From 36fc66918280001c95c3b59dade856f80a322605 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adam Sutton Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 13:33:52 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] webui: remove old redundant code --- src/webui/extjs.c | 2 - src/webui/static/app/dvb.js | 1495 -------------------------- src/webui/static/app/dvb_networks.js | 145 --- 3 files changed, 1642 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/webui/static/app/dvb.js delete mode 100644 src/webui/static/app/dvb_networks.js diff --git a/src/webui/extjs.c b/src/webui/extjs.c index 0ed30f93..40a8ae17 100755 --- a/src/webui/extjs.c +++ b/src/webui/extjs.c @@ -149,8 +149,6 @@ extjs_root(http_connection_t *hc, const char *remain, void *opaque) extjs_load(hq, "static/app/tvadapters.js"); extjs_load(hq, "static/app/idnode.js"); #if ENABLE_LINUXDVB - extjs_load(hq, "static/app/dvb.js"); - extjs_load(hq, "static/app/dvb_networks.js"); extjs_load(hq, "static/app/mpegts.js"); #endif extjs_load(hq, "static/app/iptv.js"); diff --git a/src/webui/static/app/dvb.js b/src/webui/static/app/dvb.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2612c90d..00000000 --- a/src/webui/static/app/dvb.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1495 +0,0 @@ -/** - * DVB Mux grid - */ -tvheadend.dvb_muxes = function(adapterData, satConfStore) { - - adapterId = adapterData.identifier; - - var fm = Ext.form; - - var qualityColumn = new Ext.ux.grid.ProgressColumn({ - header : "Quality", - dataIndex : 'quality', - width : 85, - textPst : '%', - colored : true - }); - - var cmlist = Array(); - - cmlist.push({ - xtype: 'checkcolumn', - header : "Enabled", - dataIndex : 'enabled', - width : 40 - }, { - header : "Play", - dataIndex : 'id', - width : 50, - renderer : function(value, metadata, record, row, col, store) { - url = 'stream/mux/' + value; - return 'Play'; - }}, { - header : "Network", - dataIndex : 'network', - width : 200 - }, { - header : "Frequency", - dataIndex : 'freq', - width : 50 - }, { - header : "Modulation", - dataIndex : 'mod', - width : 100 - }); - - if (adapterData.satConf) { - // Include DVB-S specific stuff - - satConfStore.on('update', function(s, r, c) { - if (grid.rendered) grid.getView().refresh(); - }); - - satConfStore.on('load', function(s, r, o) { - if (grid.rendered) grid.getView().refresh(); - }); - - tvheadend.comet.on('dvbSatConf', function(m) { - if (m.adapterId == adapterId) satConfStore.reload(); - }); - - cmlist - .push( - { - header : "Polarisation", - dataIndex : 'pol', - width : 50 - }, - { - header : "Satellite config", - dataIndex : 'satconf', - width : 100, - renderer : function(value, metadata, record, row, col, store) { - r = satConfStore.getById(value); - return typeof r === 'undefined' ? 'Unset' - :; - } - }, { - header : "Frontend status", - dataIndex : 'fe_status', - width : 30 - }); - } - - cmlist.push({ - header : "NetworkID", - dataIndex : 'onid', - width : 50 - }, { - header : "MuxID", - dataIndex : 'muxid', - width : 50 - }, qualityColumn); - - var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({ - columns: cmlist, - defaultSortable: true}); - - var rec =[ 'id', 'enabled', 'network', 'freq', - 'pol', 'satconf', 'onid', 'muxid', 'quality', 'fe_status', 'mod' ]); - - var store = new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : rec, - url : "dvb/muxes/" + adapterId, - autoLoad : true, - id : 'id', - baseParams : { - op : "get" - }, - listeners : { - 'update' : function(s, r, o) { - d = s.getModifiedRecords().length == 0 - saveBtn.setDisabled(d); - rejectBtn.setDisabled(d); - } - } - }); - - tvheadend.comet.on('dvbMux', function(m) { - - if(m.adapterId !== adapterId) - return; - - r = store.getById( - if (typeof r === 'undefined') { - store.reload(); - return; - } - - for (key in m) -[key] = m[key]; - - store.afterEdit(r); - store.fireEvent('updated', store, r,; - }); - - function delSelected() { - var selectedKeys = grid.selModel.selections.keys; - if (selectedKeys.length > 0) { - Ext.MessageBox.confirm('Message', - 'Do you really want to delete selection?', deleteRecord); - } - else { - Ext.MessageBox.alert('Message', - 'Please select at least one item to delete'); - } - } - ; - - function deleteRecord(btn) { - if (btn == 'yes') { - var selectedKeys = grid.selModel.selections.keys; - - Ext.Ajax.request({ - url : "dvb/muxes/" + adapterId, - params : { - op : "delete", - entries : Ext.encode(selectedKeys) - }, - failure : function(response, options) { - Ext.MessageBox.alert('Server Error', 'Unable to delete'); - }, - success : function(response, options) { - store.reload(); - } - }) - } - } - - function copySelected() { - - function doCopy() { - var selectedKeys = grid.selModel.selections.keys; - var target = panel.getForm().getValues('targetID').targetID; - - if (adapterData.satConf) { - var satconf = panel.getForm().getValues('targetSatConfID').targetSatConfID; - var mparams = { - entries : Ext.encode(selectedKeys), - satconf : satconf - }; - } - else { - var mparams = { - entries : Ext.encode(selectedKeys) - }; - } - - Ext.Ajax.request({ - url : "dvb/copymux/" + target, - params : mparams, - failure : function(response, options) { - Ext.MessageBox.alert('Server Error', 'Unable to copy'); - }, - success : function() { - win.close(); - } - }); - } - - targetStore = new{ - root : 'entries', - id : 'identifier', - url : 'dvb/adapter', - fields : [ 'identifier', 'name' ], - baseParams : { - sibling : adapterId - } - }); - if (adapterData.satConf) { - targetSatConfStore = new{ - root : 'entries', - id : 'identifier', - url : 'dvb/satconf', - fields : [ 'identifier', 'name' ], - baseParams : { - adapter : adapterId - } - }); - satConf = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - store : targetSatConfStore, - fieldLabel : 'Target Satellite config', - name : 'targetsatconf', - hiddenName : 'targetSatConfID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - triggerAction : 'all', - mode : 'remote', - displayField : 'name', - valueField : 'identifier', - emptyText : 'Select target adapter first...' - }); - } - else { - satConf = null; - } - - var mitems = [ new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - store : targetStore, - fieldLabel : 'Target adapter', - name : 'targetadapter', - hiddenName : 'targetID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - triggerAction : 'all', - mode : 'remote', - displayField : 'name', - valueField : 'identifier', - emptyText : 'Select target adapter...', - listeners : { - 'select' : function(combo, value) { - if (satConf) { - satConf.emptyText = 'Select satellite configuration...'; - satConf.clearValue(); - targetSatConfStore.baseParams = { - adapter : combo.value - }; - targetSatConfStore.load(); - satConf.focus(); - satConf.expand(); - } - } - } - }) ]; - - if (satConf) mitems.push(satConf); - - var panel = new Ext.FormPanel({ - frame : true, - border : true, - bodyStyle : 'padding:5px', - labelAlign : 'right', - labelWidth : 150, - defaultType : 'textfield', - items : mitems, - buttons : [ { - text : 'Copy', - handler : doCopy - } ] - }); - - win = new Ext.Window({ - title : 'Copy multiplex configuration', - layout : 'fit', - width : 500, - height : 150, - modal : true, - plain : true, - items : panel - }); -; - } - - function saveChanges() { - var mr = store.getModifiedRecords(); - var out = new Array(); - for ( var x = 0; x < mr.length; x++) { - v = mr[x].getChanges(); - out[x] = v; - out[x].id = mr[x].id; - } - - Ext.Ajax.request({ - url : "dvb/muxes/" + adapterId, - params : { - op : "update", - entries : Ext.encode(out) - }, - success : function(response, options) { - store.commitChanges(); - }, - failure : function(response, options) { - Ext.MessageBox.alert('Message', response.statusText); - } - }); - } - - var selModel = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ - singleSelect : false - }); - - var delBtn = new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ - tooltip : 'Delete one or more selected muxes', - iconCls : 'remove', - text : 'Delete selected...', - handler : delSelected, - disabled : true - }); - - var copyBtn = new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ - tooltip : 'Copy selected multiplexes to other adapter', - iconCls : 'clone', - text : 'Copy to other adapter...', - handler : copySelected, - disabled : true - }); - - selModel.on('selectionchange', function(s) { - delBtn.setDisabled(s.getCount() == 0); - copyBtn.setDisabled(s.getCount() == 0); - }); - - var saveBtn = new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ - tooltip : 'Save any changes made (Changed cells have red borders).', - iconCls : 'save', - text : "Save changes", - handler : saveChanges, - disabled : true - }); - - var rejectBtn = new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ - tooltip : 'Revert any changes made (Changed cells have red borders).', - iconCls : 'undo', - text : "Revert changes", - handler : function() { - store.rejectChanges(); - }, - disabled : true - }); - - var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ - stripeRows : true, - title : 'Multiplexes', - plugins : [ qualityColumn ], - store : store, - clicksToEdit : 2, - cm : cm, - viewConfig : { - forceFit : true - }, - selModel : selModel, - tbar : [ delBtn, copyBtn, '-', saveBtn, rejectBtn, '-', { - text : 'Add mux(es) manually...', - iconCls : 'add', - handler : function() { - tvheadend.addMuxManually(adapterData, satConfStore) - } - } ] - }); - - return grid; -} - -/** - * DVB service grid - */ -tvheadend.dvb_services = function(adapterData, satConfStore) { - - adapterId = adapterData.identifier; - - var fm = Ext.form; - - - var actions = new Ext.ux.grid.RowActions({ - header : '', - dataIndex : 'actions', - width : 45, - actions : [ { - iconCls : 'info', - qtip : 'Detailed information about service', - cb : function(grid, record, action, row, col) { - Ext.Ajax.request({ - url : "servicedetails/" +, - success : function(response, options) { - r = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText); - tvheadend.showTransportDetails(r); - } - }) - } - } ] - }); - - var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({ - defaultSortable: true, - columns: [ - { - xtype: 'checkcolumn', - header : "Enabled", - dataIndex : 'enabled', - width : 45 - }, - { - header : "Service name", - dataIndex : 'svcname', - width : 150 - }, - { - header : "Play", - dataIndex : 'id', - width : 50, - renderer : function(value, metadata, record, row, col, store) { - url = 'stream/service/' + value; - return 'Play'; - } - }, - { - header : "Channel name", - dataIndex : 'channelname', - width : 150, - renderer : function(value, metadata, record, row, col, store) { - return value ? value - : 'Unmapped'; - }, - editor : new fm.ComboBox({ - store : tvheadend.channels, - allowBlank : true, - typeAhead : true, - minChars : 2, - lazyRender : true, - triggerAction : 'all', - mode : 'local', - displayField : 'name' - }) - }, - { - header : "DVB charset", - dataIndex : 'dvb_charset', - width : 200, - renderer : function(value, metadata, record, row, col, store) { - return value ? value - : 'auto'; - }, - editor : new fm.ComboBox({ - mode : 'local', - store : new{ - fields : [ 'key', 'value' ], - data : [ - [ null, 'auto' ], - [ 'ISO6937', 'ISO6937' ], - [ 'ISO8859-1', 'ISO8859-1' ], - [ 'ISO8859-2', 'ISO8859-2' ], - [ 'ISO8859-3', 'ISO8859-3' ], - [ 'ISO8859-4', 'ISO8859-4' ], - [ 'ISO8859-5', 'ISO8859-5' ], - [ 'ISO8859-6', 'ISO8859-6' ], - [ 'ISO8859-7', 'ISO8859-7' ], - [ 'ISO8859-8', 'ISO8859-8' ], - [ 'ISO8859-9', 'ISO8859-9' ], - [ 'ISO8859-10', 'ISO8859-10' ], - [ 'ISO8859-11', 'ISO8859-11' ], - [ 'ISO8859-12', 'ISO8859-12' ], - [ 'ISO8859-13', 'ISO8859-13' ], - [ 'ISO8859-14', 'ISO8859-14' ], - [ 'ISO8859-15', 'ISO8859-15' ], - [ 'PL_AUTO', 'Polish Fixup' ] ] - }), - typeAhead : true, - lazyRender : true, - triggerAction : 'all', - displayField : 'value', - valueField : 'key' - }) - }, { - xtype: 'checkcolumn', - header : "EPG", - dataIndex : 'dvb_eit_enable', - width : 45 - } , { - header : "Type", - dataIndex : 'type', - width : 50 - }, { - header : "Provider", - dataIndex : 'provider', - width : 150 - }, { - header : "Network", - dataIndex : 'network', - width : 100 - }, { - header : "Encryption", - dataIndex : 'encryption', - width : 100 - }, { - header : "Multiplex", - dataIndex : 'mux', - width : 100 - }]}); - - if (adapterData.satConf) { - // Include DVB-S specific stuff - - satConfStore.on('update', function(s, r, c) { - if (grid.rendered) grid.getView().refresh(); - }); - - satConfStore.on('load', function(s, r, o) { - if (grid.rendered) grid.getView().refresh(); - }); - - tvheadend.comet.on('dvbSatConf', function(m) { - if (m.adapterId == adapterId) satConfStore.reload(); - }); - - cmlist.push( - { - header : "Satellite config", - dataIndex : 'satconf', - width : 100, - renderer : function(value, metadata, record, row, col, store) { - r = satConfStore.getById(value); - return typeof r === 'undefined' ? 'Unset' - :; - } - }); - } - - cmlist.push( - { - header : "Service ID", - dataIndex : 'sid', - width : 50, - hidden : true - }, { - header: "Preferred CA pid", - dataIndex: 'prefcapid', - width: 50, - editor: new fm.TextField({allowBlank: true}) - }, { - header : "PMT PID", - dataIndex : 'pmt', - width : 50, - hidden : true - }, { - header : "PCR PID", - dataIndex : 'pcr', - width : 50, - hidden : true - }, actions ); - - var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({ - columns: cmlist, - defaultSortable: true}); - - var store = new{ - root : 'entries', - fields :[ 'id', 'enabled', 'type', 'sid', 'pmt', - 'pcr', 'svcname', 'network', 'provider', 'encryption', 'mux', 'satconf', - 'channelname', 'prefcapid', 'dvb_charset', 'dvb_eit_enable' ]), - url : "dvb/services/" + adapterId, - autoLoad : true, - id : 'id', - baseParams : { - op : "get" - }, - listeners : { - 'update' : function(s, r, o) { - d = s.getModifiedRecords().length == 0 - saveBtn.setDisabled(d); - rejectBtn.setDisabled(d); - } - } - }); - - var storeReloader = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function() { - store.reload() - }); - - tvheadend.comet.on('dvbService', function(m) { - storeReloader.delay(500); - }); - - function delSelected() { - var selectedKeys = grid.selModel.selections.keys; - if (selectedKeys.length > 0) { - Ext.MessageBox.confirm('Message', - 'Do you really want to delete selection?', deleteRecord); - } - else { - Ext.MessageBox.alert('Message', - 'Please select at least one item to delete'); - } - } - - function saveChanges() { - var mr = store.getModifiedRecords(); - var out = new Array(); - for ( var x = 0; x < mr.length; x++) { - v = mr[x].getChanges(); - out[x] = v; - out[x].id = mr[x].id; - } - - Ext.Ajax.request({ - url : "dvb/services/" + adapterId, - params : { - op : "update", - entries : Ext.encode(out) - }, - success : function(response, options) { - store.commitChanges(); - }, - failure : function(response, options) { - Ext.MessageBox.alert('Message', response.statusText); - } - }); - } - - function mapSelected() { - grid.selModel.each(function(rec) { - if(!rec.get('channelname')) - rec.set('channelname', rec.get('svcname')); - return true; - }); - } - - var saveBtn = new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ - tooltip : 'Save any changes made (Changed cells have red borders).', - iconCls : 'save', - text : "Save changes", - handler : saveChanges, - disabled : true - }); - - var rejectBtn = new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ - tooltip : 'Revert any changes made (Changed cells have red borders).', - iconCls : 'undo', - text : "Revert changes", - handler : function() { - store.rejectChanges(); - }, - disabled : true - }); - - var mapBtn = new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ - tooltip : 'Map selected services to channels based on their name. Does nothing if selected item is already mapped.', - iconCls : 'clone', - text : "Map selected", - handler : mapSelected, - disabled : true - }); - - var selModel = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ - singleSelect : false - }); - - selModel.on('selectionchange', function(s) { - mapBtn.setDisabled(s.getCount() == 0); - }); - - var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ - stripeRows : true, - title : 'Services', - plugins : [ actions ], - store : store, - clicksToEdit : 2, - cm : cm, - viewConfig : { - forceFit : true - }, - selModel : selModel, - tbar : [ saveBtn, rejectBtn, '-', mapBtn ] - }); - return grid; -} - -/** - * - */ -tvheadend.addMuxByLocation = function(adapterData, satConfStore) { - - var locationListBBarElements = []; - var satConfCombo = null; - - if (satConfStore) { - satConfCombo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - store : satConfStore, - width : 480, - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - triggerAction : 'all', - mode : 'remote', - displayField : 'name', - valueField : 'identifier', - emptyText : 'Select satellite configuration...' - }); - locationListBBarElements.push(satConfCombo); - } - - var addBtn = new Ext.Button({ - text : 'Add DVB network', - disabled : true, - handler : function() { - var n = locationList.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode(); - Ext.Ajax.request({ - url : 'dvb/adapter/' + adapterData.identifier, - params : { - network :, - satconf : satConfCombo != null ? satConfCombo.getValue() : null, - op : 'addnetwork' - } - }); - win.close(); - } - }); - - var locationList = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({ - title : 'By location', - autoScroll : true, - rootVisible : false, - loader : new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({ - baseParams : { - adapter : adapterData.identifier - }, - dataUrl : 'dvb/locations' - }), - root : new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({ - id : 'root' - }), - bbar : locationListBBarElements, - buttons : [ addBtn ], - buttonAlign : 'center' - }); - - locationList.on('click', function(n) { - if (n.attributes.leaf) { - addBtn.enable(); - } - else { - addBtn.disable(); - } - }); - - win = new Ext.Window({ - title : 'Add muxes on ' +, - layout : 'fit', - width : 500, - height : 500, - modal : true, - plain : true, - items : new Ext.TabPanel({ - autoTabs : true, - activeTab : 0, - deferredRender : false, - border : false, - items : locationList - }) - }); -; -} - -/** - * Add mux by manual configuration - */ -tvheadend.addMuxManually = function(adapterData, satConfStore) { - - var adId = adapterData.identifier; - - var items = []; - - switch (adapterData.deliverySystem) { - case 'ATSC': - items.push(new Ext.form.NumberField({ - fieldLabel : 'Frequency (kHz)', - name : 'frequency', - allowNegative : false, - allowBlank : false, - minValue : adapterData.freqMin, - maxValue : adapterData.freqMax - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'Modulation', - name : 'constellation', - hiddenName : 'constellationID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/constellations/' + adId - }) - })); - - break; - - - case 'DVB-T': - - items.push(new Ext.form.NumberField({ - fieldLabel : 'Frequency (kHz)', - name : 'frequency', - allowNegative : false, - allowBlank : false, - minValue : adapterData.freqMin, - maxValue : adapterData.freqMax - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'Bandwidth', - name : 'bandwidth', - hiddenName : 'bandwidthID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/bandwidths/' + adId - }) - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'Constellation', - name : 'constellation', - hiddenName : 'constellationID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/constellations/' + adId - }) - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'Transmission mode', - name : 'tmode', - hiddenName : 'tmodeID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/transmissionmodes/' + adId - }) - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'Guard interval', - name : 'guardinterval', - hiddenName : 'guardintervalID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/guardintervals/' + adId - }) - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'Hierarchy', - name : 'hierarchy', - hiddenName : 'hierarchyID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/hierarchies/' + adId - }) - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'FEC Hi', - name : 'fechi', - hiddenName : 'fechiID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/fec/' + adId - }) - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'FEC Lo', - name : 'feclo', - hiddenName : 'fecloID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/fec/' + adId - }) - })); - break; - - case 'DVB-C': - items.push(new Ext.form.NumberField({ - fieldLabel : 'Frequency (kHz)', - name : 'frequency', - allowNegative : false, - allowBlank : false, - minValue : adapterData.freqMin, - maxValue : adapterData.freqMax - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.NumberField({ - fieldLabel : 'Symbolrate (baud)', - name : 'symbolrate', - allowNegative : false, - allowBlank : false, - minValue : adapterData.symrateMin, - maxValue : adapterData.symrateMax - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'Constellation', - name : 'constellation', - hiddenName : 'constellationID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/constellations/' + adId - }) - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'FEC', - name : 'fec', - hiddenName : 'fecID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/fec/' + adId - }) - })); - break; - - case 'DVB-S': - items.push(new Ext.form.NumberField({ - fieldLabel : 'Frequency (kHz)', - name : 'frequency', - allowBlank : false, - allowNegative : false - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.NumberField({ - fieldLabel : 'Symbolrate (baud)', - name : 'symbolrate', - allowNegative : false, - allowBlank : false, - minValue : adapterData.symrateMin, - maxValue : adapterData.symrateMax - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'FEC', - name : 'fec', - hiddenName : 'fecID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/fec/' + adId - }) - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'Delivery System', - name : 'delsys', - hiddenName : 'delsysID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/delsys/' + adId - }) - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'Constellation', - name : 'constellation', - hiddenName : 'constellationID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/constellations/' + adId - }) - })); - - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'Polarisation', - name : 'polarisation', - hiddenName : 'polarisationID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - displayField : 'title', - valueField : 'id', - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : new{ - root : 'entries', - fields : [ 'title', 'id' ], - url : 'dvb/feopts/polarisations/' + adId - }) - })); - } - - if (satConfStore) { - items.push(new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - store : satConfStore, - fieldLabel : 'Satellite config', - name : 'satconf', - hiddenName : 'satconfID', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - triggerAction : 'all', - mode : 'remote', - displayField : 'name', - valueField : 'identifier' - })); - } - - function addMux() { - panel.getForm().submit({ - url : 'dvb/addmux/' + adapterId, - waitMsg : 'Creating mux...' - }); - } - - var panel = new Ext.FormPanel({ - frame : true, - border : true, - bodyStyle : 'padding:5px', - labelAlign : 'right', - labelWidth : 110, - defaultType : 'textfield', - items : items, - buttons : [ { - text : 'Add', - handler : addMux - } ] - - }); - - win = new Ext.Window({ - title : 'Add muxes on ' +, - layout : 'fit', - width : 500, - height : 500, - plain : true, - items : panel - }); -; - -} - -/** - * DVB adapter details - */ -tvheadend.dvb_adapter_general = function(adapterData, satConfStore) { - - adapterId = adapterData.identifier; - - var addMuxByLocationBtn = new Ext.Button({ - style : 'margin:5px', - iconCls : 'add', - text : 'Add DVB Network by location...', - handler : function() { - tvheadend.addMuxByLocation(adapterData, satConfStore); - } - }); - - var serviceScanBtn = new Ext.Button({ - style : 'margin:5px', - iconCls : 'option', - text : 'Map DVB services to channels...', - disabled : == 0 || adapterData.initialMuxes, - handler : function() { - Ext.Ajax.request({ - url : 'dvb/adapter/' + adapterId, - params : { - op : 'serviceprobe' - } - }) - } - }); - - /* Tool panel */ - - var toolpanel = new Ext.Panel({ - layout : 'table', - title : 'Tools', - style : 'margin:10px', - bodyStyle : 'padding:5px', - columnWidth : .25, - layoutConfig : { - columns : 1 - }, - - items : [ addMuxByLocationBtn, serviceScanBtn ] - }); - - /* Conf panel */ - - var confreader = new{ - root : 'dvbadapters' - }, [ 'name', 'enabled', 'automux', 'skip_initialscan', 'diseqcversion', - 'diseqcrepeats', 'qmon', 'skip_checksubscr', - 'poweroff', 'sidtochan', 'nitoid', 'extrapriority', - ,'disable_pmt_monitor', 'full_mux_rx', 'idleclose', 'grace_period' ]); - - function saveConfForm() { - confform.getForm().submit({ - url : 'dvb/adapter/' + adapterId, - params : { - 'op' : 'save' - }, - waitMsg : 'Saving Data...' - }); - } - - var items = [ - { - fieldLabel : 'Adapter name', - name : 'name', - width : 250 - }, - new Ext.form.Checkbox({ - fieldLabel : 'Enabled', - name : 'enabled' - }), - new Ext.form.Checkbox({ - fieldLabel : 'Autodetect muxes', - name : 'automux' - }), - new Ext.form.Checkbox({ - fieldLabel : 'Skip initial scan', - name : 'skip_initialscan' - }), - new Ext.form.Checkbox({ - fieldLabel : 'Close device handle when idle', - name : 'idleclose' - }), - new Ext.form.Checkbox({ - fieldLabel : 'Skip service availability check when mapping', - name : 'skip_checksubscr' - }), - new Ext.form.Checkbox({ - fieldLabel : 'Use SID as channel number during mapping', - name : 'sidtochan' - }), - new Ext.form.Checkbox({ - fieldLabel : 'Monitor signal quality', - name : 'qmon' - }), - new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - fieldLabel : 'Full mux reception', - name : 'full_mux_rx', - hiddenName: 'full_mux_rx', - displayField: 'num', - valueField: 'str', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - fields: [ 'num', 'str' ], - store : [ [0, 'Auto'], [1, 'Off'], [2, 'On'] ] - }), - new Ext.form.NumberField({ - fieldLabel: 'Grace Period', - name: 'grace_period' - }), - new Ext.form.Checkbox({ - fieldLabel : 'Disable PMT monitoring', - name : 'disable_pmt_monitor' - }), { - fieldLabel : 'Original Network ID', - name : 'nitoid', - width : 50 - }, { - fieldLabel : 'Extra priority', - name : 'extrapriority', - width : 50 - } ]; - - if (satConfStore) { - v = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - name : 'diseqcversion', - fieldLabel : 'DiSEqC version', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : [ 'DiSEqC 1.0 / 2.0', 'DiSEqC 1.1 / 2.1' ] - }); - items.push(v); - - v = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ - name : 'diseqcrepeats', - fieldLabel : 'DiSEqC repeats', - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - mode : 'remote', - triggerAction : 'all', - store : [ '0', '1', '2' ] - }); - items.push(v); - - v = new Ext.form.Checkbox({ - fieldLabel : 'Turn off LNB when idle', - name : 'poweroff' - }); - items.push(v); - } - - var confform = new Ext.FormPanel({ - title : 'Adapter configuration', - columnWidth : .40, - frame : true, - border : true, - disabled : true, - style : 'margin:10px', - bodyStyle : 'padding:5px', - labelAlign : 'right', - labelWidth : 160, - waitMsgTarget : true, - reader : confreader, - defaultType : 'textfield', - items : items, - buttons : [ { - text : 'Save', - handler : saveConfForm - } ] - }); - - confform.getForm().load({ - url : 'dvb/adapter/' + adapterId, - params : { - 'op' : 'load' - }, - success : function(form, action) { - confform.enable(); - } - }); - - /** - * Information / capabilities panel - */ - - var infoTemplate = new Ext.XTemplate( - '


' - + '

Device path:

{path}' - + '

Device name:

{devicename}' - + '

Host connection:

{hostconnection}' - + '

Intermediate Frequency range:

{freqMin} kHz - {freqMax} kHz' - + ', in steps of {freqStep} kHz' + '' - + '

Symbolrate range:

' - + '{symrateMin} Baud - {symrateMax} Baud
' - + '


' - + '

Currently tuned to:

{currentMux} ({reason})' - + '


{services}' + '


{muxes}' - + '

Muxes awaiting initial scan:

{initialMuxes}' - + '

Signal Strength:

{signal}%' - + '

Bit Error Rate:

{ber}/s' - + '

Uncorrected Bit Errors:

{uncavg}/s' - ); - - var infoPanel = new Ext.Panel({ - title : 'Information and capabilities', - columnWidth : .35, - frame : true, - border : true, - style : 'margin:10px', - bodyStyle : 'padding:5px', - html : infoTemplate.applyTemplate(adapterData) - }); - - /** - * Main adapter panel - */ - var panel = new Ext.Panel({ - title : 'General', - layout : 'column', - autoScroll : true, - autoHeight: true, - items : [ toolpanel, confform, infoPanel ] - }); - - /** - * Subscribe and react on updates for this adapter - */ - tvheadend.tvAdapterStore.on('update', function(s, r, o) { - if ( != adapterId) return; - infoTemplate.overwrite(infoPanel.body,; - - serviceScanBtn.enable(); - - if ( > 0 && == 0) serviceScanBtn - .enable(); - else serviceScanBtn.disable(); - }); - serviceScanBtn.enable(); - - return panel; -} - -/** - * - */ -tvheadend.dvb_dummy = function(title) { - return new Ext.Panel({ - layout : 'fit', - items : [ { - border : false - } ], - title : title - }); -} - -/** - * - */ -tvheadend.dvb_satconf = function(adapterId, lnbStore) { - var fm = Ext.form; - - var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({ - defaultSortable: true, - columns: [ { - header : "Name", - dataIndex : 'name', - width : 200, - editor : new fm.TextField({ - allowBlank : false - }) - }, { - header : "Switchport", - dataIndex : 'port', - editor : new fm.NumberField({ - minValue : 0, - maxValue : 63 - }) - }, { - header : "LNB type", - dataIndex : 'lnb', - width : 200, - editor : new fm.ComboBox({ - store : lnbStore, - editable : false, - allowBlank : false, - triggerAction : 'all', - mode : 'remote', - displayField : 'identifier', - valueField : 'identifier', - emptyText : 'Select LNB type...' - }) - }, { - header : "Comment", - dataIndex : 'comment', - width : 400, - editor : new fm.TextField() - } ]}); - - var rec =[ 'name', 'port', 'comment', 'lnb' ]); - - return new tvheadend.tableEditor('Satellite config', 'dvbsatconf/' - + adapterId, cm, rec, null, null, null); -} - -/** - * - */ -tvheadend.dvb_adapter = function(data) { - - if (data.satConf) { - var lnbStore = new{ - root : 'entries', - autoload : true, - fields : [ 'identifier' ], - url : 'dvb/lnbtypes' - }); - - var satConfStore = new{ - root : 'entries', - autoLoad : true, - id : 'identifier', - fields : [ 'identifier', 'name' ], - url : 'dvb/satconf/' + data.identifier - }); - } - else { - satConfStore = false; - } - - var items = [ new tvheadend.dvb_adapter_general(data, satConfStore), - new tvheadend.dvb_muxes(data, satConfStore), - new tvheadend.dvb_services(data, satConfStore) ]; - - if (data.satConf) items.push(new tvheadend.dvb_satconf(data.identifier, - lnbStore)); - - var panel = new Ext.TabPanel({ - border : false, - activeTab : 0, - autoScroll : true, - items : items - }); - - return panel; - -} diff --git a/src/webui/static/app/dvb_networks.js b/src/webui/static/app/dvb_networks.js deleted file mode 100644 index dc702a64..00000000 --- a/src/webui/static/app/dvb_networks.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ - -tvheadend.item_editor = function(item) { - - var fields = [] - - for (var idx in item.params) { - var f = item.params[idx]; - var d = f.rdonly || false; - switch(f.type) { - case 'str': - fields.push({ - fieldLabel: f.caption, - name:, - value: f.value, - disabled: d - }); - break; - - case 'bool': - fields.push({ - xtype: 'checkbox', - fieldLabel: f.caption, - name:, - checked: f.value, - disabled: d - }); - break; - - case 'separator': - fields.push({ - xtype: 'label', - fieldLabel: f.caption - }); - break; - } - } - - var panel = new Ext.FormPanel({ - labelWidth: 150, // label settings here cascade unless overridden - frame:true, - title: 'Parameters', - bodyStyle:'padding:5px 5px 0', - width: 500, - defaults: {width: 330}, - defaultType: 'textfield', - items: fields, - - buttons: [{ - text: 'Save', - handler: function(){ - if(panel.getForm().isValid()){ - panel.getForm().submit({ - url: 'item/update/' +, - waitMsg : 'Saving Data...' - }); - } - } - },{ - text: 'Reset', - handler: function(){ - panel.getForm().reset(); - } - }] - }); - return panel; -} - - - - - - - -/** - * - */ -tvheadend.item_browser = function(url, title) { - - var current = null; - - var loader = new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({ - dataUrl: url - }); - - var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({ - loader: loader, - flex:1, - border: false, - root : new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({ - id : 'root', - text: title - }), - listeners: { - click: function(n) { - if(current) - panel.remove(current); - current = panel.add(new tvheadend.item_editor(n.attributes)); - panel.doLayout(); - } - } - }); - - tvheadend.comet.on('idnodeNameChanged', function(o) { - var n = tree.getNodeById(; - if(n) { - n.setText(o.text); - } - }); - - tvheadend.comet.on('idnodeParamsChanged', function(o) { - var n = tree.getNodeById(; - if(n) { - n.attributes.params = o.params; - } - }); - - - var panel = new Ext.Panel({ - title: title, - layout: 'hbox', - flex: 1, - padding: 5, - border: false, - layoutConfig: { - align:'stretch' - }, - items: [tree] - }); - - - tree.on('render', function() { - tree.getRootNode().expand(); - }); - - return panel; -} - - -/** - * - */ -tvheadend.dvb_networks = function() { - return tvheadend.item_browser('/dvb/networks', 'DVB Networks'); -} -