Add initial version of tvheadend's man page

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Öman 2008-02-21 21:45:41 +00:00
parent 92caa7fd70
commit 1316689fb4

man/tvheadend.1 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
.TH "tvheadend" 1
tvheadend \ - Advanced TV streaming server/relay
.B tvheadend
.B Tvheadend
is a streaming server/relay supporing a variety of sources and multiple
output formats. For more information and details please read each section
below. This man page also describes how to configure and operate
.B tvheadend.
\fB\-c \fR\fIconfigfile\fR
Specify a user defined path for the \fIconfigfile
Fork and become a deamon
\fB\-u \fR\fIuid\fR
Run as user with \fR\fIuid\fR
\fB\-g \fR\fIgid\fR
Run as user with \fR\fIgid\fR
Do not enable any DVB adapters
All activity inside tvheadend is logged to syslog using log facility
During initial configuration and when learning tvheadend it is wise
to tail -f /var/log/daemon.log to see what happens.
.SS "Path to configuration file"
A simple example configuration files available in the etc/ directory
in the distribution.
The default search order for configuration file is specified below.
These paths will all be overridden if the user specifies a path on
the command line.
Upon startup tvheadend will print to stderr wherefrom it read the configuration
\fRUser home directory
\fRLoad the supplied configuration file from the build directory (or distribution if it is a release build)
.SS "Configuration file syntax"
The configuration file consists of assignment statements and subsections.
The assignment statements are used to set various values and subsections
are used to configure a group of related statements.
The file may contain extra tabs and newlines for formatting purposes.
Comments begin with '!' as the first non-whitespace character on a line.
An assignment statement looks like this:
key = value
the key never contain any whitespaces. The rest of line after the
assignment character ('=') is interpeted as the value.
A subsection looks like this:
sectionname {
key = value
key = value
Subsections may also be nested.
Finally, you may include another file by adding:
#include otherfile.cfg
This is typically used to keep parts of the configuration separated
in different files.
The path to the included file is relative to where the current file was loaded.
.SS "The settings file"
Tvheadend stores all the internal state about channels, scheduled
recordings, runtime settings, etc in a directory. The default path of
this directory is
\fBIMPORTANT:\fR Since the default path resides in /tmp all settings
are likely to be lost if the host system reboots. This should be changed
with the following configuration statement (example):
settings-dir = /etc/hts/tvheadend_settings
If the settings-dir is not changed from the default value, there will
also be a warning printed in the web user interface.
Tvheadend will create the directory if it does not exist.
Notice that it is important that the user running tvheadend has write
permissions in the parent directory (if the directory needs to be created).
For further reading is important to understand the following
enteties. The chapters below may further specify the exact meaning of
each of these entities if applicable.
.SS "Adapter"
A piece of hardware that is capable of receiving one or more muxes.
If the adapter is only capable of receiveing one mux it will have to
select amongst the configured ones.
.SS "Mux"
A stream of data carrying one or more services.
.SS "Service"
A stream of data representing a channel.
.SS "Channel"
The classic concept of a TV channel. This is a very fundamental part
of tvheadend internally. Each channel may source data from multiple
services (but only one at a given time). Each service can have a
configured priority controlling the preference of how the channel will
chose wherefrom it sources the data. This priority is set in the web
interface under the
.B Manage channels
tab. Lower priority numbers are better.
.SS "Channel groups"
A channel can be placed in a group to ease browsing of channels
in the user interfaces. By default a channel ends up in the 'default'
group. The user can administer groups using the
.B Manage channel groups
tab in the web interface.
.SS "Subscription"
When an output module requests reception of a channel a subscription
is created. All subscriptions has a weight associated with them.
This weight is used to control how subscriptions will be prioritized
over each other if the subscribed channels compete amongst the same
.SH "INPUT - DVB - Digital TV"
.SS "DVB Adapters"
TVheadend will probe all DVB it can find in /dev/dvb/adapterX.
All adapters will be registered and probed according to the configuration
files given (see below).
Currently, only DVB-T and DVB-C adapters are supported.
The primary reason for this is that nobody has yet has been able to test
tvheadend with any DVB-S cards.
.SS "Configuration"
Tvheadend needs at least one configuration statement that points out a
DVB mux file description. The format of these files are the same as
those maintained by the community, i.e the same files as
used for the dvb-utils
.B scan
utility (where it is called 'initial-tuning-data-file').
Add this to your configuration file:
dvbmuxfile = /path/to/your/mux/description/file
Multiple 'dvbmuxfile'-statements can be added if you have multiple
adapters connected to different DVB networks. Tvheadend will make sure
that DVB-T configuration statements is only used on DVB-T adapters,
Tvheadend can not by itself scan for muxes nor can it use the
information received in the NIT (Network Information Table) to add
multiplexes by itself. This might be implemented in the future if
there is such a demand.
.SS "MPEG Transport Stream Multiplex"
Tvheadend's internal concept of a MUX maps directly to a MPEG
transport stream multiplex as defined in ITU-T Recommendation H.222.0.
Tvheadend is capable of receiving and demultiplex all services (channels)
arriving on the same multiplex simultaneously (should there be subscriptions
requesting them). Appart from the service demultiplex, the following tables
are parsed. All tables are checked for correct CRC before processed.
\fBPAT \fR\fIProgram Allocation Table\fR
Used to detect available services on the MUX. See PMT.
\fBPMT \fR\fIProgram Mapping Table\fR
Describes each service running on the MUX.
.SS "DVB SI (Service information) Support (EN 300 468)"
Tvheadend has been written to comply with the EN 400 468 v1.7.1
specification for DVB service information. All tables are checked for
correct CRC before processed. The following tables are parsed:
\fBSDT \fR\fIService Descriptor Table\fR
Used to deduce name of services and providers.
\fBEIT \fR\fIEvent Information Table\fR
This table is used to feed tvheadend's EPG with data.
The event start, stop, title and long description is feed into the EPG module.
Also, the event content type is extracted and used to classify the event
into the content categories as described in EN 400 468.
\fBRST \fR\fIRunning Status Table\fR
This table signal delays of events and can be used to defer start of
a recorder until the program starts. The author has not yet seen any
RST updates and thus, this feature is not fully implemented.
Tvheadend will just output the table on stdout. If you see such a table, don't
hesitate to contact the author.
.SS "Frontend monitoring and idle scanning"
Each DVB adapter frontend is constantly monitored to get status
updates and a 10 second average of the uncorrected block rate. If the
adapter is unable to maintain lock or if the average uncorrected block
rate exceeds 3 errors per second than this particular multiplex on
this particular adapter will not be used for new subscriptions. If
the uncorrected block rate exceeds 10 errors per second then all currently
active subscribers will be detached from this multiplex and if any
other service exist for this channel, those subscriptions will try to
attach to those services instead.
If an adapter is currenty unused it will cycle through all its muxes
to gather frontend statistics and DVB tables for program updates.
Notice that most DVB networks will send EIT updates for all channels
on all muxes so even if the adapter is tuned to a specific mux for
service reception
tvheadend will still receive all relevant updates for the EPG module.
The status of all frontends can be inspected in web interface under the
.B System status
.SS "Clock drift compensation and PCR recovery"
For input streams that contains PCR tvheadend will measure the host
system clock drift vs. the stream PCR. This drift is used to adjust
the frequency of the output clock generated in output modules (that
subscribes to this service) in order to avoid any overrun or underruns
in the internal multiplexing buffers.
.SH "INPUT - IPTV - IP Multicasted TV"
.SS "Streams supported"
Tvheadend supports reception of IPTV streams as a TV source. Only RAW
MPEG Transport Streams are supported (i.e. currently no support for
RTP headers).
Tvheadend does not scan for any SI tables on IPTV streams since DVB/SI
for IPTV is not standardized yet. Instead you need to configure
channel name and provider manually for each channel.
Tvheadend does however read the PAT and PMTs to figure out PIDs of the
elementary streams.
.SS "Configuration"
To configure an IPTV source service you need to add a 'service' substatement
clause to the configuration file.
service {
\fB\tiptv = rawudp\fR
Sets the mode of service to IPTV and the IPTV mode to rawudp.
No other mode than 'rawudp' is supported at the moment.
\fB\tchannel = \fR\fI<string>\fR
Set the name of the channel.
\fB\tgroup = \fR\fI<a.b.c.d>\fR
IP address of group. Currently only IPv4 is supported.
\fB\tport = \fR\fI<1-65535>\fR
UDP Port number.
\fB\tinterface = \fR\fI<string>\fR (optional)
Specifies the interface where the group will be joined.
If omitted the system will select one for you (if you only have one interface
it is safe to leave this option out).
\fB\tprovider = \fR\fI<string>\fR (optional)
Sets the provider of this channel. It is only used for presentation
purposes and can be left out.
\fB\tnetwork = \fR\fI<string>\fR (optional)
Sets the network for this channel. It is only used for presentation
purposes and can be left out.
A working example might look like this:
service {
iptv = rawudp
channel = SVT1
group-address =
interface = gig0.2
port = 5555
Upon startup tvheadend will join all configured tvheadend (in sequential order)
and probe the streams for PAT and PMT tables.
.SH "INPUT - Test stream generator"
Tvheadend contains an internal audio/video generator that can produce
test channels. These are default always enabled and there are no way
of disabling them. The test channels can be used to diagnose clients,
Currently only a single channel called 'Test PAL' is created, and it will
by default be put in a channel group called 'Test channels'
The web interface and some of the output modules utilizes an internal
user database to give authorization to various actions.
To add an user, add a user subsection to the configuration file.
user {
\fB\tname = \fR\fI<string>\fR
Sets the login name of this user.
\fB\tpassword = \fR\fI<string>\fR
Sets the password for this user. The password should be in clear text.
\fB\tbrowse-events = \fR\fI1 \fRor\fI 0\fR (optional, default is 0)
Allow (1) or disallow (0) this user to browse events from the EPG.
\fB\trecord-events = \fR\fI1 \fRor\fI 0\fR (optional, default is 0)
Allow (1) or disallow (0) this user to schedule and administer
recording of events.
\fB\tsystem-status = \fR\fI1 \fRor\fI 0\fR (optional, default is 0)
Allow (1) or disallow (0) this user inspect system status
\fB\tadmin = \fR\fI1 \fRor\fI 0\fR (optional, default is 0)
Allow (1) or disallow (0) this user to perform administrative tasks.
Such as managing channel groups, moving channels, configuring transports, etc
Tvheadend has an embedded HTTP server which is primarily used to
deliver a web service for everyday management tasks. The HTTP server
defaults to operating on TCP port \fB9980\fR. This can be changed with
the following configuration in the root section:
\fB\thttp-server-port = \fR\fI<0-65535>\fR (optional)
Sets the HTTP server TCP port. If set to 0 the HTTP server will be disabled.
.SS "Web server"
Pointing your web browser to \fBhttp://ip.address.of.tvheadend:9980/\fR will
connect you to the web interface. The interface is pretty self-explanatory
and is not discussed in detail here. In order to access the web interface
the user is requested to login using standard HTTP authentication mechanisms.
Notice that the user needs at least to have 'browse-events' enabled to be
able to use the web interface. Please see the \fBUSER DATABASE\fR chapter
for details about user configuartion.
.SH "OUTPUT - RTSP - RealTime Streaming Protocol"
The RTSP server uses the same TCP port as the HTTP server.
When a clients connects to the RTSP server thay will negotiate one of
the transports described below.
The URLs to use for RTSP are automatically generated by tvheadend and
can be obtained from the web interfaces ('Watch Live') link in the
.B TV guide
.SS "Supported RTSP transports"
\fBRTP/AVP/UDP\fR and \fBRTP/AVP\fR \- RTP over UDP
This transport transmits an MPEG transport stream over RTP over UDP.
For details about the generated MPEG transport stream, please see the
\fBMPEG TS MULTIPLEXER\fR chapter. As the name suggest this transport
uses a stream of UDP packets for media delivery. This means that the
stream may have problems traversing NAT routers, firewalls, etc.
.SS "Access control"
Access control for the RTSP server is done by verifying the source IP address
of the incomming RTSP/TCP connection. The permitted source addresses are
listed in a subsection as follows:
rtsp-access {
\fB\tpermit = \fR\fI<a.b.c.d/l>\fR
Permits RTSP access from the given prefix.
Multiple entries may be specified.
Example that allows access from the network and localhost:
rtsp-access {
permit =
permit =
.SH "OUTPUT - IPTV - IP Multicasted TV"
This output module can be used to generate an always running IPTV
multicasted stream. The generated output can be configured to be
either \fBMPEG-TS/RTP/UDP\fR or \fBMPEG-TS/UDP\fR.
For details about the generated MPEG transport stream, please see the
.SS "Configuration"
multicast-output {
\fB\tencapsulation = \fR\fIraw\fR | \fIrtp\fR
Select encapsulation to use. Either raw UDP or RTP can be used.
For RTP the payload type is set to 33 (M2TS) and the PCR is correctly
updated based on the transmitted stream.
\fB\tchannel = \fR\fI<string>\fR
Set the name of the channel to subscribe to.
\fB\tgroup-address = \fR\fI<a.b.c.d>\fR
IP address of group. Currently only IPv4 is supported.
\fB\tport = \fR\fI<1-65535>\fR
UDP Port number.
\fB\tttl = \fR\fI<1-255>\fR (optional)
TTL to set in packets. Defaults to 32.
\fB\tinterface-address = \fR\fI<a.b.c.d>\fR (optional)
Source IP address to use for stream. This will effectivly also control
the output interface used. If omitted, the system will choose one
based on the current routing table.
.SH "OUTPUT - FILE - Personal/Digital Video Recorder"
Recorded programs are stored in the matroska (.mkv) file format.
All streams present in the source service is recorded.
The program title and description is written as meta information in the file.
No transcoding of audio or video is performed.
The frame payload is stored exactly as received.
.SS "Recording states"
When the time of a recorded event is closer than 30 seconds the recorder
with start a subscription. This 30 second period is inteded to be used
for detecting if the show will start soon or if it is delayed. It is also
used to determine if the channel still is in a commercial break. For
more information about commercial break detection, please see the
Disk write out is handled by a separate thread so tvheadend will gracefully
handle any disk spinup time without stalling.
If there is a commercial break during recording, the recorder will pause
disk write out and restart once the commercial break has passed.
Before the recorder starts write out it will wait for an I-frame so the
output will start in a clean state. This also applies when resuming
from a commercial break pause.
.SS "Configuration"
The video recorder is primarily managed from the web interface or
via some of the proprietary interfaces. There are, however some parameters
that is controlled via the configuration file.
\fB\tpvrdir = \fR\fI<directorypath>\fR (optional)
Sets the directory where recordings will be saved. If this is omitted
the recordings will be stored in the current directory.
.SH "OUTPUT - HTSP - Home Theater System Protocol (Proprietary)"
.SS "Configuration"
Tvheadend can parse the output from the xmltv grabbers. It executes
the grabbers directly and parse the information internally. It's
important that you configure your xmltv grabber to take use of its
cache (this should default be on) or it might cause excessive burden
on the server if you stop and start tvheadend often.
.SS "Channel mapping"
Tvheadend will use the channel icon URL referred in the xmltv output
as the channel icon. This icon is visible in the web ui, and also
forwarded externally via the output modules where applicable.
Due to the fact that there may be differences between how channels are
named in xmltv and DVB tvheadend utilizes a channel matching heuristic.
If more than 10 consequtive events (i.e programs) matches between the
EPG received from DVB and the xmltv EPG the channels are said to
It will also match a channel from xmltv to the rest of the system if
the channel names matches exactly.
.SS "Transfer of event information"
Once a channel has been matched all events will be transfered to the
internal EPG.
If there is any conflicting information between the DVB EPG and XMLTV EPG
the DVB EPG will always take precedence.
.SS "Configuration"
Two global configuration statements are used to configure xmltv:
\fB\txmltvgrabber = \fR\fI<path>\fR (optional)
If not specified, xmltv will be disabled.
\fB\txmltvinterval = \fR\fI<seconds>\fR (optional)
Specifies the time, in seconds, between executions of the xmltv grabber.
This defaults to 43200 (12 hours).
.B Tvheadend
and this man page is maintained by Andreas Oeman
(andreas a lonelycoder d com)