransaction(ts[i]);
if(t && t.retryCount < this.maxRetries){
var e = new Ext.Direct.ExceptionEvent({
data: e,
transaction: t,
code: Ext.Direct.exceptions.TRANSPORT,
message: 'Unable to connect to the server.',
xhr: xhr
this.fireEvent('data', this, e);
this.doCallback(t, e, false);
getCallData: function(t){
return {
action: t.action,
method: t.method,
data: t.data,
type: 'rpc',
tid: t.tid
doSend : function(data){
var o = {
url: this.url,
callback: this.onData,
scope: this,
ts: data,
timeout: this.timeout
}, callData;
callData = [];
for(var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++){
callData = this.getCallData(data);
var params = {};
params[Ext.isString(this.enableUrlEncode) ? this.enableUrlEncode : 'data'] = Ext.encode(callData);
o.params = params;
o.jsonData = callData;
combineAndSend : function(){
var len = this.callBuffer.length;
if(len > 0){
this.doSend(len == 1 ? this.callBuffer[0] : this.callBuffer);
this.callBuffer = [];
queueTransaction: function(t){
this.callTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.combineAndSend, this);
this.callTask.delay(Ext.isNumber(this.enableBuffer) ? this.enableBuffer : 10);
doCall : function(c, m, args){
var data = null, hs = args[m.len], scope = args[m.len+1];
if(m.len !== 0){
data = args.slice(0, m.len);
var t = new Ext.Direct.Transaction({
provider: this,
args: args,
action: c,
method: m.name,
data: data,
cb: scope && Ext.isFunction(hs) ? hs.createDelegate(scope) : hs
if(this.fireEvent('beforecall', this, t, m) !== false){
this.fireEvent('call', this, t, m);
doForm : function(c, m, form, callback, scope){
var t = new Ext.Direct.Transaction({
provider: this,
action: c,
method: m.name,
args:[form, callback, scope],
cb: scope && Ext.isFunction(callback) ? callback.createDelegate(scope) : callback,
isForm: true
if(this.fireEvent('beforecall', this, t, m) !== false){
var isUpload = String(form.getAttribute("enctype")).toLowerCase() == 'multipart/form-data',
params = {
extTID: t.tid,
extAction: c,
extMethod: m.name,
extType: 'rpc',
extUpload: String(isUpload)
// change made from typeof callback check to callback.params
// to support addl param passing in DirectSubmit EAC 6/2
Ext.apply(t, {
form: Ext.getDom(form),
isUpload: isUpload,
params: callback && Ext.isObject(callback.params) ? Ext.apply(params, callback.params) : params
this.fireEvent('call', this, t, m);
processForm: function(t){
url: this.url,
params: t.params,
callback: this.onData,
scope: this,
form: t.form,
isUpload: t.isUpload,
ts: t
createMethod : function(c, m){
var f;
f = function(){
this.doCall(c, m, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0));
f = function(form, callback, scope){
this.doForm(c, m, form, callback, scope);
f.directCfg = {
action: c,
method: m
return f;
getTransaction: function(opt){
return opt && opt.tid ? Ext.Direct.getTransaction(opt.tid) : null;
doCallback: function(t, e){
var fn = e.status ? 'success' : 'failure';
if(t && t.cb){
var hs = t.cb,
result = Ext.isDefined(e.result) ? e.result : e.data;
hs(result, e);
} else{
Ext.callback(hs[fn], hs.scope, [result, e]);
Ext.callback(hs.callback, hs.scope, [result, e]);
Ext.Direct.PROVIDERS['remoting'] = Ext.direct.RemotingProvider;