WebUI: Revert duration filter to comboboxes
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 75 additions and 136 deletions
@ -507,43 +507,6 @@ tvheadend.dvrschedule = function(title, iconCls, dvrStore) {
return panel;
// Validation function for min/max duration in autorec grid
Ext.apply(Ext.form.VTypes, {
durations: function(val,field) {
var thisvalue = field.getValue();
var othervalue = Ext.getCmp(field.otherfield).getValue();
* Workaround for extJS passing the display value instead of the raw value.
* Simply, see if we can find the value in the store label fields - if we can,
* over-write the passed (display) value with the lookup (raw) value. If we
* can't, we were passed a raw seconds value, so stick with that.
var index = tvheadend.DurationStore.find('label', thisvalue);
if (index !== -1)
thisvalue = tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(index).data.value;
// Return if otherfield isn't set yet
if (!othervalue) return true;
// Return if we've changed min and it's <= existing max
if (field.id == 'minfield' && thisvalue <= othervalue) return true;
// Return if we've changed max and it's >= existing min
if (field.id == 'maxfield' && thisvalue >= othervalue) return true;
durationsText: 'Minimum duration must be more than the maximum'
@ -620,41 +583,19 @@ tvheadend.autoreceditor = function() {
header: "Min. Duration",
header: "Duration",
dataIndex: 'minduration',
width: 75,
renderer: function(v) {
return tvheadend.durationLookupName(v);
return tvheadend.durationLookupRange(v);
editor: new Ext.form.ComboBox({
store: tvheadend.DurationStore,
editor: durationCombo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
store: tvheadend.DurationNamesStore,
mode: 'local',
valueField: 'value',
valueField: 'minvalue',
displayField: 'label',
editable: false,
triggerAction: 'all',
id: 'minfield',
otherfield: 'maxfield',
vtype: 'durations'
header: "Max. Duration",
dataIndex: 'maxduration',
width: 75,
renderer: function(v) {
return tvheadend.durationLookupName(v);
editor: new Ext.form.ComboBox({
store: tvheadend.DurationStore,
mode: 'local',
valueField: 'value',
displayField: 'label',
editable: false,
triggerAction: 'all',
id: 'maxfield',
otherfield: 'minfield',
vtype: 'durations'
id: 'minfield'
@ -753,6 +694,20 @@ tvheadend.autoreceditor = function() {
tvheadend.autorecStore.on('update', function (store, record, operation) {
if (operation == 'edit' && record.isModified('minduration')) {
if (record.data.minduration == "")
else {
var index = tvheadend.DurationNamesStore.find('minvalue', record.data.minduration);
if (index !== -1)
record.set('maxduration', tvheadend.DurationNamesStore.getById(index).data.maxvalue);
return new tvheadend.tableEditor('Automatic Recorder', 'autorec', cm,
tvheadend.autorecRecord, [], tvheadend.autorecStore,
'autorec.html', 'wand');
@ -40,31 +40,49 @@ tvheadend.channelLookupName = function(key) {
return channelString;
tvheadend.durationLookupName = function(value) {
// Note: triggered by minimum duration only. This would fail if ranges
// had the same minimum (e.g. 15-30 mins and 15-60 minutes) (which we don't).
tvheadend.durationLookupRange = function(value) {
durationString = "";
var index = tvheadend.DurationStore.find('value', value);
var index = tvheadend.DurationNamesStore.find('minvalue', value);
if (index !== -1)
var durationString = tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(index).data.label;
var durationString = tvheadend.DurationNamesStore.getById(index).data.label;
return durationString;
tvheadend.DurationStore = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
storeId: 'durations',
id: 0,
fields: ['identifier','label','value'],
data: [['0','0 min',0],
['1','20 min', 1200],
['2','45 min', 2700],
['3','90 min', 5400],
['4','3 hrs', 10800],
['5','6 hrs', 21600],
['6','12 hrs', 43200],
['7','24 hrs', 86400]]
// NB: in the duration stores, 'no max' is defined as 9999999s, or about 3 months...
// Store for autorec dialog and for autorec rules in the DVR grid
tvheadend.DurationNamesStore = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
storeId: 'durationnames',
idIndex: 0,
fields: ['identifier','label','minvalue','maxvalue'],
data: [['0', '(No duration filter)',"",""],
['1','00:00:01 - 00:15:00',1, 900],
['2','00:15:01 - 00:30:00', 901, 1800],
['3','00:30:01 - 01:30:00', 1801, 5400],
['4','01:30:01 - 03:00:00', 5401, 10800],
['5','03:00:01 - No maximum', 10801, 9999999]]
// Store for the main duration filter combobox on the EPG tab
tvheadend.DurationStore = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
storeId: 'durationlabels',
fields: ['label','minvalue', 'maxvalue'],
data: [['Very short (up to 15 minutes)',1, 900],
['Short (from 15 up to 30 minutes)', 901, 1800],
['Medium (from 30 up to 90 minutes)', 1801, 5400],
['Long (from 90 minutes up to 3 hours)', 5401, 10800],
['Very long (more than 3 hours)', 10801, 9999999]]
tvheadend.epgDetails = function(event) {
var content = '';
@ -444,45 +462,20 @@ tvheadend.epg = function() {
emptyText: 'Filter content type...'
// Slider for duration selection, including tooltip function to display the appropriate string
var tip = new Ext.slider.Tip({
getText: function(thumb){
return thumb.slider.durations[thumb.value];
// Q: is there any way to seed the slider labels in one go, versus with specific lookups?
var durationSlider = new Ext.slider.MultiSlider({
width: 100,
values: [0, 7],
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 7,
increment: 1,
durations: {
0: tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(0).data.label,
1: tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(1).data.label,
2: tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(2).data.label,
3: tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(3).data.label,
4: tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(4).data.label,
5: tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(5).data.label,
6: tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(6).data.label,
7: tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(7).data.label
plugins: tip,
listeners: {
change: function(slider, thumb, value){
var epgFilterDuration = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
loadingText: 'Loading...',
width: 200,
displayField: 'label',
store: tvheadend.DurationStore,
mode: 'local',
editable: true,
forceSelection: true,
triggerAction: 'all',
emptyText: 'Filter duration...'
function epgQueryClear() {
// Reset the pointers before deleting the underlying variables - otherwise they reset to 0/24h not null/null
delete epgStore.baseParams.channel;
delete epgStore.baseParams.tag;
delete epgStore.baseParams.contenttype;
@ -493,6 +486,7 @@ tvheadend.epg = function() {
@ -519,19 +513,13 @@ tvheadend.epg = function() {
setduration = function(slider) {
var min = slider.getValue(0);
var minRec = tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(min);
epgStore.baseParams.minduration = minRec.data.value;
var max = slider.getValue(1);
var maxRec = tvheadend.DurationStore.getById(max);
epgStore.baseParams.maxduration = maxRec.data.value;
epgFilterDuration.on('select', function(c, r) {
if (epgStore.baseParams.minduration !== r.data.minvalue) {
epgStore.baseParams.minduration = r.data.minvalue;
epgStore.baseParams.maxduration = r.data.maxvalue;
epgFilterTitle.on('valid', function(c) {
var value = c.getValue();
@ -572,9 +560,8 @@ tvheadend.epg = function() {
'Duration: 0h ',
text: 'Reset',
handler: epgQueryClear
@ -623,9 +610,7 @@ tvheadend.epg = function() {
: "<i>Don't care</i>";
var contenttype = epgStore.baseParams.contenttype ? tvheadend.contentGroupLookupName(epgStore.baseParams.contenttype)
: "<i>Don't care</i>";
var minduration = epgStore.baseParams.minduration ? tvheadend.durationLookupName(epgStore.baseParams.minduration)
: "<i>Don't care</i>";
var maxduration = epgStore.baseParams.maxduration ? tvheadend.durationLookupName(epgStore.baseParams.maxduration)
var duration = epgStore.baseParams.minduration ? tvheadend.durationLookupRange(epgStore.baseParams.minduration)
: "<i>Don't care</i>";
@ -636,8 +621,7 @@ tvheadend.epg = function() {
+ '<div class="x-smallhdr">Channel:</div>' + channel + '<br>'
+ '<div class="x-smallhdr">Tag:</div>' + tag + '<br>'
+ '<div class="x-smallhdr">Genre:</div>' + contenttype + '<br>'
+ '<div class="x-smallhdr">Min duration:</div>' + minduration + '<br>'
+ '<div class="x-smallhdr">Max duration:</div>' + maxduration + '<br>'
+ '<div class="x-smallhdr">Duration:</div>' + duration + '<br>'
+ '<br><br>' + 'Currently this will match (and record) '
+ epgStore.getTotalCount() + ' events. ' + 'Are you sure?',
function(button) {
Add table
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