linuxdvb rotor: change the USALS formula
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 171 additions and 59 deletions
@ -142,6 +142,9 @@ struct linuxdvb_satconf
int ls_lnb_poweroff;
uint32_t ls_max_rotor_move;
int ls_site_lat_south;
int ls_site_lon_west;
int ls_site_altitude;
* Position
@ -120,12 +120,6 @@ const idclass_t linuxdvb_rotor_usals_class =
.name = "Satellite Longitude",
.off = offsetof(linuxdvb_rotor_t, lr_sat_lon),
.type = PT_DBL,
.id = "zero_lon",
.name = "Zero Sat Longitude",
.off = offsetof(linuxdvb_rotor_t, lr_zero_lon),
.type = PT_U16,
.id = "rate",
@ -219,73 +213,164 @@ linuxdvb_rotor_gotox_tune
return linuxdvb_rotor_grace((linuxdvb_diseqc_t*)lr,lm);
static inline
double to_radians( double val )
return ((val * M_PI) / 180.0);
static inline
double to_degrees( double val )
return ((val * 180.0) / M_PI);
static inline
double to_rev( double val )
return val - floor(val / 360.0) * 360;
void usals_sat_azimuth_and_elevation
( double site_lat, double site_lon, double site_alt, double sat_lon,
double *azimuth, double *elevation )
const double f = 1.00 / 298.257; // Earth flattening factor
const double r_sat = 42164.57; // Distance from earth centre to satellite
const double r_eq = 6378.14; // Earth radius
const double a0 = 0.58804392;
const double a1 = -0.17941557;
const double a2 = 0.29906946E-1;
const double a3 = -0.25187400E-2;
const double a4 = 0.82622101E-4;
double sin_site_lat = sin(to_radians(site_lat));
double cos_site_lat = cos(to_radians(site_lat));
double Rstation = r_eq / sqrt(1.00 - f*(2.00-f)*sin_site_lat*sin_site_lat);
double Ra = (Rstation+site_alt)*cos_site_lat;
double Rz = Rstation*(1.00-f)*(1.00-f)*sin_site_lat;
double alfa_rx = r_sat*cos(to_radians(sat_lon-site_lon)) - Ra;
double alfa_ry = r_sat*sin(to_radians(sat_lon-site_lon));
double alfa_rz = -Rz;
double alfa_r_north = -alfa_rx*sin_site_lat + alfa_rz*cos_site_lat;
double alfa_r_zenith = alfa_rx*cos_site_lat + alfa_rz*sin_site_lat;
double El_geometric = to_degrees(atan(alfa_r_zenith/sqrt(alfa_r_north*alfa_r_north+alfa_ry*alfa_ry)));
double x = fabs(El_geometric+0.589);
double refraction = fabs(a0+a1*x+a2*x*x+a3*x*x*x+a4*x*x*x*x);
*azimuth = 0.00;
if (alfa_r_north < 0)
*azimuth = 180+to_degrees(atan(alfa_ry/alfa_r_north));
*azimuth = to_rev(360+to_degrees(atan(alfa_ry/alfa_r_north)));
*elevation = 0.00;
if (El_geometric > 10.2)
*elevation = El_geometric+0.01617*(cos(to_radians(fabs(El_geometric)))/
*elevation = El_geometric+refraction;
if (alfa_r_zenith < -3000)
*elevation = -99;
* Site Latitude
* Site Longtitude
* Site Altitude
* Satellite Longtitute
static double
usals_sat_angle( double site_lat, double site_lon,
double site_alt, double sat_lon )
double azimuth, elevation;
usals_sat_azimuth_and_elevation(site_lat, site_lon, site_alt, sat_lon,
&azimuth, &elevation);
tvhtrace("diseqc", "rotor angle azimuth %.4f elevation %.4f", azimuth, elevation);
double rad_azimuth = to_radians(azimuth);
double rad_elevation = to_radians(elevation);
double rad_site_lat = to_radians(site_lat);
double cos_elevation = cos(rad_elevation);
double a, b, value;
a = -cos_elevation * sin(rad_azimuth);
b = sin(rad_elevation) * cos(rad_site_lat) -
cos_elevation * sin(rad_site_lat) * cos(rad_azimuth);
value = 180 + to_degrees(atan(a/b));
if (azimuth > 270) {
value = value + 180;
if (value > 360)
value = 360 - (value-360);
if (azimuth < 90)
value = 180 - value;
if (value < 180) {
return round(fabs(180 - value) * 10.0);
} else {
return -round(fabs(180 - value) * 10.0);
return value;
/* USALS */
static int
( linuxdvb_rotor_t *lr, dvb_mux_t *lm, linuxdvb_satconf_ele_t *ls, int fd )
* Code originally written in PR #238 by Jason Millard jsm174
* USALS rotor logic adapted from tune-s2
* Antenna Alignment message data format:
static const uint8_t xtable[10] =
{ 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0D, 0x0E };
#define TO_DEG(x) ((x * 180.0) / M_PI)
#define TO_RAD(x) ((x * M_PI) / 180.0)
double site_lat = lr->lr_site_lat;
double site_lon = lr->lr_site_lon;
double sat_lon = lr->lr_sat_lon;
double motor_angle;
uint32_t tmp, cmd;
int i;
static const double r_eq = 6378.14;
static const double r_sat = 42164.57;
double lat = TO_RAD(lr->lr_site_lat);
double lon = TO_RAD(lr->lr_site_lon);
double pos = TO_RAD(lr->lr_sat_lon - lr->lr_zero_lon);
double dishVector[3] = {
(r_eq * cos(lat)),
(r_eq * sin(lat)),
double satVector[3] = {
(r_sat * cos(lon - pos)),
(r_sat * sin(lon - pos)),
double satPointing[3] = {
(satVector[0] - dishVector[0]),
(satVector[1] - dishVector[1]),
(satVector[2] - dishVector[2])
double motor_angle = TO_DEG(atan(satPointing[1] / satPointing[0]));
int sixteenths = ((fabs(motor_angle) * 16.0) + 0.5);
int angle_1 = (((motor_angle > 0.0) ? 0xd0 : 0xe0) | (sixteenths >> 8));
int angle_2 = (sixteenths & 0xff);
tvhtrace("diseqc", "rotor USALS site lat %0.4f%c site lon %0.4f%c sat lon %0.1f%c zero %0.1f%c",
fabs(lr->lr_site_lat), (lr->lr_site_lat > 0.0) ? 'N' : 'S',
fabs(lr->lr_site_lon), (lr->lr_site_lon > 0.0) ? 'E' : 'W',
fabs(lr->lr_sat_lon), (lr->lr_sat_lon > 0.0) ? 'E' : 'W',
fabs(lr->lr_zero_lon), (lr->lr_zero_lon > 0.0) ? 'E' : 'W');
if (linuxdvb_rotor_check_orbital_pos(lm, ls))
return 0;
tvhtrace("diseqc", "rotor USALS goto %0.1f%c (motor %0.2f %sclockwise)",
if (ls->lse_parent->ls_site_lat_south)
site_lat = -site_lat;
if (ls->lse_parent->ls_site_lon_west)
site_lon = 360 - site_lon;
if (sat_lon < 0)
sat_lon = 360 - sat_lon;
motor_angle = usals_sat_angle(lr->lr_site_lat, lr->lr_site_lon,
if (site_lat >= 0) {
tmp = round(fabs(180 - motor_angle) * 10.0);
cmd = ((tmp / 10) * 0x10 + xtable[tmp % 10]) |
(motor_angle < 180 ? 0xE000 : 0xD000);
} else if (motor_angle < 180) {
tmp = round(fabs(motor_angle) * 10.0);
cmd = ((tmp / 10) * 0x10 + xtable[tmp % 10]) | 0xD000;
} else {
tmp = round(fabs(360 - motor_angle) * 10.0);
cmd = ((tmp / 10) * 0x10 + xtable[tmp % 10]) | 0xE000;
tvhtrace("diseqc", "rotor USALS goto %0.1f%c (motor %0.1f %sclockwise)",
fabs(lr->lr_sat_lon), (lr->lr_sat_lon > 0.0) ? 'E' : 'W',
motor_angle, (motor_angle > 0.0) ? "counter-" : "");
((double)tmp / 10.0), (cmd & 0xE000) == 0xE000 ? "counter-" : "");
for (i = 0; i <= ls->lse_parent->ls_diseqc_repeats; i++) {
if (linuxdvb_diseqc_send(fd, 0xE0, 0x31, 0x6E, 2, angle_1, angle_2)) {
if (linuxdvb_diseqc_send(fd, 0xE0, 0x31, 0x6E, 2,
(cmd >> 8) & 0xff, cmd & 0xff)) {
tvherror("diseqc", "failed to send USALS command");
return -1;
@ -239,6 +239,30 @@ const idclass_t linuxdvb_satconf_class =
.opts = PO_ADVANCED,
.def.u32 = 120
.type = PT_BOOL,
.id = "site_lat_south",
.name = "Latitude Direction South",
.off = offsetof(linuxdvb_satconf_t, ls_site_lat_south),
.opts = PO_ADVANCED,
.def.i = 0
.type = PT_BOOL,
.id = "site_lat_south",
.name = "Longtitude Direction West",
.off = offsetof(linuxdvb_satconf_t, ls_site_lon_west),
.opts = PO_ADVANCED,
.def.i = 0
.type = PT_INT,
.id = "site_altitude",
.name = "Altitude (meters)",
.off = offsetof(linuxdvb_satconf_t, ls_site_altitude),
.opts = PO_ADVANCED,
.def.i = 0
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