[PR-167] campt: support for OSCam; fixes

capmt: add oscam mode to the webui and config
capmt: add support for oscam-dvbapi (boxtype=pc)
capmt: add multiple adapter support in oscam mode
capmt: fix sending provider id in PMT data
capmt: fix handling multiple CAIDs on the same ECM pid
This commit is contained in:
Mariusz Bialonczyk 2012-10-17 10:08:22 +02:00 committed by Adam Sutton
parent a06ee4fba9
commit 8191e132f8
3 changed files with 372 additions and 173 deletions

View file

@ -49,6 +49,15 @@
This module will communicate the received control-words back to
Tvheadend via Port 9000
<dt>OSCam mode
<dd>If selected, connection will be made directly to oscam without using LD_PRELOAD hack.<br>
Port 9000 will be used automatically.<br>
The following lines are required in <b>[dvbapi]</b> section of oscam.conf file:
<dt>boxtype = pc<br>
pmt_mode = 4
<dd>Allows the administrator to set a comment only visible in this editor.
It does not serve any active purpose.

View file

@ -33,6 +33,9 @@
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/dvb/ca.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "tvheadend.h"
#include "dvb/dvb.h"
@ -67,6 +70,15 @@
#define CW_DUMP(buf, len, format, ...) \
printf(format, __VA_ARGS__); int j; for (j = 0; j < len; ++j) printf("%02X ", buf[j]); printf("\n");
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Warray-bounds"
#define MAX_CA 4
#define MAX_INDEX 64
#define KEY_SIZE 8
#define EVEN_OFF (2)
#define ODD_OFF (2+KEY_SIZE)
static unsigned char ca_info[MAX_CA][MAX_INDEX][INFO_SIZE];
@ -82,7 +94,7 @@ static pthread_cond_t capmt_config_changed;
typedef struct capmt_descriptor {
uint8_t cad_type;
uint8_t cad_length;
uint8_t cad_data[16];
uint8_t cad_data[17];
} __attribute__((packed)) capmt_descriptor_t;
@ -108,6 +120,8 @@ typedef struct capmt_caid_ecm {
uint16_t cce_caid;
/** ecm pid */
uint16_t cce_ecmpid;
/** provider id */
uint32_t cce_providerid;
/** last ecm size */
uint32_t cce_ecmsize;
/** last ecm buffer */
@ -172,10 +186,11 @@ typedef struct capmt {
int capmt_port;
char *capmt_comment;
char *capmt_id;
int capmt_oscam;
/* capmt sockets */
int capmt_sock;
int capmt_sock_ca0;
int capmt_sock_ca0[MAX_CA];
/* thread flags */
int capmt_connected;
@ -266,35 +281,121 @@ static void
handle_ca0(capmt_t* capmt) {
capmt_service_t *ct;
service_t *t;
int ret;
int ret, bufsize;
int *request;
ca_descr_t *ca;
ca_pid_t *cpd;
int process_key, process_next, cai;
int i, j;
uint8_t invalid[8], buffer[20], *even, *odd;
if (capmt->capmt_oscam)
bufsize = sizeof(int) + sizeof(ca_descr_t);
bufsize = 18;
uint8_t invalid[8], buffer[bufsize], *even, *odd;
uint16_t seq;
memset(invalid, 0, 8);
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "got connection from client ...");
i = 0;
while (capmt->capmt_running) {
process_key = 0;
ret = recv(capmt->capmt_sock_ca0, buffer, 18, MSG_WAITALL);
// receiving data from UDP socket
if (!capmt->capmt_oscam) {
ret = recv(capmt->capmt_sock_ca0[0], buffer, bufsize, MSG_WAITALL);
if (ret < 0)
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "capmt", "error receiving over socket");
else if (ret == 0) {
// normal socket shutdown
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "normal socket shutdown");
/* get control words */
seq = buffer[0] | ((uint16_t)buffer[1] << 8);
even = &buffer[2];
odd = &buffer[10];
if (ret < 0)
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "capmt", "error receiving over socket");
else if (ret == 0) {
// normal socket shutdown
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "normal socket shutdown");
} else {
process_next = 0;
if (capmt->capmt_sock_ca0[i] > 0) {
ret = recv(capmt->capmt_sock_ca0[i], buffer, bufsize, MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (ret < 0)
process_next = 1;
else if (ret == 0) {
// normal socket shutdown
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "normal socket shutdown");
capmt->capmt_sock_ca0[i] = -1;
int still_left = 0;
for (j = 0; j < MAX_CA; j++) {
if (capmt->capmt_sock_ca0[j] > 0) {
still_left = 1;
if (still_left) //this socket is closed but there are others active
process_next = 1;
else //all sockets closed
} else
process_next = 1;
if (process_next) {
if (i >= MAX_CA)
i = 0;
usleep(10 * 1000);
// parsing data
if (capmt->capmt_oscam) {
cai = i;
request = (int *) &buffer;
if (*request == CA_SET_PID) {
cpd = (ca_pid_t *)&buffer[sizeof(int)];
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "capmt", "CA_SET_PID cai %d req %d (%d %04x)", cai, *request, cpd->index, cpd->pid);
if (cpd->index >=0 && cpd->index < MAX_INDEX) {
ca_info[cai][cpd->index][0] = (cpd->pid >> 0) & 0xff;
ca_info[cai][cpd->index][1] = (cpd->pid >> 8) & 0xff;
} else if (cpd->index == -1) {
memset(&ca_info[cai], 0, sizeof(ca_info[cai]));
} else
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "capmt", "Invalid index %d in CA_SET_PID (%d) for ca id %d", cpd->index, MAX_INDEX, cai);
} else if (*request == CA_SET_DESCR) {
ca = (ca_descr_t *)&buffer[sizeof(int)];
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "capmt", "CA_SET_DESCR cai %d req %d par %d idx %d %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", cai, *request, ca->parity, ca->index, ca->cw[0], ca->cw[1], ca->cw[2], ca->cw[3], ca->cw[4], ca->cw[5], ca->cw[6], ca->cw[7]);
if(ca->parity==0) {
memcpy(&ca_info[cai][ca->index][EVEN_OFF],ca->cw,KEY_SIZE); // even key
process_key = 1;
} else if(ca->parity==1) {
memcpy(&ca_info[cai][ca->index][ODD_OFF],ca->cw,KEY_SIZE); // odd key
process_key = 1;
} else
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "capmt", "Invalid parity %d in CA_SET_DESCR for ca id %d", ca->parity, cai);
seq = ca_info[cai][ca->index][0] | ((uint16_t)ca_info[cai][ca->index][1] << 8);
even = &ca_info[cai][ca->index][EVEN_OFF];
odd = &ca_info[cai][ca->index][ODD_OFF];
} else {
/* get control words */
seq = buffer[0] | ((uint16_t)buffer[1] << 8);
even = &buffer[2];
odd = &buffer[10];
process_key = 1;
// processing key
if (process_key) {
LIST_FOREACH(ct, &capmt->capmt_services, ct_link) {
t = ct->ct_service;
if(ret < 18) {
if(ret < bufsize) {
if(ct->ct_keystate != CT_FORBIDDEN) {
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "capmt", "Can not descramble service \"%s\", access denied", t->s_svcname);
@ -317,11 +418,31 @@ handle_ca0(capmt_t* capmt) {
ct->ct_keystate = CT_RESOLVED;
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "connection from client closed ...");
static int
capmt_create_udp_socket(int *socket, int port)
*socket = tvh_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
serv_addr.sin_port = htons( (unsigned short int)port);
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
if (bind(*socket, (const struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) != 0)
perror("[CapmtServer] ERROR binding to ca0");
return 0;
return 1;
@ -330,11 +451,13 @@ capmt_thread(void *aux)
capmt_t *capmt = aux;
struct timespec ts;
int d;
int d, i, bind_ok = 0;
th_dvb_adapter_t *tda;
while (capmt->capmt_running) {
capmt->capmt_sock = -1;
capmt->capmt_sock_ca0 = -1;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CA; i++)
capmt->capmt_sock_ca0[i] = -1;
capmt->capmt_connected = 0;
@ -356,16 +479,21 @@ capmt_thread(void *aux)
capmt->capmt_connected = 1;
/* open connection to emulated ca0 device */
capmt->capmt_sock_ca0 = tvh_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
serv_addr.sin_port = htons( (unsigned short int)capmt->capmt_port);
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
if (bind(capmt->capmt_sock_ca0, (const struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) != 0)
perror("[CapmtServer] ERROR binding to ca0");
if (!capmt->capmt_oscam) {
bind_ok = capmt_create_udp_socket(&capmt->capmt_sock_ca0[0], capmt->capmt_port);
} else {
TAILQ_FOREACH(tda, &dvb_adapters, tda_global_link) {
if (tda->tda_rootpath) { //if rootpath is NULL then can't rely on tda_adapter_num because it is always 0
if (tda->tda_adapter_num > MAX_CA) {
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "capmt", "adapter number > MAX_CA");
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt", "Creating capmt UDP socket for adapter %d", tda->tda_adapter_num);
bind_ok = capmt_create_udp_socket(&capmt->capmt_sock_ca0[tda->tda_adapter_num], 9000 + tda->tda_adapter_num);
if (bind_ok)
} else
tvhlog(LOG_ERR, "capmt", "Error connecting to %s: %s", capmt->capmt_sockfile, strerror(errno));
@ -375,8 +503,9 @@ capmt_thread(void *aux)
/* close opened sockets */
if (capmt->capmt_sock > 0)
if (capmt->capmt_sock_ca0 > 0)
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CA; i++)
if (capmt->capmt_sock_ca0[i] > 0)
/* schedule reconnection */
if(subscriptions_active()) {
@ -408,144 +537,192 @@ capmt_table_input(struct th_descrambler *td, struct service *t,
capmt_service_t *ct = (capmt_service_t *)td;
capmt_t *capmt = ct->ct_capmt;
int adapter_num = t->s_dvb_mux_instance->tdmi_adapter->tda_adapter_num;
int total_caids = 0, current_caid = 0;
caid_t *c;
c = LIST_FIRST(&st->es_caids);
if(c == NULL)
LIST_FOREACH(c, &st->es_caids, link) {
if(len > 4096)
LIST_FOREACH(c, &st->es_caids, link) {
switch(data[0]) {
case 0x80:
case 0x81:
/* ECM */
if (ct->ct_caid_last == -1)
ct->ct_caid_last = c->caid;
uint16_t caid = c->caid;
/* search ecmpid in list */
capmt_caid_ecm_t *cce, *cce2;
LIST_FOREACH(cce, &ct->ct_caid_ecm, cce_link)
if (cce->cce_caid == caid)
if(c == NULL)
if (!cce)
if(len > 4096)
switch(data[0]) {
case 0x80:
case 0x81:
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "capmt",
"New caid 0x%04X for service \"%s\"", c->caid, t->s_svcname);
/* ECM */
if (ct->ct_caid_last == -1)
ct->ct_caid_last = c->caid;
/* ecmpid not already seen, add it to list */
cce = calloc(1, sizeof(capmt_caid_ecm_t));
cce->cce_caid = c->caid;
cce->cce_ecmpid = st->es_pid;
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ct->ct_caid_ecm, cce, cce_link);
uint16_t caid = c->caid;
/* search ecmpid in list */
capmt_caid_ecm_t *cce, *cce2;
LIST_FOREACH(cce, &ct->ct_caid_ecm, cce_link)
if (cce->cce_caid == caid)
if ((cce->cce_ecmsize == len) && !memcmp(cce->cce_ecm, data, len))
break; /* key already sent */
if (!cce)
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "capmt",
"New caid 0x%04X for service \"%s\"", c->caid, t->s_svcname);
if(capmt->capmt_sock == -1) {
/* New key, but we are not connected (anymore), can not descramble */
ct->ct_keystate = CT_UNKNOWN;
/* ecmpid not already seen, add it to list */
cce = calloc(1, sizeof(capmt_caid_ecm_t));
cce->cce_caid = c->caid;
cce->cce_ecmpid = st->es_pid;
cce->cce_providerid = c->providerid;
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ct->ct_caid_ecm, cce, cce_link);
if ((cce->cce_ecmsize == len) && !memcmp(cce->cce_ecm, data, len))
break; /* key already sent */
if(capmt->capmt_sock == -1) {
/* New key, but we are not connected (anymore), can not descramble */
ct->ct_keystate = CT_UNKNOWN;
uint16_t sid = t->s_dvb_service_id;
uint16_t ecmpid = st->es_pid;
uint16_t transponder = 0;
/* don't do too much requests */
if (current_caid == total_caids && caid != ct->ct_caid_last)
static uint8_t pmtversion = 1;
/* buffer for capmt */
int pos = 0;
uint8_t buf[4094];
capmt_header_t head = {
.capmt_indicator = { 0x9F, 0x80, 0x32, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00 },
.capmt_list_management = CAPMT_LIST_ONLY,
.program_number = sid,
.version_number = 0,
.current_next_indicator = 0,
.program_info_length = 0,
memcpy(&buf[pos], &head, sizeof(head));
pos += sizeof(head);
if (capmt->capmt_oscam)
capmt_descriptor_t dmd = {
.cad_type = CAPMT_DESC_DEMUX,
.cad_length = 0x02,
.cad_data = {
0, adapter_num }};
memcpy(&buf[pos], &dmd, dmd.cad_length + 2);
pos += dmd.cad_length + 2;
capmt_descriptor_t prd = {
.cad_length = 0x08,
.cad_data = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
sid >> 8, sid & 0xFF,
transponder >> 8, transponder & 0xFF
memcpy(&buf[pos], &prd, prd.cad_length + 2);
pos += prd.cad_length + 2;
if (!capmt->capmt_oscam)
capmt_descriptor_t dmd = {
.cad_type = CAPMT_DESC_DEMUX,
.cad_length = 0x02,
.cad_data = {
1 << adapter_num, adapter_num }};
memcpy(&buf[pos], &dmd, dmd.cad_length + 2);
pos += dmd.cad_length + 2;
capmt_descriptor_t ecd = {
.cad_type = CAPMT_DESC_PID,
.cad_length = 0x02,
.cad_data = {
ecmpid >> 8, ecmpid & 0xFF }};
memcpy(&buf[pos], &ecd, ecd.cad_length + 2);
pos += ecd.cad_length + 2;
LIST_FOREACH(cce2, &ct->ct_caid_ecm, cce_link) {
capmt_descriptor_t cad = {
.cad_type = 0x09,
.cad_length = 0x04,
.cad_data = {
cce2->cce_caid >> 8, cce2->cce_caid & 0xFF,
cce2->cce_ecmpid >> 8 | 0xE0, cce2->cce_ecmpid & 0xFF}};
if (cce2->cce_providerid) { //we need to add provider ID to the data
if (cce2->cce_caid >> 8 == 0x01) {
cad.cad_length = 0x11;
cad.cad_data[4] = cce2->cce_providerid >> 8;
cad.cad_data[5] = cce2->cce_providerid & 0xffffff;
} else if (cce2->cce_caid >> 8 == 0x05) {
cad.cad_length = 0x0f;
cad.cad_data[10] = 0x14;
cad.cad_data[11] = cce2->cce_providerid >> 24;
cad.cad_data[12] = cce2->cce_providerid >> 16;
cad.cad_data[13] = cce2->cce_providerid >> 8;
cad.cad_data[14] = cce2->cce_providerid & 0xffffff;
} else if (cce2->cce_caid >> 8 == 0x18) {
cad.cad_length = 0x07;
cad.cad_data[5] = cce2->cce_providerid >> 8;
cad.cad_data[6] = cce2->cce_providerid & 0xffffff;
} else if (cce2->cce_caid >> 8 == 0x4a) {
cad.cad_length = 0x05;
cad.cad_data[4] = cce2->cce_providerid & 0xffffff;
} else
tvhlog(LOG_WARNING, "capmt", "Unknown CAID type, don't know where to put provider ID");
memcpy(&buf[pos], &cad, cad.cad_length + 2);
pos += cad.cad_length + 2;
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "capmt", "adding ECMPID=0x%X (%d), CAID=0x%X (%d) PROVID=0x%X (%d)",
cce2->cce_ecmpid, cce2->cce_ecmpid,
cce2->cce_caid, cce2->cce_caid,
cce2->cce_providerid, cce2->cce_providerid);
uint8_t end[] = {
0x01, (ct->ct_seq >> 8) & 0xFF, ct->ct_seq & 0xFF, 0x00, 0x06 };
memcpy(&buf[pos], end, sizeof(end));
pos += sizeof(end);
buf[10] = ((pos - 5 - 12) & 0xF00) >> 8;
buf[11] = ((pos - 5 - 12) & 0xFF);
buf[4] = ((pos - 6) >> 8);
buf[5] = ((pos - 6) & 0xFF);
buf[7] = sid >> 8;
buf[8] = sid & 0xFF;
memcpy(cce->cce_ecm, data, len);
cce->cce_ecmsize = len;
if(ct->ct_keystate != CT_RESOLVED)
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt",
"Trying to obtain key for service \"%s\"",t->s_svcname);
buf[9] = pmtversion;
pmtversion = (pmtversion + 1) & 0x1F;
capmt_send_msg(capmt, buf, pos);
uint16_t sid = t->s_dvb_service_id;
uint16_t ecmpid = st->es_pid;
uint16_t transponder = 0;
/* don't do too much requests */
if (caid != ct->ct_caid_last)
static uint8_t pmtversion = 1;
/* buffer for capmt */
int pos = 0;
uint8_t buf[4094];
capmt_header_t head = {
.capmt_indicator = { 0x9F, 0x80, 0x32, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00 },
.capmt_list_management = CAPMT_LIST_ONLY,
.program_number = sid,
.version_number = 0,
.current_next_indicator = 0,
.program_info_length = 0,
memcpy(&buf[pos], &head, sizeof(head));
pos += sizeof(head);
capmt_descriptor_t prd = {
.cad_length = 0x08,
.cad_data = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
sid >> 8, sid & 0xFF,
transponder >> 8, transponder & 0xFF
memcpy(&buf[pos], &prd, prd.cad_length + 2);
pos += prd.cad_length + 2;
capmt_descriptor_t dmd = {
.cad_type = CAPMT_DESC_DEMUX,
.cad_length = 0x02,
.cad_data = {
1 << adapter_num, adapter_num }};
memcpy(&buf[pos], &dmd, dmd.cad_length + 2);
pos += dmd.cad_length + 2;
capmt_descriptor_t ecd = {
.cad_type = CAPMT_DESC_PID,
.cad_length = 0x02,
.cad_data = {
ecmpid >> 8, ecmpid & 0xFF }};
memcpy(&buf[pos], &ecd, ecd.cad_length + 2);
pos += ecd.cad_length + 2;
LIST_FOREACH(cce2, &ct->ct_caid_ecm, cce_link) {
capmt_descriptor_t cad = {
.cad_type = 0x09,
.cad_length = 0x04,
.cad_data = {
cce2->cce_caid >> 8, cce2->cce_caid & 0xFF,
cce2->cce_ecmpid >> 8 | 0xE0, cce2->cce_ecmpid & 0xFF}};
memcpy(&buf[pos], &cad, cad.cad_length + 2);
pos += cad.cad_length + 2;
uint8_t end[] = {
0x01, (ct->ct_seq >> 8) & 0xFF, ct->ct_seq & 0xFF, 0x00, 0x06 };
memcpy(&buf[pos], end, sizeof(end));
pos += sizeof(end);
buf[10] = ((pos - 5 - 12) & 0xF00) >> 8;
buf[11] = ((pos - 5 - 12) & 0xFF);
buf[4] = ((pos - 6) >> 8);
buf[5] = ((pos - 6) & 0xFF);
buf[7] = sid >> 8;
buf[8] = sid & 0xFF;
memcpy(cce->cce_ecm, data, len);
cce->cce_ecmsize = len;
if(ct->ct_keystate != CT_RESOLVED)
tvhlog(LOG_INFO, "capmt",
"Trying to obtain key for service \"%s\"",t->s_svcname);
buf[9] = pmtversion;
pmtversion = (pmtversion + 1) & 0x1F;
capmt_send_msg(capmt, buf, pos);
/* EMM */
/* EMM */
@ -623,21 +800,24 @@ capmt_service_start(service_t *t)
ct->ct_seq = capmt->capmt_seq++;
TAILQ_FOREACH(st, &t->s_components, es_link) {
caid_t *c = LIST_FIRST(&st->es_caids);
if(c == NULL)
caid_t *c;
LIST_FOREACH(c, &st->es_caids, link) {
if(c == NULL)
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "capmt",
"New caid 0x%04X for service \"%s\"", c->caid, t->s_svcname);
tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "capmt",
"New caid 0x%04X for service \"%s\"", c->caid, t->s_svcname);
/* add it to list */
cce = calloc(1, sizeof(capmt_caid_ecm_t));
cce->cce_caid = c->caid;
cce->cce_ecmpid = st->es_pid;
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ct->ct_caid_ecm, cce, cce_link);
/* add it to list */
cce = calloc(1, sizeof(capmt_caid_ecm_t));
cce->cce_caid = c->caid;
cce->cce_ecmpid = st->es_pid;
cce->cce_providerid = c->providerid;
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ct->ct_caid_ecm, cce, cce_link);
/* sending request will be based on first seen caid */
ct->ct_caid_last = -1;
/* sending request will be based on first seen caid */
ct->ct_caid_last = -1;
ct->ct_keys = get_key_struct();
@ -726,6 +906,7 @@ capmt_record_build(capmt_t *capmt)
htsmsg_add_str(e, "camdfilename", capmt->capmt_sockfile ?: "");
htsmsg_add_u32(e, "port", capmt->capmt_port);
htsmsg_add_u32(e, "oscam", !!capmt->capmt_oscam);
htsmsg_add_str(e, "comment", capmt->capmt_comment ?: "");
return e;
@ -753,7 +934,10 @@ capmt_entry_update(void *opaque, const char *id, htsmsg_t *values, int maycreate
if(!htsmsg_get_u32(values, "port", &u32))
capmt->capmt_port = u32;
if(!htsmsg_get_u32(values, "oscam", &u32))
capmt->capmt_oscam = u32;
if((s = htsmsg_get_str(values, "comment")) != NULL) {
capmt->capmt_comment = strdup(s);

View file

@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ tvheadend.capmteditor = function() {
width : 60
var oscamColumn = new Ext.grid.CheckColumn({
header : "OSCam mode",
dataIndex : 'oscam',
width : 60
function setMetaAttr(meta, record) {
var enabled = record.get('enabled');
if (!enabled) return;
@ -43,7 +49,7 @@ tvheadend.capmteditor = function() {
editor : new fm.TextField({
allowBlank : false
}, {
}, oscamColumn, {
header : "Comment",
dataIndex : 'comment',
width : 400,
@ -55,7 +61,7 @@ tvheadend.capmteditor = function() {
} ]});
var rec = Ext.data.Record.create([ 'enabled', 'connected', 'camdfilename',
'port', 'comment' ]);
'port', 'oscam', 'comment' ]);
store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
root : 'entries',
@ -77,5 +83,5 @@ tvheadend.capmteditor = function() {
return new tvheadend.tableEditor('Capmt Connections', 'capmt', cm, rec,
[ enabledColumn ], store, 'config_capmt.html', 'key');
[ enabledColumn, oscamColumn ], store, 'config_capmt.html', 'key');