* Prior to this release the color (i.e. connection status) of the

CWC entries were not correctly updated when a connection was established
    or lost. This is now fixed. Ticket #144
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Öman 2010-03-17 19:15:46 +00:00
parent 83d087e205
commit 63109cf01d
2 changed files with 23 additions and 15 deletions

debian/changelog vendored
View file

@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ hts-tvheadend (2.11-WIP) hts; urgency=low
* Add support for appending season and episode numbers to filenames
during recording.
* Prior to this release the color (i.e. connection status) of the
CWC entries were not correctly updated when a connection was established
or lost. This is now fixed. Ticket #144
hts-tvheadend (2.10) hts; urgency=high
* Fix a crash in HTSP server.

View file

@ -85,26 +85,30 @@ tvheadend.cwceditor = function() {
var rec = Ext.data.Record.create([
'enabled', 'connected', 'hostname', 'port', 'username',
'password', 'deskey', 'emm', 'comment'
store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
root: 'entries',
fields: rec,
url: "tablemgr",
autoLoad: true,
id: 'id',
baseParams: {table: 'cwc', op: "get"}
var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
root: 'entries',
fields: rec,
url: "tablemgr",
autoLoad: true,
id: 'id',
baseParams: {table: 'cwc', op: "get"}
tvheadend.comet.on('cwcStatus', function(server) {
var rec = store.getById(server.id);
rec.set('connected', server.connected);
var grid = new tvheadend.tableEditor('Code Word Client', 'cwc', cm, rec,
[enabledColumn, emmColumn], store,
'config_cwc.html', 'key');
tvheadend.comet.on('cwcStatus', function(msg) {
var rec = store.getById(msg.id);
if(rec) {
rec.set('connected', msg.connected);
return new tvheadend.tableEditor('Code Word Client', 'cwc', cm, rec,
[enabledColumn, emmColumn], store,
'config_cwc.html', 'key');
return grid;