Better handling of ECM sections vs. channels and negative ack from card server

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Öman 2010-01-16 23:26:30 +00:00
parent 1c1a16a95e
commit 730eecc5ae

View file

@ -79,24 +79,25 @@ typedef enum {
TAILQ_HEAD(cwc_queue, cwc);
LIST_HEAD(cwc_transport_list, cwc_transport);
TAILQ_HEAD(cwc_message_queue, cwc_message);
LIST_HEAD(ecm_channel_list, ecm_channel);
LIST_HEAD(ecm_section_list, ecm_section);
static struct cwc_queue cwcs;
static pthread_cond_t cwc_config_changed;
typedef struct ecm_channel {
LIST_ENTRY(ecm_channel) ec_link;
int ec_failures;
int ec_channel;
uint16_t ec_seq;
typedef struct ecm_section {
int es_section;
int es_channel;
size_t ec_ecmsize;
uint8_t ec_ecm[4096];
uint16_t es_seq;
char es_nok;
char es_pending;
size_t es_ecmsize;
uint8_t es_ecm[4070];
} ecm_channel_t;
} ecm_section_t;
@ -111,7 +112,6 @@ typedef struct cwc_transport {
LIST_ENTRY(cwc_transport) ct_link;
struct ecm_channel_list ct_ecmchannels; // Status per ECM channel
int ct_okchannel;
@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ typedef struct cwc_transport {
uint8_t *ct_tsbcluster;
int ct_fill;
int ct_last_section;
struct ecm_section *ct_sections[256];
} cwc_transport_t;
@ -563,21 +566,6 @@ cwc_decode_card_data_reply(cwc_t *cwc, uint8_t *msg, int len)
static int
channel_nok(cwc_transport_t *ct, ecm_channel_t *ec)
LIST_FOREACH(ec, &ct->ct_ecmchannels, ec_link)
if(ec->ec_failures < 2)
return 0;
return 1;
* Login command
@ -597,6 +585,91 @@ cwc_send_login(cwc_t *cwc)
cwc_send_msg(cwc, buf, ul + pl + 3, 0, 0);
static void
handle_ecm_reply(cwc_transport_t *ct, ecm_section_t *es, uint8_t *msg,
int len, int seq)
th_transport_t *t = ct->ct_transport;
char chaninfo[32];
int i;
if(es->es_channel != -1) {
snprintf(chaninfo, sizeof(chaninfo), " (channel %d)", es->es_channel);
} else {
chaninfo[0] = 0;
es->es_pending = 0;
if(len < 19) {
/* ERROR */
if(ct->ct_okchannel == es->es_channel)
ct->ct_okchannel = -1;
if(ct->ct_keystate == CT_FORBIDDEN)
return; // We already know it's bad
es->es_nok = 1;
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "cwc", "Received NOK for service \"%s\"%s (seqno: %d)",
t->tht_svcname, chaninfo, seq);
for(i = 0; i <= ct->ct_last_section; i++)
if(ct->ct_sections[i] == NULL ||
ct->ct_sections[i]->es_pending ||
ct->ct_sections[i]->es_nok == 0)
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "cwc",
"Can not descramble service \"%s\", access denied (seqno: %d)",
t->tht_svcname, seq);
ct->ct_keystate = CT_FORBIDDEN;
} else {
ct->ct_okchannel = es->es_channel;
es->es_nok = 0;
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "cwc",
"Received ECM reply%s for service \"%s\" "
"even: %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x"
" odd: %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (seqno: %d)",
msg[3 + 0], msg[3 + 1], msg[3 + 2], msg[3 + 3], msg[3 + 4],
msg[3 + 5], msg[3 + 6], msg[3 + 7], msg[3 + 8], msg[3 + 9],
msg[3 + 10],msg[3 + 11],msg[3 + 12],msg[3 + 13],msg[3 + 14],
msg[3 + 15], seq);
if(ct->ct_keystate != CT_RESOLVED)
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "cwc",
"Obtained key for for service \"%s\"",t->tht_svcname);
ct->ct_keystate = CT_RESOLVED;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if(msg[3 + i]) {
set_even_control_word(ct->ct_keys, msg + 3);
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if(msg[3 + 8 + i]) {
set_odd_control_word(ct->ct_keys, msg + 3 + 8);
* Handle running reply
* global_lock is held
@ -605,10 +678,9 @@ static int
cwc_running_reply(cwc_t *cwc, uint8_t msgtype, uint8_t *msg, int len)
cwc_transport_t *ct;
ecm_section_t *es;
uint16_t seq = (msg[2] << 8) | msg[3];
th_transport_t *t;
int j;
ecm_channel_t *ec = NULL;
int i;
len -= 12;
msg += 12;
@ -617,92 +689,24 @@ cwc_running_reply(cwc_t *cwc, uint8_t msgtype, uint8_t *msg, int len)
case 0x80:
case 0x81:
LIST_FOREACH(ct, &cwc->cwc_transports, ct_link) {
LIST_FOREACH(ec, &ct->ct_ecmchannels, ec_link) {
if(ec->ec_seq == seq)
goto gotch;
for(i = 0; i <= ct->ct_last_section; i++) {
es = ct->ct_sections[i];
if(es != NULL) {
if(es->es_seq == seq && es->es_pending) {
handle_ecm_reply(ct, es, msg, len, seq);
return 0;
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "cwc", "Got unexpected ECM reply (seqno: %d)", seq);
return 0;
t = ct->ct_transport;
if(len < 19) {
if(ct->ct_okchannel == ec->ec_channel)
ct->ct_okchannel = -1;
if(ct->ct_keystate != CT_FORBIDDEN) {
if(ec->ec_channel != -1)
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "cwc", "Received NOK on channel %d (seqno: %d)",
ec->ec_channel, seq);
if(ec->ec_channel != -1 && !channel_nok(ct, ec))
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "cwc",
"Can not descramble service \"%s\", access denied (seqno: %d)",
t->tht_svcname, seq);
ct->ct_keystate = CT_FORBIDDEN;
} else {
ct->ct_okchannel = ec->ec_channel;
char chbuf[32];
if(ec->ec_channel != -1) {
snprintf(chbuf, sizeof(chbuf), " on channel %d", ec->ec_channel);
} else {
chbuf[0] = 0;
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "cwc",
"Received ECM reply%s for service \"%s\" "
"even: %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x"
" odd: %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (seqno: %d)",
msg[3 + 0], msg[3 + 1], msg[3 + 2], msg[3 + 3], msg[3 + 4],
msg[3 + 5], msg[3 + 6], msg[3 + 7], msg[3 + 8], msg[3 + 9],
msg[3 + 10],msg[3 + 11],msg[3 + 12],msg[3 + 13],msg[3 + 14],
msg[3 + 15], seq);
if(ct->ct_keystate != CT_RESOLVED)
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "cwc",
"Obtained key for for service \"%s\"",t->tht_svcname);
ct->ct_keystate = CT_RESOLVED;
for(j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if(msg[3 + j]) {
set_even_control_word(ct->ct_keys, msg + 3);
for(j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if(msg[3 + 8 +j]) {
set_odd_control_word(ct->ct_keys, msg + 3 + 8);
// EMM
tvhlog(LOG_WARNING, "cwc", "Got unexpected ECM reply (seqno: %d)", seq);
return 0;
@ -1051,7 +1055,9 @@ cwc_table_input(struct th_descrambler *td, struct th_transport *t,
uint16_t sid = t->tht_dvb_service_id;
cwc_t *cwc = ct->ct_cwc;
int channel;
ecm_channel_t *ec;
int section;
ecm_section_t *es;
char chaninfo[32];
if(len > 4096)
@ -1069,24 +1075,24 @@ cwc_table_input(struct th_descrambler *td, struct th_transport *t,
case 0x80:
case 0x81:
/* ECM */
ct->ct_last_section = data[5];
section = data[4];
if(cwc->cwc_caid >> 8 == 6) {
channel = data[6] << 8 | data[7];
snprintf(chaninfo, sizeof(chaninfo), " (channel %d)", channel);
} else {
channel = -1;
chaninfo[0] = 0;
LIST_FOREACH(ec, &ct->ct_ecmchannels, ec_link)
if(ec->ec_channel == channel)
if(ct->ct_sections[section] == NULL)
ct->ct_sections[section] = calloc(1, sizeof(ecm_section_t));
if(ec == NULL) {
ec = calloc(1, sizeof(ecm_channel_t));
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ct->ct_ecmchannels, ec, ec_link);
ec->ec_channel = channel;
es = ct->ct_sections[section];
if(ec->ec_ecmsize == len && !memcmp(ec->ec_ecm, data, len))
if(es->es_ecmsize == len && !memcmp(es->es_ecm, data, len))
break; /* key already sent */
if(cwc->cwc_fd == -1) {
@ -1095,8 +1101,12 @@ cwc_table_input(struct th_descrambler *td, struct th_transport *t,
memcpy(ec->ec_ecm, data, len);
ec->ec_ecmsize = len;
es->es_channel = channel;
es->es_section = section;
es->es_pending = 1;
memcpy(es->es_ecm, data, len);
es->es_ecmsize = len;
if(ct->ct_okchannel != -1 && channel != -1 &&
ct->ct_okchannel != channel) {
@ -1104,16 +1114,11 @@ cwc_table_input(struct th_descrambler *td, struct th_transport *t,
ec->ec_seq = cwc_send_msg(cwc, data, len, sid, 1);
es->es_seq = cwc_send_msg(cwc, data, len, sid, 1);
if(channel != -1) {
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "cwc",
"Sending ECM (channel %d) for service %s (seqno: %d)",
channel, t->tht_svcname, ec->ec_seq);
} else {
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "cwc", "Sending ECM for service %s (seqno: %d)",
t->tht_svcname, ec->ec_seq);
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "cwc",
"Sending ECM%s section=%d/%d, for service %s (seqno: %d)",
chaninfo, section, ct->ct_last_section, t->tht_svcname, es->es_seq);
@ -1184,12 +1189,10 @@ static void
cwc_transport_destroy(th_descrambler_t *td)
cwc_transport_t *ct = (cwc_transport_t *)td;
ecm_channel_t *ec;
int i;
while((ec = LIST_FIRST(&ct->ct_ecmchannels)) != NULL) {
LIST_REMOVE(ec, ec_link);
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
LIST_REMOVE(td, td_transport_link);